PERSONAL mnlwernoN noted from Sir ï¬t If viiiIll t0 1va About 700 en murmur p111 Phone sunud Mr collect 30100 coNuonnto umA onu 0ult lemu Weller uni NW If moon rill IMW etree 13 11 metreu livinuh Propertyfor Solo or Ront MODERN 6ROOM HOUSE No 11151112111101 Ann Phorle PA 87265 lDloo POULTRY 10 ruumhed xv Liam All in Aspmuttl 02010 10 ILLBJKVLW puiiete month old to tenliml it 0110 1030111 Accommodation Wanted wANrxn4 bedtonlu home Oct Phone PA 0010 1107401 on 110001 ertment or noun wented unturnun by Sept 1050 Apply nox It nerrie summery BUSINBS MAN umntly requires bedroom bouu ch rut top rant or the rteht piece Phone in 05001 lie10011 ROOM BOARD LARGE 11011110001 eutt couple Boerd 11 deeired Neer downtown Phone PA M111 12100 000M AND bond or one or two lirls close to our Ilop Phone PA 07701 or PA 3467 1001100 1100M AND 11ko or Luntlcunn willing to eheu room upnrnto oede recited iunehe needed Few minute downtown Phone PA Hm 1100100 Proporty for Solo or Rent MODERN ROOM 2STOREY HOUSE lmmedilta Paurulon Cleee to ochool Two colanazletc bnths hot wAteroil heeled iocet 1n numher one retidentiei eree write rtetinr how end where emnloyed flu or tern tly to Box The nerrle ExAmirler 1000t1 01x 110011110u00 in Letroy tor rele or rent 1000 down peyment with 3°31 tfli ï¬nhninï¬l 355 man ren uroome Eula the Weeton 1033100 FARM EQUIPMENT 10101 cunth 00x neerly new lcAsE motor good condition lVA cAsETreetor with mounted chitiveter 176 NEW HDLLAND Belti 1w15coNsm cylinder etr cooled motor lAC CASE Combine with motor 1401111 00001 hrrrow riew xcesn modll Fania Herverier lCASE Forgo BIDVIH Tommu nieled nun detiy 11 ml Gmnhotua Johnna 5L Hurts WWI richiNu CUCullml toe eeie ell elder eleo e11 other reretehlu guano 11nllysehooL Phone PA Aucrlon SALES kL 11 e1 reel rd 15 Registered end to raw end heilere in en v0 Looted blood tert All tired by end hm to hum ot the uenle cutie 0mm Aeeoeietien On DflJA sinee 1010 end 1100 else Anru 1005 An ouutendine herd or tern dairy eettie1 verg 10011 pitu eood New um Innk meehine no lnterneuonel in cooler new vncuum rlippern sue under covsr Getloner on re 111m Property at Herry welirer ewmeriret hit more out or Nuditrket comer nevu Drive end Dan 1111 hand Southon 110d ixreu Flfluel 0ncxlone0rl00 murdey sent Auction at oi deliy eettie end rnllkin eduinment Arm mlcmmlrnm end nrm or any Truex ei 15 Con hitdame Tawnehlo one mile em Weverley on the county roed No reservegierme cure Sllu et 1210 pm the Jerry couehlin Auctioneer 04 00100 rede SHERIFFS SALE OF LANDS UNDERAND 0v VirtTul ot Writ ot Execution lulled out at The county court at the county ot York in 0uit wherein The hint at Nove Scam Is the Plelntm Ind Doneld killer Pllricin Weilrer end Mn neetriee Wellrer ere the Detzndents have relied end teiren in execution In wiii oiler tor role by puhiic eurtion my mice in The Court llouee in the Town at heme in the county or 51m coe on Wednesde the Pill dry at Septsmber 1050 1100 ociock noon en the right tille intereet end equity or redem tion at tho ehovenerned me tendent 11 neetnce Wnliter in end to the oliowigg Land ond tenementz Loil 42 at end to recording to Plen sol Wuen heeeh in the County Simeoe TED the Town e1 lierrle in the Elï¬nt Simcuo till 12th dey at June AD 1050 DRURY 00erilt or simeoe con 07 ioiir unfer THE HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT Puh 1c Notice ls HEREBY leENthet nu dent to Section 91 at The Highway mnrovee ulluiv Aim In 000 010 000 us 10 11 orioeiroh 1113110 Wed 1111110111 lï¬uruamall led 1100 one etce 1111 1100 041 000 000 010 us 100 730 000 010 000 000 1100 1110 1210 430 000 000 510 100 00 reaete sagasssgbï¬ re 00 010 010 000 1000 1005 1100 1200 1200 020 030 040 700 110 700 000 010 0210 040 1110 I100 1100 12 00 1201 1210 1210 1245 1007 IAIIll 00v luNDAV 000 Ton ol the Town EDnru scori 1100 Jun ror rounr lulu 1110 CKVRTV CHANNEL urncute teed meetse 1000 Prent Iey luau livew Thoh tne the VANOI linene Theme 1010 11 4100013011 000001 011111 14 Atom MIM out Irvr 000 and heir over tn Lin Wild 0111 tiltnu 1r Junction um end snort lflfly Ar id rem Ile interlude mete nineon none 0m country tieden mitten 1min cut um Wmtiitl Nun Wuzthlr some 0m lllljlnr Tody Junior neeuine curtry calItll TM II at Uh our rem emu tony 010 County Hour Neee undone nun unreal Report 11 Eltllrtin 00010 New lieedlieee snoru cuiender 1111 Pende Trnnueee nrnie show cereleede at 11110 Neweeeet Hillullttu The Teleerem Murie or The Three eune Punk ninetre show Nee 88 Ne eee 3008 New nd snoru Too the Town no 1110111101 N101 end snort Nun anort scorer 01m 011 end weather IAN ItoAv Al sinon Ne ud unee end wretner uueieel clocit 0000 New Punt lterlete N0Wl snortl scam Weetim snorte Round 00 Nun to showtime 1110 or thlwuk lo 111 Pend lulltnry lurch Put IATUIDAV v10 Newe Humidl Luncheon Dew MonoAv lull Neel neediinee 51111630201ng litto Par erklr henert Rurel Line Nelle Heedlln etoltnAv 111 050 Mr us Pool 410 Lave us seem nurwl 000 howdy 00001 000 munmint Print 040 Ikrum mee un Wenten IMIII tteeu all one tie0 our reedell we that us neme 100 renter 110 were 00th Anonrun 700 000 Dru ovee Show 900 Foot Ll 010 woee tn doe11 10000110 one 1100 400 New 111 10 Ill Inert TUIIDAV rm 010 he 400 me or Lite us some storm uo my needy no Lone Itenoer 000 viletern Theatr were 040 Weethev us snort 700 Teeield 110 Your lter Innue may Thu 000 brunet 010 any Lornberde Heedllnee Ne Nee ueedilnee store at the In Newe Preludo 1o Dlnmr ewhty llour Nerve 11 edllnee Perm 10 Rennrt on Boon Newe 50 Bulletin noerd 00 New 1110011111 erleu 000 New 00 nirnuehu tn were 10 Wutcm Ehol hewe 05 11 Dunes ltnie Nldnirhtl 00 New 01 Sports 00 New end snort 00 News end short sin 011 00140111 010 010 sirn on Ne llncl 0110 010 Nueie We heme 000 Melodieelly You 1000 Thu fly story 1010 Newe 1040 Pemily humu 1100 Church Berm nroedeelt IuNoAv NA 1210 010001 111 1011110 1210 New 1245 00011 1200 TinChurch column 110 lurid country Hull CKBB PROGRAMS DlALléso er 0001111111 40 Rerionnl Weether 00 New snort Round up New Evnrts seam show Time Review Newe Adi Needleï¬ldo OJ Mid ldiilnlflI Vlllltlll mner e111 1111 Teddy in Inert nunonv In Eiiiiiï¬iiiiliï¬g 000 emu Tnutre 030 oeneru Aniln moot Ink 00 070 men meetn 1010 unitdo 10f Itrlnet New tlm on 110 Tune in one CKBB PROGRAMS DIAL 1230 1210 annru Dint no turret Report 30 New 1400 New 100 sullelin soerd 100 Punerel nlreriery 100 Luneheon Dnto contdl ao leliend Ce 11 no 1e Petty to 010 100 Mulic 01 Melchm 130 Ken Honolulu mum by 110 0qu lur 00nd 200 launder Hymn Tune uo nut To The mole Hour 10 Billy armed 00 Neunet 000 suedy Conan 000 Are Merle uuur 030 nueet conductor 000 The Poet Wuk Your community 010 Hoartl hound on 010 Emoul Alene ttu Ar 100 cnuren service tarodent 010 0under 1017 unten inr tto 1100 1000 New 1010le 1100 Newe 011010 I00 end Walther 1100 0111 011 020 men on Ne unee end Weelher 010 utrenrlh tor 10 on 04011101 000 ltueiel cioex an 700 rerm unteu 1e Nee 720 snorte scum 110 nerlonei Wulmr 7011 Ne 000 EtaItll Round on 010 Null luv showtime Now 000 Ttedlne Poet 010 Tenneuee xrnte snow Mlflmnlnlfll Vlliellll 131 11 rte clini omen re 03 TIMI PDI 1100 Nll 1105 Bill GYUIOY 530 850 Hrnl Hllllh 300 New B35 Ton at th Town to Illdnifltt LOO Nail Ind Sport 00 NO Snort 12W Nail soortcaenree mum flu 5VEGETA3L55 litTIBEBABRIEXXAmVFBQAX 000110 111910 ENGAGEMENTS Mr and Mahler nyie or 1111 bridge wish to Announce the en gezement their daughter born to 11 Louis Brown only son oi Uri Brown 011d the lute Fred Brown of Toronto the ourrinse to tnke piste Suturday September in Toronto 141 end Mrs Blflllld 0i Oshawa annauhce the cugngo merit of their deughtcr Elinor lenet toDonnlil James McLean son litHr and Mrs Mc Leln Strand The mrrisle will uke piece in Simcoe Street Unit edcnurcli OshIWA on Saturday September 15 at 430 pm Mr01id Mrs Theodore Laine son Barrie wish to announce the congruent their daughter Dorothy Both to James Allen Homer Budtord can of the late Mr Ind Mrs Camp Homer the marriage to take place on Sep tember 1956 at 230 pm in Central United Church Banie 001110 CLARKEAt Paulie Cllllornll All Sat Mr end Mn iv it in 1nee Dorothy Neilweln een COXWORTHMr end 1111 wullem Cnxwoflh Announce the hlrtlt of their dull htcr Christine Louise on Aul II 955 It the Owen Sound Gcnerli Ind rlna Ilnlpitnl 100 DORIONAl the Royll Victarll or null Blrric on All st 5i I956 to end 1111 Aure oorlon 111k Utnpll 1nd iVletor Joseph 9e treks clLLi At the hoyel Victorie Hee ii intrte on Auzurt 20 1950 to rid lire WIlllAm diliier éun eon Kevin wuiiem the noyel Vlctortl Horpitel mute on Auaurt 100 to Mr Mrs Finis 111iI Pehuwiclr thieen rence smehridze emonni tll on Aulust 29 56 to Mr end Mn Edwin 1010 tieuehter SUTTONAl the Roy Victorlx or EllI Burnt on Auzuit 30 1956 in It 116 Mrs Sutton 5011 Le rdo Loop eemp Borden 0011 lt lN MEMORIAM nowMANin loving memory at deer tether end mother 111011100 0110 Elilltnih Boymil whopnued =VVVSÂ¥ Ant 1946 and All 26 Au mt hrinre nd memorier our loved one llld to rest They will Aiwnyr he runcmhcrcd 78y 1000 who loved Minim DENNEYln levln memory or deer hullundrlltd It 0r Alexander Den na whnpeued ewey Auzurt sl Till memory 111121 and llfn deport You live fever in our hurt0 Lovinriv remembered by wild and family l00 GUEST loving memory 010 deer mother Ind lnlldmolllcr Mary Ann 590550 who peerednwey Aug 10 we meet every dey in the garden methaneI1 Gods rental iltrcmnmhrlnce dy 0011 by deuxhter Lott mninlnw Pete Ind rundchiidrenr Yvonne Bob end Eetty 100 STEPHENSin lovlnl memory at our dur lion and brother Bottlld Ste who plueduvu And so whennoJiend eoui llvothed 0010 Oh how p0ti0ht in HIV 0ulterinl God the helper ot the nel leer Gall opening o1 Pln6 Crest Friday and Saturday Sept 78 Dancing every Friday 011d saturv thy lhcrcniter to theldutlc Mak ers Modern and old time danc ing Adminicn 500 Anuivemry services of ivy Presbyterian Church will be held 011 Sundry Sept Rev Muir will 00 guest spenker 0t 11 11111 Ind Rev J0me Ferguson at 730 pm 99400 Barrie Womens Institute Will meant the limit oi Mrs Prin 10 31 Sunturd Street Tuesday 4Sept2150l10rp Roll call or each member to bring In article or Layette tar Victorian Order Hostesse Ire M11 Morris Mrs Corbett Mrs Bristow Mrs Hirle clicy lilo OWN POLICE FORCE ST JOHNS CPTlle edcr ntiorl ct Newfoundland Milli cipul ities is asking theprovincial gov ernment or authority to set up municipal police l0rce At present St Johns is served by the pro vincial police while RCMP work generally NEW TIME TABLE Eitectlve September 4th BUSES LEAVE NAIL T0 North Boy 10 Toronto 510 mm y1005 pm 215 0111 To Brnccbridge To 01illl0 To0wen Sound TaPcnetdng atom 001 01050 mm 410 pm 110 pm 1010 pm except Sun at Sat only sun 31 H0 4i excepts Sun E01 Snt Sun 81 Hill Daylight Time Tickets and lnIormItlnn at 01611111111 BUS TERMINALI slmc0e Maple Ave PHONE PA 85571 116105010 Stevensonnlteeeenel the 50 has 111 Dannle wife twatmm curs uwrcnee Lee 11311th litre 1terr1n knock In xeirn nu 01 her to 0110 III hlr ll irggnhggfggfmlmw CAlto or THANKS WINWards cumin Idrqllllaly uprtsl our mud to than who mud titer lympalhy and blip 0000 to In no belutllttlly ll thl Lune our recent sorrow Hey God hleu You ll Ilrl which lnd My 100 mama THE FALL gtAT LEAsz CHECiaJPl 15 dike 5852 PlUMBigGaliEATiNG 84 0101108114151 W100 PA 33770 wr £11m WHAT WE $511 SERVICE Alh Action 01 Once on Rebel Another in thevlnterest at llolh We impartirlly serve all Clones And Creed r0 gardiess of Position 0r Possession ligyd Steckli Fungal E0104 Wonlcy 51 Ill 2A 055 term 011 Express Finished in dark com mercial green Equippcd with hcater radio spare tire and wheel direction 01 lights $295007 01111001111111 MOTORS LIMITED USED CAR DIVISION PHONE PA H931 For the best instruc tion possible GERMAN TOP KILLER he no lakeshoréSchooloiSaie Driving PA 82759 N0 ls ThoTime ToFerll 110 Your Lawn gt TRY ANY or THESE 0010010 VIGDRO lvllLOltGthTE 1004 FERTILIZER soéltEEN 011000 1101111110 011 BONEMEAL RowN co midtown 0010111 ellilWJll 510011 NAohm 10 1101110 PUNclcmli BLIGHI PREVENTIVE 1110111 Pll 05000 100 Bulletin 01101 105 Perm Future 10 01111 Perm E0170er JD Eccond snrine 40AuntMnry 00 Newe 05 Vulcty to 000 01 New Newr Muele country style MAtlnee Newt Feeminee Sew thy plin end geve 02 pence lovingly membered Mann Ded Ind Barb ill wannAv A01 sin on 10 strenrth orthe D01 Nerve 00 Muricll cloak show 00 F0110 Mullet Report 10 lien 10 overnleht spam Bcorel 40 nerlonel WeeLher merit Act 11nd Amendments en plicltian will he made by the Done ment at Hizhwnys to the Ontario Mun tdlpal Boned or the approve of the closing 01 portion Wellington Street West in the Town at Berrle where intersected by the controllcd Access highway known 110 the Barrie layp000 or Hllhwuy No 400 if the Ontario Municincl Boerd rhould approve the said 01011111 01 on ree es 0i Hilï¬weys will not close Anne street 1000 Newe 1000 Homcmlkrrl Clinic 1010 Tredine Poet 1100 Newe 11 05 llourchold 110111 1110 Bill croeoy shew 1110 Mulc country style For FARM SUPPLIES AND SERVICE CHARLFS CHURCH CASE AND NEW HOLLAND FARM MACHINERY DEALER te ruzsoAv 111 1200 New Heedlin 1202 Luncheon Det 00110net 1215 Perm Inrkrt nenert 12 30 New lone County Nour Newe Heedilnee mason4001 40 show Time Review 11000le HAluus binder load repair Phone PA Mina 30100 ONEROW 101111 DEERE level had out let liveer old in not con ltiun 01 093 ONE TltAcrwN rteem enzlne in K0011 woritln condition ply Merrie no ertt une Ver ownlhi lot 10 or phone PA 5600100 uii ty PTO TEN USED coMnrNBs 010 up end router Ac 1111 New thruhun 500 complete Ured threshcn $106 up Genre sduth HenLhcota Ontario near Dmllil IDW NOTICETO CREDITORS AND omens Crcdimn or WILLIAM dollN ARNEM mLantHiJnnnueie the county ot slnicoe who died 5111 MAY 1100 must me their elehnr with the undersigned hetero itth se tern her 1050 terwhich dete one at the uteee dirtrihuted John Wilfrcd Arnem Executor 11 hi Solicitors smith i0 011 shunning st Berrie anterio litle where intersected hy the 10m herrie BilPals Such Applicltion win he llcnrd hy the sold Board in the Court House in the Town or Barrie on the 20111 DAY OF SEPTEMBER 1950 at the HOUR 0F 1030 OCLOCK IN THE FORE NOON at which time and plugs all person chinline to be interested or elteeted m0ynttend And be heard By order of the sold Bond Ill Feb 0001 Dhllctlnltn the llld cluflnl or ouimingthntthelr land will be in lulifllul affected the id closinl mu PAnTic LARS or svctl OBJECIIONS CLAIMS with the amendiuunlelnl Board Its Queen street West eronto end with the Land Survey Section Ch Depart meni ot Highwnxs Plfllamem Bulld lnee Toron ttention lie Jackson DB BEFORE FRIDAY THE hi DAY OF SEPTEMBER 1955 The heerini or eueh cleime wui teire lchLIuGhHmOAn CLAS he ruerequently ylxed the re 0oerd P1011 P404147 0h0winÂ¥ portion at Welllnltnn Stree West pm noted to be Biased may be 00011 It be omen of tho Clerk of the Town of Home Ind at the office the De utmth ol Highways in R0011 2627 Seat 0ioelrl=eriement solidingr To ronto duflnfl regular oiticc hours up the slid 10 71 710 745 000 005 010 010 000 on 1000 1100 1200 401 100 715 025 slen on Law 45 Newt 000 11001001 aloe show 720 Overnilhl sportt Perm hierkel Renan Snort Newt Bulletin Board 1707 News Heediinee 100 Bulletin Bond 105 P0111 Future 10 2010 Perm Reporter Newe Heedilnet 130 Second Enrinl 3qu Snort Unloadr Witt Flrlds TcnncAee nrnie anon Meet The Ariilt New mrhiirhte to The Trlslrtlm coneert to mninlurs 10 our umnerdo show rrelude To nlnner Nerve Ton at The Town to Midnldnt New end snort New 100 snort 112010100 score end Weetber nilsnAv AIl swarm Der Plrm lilerlet Report News scorer PRESIDENTIAL 110110 tinee Heedltnee de snort relm 011 Newe sulleun noerd Newe Heedltnee showceee anorte celeniter rut News Veriety to400 Newt lilic Country ï¬lm 11 Como Borden snorte lent Rent 00 Now0001 00 Tredine Poet Mid Heroine Verietiu 1000 Neweeeet lalntllmlnl roet 1100 Newrceet 1105 od Newe neut 1120 or drum show Peri wioNquwtJn 1100 Newe Heldlinu 1202 Luneheon net 1210 eonrtr mutt 1210 Puin Merlret ngU NQIIBML 01 anl lleediidee L00 Bulletin Enorfll 05 Perm Pcnturu 110 second EDflnl 140 Aunt Mary 010 Newe 510 Prelude To dinner 00111010 01110111 10 Tennemn 0rnie 0how 1005 numernerere Clinic 1100101111 country style ncnort Wm hm mum on 1111 new Perrn Reporter Outlinedspecial la190pllrchiaééwshfelilmofigLyonJhesegbargoinuï¬ejtlralowpricesï¬u tn the 20th any at 5e temher 1050 DATED et Toronto hie 11rd dey dt Auguet 1050 Thciwcrdcilcus is derived from circulnr arenas built by theIRor loans chariot races gladiator other 000 Theme US President Frank lin Dï¬ltdosevelt owned 11 sum MA 117 Morrw HAN emcee COUNTY 10 WHOM 11 MAY CONCERN TAKE Ntmcnthnt the Jury Sittlnrr for the Fill Mulll 01 the Supreme Court or 0nterto will he neither in the Court nee nerrl cummenein MONDAY 111101111 in 1050 the hour 01130 oclock in the utter 1100 Th 30001011 Mr Justice Kelly pritlidllla Aulult 301 1956 SHEFFIELD STAINLESS STEEL cuTLEitYV consisting of abenlitiiul3 pee carving set and matching steak knives dll trimmed with 24 karat gold Pllï¬llrllllllllll Hills ANTENNA 90 0111 11111 5111111011 Rum Emmy on New tubg uniront tuning etc Blonde wal Bleacher 00k walnut 01 mehog original mnnuinctnrgrs list pried you this packagetlenlf 00 with 21 console 0t ion is $50005you save $17745011 WMEMY 21 month right reg $386595 you 00v0 $15795 neonatal10111rcduvemem none zlï¬coNsoLE Mad 21K42 illustr ed Rigll up 1th tuning extra large 21 screen giving iapproximotely 231 011 ill 0t View ng surface Regular 21ANTLE with mooning tohletype hose M0 del 21127 not illustratch Also 010111111 tenures extra large screen rlgllt Ellerttl County at theme 100 151100011110 010111 125 WEEKLY enecleil when youlolectthetrtnvourite 1110ch from our display Nothing 010000 10111 more thin newbicycln Euiern 513112301 llSentemher unwmut ilmt i111 ii 1111