is CLASS OF 32 STUDENTS embarked on nursing careers at the Royal Victoria Hospital last week Almost every section of Simcoe County and sev eral towns in the province were represented by the student nurses en tering the local training school this tall 1n the front row above left to right are Miss Yvonne Abercrombie oi Collingwood Miss Joyce Ardiel oi ï¬ihornbury Miss Jane Bell oi Midland Miss June Browne oi Parry Sound Miss Elaine Cooke oi Bradiord Miss Jean Cooke 01 Moonstone Miss Dole Cooper of Toronto Miss Joan Cripps of Midland Miss Mary Ellis RR Ut opia and Miss Ruth Emmett or Creemore Left to right in the middle row are Miss Patricio Enchnie oi Beeton Miss Lila Hall or Wyevale Miss Oria Mae Howie oi CreemoreMiss June Huth oi Phelpston Miss Shirley John ston oi Thornbury Miss Shirley Long Stayner Miss Donna McConnell Midland Miss Dorothy McCort Di stnyner Miss Gail McLean 01 Coiling igtaVvro wood Miss Pqtricia Ortt RR Barrie MissMarlene Redick oi Collingwood and Miss Margaret Reynolds or Penetang In the back row leit to right are Miss Elinor Rimmington or Nottawn Miss Dianne Rogers oi South Por pirpine Miss Audrey Shaw Owen Sound Miss Audrey Smart oi Coiling wood Miss Joan Spence oi Midland Miss Jane Valientyne of Toronto Miss Edith Thompson oi Stroud Miss Anne Wiggins oi iiilisdale Miss Joan Wood of Stayner and Miss Jean Woodrow of South Porcupine Miss Shirley Long below leit begins making her acquaintance with one or the textbooks with which she will become familiar during her three yeur nurses training Miss Mary Ellis leit Miss Edith Thompson standing and Miss Patricia Ortt right have just completed studies at Barrie District Coiiegiate Institute lent work being done in so many There were over thirty guests in ronto om EXAMINER MONDAY 3321 II In Irish Eyes Locia By JANE nmns Womens Editor July copy or the Belfast Northern Ireland TELEGRAPK that reached our desk courtesy of proud local bondmaster records an extremely complimentary remark about the band or Barrie District Collegiate Institute Dr Havelock Nelson who was an adjudicator at this Dr Nelson round great sen sitivity and an acute musical ap preciation in his trip according to the irish newspaper Hewas par ticularly impressed by the excel schools The school bands were oi very high standardand the best heard onthe tour was actually mm small town called Barrio titty miles imm Toronto The musicianwaa also intprcss ed by the iriendlincss and luck oi Inhibitions in Canadian young sters lie admlrcd the way dii icrï¬nt nationalities had mixed so we Mission Bond Rolly About titty United Church Mission Band leaders are expect ed to attend rally in Collier Street United Church next Wed ncsdny Sept 19 Arranged by Mrs Ncsbltt oi Barrio county secretary at mission bands which operaie under the Womens Missionary Society the program will start at ten oclock in the morning Mrs Gary Wilson of Thornton will present the mission band literature or 195d under the heading This Year it in Korea highlighting the new study book Kc Soonl Following request at the Presbyterian meeting in May there will be ilannclgraph demon stratlons in the afternoon by Mrs Edgar Botts oi Fleshcrton and Mrs Soules ot Oriiiia Mrs Bells will demonstrate The Christmas Story and Mrs Soules will demonstrate chapter of the study book Bridal Shower Before her marriage to Harris Steele the iormer Lorna Junc Smart was entertained at oncven Ing miscellaneous shower by Mrs Gordon Spencer and Mrs lrving Robertson at the Spencer resi dence on Wellington Street East attendance Assisting the vhridc with the opening of her gills were Mrs Kenneth Cameron and Mrs John MacLean ct Coliingwood sister at the groom Mrs George Gregory presided at thegtca table Tea assistants were Mrs Wil liam Stephenson Mrs Donald Spencer oi Owen Sound and Mrs Stan Snyder of Torpnto The bride was also entertained at showers in her home town oi Bracebridgeand In Weston Entertained Before Wedding Miss Bunty Stananought oi To whose marriageto Bruce TarBush will take place on pct 13 was entertained last Friday evening ata miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs Blake Under hill on Toronto Street by Mrs Underhill and her daughter Mrs Ray Green Assisting the hostesses were Miss Nancy Scouiar ef Coiling wood MrsRoss Underhiil Miss May Underhill and Miss Widdifield of Newmarket Engagement Announced Mr and Mrs MarcT McNeil Ottawa announce the engagement of their daughter Barbara Joan to Henri Pierre Bourque the mar riage to take placeon Saturday Oct in St Georges Church in Torontodurtnga coasttocoast tour oi Canada rated it the but school band he heard in this country Yer mayor of Ottawa and Mrs aim years Kiwihis Music Festival daughter of John Alexander litc Neil Toronto retired general managerot The Canadian Press and iormer managing editor of The Gazette Montreal who began his career 0167 years in news paper work by entering the oilicc of The Barrie Gazette as an up prentice in 1889 Mr Bourquc is the son of Bourquc form Bourquc Marc McNeil is pulr lic relations representative of the Canadian Paciï¬c Railway in ct tnwa Golden WeddingV Mr and Mrs Donald Coulis will be at home to their friends and relatives on Sunday Sept ill from two to five oclock in the altcmoon and seven to ten in the cvcning on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary at the home of their nicce Mrs Jack Dyck 87 High Street Barrie CROWN HILL Won SottbalifTrophy Wonder Valley boys who play with Cralghurst are pleased to announce they won the Johnston Soitball Trophy for this year Represents Junior Farmers Miss Helen Kenny was the girl chosen to represent North SimA coc Junior Farmers She is spending this week at the Junior Farmer Provincial Camp Gcn eva Park Orillin Attend Canadian Keswlck Mrs Atkinson and Leona Atkinson are spending the week at Canadian Keswick Port Carl ing Womans Assoclatiou Crown Hill United WA met at Mrs Viola Aconleys onWednes day evening The devotional was taken by Mrs Aconlcy aiter which the president Mrs gt Swilzer conducted the business At the close the tea hostesses Mrs Gough and Mrs Norman Thompson served dainty reiresh mcnts EDENVALE sdaool Reopen Schoolreopened Tuesday morn ing with Miss Marie Cottrcil in charge and 23 pupils attending The beginners are Brent Tatum Murray Maw Warren Gillan Nancy Johnston Jan Kolischoten Heather Johnson Ruddie Vanda lar and Linda iaCbappeile Pupils Wln Shield Congratulations to the pupils on winning the George John ston Shield at the horticultural show at Midhurst last week WI Heelan The Womens Institute will meet on Wednesday Sept 12 at Mrs Douglas Giiiens Roll call will be Wear something to represent son Sunday Visit Mr and Mrs Harold aftKnight and iamily Mcaiord visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Bert Maw Teaching at Centre Vcipn Miss Margaret Johnston ll teaching at Centre Vespra this year and Mrs Pariridltcvls again at Vigo Mr and Mrs Charles Otway of London and Mr and Mrs Dobson Centre Vespra visited Mr and Mrs Russell Maw on Thursday MAKE Youn own PRIZE ALWAYS USI Plexus SPARKLI N6 CLEAR HEHthi more can wear itlr Recent Visitors Rccent yisitors at Lloyd Arm strongs were Mr and Mrs James Lamb and iamily Mrand Mrs hivin Lamb Mrs Bond all of Englebart Mrs William Handy and Ann spent last week inToronto Days sailing William Adams went sailing on the Ralph Misner last week Armour Miller of Brights IIVAILIII to null caNADIAlII MlSSES pLLnnstimrran train Grove visited relatives over the weekend and Mrs Miller returned home after spending the past week here From Guelph Mr and Mrs Warren French of Guelph spent the holiday at Herb Hornsbys and Elmer Frenchs Atherley Visit Mr and Mrs Clarke French visited William Brittain at Ather ey Weekend Visit Mr and Mrs Howard Cowie of Branttord spentthe weekend at Reg Drinkills Mrs WilliamFunecott and son of Barrie yistied atMrs Wallace Woodshand at Boy Whethams Visiting emit Gail Adnms visited aunt LMr me done Elliott Smith Falls Mxss Ruth Snider Kenneth and Ronald Snider and Bud McWatters of Toronto Day uTnmnt Mrs William Sibtiiorpe and Mrs Alladï¬rinklll fspent Thurss day in Toronto Cecil Kells of MrsWillle and Mrs Reg Drinklll Miss Zelrna Drinkl Walter Drinkiil CRAIGHURST Grandmothers Meeting The August meeting of Craig yhurst Womens Institute took the form ot our annual grandmothers meeting There were 32 ladies present of whom 20 were grund mothers Roll call was answered hy grandmothers birthplace and the British isles was prominent in the answers Mrs Shannhanvgave wonderful comment on the motto Life is like maple leaf more beautiful as it fades MissNoriecn Baldwin was pian ist for the evening and sing scng anda musical contest were enjoyedu MrsiJenscn Was the oldest grandniother present and Bo the youngest Lueky was guest oi honor at shower held in the school on Saturday night She received many lovely and useful gifts Backllomo Mr and Mrs Bert French turned home after spending the sum or months at Sandy Bend Fr to Toronto Mr and Mrs Pat ODnnohoe pale Russell of United States xapont ow with Mr and Mrs John Miller Mrsuawullant Adams spa fe day Part max chair was hceupicd by Mrs Coi llns Mrs Johnston stood on the lucky spot Music contest was won by Mrs Jensen Each grandmother was presented with beautiful corsage made by Miss Richardson The September meeting will he held one weekeariier than use ual on Thursday Sept 13 at at Mrs Francis Shanv Roll call Suggestions Motto Success failure comes in tu nearPeacocks stor has aninteresting planting dahlias Sornevoi his bloomsrmea sure over 12 inches across There is also an interestingwine dahiin which has one whitohloorn dgl ed with wineonVono plant Horticultural Corn Roast Directors of Vespra Horticul turalSociet andthose who helpr ed with the war show held corn roast at the holne of Mr anders evening There lieywylieniiiy for Ymir liomehl zlhe =1wrnnnrn Here you will tiud themost attractive range at Rayon Cotton and Dacron Curtains in tailored panels and Orion Iiitilled styles Attractive ti pce sets edroom Curtains Cor ageSets HLatest flocked patterns white colorsx 28522er sHowrRcu TAIN SETS Inciudes one pair curtain hdow curtains full size shower laws Miss McNeil is the granIF niece of Mrs Eva Redditt now of Ottawa and formerly of 42 High Street ie and grand vCofo Curtains Ivarious printed patterns looped or scalloped tops 198 mi Matchingvqignces 1125 Set 350 toaimlme and doom ride the girdlethot controls and doesnt bind substilulo tevr outlin Try one bug that giver on firm Sienna hosno equal no an entirely IIeiv unique creotioni diagonally gristcrosson like seven In front dives you more Irudom ofmovsmeni than youveever known union in buck and on the thigh ï¬t high In trontvuoilbws you Iroe striding bindfree sitting obtululely smooth lodoyr