7j5SIIorfts illouad linden STAFF LOU NUDELMAN It took little doing but the We out of the Service Corps School defending Cham in this year aofthail race put en ough hits Indruns together last Tuesday evening on the local hail plot to shake the Air Force Fly era out of their hair and earned the right to do battle in beaten five Itinsl against the Medical Corps School The same club they nested the bauhle from lastaea Ion in five gIme bestofvflve rundown The Clubs and portion of the fans finally got together last Mon day eveningvin game that saw theWIgs get the Jump In the ser es wheathcy outhit the Med by 14 to count to register to verdict Ferg Ferguson for the Wags and Chuck Pierson for the Medics hooked up in fairly tight chuckers batue that went to Ferguson when he cut the usually potentMcdlcs lineup off with five bake knocks over and third framesThe call or help to the Wags bench with pairen and one out inthe 9th was any wered by Chuck IIIineo who ran into roughweather when be free passed pair and dished up slant that Pierson the opposi tion hurlcr liked and he parked the ball into deep left field for run circuit clout to put the Medics back into the ball game on the underside 6fa to score The Meds hit the field olf form for the all important opener gave 16 Dairy llation suran min AMAZING LOW PRICE Barrie larm Supply PURINA CHOWS For Livestock Poultry Surge Dairy Equipment Mulcuster st Phone PA 82932 filt mi the Wm all the room they and let PiaIon dotvn tn then when they booted the ban all overjhn lot of eight Metered errors Johnny Biron and MaeM Resale topped the wirings at the plate Biron connected or bases clear round trip in the third to break theiiee and give the wags one run marlin then belted sing in the Ethior Zlorvo ormanee Mexenxiea ef forts were all Iinglu He came thru with the first hit of the game off Pierson in the first frame Added bingle number twain the then came thruf intbe 9th two run single that started the Wage on vtbeIrZwaito run stampede thIt pret ed up theeontut Joe Mills Ind Chuck Pierson top If the Mods with thestick Bo men camethrulavlth circuit clouts and added singles for 5100 percenetageon the evenings pay Both clubs are packing heavy schedule in thefinal rundown With action on tap every night Mondaythru Thursday and its good odds on net that the sglit will he on thcseries will go the full five game limit needed II doesgothe limit mum lng strength of theclubs will tell the tale Med have trio lined up in Proctor Hammel and Pierson but they havent used Proctor or Hammel too often this season and Ire pretty well going along on Piersons delivery The Was on the other hand have couple of better than middlin hurlers in llaines and Ferguson both are well initiated in loop play with both having seen action in Just about every game the Wags have played this season With games go ing by the boards every night rough go in Iny league you ve pretty well got to hand the edge in the seriesgto the club thats able to trot oukthe fresh reserve if and whenever its needed Theres ghlI affair on tap for Bordenltes next Thursday after noon at Pattie Cnrvo Pool when the firstvcracltat Central Co Amandiswlmschampinnshlpisislal ed for runoff Eight events are carded on the agenda with the first competitors slated to hitrthe local aqua at 13301 hrs Theres no toll at the gate and the pool surroundings make upinto perfect amphi theatre loaded down with topnotch viewing points CALL mo EXAMINER FOR YOUR rnaNTINC xenos At Hnlwigs where you get the Best Deal in Town 1954 oLns Susan at poor SEDAN Gorgeous new Stafford Blue pndElee tric Blue Tutone Famous Jetaway Hydramatlc Drive Air conditioning Deep Tread Whitewalls one owner our executive driven lass PoIITIIII PtTiIIiIInsII tooon SEDAN to Ms from New Cascadehitie fliï¬h ALr Conditioner New Deep Tread This 1953 cIIIIIIIIoLar ssiIIIII 210 SERIES Glistening new Tutone Valley GreenInd Green finish Famous Chevrolet Powerglide ater Custom Radio WIS Wash Owner car with 18000 Highland transmission AirrCOnd ers SlipCovered since one actual miles 1953 aoIIaIz IIIosIIr ODRESEDAN Showroin original VOshaw Powered withthe powerful cylinder motor tranSmission Air conditioned heater Chrome Qtilt OLDERMQDELS TALSO INC QEFERED AT Raoucro PRiCES ouaINogOIIR 10 DIS3 UNT SALE only well rew 10D1SC9IINT $229500 10 DISCOUNT 10 DISCOUNT $1327 19 nrscounr 512825 13 um John MacNeii Amherst and N5 centre and SunLt Glyn Fitz SIIOPPING IN ARCTIC Looking over carvings and other types of Eskimo handl crnft in Hudsons Bay Company trading post in the Canadian Arctic are two hell copier pilots from HMCS Labrador LtP Dartmouth gcrnid Vancouver at right Thestole man ager Gordon Rennie assists the pilots in their selection The Labrador is again in the Far North engaged in DEW Line as signments and hydrographlc studies The ship loft Halifax early in July andis sche duled to return in October BOND HEAD Visiting Sister Mrs Mina Colwell of Bowman ville is visiting her sister Mrs Bradley From Toronto Mr an Mrs Forgan of Toronto spent cw days with the Cope land families Switzcr of Toronto spent the past two weeks at his home here Mr andsMrS Myers of To ronto visited Mrs Gummcrson on Sunday Few Days with Friends Mrs Bradley Gordon and Dor is Sutherland accompanied by Mrs Cdlwcil of Bowmanville and Mr Stewart of Beeton spent fewdays with friends at Welland Junction lileaford Visit Mrs 011 Janet and Donna visited Mr and Mrs Smythe at Meatord Mr and Mrs Passlield of Port ii was decided to Credit visitell Mr and Mrs Harvey on Sunday Trip to Guelph Mr Broderick motored Guelph on Sunday to Bowling Club meeting of the Bowling Club was held on Thursday night It ngain bowl in Bradford on Tuesday nights be ginning Sept 18 The officers were rcclccicd for another year Swimming Tests Tadpoles to MinnowsAnn liltl man Ann Bealty Joan Broderick John Broderick Billy Church Robert Connel Barbara Coutts Betty CouttsLynda Culbert Alan Duclor John French Lynn liaseit flug Angus llcnry Donna Hew Son Terry Hill Randi Hill Mary Houghton Cheri Hunter Linda Hunter Patsy Jennclt Gary Kloo nke cost man Earl Lennox David litarling Bert iarllng Lorna liaison fjrnnccs Annlifuw Marlene Pax ton Tcrry Paxton James Roger snn Bob Sander Joanne Scand lcn Mary Shclswell Sandra Sim on EsrrySmith Murray Smith Doris Sutherland Margaret Stur gcss Brenda Treanor Jimmy Vuuse Judith Watson Margaret Watson Barbara Pearson Minnows toiFishBettysATgent Nancy Campbell Mary Carr Eve lyn Connell iia Donnelly Marilyn iiood Sheila Maison Donna Moth Helen Rogerson Marian hite Fish to BeginnersPatsy Church Brenda Dalton Wanda Gethons Wreize Kloosterman John Schaly Bruce Shelsweil liarilynn Smith La Webb Nancy White Beginners to Juniors Myrna Spencer Carol Fildey Joan Con ncliA Brcedon Council son TIIIiIIIIST TIIvIsfIIIBIIIIIIIs HALWIC MOTOR COMPANY LIMITEOIS OFFERING 12 MONTHS GUARANTEE ONuSEn CARS I5 MONTHS GUARANTsiz ON NEW CARS striations gIvIOTORcchE issarmuitrn MOnau T100Drivenon1y 13000 nines Itsedssome mechanical work on transmission Buy it There are no strings attached All mechanical running gear covered by this fabulous offer and nausea byUNIvtmsnI nuro BONDING CO LTD Good anywhere in Canada no mileage re in cans noun CiiliS IgssfvnuxIIALL Velox demonstrator This snappy English mo del made by GaneraiMobors and backed by their famous new our guarantee Less than gt 5000 miles WYEVAlE In Lucky Lalo Max Charles Hail and Mn Grant Harley have returned home to Lucky Lake Sash after spend ing few weeks visiting friends and relatives here Baek to States Rev Bishop Mn Bishop and son Paul are returning to Cin cinnati alter spending month at the manse here during which time Rev Mr Bishop conducted the services in the United Church here and at Waverley Mr Ind Mrs Grant Hall and family spent Sunday in Weston with Mr Halia brother Andrew and family BELLE EwART Left for Winnipeg Mr and Mrs Jack Ferrler left for Winnipeg on Thursday to spend few weeks with their son iniaw and daughter Cpl and Mrs Frank Little Mr Prehhle brother of Mn Perrier and Mrs Prebhle of Tomato are living at their home while they are away Back Home Quite number of our summer visitors left for their homesin the city this weekend Watson Reunion The Watson reunion was held at the home of Mn Ilulfish on Saturday Aug 25 Relatives were there from Toronto Sutton and Keswick Attended Funeral Mrs Buffett and Mrs Chappel attended the funeral of their cone in Miss Hardy in Orillia last week Mr and Mrs miner Johnston and son Fred Perry James and Mrs Johnston of Queensville were Sunday visitors with Mrs Quantz Coleman Craig Paul Cohourn Jean Watt Marilyn Culhert Junior to IntermediateRonald McKlllican Intermediate to SeniorPat Gil hooley Margaret Carr rJ Qmgt 7nvmugvaswmavxVr MARK EXAMINER FRIDAY AUGUST 81 195 HOLLY Sunday Service been of Tomato onetime missionary will have charge of the service in Holly United Church next Sunday Sept at 10 Im All Sunday School class ea will Commence tth Sundayaf ter the summer vacation Mr and Mrs Rutledge and boys of Woodstock spent last weekend with the Fisher family Weekend with Relatives Mr and Mrs Brown and Connie spent the Weekend with relatives at Button and took in the mthidon on Monday Mr and Mrs Swift of To ronto and Mrs MacDonald Penny and Janice of Bendaic were Wednesday visitors with Mr and Mrs Johnson and family liolldiy in North Mi and Mrs Ortt and fam ily spent week on holidays in the north Home and School Everyone is reminded that the Holly Homeand School Associa tion will hold its first meeting of the new term at Holly School on Thursday Sept at 880 pm Many from the district are tak ing in Toronto Exhibition Back from Scotland Archie Irvine returned recently after an cnjoyable vacation in Scotland Miss Wendy Laekie week holidaying with relatives at Stroud recently EVER TT Sunday at Home Walter Brown of Sudbury spent Sunday at his home here Mr and Mrs Pat ODoncll and Peter of Toronto spent Saturday with Mr and Mrs George Pea cock with Mrs Peacock and Mar ie Jenkins returning for weeks vacation Trip to West Mound Mrs Wilkinson September ORTISLIA FALL FAIR 7th 8th Preparation Day September 6th at the Oval Orillia FINE AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITS BANDS MIDWAY $6000 IN PRIZES Prize list from Bacon Orllllu spent left week fora motor trip to the West Seriously Ill Harold Patton of Toronto very IovLattime of writing Ranch Party Those who attended the open air dance Blackdown Park on Friday Aug 24 had gala time hamburgers and corn on the cob were served Pine River Ramblers were in attendance for the occas it Legion Auxiliary Dance The Womens Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion are holding dance on Friday Sept 14 in Ev erett Air Force Dance The Corporals litch at the Air Force in Camp Borden are bold ing dance on Saturday Sept Recently Married Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Ralph Berry of Alliston who rage married last Saturday at Al IS 011 LUBRICATION oOIL CHANGE TUNEUP WASH AND POLISH WELIIPlClFUPM YOURCAR deliver it too room BARRIE 842r3 ron SERVICE Tomlieelor SHELL SERVICE STATION HWY 11 CROWN HILL when you Choose from thevfinest selections ofcors ou will find anywhere l954 PLYMOUTH Slillilllllllli PLAZA one ownercar in immaculate Terrace green finish one of the finest automobiles we have had the privilege of offering Equipped with new tires tubes windshield washers and backup lights 1953 CHEVROLET SEDAN 150SERlES 2Doot 230 choose from ap lcal car that give you miles of trouble ationJJIeeptread tires Iosz PoIITIIIc sauna DELUXE Flawless lutone Blue Finish Air coud heater Deep treadtires Many extras Iiu or this Iosioins sanction Boot SEbAlT Original Tutone Gray Finish Beautiful interior Chrqu wheel discs neat fender shields Has just been thoroughly re 10 DISCOUNT and ranch party It Hot dogsy Lifeguard as economJ one 10 DISCOUNT conditioned in ourshop steal at io Discom 310755 lt we use TliE LowcosdT rnmno1y PAYMENT arson