Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Sep 1956, p. 12

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flew Class ocia By JANE amps Womens Editor The Royal Victoria Hospital School oi Nursing welcomed new class of students on Wednesday afternoon Thirtytwo girla representing towns all over Simeoe County and some irom beyond its borders arrived at the residence between two and iour oclock to embark on their chosen career exactly the same number as in the tail of 1955 Three former Barrie District Collegiate Institute students are among the members of the class of 59Miss Mary Ellis RR Utopia Miss Pairica grit HR Barrie and Miss Edilh Thompson Slroud From Coliingwood $e Miss Yvonne Abercmmbie isvMarlene fledick Miss Gail McLean and Mis Audrey Smart Miss Jane nell Miss Joan Cripps Miss Donna McConnell and Miss Joan Spence are from Midland and Miss Elaine Cookes home is in Bradford Two lhornburygirls Miss Joyce Ardiel and llliss Shirley Johnston find three Stayncr giria Miss Shirley Long Miss Dorothy Mc rcm and Miss Joan Wood arc in noes ings will be held in Trinity Par Sept 12 unlessotherwiso notified the group and Urcre are two students from Crcemore Miss Orla Mae Howie and Miss lith Emmett Other Simcoe County girls are Miss Jean Cooke oi Moonstone Miss Patricia Fechnie oi Beeton Miss Lila Hall of Wyc Vaic Miss June limb of Phelps ton Miss Margaret Reynolds of Penetang Miss Elinor Rimming ton of Nottawa and Miss Anne Wiggins of Hillsdnlc Toronto is represented in the class by Miss Janeyallentyne and Miss Dale Cooper and there are two students from South Porcu mine in the northM155 Dianne Rogers and Miss Jean Woodrow iss Audrcy Shaws home town Owen Sound and Miss June rownc comes from Parry Sound Leave For Vancouver The Misses Shirley and Sylvia Hook Shirley Geil and Beth Coics leftTuesday for Vancouver weekend Guests Mr and Mrs Forristai and Mr and Mrs Stewart of London and Mr and Mrs Roy Brown and family of Niagara Falls New York were weekend guests at the home of Mrs Louis Brown Dunlap Street East AirfCadet Auxiliary The Womens Auxiliary to 102 Air Cadet Squadron will hold its iirstinectlng of the fall season on ednesday evening Sept 12 at agbtvfifteen oclock at the home Mrs Frank Porter 128 Sanford Street be Guide Time ailoie With the beginning of Septem her several organizations in town that suspended meetings for the summer are opening their fall and wmter asons one ofthesc is the Gir Guides The tr table fortopcning of Guide companies and Brownie packs has been an nounced as follows First Barrie Guideswill hold their first meeting on Thursday Sept 13 and Second Barrie Guides will meet on Wednesday First Barrie Brownies are meet ing on Wednesday Sept 12 and Second Barrie Brownies are eting on Tuesday Sept 11 ird Barrie Brownies will meet nday Sept 10 All meet lsb Hall The opening meeting of First Allandale Guides is scheduled for Wednesday Fifth Barrie Guides and Brownies who meet atthe Salvation Army Citadel are asked to contact their captain and Brown rI Eurapean Siyle on the Mauretania when he was we stamisieiflitswn banaim itempm ib Owl Sixth Barrie Brownies will open their season at St Josephs Auditorium on Wednesday Edgar Minesing Shanty Bay ind St Pauls companies and packs will be notliied bythelr captain or Brown Owl oi their first meetings new packs and companies now ing formed will list receive notification about heir opening schedule Sudbury Holiday Mr and Mrs Arthur Gable were Sudbury last week on vaca tion while there they met Mayor Leo Landrevilie first cousin of his namesake who resides in Bar rie and also renewed acquaintance with Captain Arthur Cressy who was Mr Gables battery command er overseas with the Grey and Simcoc Foresters during World War II VISItors From Maritimes Mr and Mrs Robert Nicholson and Edward Bigger have returned to thelrhome in Salisbury New Brunswick after visiting Mr and Mrs Fraser innisiil Street CAPTAIN OF TIIE QUEENS By CAPTAIN ll GRATIIDGE Even though thc reader may not have been to sea nor be par ticularly interested in ships he cannot fail to he fascinated by The Captain at The Queens For not only is Captain Grattidges autobiography the story of life at sea from sailing vessel days to the present it is also parade of presentday world personali ties nylons as thin shy boy of 15 Harry Grattidgebegan his carecr on the Osborne aa00i ton sailing vessel 0n the Os borne Grattidge endured all the hardships of poor food dirt con stant fatigue and the cruel bully ing attendant on being the young apitc of allhe began to know what it was to love the sea He spent four years on the Osborne followed by an unhappy period in India Then at the age cit twentyfour he was ready for service as officer and wrote letters of application to the important shipping companies tiToJJILtruthfulfi he says1 ehadg no preference But it was the Cunard Line that replied first and it was with Cunard that began forty years service in the first days of March 1914 His first service with Cunard was on the steamship Carpathia which was thenfresh from the glory oi having rescued the sur vivors ol the Titanic And he was on this ship when it per formed thc less honorable ser vice of carrying the Sarajevo assassins of the Archduke Fran cis Ferdinand as they travelled from Trieste to Fiume Captain Grattidge served in the first World War chiefly in the Mediterranean area He was not sorry though hesays to return Lothe merchant navy in the spring of 191i Thezo years between the wars can West lndian and world crui as on ships whose names are still remembered he Mauretania he Berengarlathe Carinthia and the Lancastria During these years howev he realized that the nervousness and panic which had beset him years before as boy soloist inLichiieid Cathedral would recur whenever he was called upon to appear at public function one such occasion arose asked to sing at ships concert He says that ior three days he and louse and red wrestled with sense of duty then eat prevailed and be de cided to refuse ivor Novella young man of 26 at the time was on board however and after listening to hi tory persuaded himito singroiié ng to accomp MR AND MRS RICHARD HARRIS STEELE leave Bracebridge Baptist Church in 1922 Pierce Arrow automobile following their wedding The bride is the iormer Lorna June Smartdaughter of Mr and Mrs any him with this support he managed to periorm but the epi sodc was important he points out as it made himlrcalizo that he would have to conquer this fear ful side of his nature it he were ever to rise to position of com mand on the sea Nevertheless fear dogged him even after he rose to commands for he tells oi the cold sweats and nervous attacks he suffered when he faced guests for cock tail party in his cabin or pre sided at table of celebrities in the ships dining room However probably this very weakness madehirn rather spe cial captain He understood the nervous anxieties from which many people suitor and early in his career decided that hismls sion on the sea was to he of ser vice to others through friend ship Some of his passengers nccded friendship more than others The American woman Dixie was one of these and one feels that in telling abou his concern for her the Captain gives his feelings away allittie more than he means to He wasrcady to gch friend ship and because of this he was responsive to the people he met and is able as result to give the reafdefl ooloriiul pictures of mauyp ie or ds Lgr at Only at Iowa oi thesve widelya difiering people are Lawrence of Arabia Dame Myra Hess Wells Lord Beaverbrook the Duke of Windsor Field Marshal Mont gomery Sir Anthony Eden Jacob Malik King Peter of Yugoslavia lusay nothing of numerous Hoi lywood personalities At the outsctrm Worldiii£ar Grattidgewas one of the few survivors oi the Lancastria when it was bombed off St Nazaire Hewas commander of the Fran conia when it served as Sir Win ston Churchills secret headquar ters on the Yalta mission At another period during the war he became staffrcaptain on the Queen Mary and he states that she and her sister ship the Eliz abeth shortened the war by their ability to ferry 15000 troops at atimc He has chosen in the title of his book to be known as Captain of the Queens but one need not read very far to know that his heart was lost to the Queen Mary Actually his command of this great ship came in 1948 just five years before he retired And when he was made Commodore we making soanePFsaLthLEleeLinsDctoherAmsZhe begged that he might be left on her for the rest of hisservice However since this was notpossl lble he took over the Queen Elizabeth forthe last 14 months of his career But to him and many others there was something special about the Queen Mary and seeking to find the secret of this he says that Cunard spent many hundred pounds The clos est that anyone could come to an answer was that whcreas the Queen Elizabeth was great no tel the Queen Mary was great ship Although like Mr Lords recent book on the sinking of the Titanic this book does at times border on becoming social register taken all in all it makes absorb ing reading Exileml ian Wait until 8pm and it your gt certier has notarriveoi then call Smart of BETTIE DALSTON Mr and Mrs Jory and Rex Watson spent the weekend at Six Mile Lake Family Gathering The sons and daughters of Mrs Handy Sr and grandchildren and some greatgrandchildren gathered at her home here on Sunday Everyone had pleasant timc visiting with one another bountiful supper was served on the lawn Jimmy Rule is on holidays with friends at Stayner Mrand Mrs Osborne of Barrie looked after the store on Wednesday and Thursday while Mr and Mrs Rule and Mary Jane went to the ONE in Toronto Lorne Handy telephone line man had busy day on Saturday repairing the 1lines which were damaged by the severe electric and wind storm on Friday The WA bake sale on Saturday was real success Anniversary Services Keep Sept tor Dalston United Church anniversary services at 11 um and 730 pm Speaker will he Rev Trimble of Allan dalc Special music by members oi Dalston and Edgar choirs Mrs Mansbridge of Orillia will be soloist at both services the son oi Mr and Mrs Steele wedding trip to Haliburton in the vintage ear the couple are making their The groom is After Bracebridge home in 4mm Fry returned from their holidays On Friday they took their family to the Exhibition in Toronto Mrs Lewis and daughters of Saskatchewanarc spending icw days with Rev and Mrs Boll Mr and Mrs Don Williams of Cookstown Mr and Mrs Butler of Toronto and Mrs Maxwell Sr were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Norman Maxwell Frank Perkins of Oro Station visilcd his old home here on Sunday School Reopened School reopencd on Tuesday with Miss Wright as principal and Mrs McArthur of Guthrie teaching the junior out Mr and Mrs Pcdlingham have returned from pleasant visit with their daughters Mrs Peacock oi Gogama and Mrs Freeland oi North Bay Kidney nu alimo inn kidneys to normal duty in buiIHilibnp slim mi um um ilnddl my dnrl rturr You can BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 135613 CARLEY School reopened for another term with Miss Kathleen Stewart of Coldwaterwuming her duties with slightly smaller attendance due to some of last years pupils going on to high school and the rest having moved away Miu Aldlnc Johnstone has re turned to her home in Orillia ait or spending the summer among her triends here WA News HobartCarley WA met in the United Church hall one afternoon last week and spent the attcrnoon qriiltlng Plans were made for the turkey supper to be held in Ho bart United Church Hall on Wed nesday evening Oct Mrs Ab Johnstone also had her display of small gifts and Christ closc of the meeting sale oi art icles was held and the ladies then sat down to Pot Luck lunch and tea Anniversary Services Anniversary scrvrccs will be held in Hobart United Church on Sunday Sept 16 at 230 in the aft ernoon and 730 for evening serv ices with Mr Carl Harvey oi Washago for both afternoon and run incomes to Barrlea Local onlulIVI Farrier who maku and rolls inn only LARGE SELECTION TO CHOOSE FROM wruums runs BARBIE TORONTO 25 Dull ST ilepllrl Remedolllnl Cold storage Cleanlnl REASONABLE PBlOES SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 10 mus dental on Deddl ml runs cards on hand and at the evening services and the Banana sisters from Vasey providing spe cial music for both services An invitation is extended to everyone to join in the services There will he no services in Hobart United Church on Sunday Sept due to anniversary serw ices being held in Hillsdale Un ited Church Miss Glenda Gill and Bernice Armstrong of Coldwater spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Or villc Armstrong Mr and Mrs Bill Morrison and children of Coohvlflc spent the weekend wilh Mr and Mrs Wall acc Douglas Bob Murphy of Toronto spent the weekend at his home here Mr and Mrs Clint Bailey of Caledonia spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Everett Johnstone Mr and Mrs Victor Johnstonc visited Mr and Mrs Glcn John stonc early in the week are Wood and ccmcnt floors can TAKE 11 when theyre finished with 011 PORCH and FLOOR Enamel Tough and remarkably wearresistant it gives thorough protection to floors steps and other surfaces that get hard use so to be suré ciroose from the finest at REEVES JEWELLEIIS Watch IndDlnnand Merchant since no incomparable in brilliance reasonable inprice If Matcrnlly Dress Shop 100 Collier St Barrie PAW opposite the Library Latest in Fashion Youxrfior privacyand economy men ro moanow perms 0N wear you no romr lirnci iiaihhun SUN LIFE OF CANADA Lite Plans and Annuitch 24 CLAPPERTON SII BARBIE Phone FA 60451 PA 84001 Madmyfilijo TakeTOIIGIi weary luyghl Itard wool widows and in BARRiEVIAGVENTS URRYbliOS 36 Hayfield Si ALLANDALE HARDWARE as Essa Rood DEAGLE HARDWARE 128 Peneton St av SméO Rev and Mrs GH Ballhnvc €730 noun EFT SEE1 Sh elvddbi 1105 cUBIc root CAPACITY Heré loathe reirlgerator value you have been looking DOUBLE venue for get Double Value during bur avanr ransromarrc barriosrrna FULLWllilHTltIlE rncczan Locuna CONTROLLEDcom Mann unaware Trays morsroom carsiérfas FAMOUS EL Double Deck Bottle liarindoor 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