Fourth of Series The in provincial governments in Canada would be responsible for sort of familyvlike coopera tion among their communities should nuclear war ever hit this continenL Meanwhile during this time of peace the provinces job is to make such cooperation possible should emergency condi tions arise The latest civil defence think ing has underlined this duty of the provinces heavier than others For evacuation of cities likely to be hit by the enemy with the unv believable destruction of the fi homb now is considered the only really safe defence against an nihilstion But where arevthese people from the cities to go How are they to get there Those are questions the provinces must an swer They are seeking the solu tions now They appear in sev eral steps First the provincial govern ments had to create their own civil defence organization This was done following conferences among federal and provincial authorities in 195051 and regu larly since Each province now has functioning CD organization within the framework of its gov ernment Each has cabinet minister responsible for CD and provincial coordinator Their staffs vary according to how ac tively the province participates Canadas constitution is such that communication between vari ous governmental levels runs from the federal through the provincial to the municipal or local This places responsibility on the pro vince for coordinating the efforts champion 2Deer SidM Movie thatwys opening business session of its Icommunities into the plan or the whole country The province must help its com munities organise their own CD setups It must keep municipal itiesvinformed of the latest de veiopments and provide training ofcivil defence volunteers within the province it also must pros videthe legislation necessary for local authorities to operate that is it mastdelegate thenecessary authority to carry out civil de fence operation Advance warning of an impend ing attackwould come through the provincial facilities from the federal organization and should communications on national scale bcinterruptcd the provin cial organization would have to supply direction for local plans What about the money neces sary for equipment training and organization centres The pro vince is responsible for assisting in this way too it can get fia anoiai help from the federal gov ernment which will match pros vincisl contributions on dollar foodollar basis up to an amount based on the population of each province If the province ngr es the federal government un er the constitutioncannot work dir ectly with the municipality unless the province allows it the fed eral CD organization can contrib ute 25 per cent of local projects costs Then if theprovince puts in 25 per cent the federal con trlbutlon will be increased by an other 25 per cent leaving the municipality with the other 25 per cent of the cost to pay Be yond this federal assistance the province must go itself The big job of each province mais iii scion mohawskonss King Edward Home and School Association held its first gather ing of the fallon Monday eveu ing get acquainted night The new president Mrs Donatd Blogg was in the chair for the tio anclai report was given by the treasurer Mrs Coulson and the committeecnnvencrs outlined their plans for the coming year Mrs Blogg introduced each of the new association officers and Principal Smith asked the school staff members to come for word so that the members might become more familiar with the new executive and the new teach ere As special welcome was being extended to kindergarten par ents who were having their first contact with the school Miss itutii Ghannen kindergarten teacher read an amusingand truetolife newspaper story which told of comparisons beginner makes be tween his Mom and his new teacher film on the kindergarten pupil Getacquainted games and re freshmonis closed the meeting however is to organize reception areas to take in people evacuated from cities likely to be bombed These will be towns and villages ringing the target cities Because of the destructive power of the new weapons these Jeception areas must be not less than on and may be up to 100 miles from the city The province must organize routes to be taken to these rece tion areas seeing that the first arrivals go toihe farthest area These areas would have to pro videfood and shelter from wep ther as well as radioactive fallout that might be carried by winds from the target area These facil ities must be capable of caring for the evacuees for at least 43 hours probable time for any fallouts radiation dangers to disappear If the radiation danger determined by CD radiation detection teams were stronger the reception areas would have to be equipped to do contaminate personnel Shouldwhole seitles made unlnhabitsble their resi ants af ter the bombing would have to be rccstablished in new commun ities posing new problems that would fall again under provincial jurisdiction Value tkdt Look how much more you get for 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CAUGHTUJTSA iT WAS va AN OFIiCAL ILLUSIouii HOPE EATER SOME EAIT ms TIME ELSWORTli