16 Moved Home Mr and Mrs Leigh Reevlc have moved twin their apartment and are now living with Mr and Mrs Reevle Wiener Boast MislJoan Murisori and Mrs Martin attended the Wiener roast held at Bonsccours Beach on Aug 32 tor the swimming and water sateiy instructors of Simcoe Counv ty Miss Jean Jacques was hostess tor the evening Welcome Home Welcome home to little Robert Kendall who spent the summer in Cape Breton but has returned in time to begin his ï¬rst year at school Plastimar Demonstration Mrs Ken all entertained sev eral ladies at plasticware de arilonstration in her home on Aug Back Home Cyril Peterson spent low days in Suanybrook Hospital but has been able to return home Harvest Services The harvest services at Thomas St Church were held on Aug 26 Amid lovely setting at grain iruit and flowers the congregation enjoyed the beautiv iul hymns of thanksgiving Speakcrvtor the inornlng service was Rev Stanley of Mid land who gave an inspirational harvest message in the cvening Archdeacon Lighihourn ad dressed the congregation The choir rendered two very fitting anthem Praise the Lord Jerusalem and Good Folk who Dwell on Earth Most to Nephew Howard Malcolm has been host to his nephew irom Pasadena California for few days Two Doctor Mrs Holden is hostess to two doctors for month her WESTERN TIRE aaurosunriy no assoc STORE TIBES BIL lliiTlElilESs liiiiilliilliS SPORTING illliliJS Tools Hardware heartily 123 Dunlop St EBarrie raroaa neutral loss daughter the former Helen Holden and her aonlnvlaw Dr Quinlan of Kentviile Nova Scotia Bullet Dinner Mrsand Mrs Martin enter tained the members at théir im mediate families at hutlet dln oer on Aug 26 in celebration oi their 50th wedding anniversary William Morisonis spending few days visiting with his daugh ter in Toronto Birthday Celebration Congratulations to Allen Hub bert who celebrated his ninth birthday on Aug 24 with wiener roast for his young friends Terry Oliverot London visited with his uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Oliver on the weekend Congratulations Congratulations to Joan Muri son who received her royal lite saving instructors certiï¬cate on Aug 25 gt class of 10 were tested under examiner Art Campbell at Shanty Bay and all were successful Those receiving their bronze medalion were Mary Beagle Anna Deagle Elaine McCague Janet McCague Rosemary Haikcs Job anna AndersonJiidy Lcaman Ho land Thilfcault Gary Ronald and Betty NclSon The candidates came lrom var ious centres in SimoneCounty Special congratulations how ever are extended to Rosemary Johanna and Judy who were all lrom Shanty Boy district Canoe Trip group rpm the village left on Aug 21 for canoe trip in Al gonquin Park The party can sisLsot Colonel Bigelow and his son Ted Peter Oliver and Tim Crookes llolldly Visit Mr and Mrs Shiiliday and their two sons Toronto are spending some holidays with Har ry Martin Guide News Shanty Bay Glri Guides and Brownies enjoyed wiencr roast on the evening oi Aug 21 at the lakcshorc Each one gathered lire mod and green roasting sticks while the fire was built by June Fisher and Rosemary Raikes The mystli dvittrirgame agicwr ngand enjoy ed some good laughs the tcam game at attribute Several new cainptirc song were learned and the old familiar ones sung For refreshments the girls roasted their wieners and buns and marshmallows and made twisters which are tea biscuit dough wrapped around green stick to cook then removed and the resulting hole filled with jam Hamilton Visit Mr and Mrs Kort and Mar guerite visited lriends in Hamil ton on the weekend orlAug 25 THE QUEENS COLOUR presented to the Roy al Canadian Navy by his late Majesty King George VI on May301939 was shown during thercccnt visit toVictoria oi HisExcellency the Eight Hon Vincent Massey CH Governor Gcncral of Canada The parading of the Queens Colour took place in Victorias Beacon Hill Park when His Excellency unveiled cairn comrncmlt the cairn are CROWNHILI Mr and William Manning Creemors visited on Sunday with Mrs Mannings parents Mr and Mrs Switur WA Meeting Crown Hill Womanls Associa tlon will meet at Mrs Kennys on Wednesd Sept at pm Devotional or Mrs Aeonley Roll call Bible verse containing the word harvest Tea hostess cs Mrs it Cough and Mrs Nor man Thompson MalorEye Operation Mralrank Robinson is slowly recovering from Linajor eye op eration in Toronto Generaijloo pltal gt in Hospital Melville Caldwell is again con tined to Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie havingauflered repeat attack of his heart condition We wish both of these patients con tinued improvement in health Montha Visit Miss Jessie Robinson To route has been visiting or tia orating the presentation at the colour in 1939 Shown above as thc GovernorGeneral unveiled left to right Commodore Budge DSC CD RCN Honorary Aidedocamp to His Excellency LiouL Hamish Bridgman RCN AideinWaiting CPO Gordon Fraser ltCN calm sentry and the GovernorGeneral RCN PHOTO ciao STATION ltccciit Visitors Mr and Mrs Hell Sault Ste Marie spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs AI Graham Mrs Pensey and daughter Janie and Miss Lelln Morrow of Buffalo aunt Mrs Recently Married Congratulationsto Mr and Mrs Timpson nee HazelCrawtord who were married on Saturday Aug 25 Holidays with Mother liir and Mrs Huggins and baby oi Oshawa are spending their holidays with her mother lilrsDMcCualg Eleanor Uncles spent last week with hergrandparents Mr and Mrs Elmer Uncles Week in Toronto Audrey and Lynn Burton Carol Mrs Slahléy Hulloi Oalr and Ruth Jane Gilchrist spent week in Toronto Mrs Wallace Scott and Eric oi Harcourt are with her parents Mr and Mrs Wilson Millar this week Weekend Visitors Weekend visitors were Mr and Idch at Mr and Mrs Vic Ross Mr and Mrs Winchester Toronto with Mr and Mrs Allistair Craw ford Mr aners Gil Hardman at Mr and Mrs Crawfords Mr and Mrs Galbraith ol Goldwater visited their daughter Mrs Howard Crawford law days last week Summer Servlcea Thc summer services of the re United Church held at la Beach during July and Augilst closed last Sunday andtnext Sti day service will he heldias udiiai at the church at 115 oclocth Warr in charge COLWELI From Sault Ste Marie John Wurkman of Sault Ste Marie is visiting with Cpl and Mrs it Culver Edward Ludlow of Wasaga Beach is visiting with Ron Cul vcr 0n ck Ely Irwin is still on the sick list Lets hope he gets well soon Getting Better Vcs Tracy is reeling much bet ter now Hes recovering very quic Ri ky Fulltord celebrated his sixth irthday withxanice party JACK SCOTT INSURANCE AGENCY Fire Car Bond All Classea Thornton Phone Ivy 15rl icy month with her sisters Mrs Partridge and Mrs 1saaeAeon Mr and Mrs Joseph Newhouse Connie and Bryan of Lansing Michigan visited with Mr and Mrs Gough on Sunday eBacLio Torontovnns Mrs Charles Robson and Carol visit with her daughter MrsRay Scruton Robbie and Susan Sunday Visitors Sunday visitors noticed at the memorial and decoration service included Mr and Mrs Harry Muir at Mount Dennis and Miss Eliza beth Rix and Wesley Rix Barrie with James Rlx Mr and Mrs Syd Allen Glenda and Terry at Ernest Partridges Mr and Mrs Charles Atkinson Misa Martha and Miss Mary Atkinson Barrie with Mrs Atkinson Miss Edith Partridge at Boy Part ridgcs At the Exhibition Mr and Mrs James Riit and Mr and Mrs Eldon Atkinson Mr and Mrs Ernest Partridge and Joan spent day at the Exhibition this week gt gt Dassrhakeseamp Miss Helen Kenny and Miss endy Beuant spent the week returned home to Toronto tor Ciowss Clowes Institute grill meet at the school Sept Roll call An Event at 50 Years offloa vener of historical research Mrs Dicker Current events item or heedamuir Bookr Motto Mrs Partridge Lunch M311 Bonncy Mrs Shelswelll ciiu frnE aoua rammo NEEDS gcxaiviincn Pictures hy Pareto Examin er start photographer that ap pur in this newspaper are pliable in glory printa room animal 693 aw PHONE PA 82414 The Barrie Exuntner broodpies Cookies end at the JuniorFarmers Camp atBass Lake NW IMIM to be sure choose from the REEVES iiawniii Wakh Ind IIImend Merchant since any incomparable in bri reasonable in or onco fVELKJiY Maternity Dress Shop loo Collier StBarrie PA Mr opposite the ulnar Latexr in Fashion Your tor privacy and economy aucusr run sALE Drastic Reductioiis Elmo onerous 6mm main Farrier who make not oalla nra only mos cancerion To cnooae moss BEEF m3 TORONTO 25 DVAJAOP 51 omIdnr Oven fresh baked goods for all occasions po picnics etc Dutch specialties home baked raise HQME SIJlPLY son THE WEEKEND RATi Lenora LocAi UNION mammals The Symbol otyQuality in Craftsmanship Demimd this Label lllilTEll VTBHOTEEBHDUD ill CARPENTERS llllll JamiIlls Illl HMEfllCll grits cauaoiim rigour TSP11TH Home new 999 mommies oNGREss mittens or amEorch minim Annivensahg LocaL UNlON V2430 BARRIE Bricklayers Masons Plasterers International Union Branden mm Morina Jaimie INrraNArionA of BROTHEitHOOD lowing routerJ caster Street Lanoun DAY PEOGEAMME The lnrade will start PARADEAll Local Unions assemble at the Barrie Erma 1015 an Egsc alongDunloplstreet totlre FivePoints Clapperton Street cast on Collier Street down west on Dnnlop Street to Parldilde Drive then to Queens Park PARADE CUECup will be presented tothe beat Local Unionton parades fanninss nvjeraKEme at 1045 mm along the iol one Ladies Auxiliary No 630 the Carpent gt onare providing tea cottee and soft drinks For the chllidren therewillbe iree ice cream Refreshmentayill be ready for 1200 noon EVERYBODY BRINGV BASKET LUNCH some Spam program starts at no pm with allaorts of prizes tungand games for young and old TELEVISION on or EPLETTS ELEcmcin Barrie Philco be drawn at 430 pm Console TV Amalgamated Meot cutters 9nd Butcherworkrne lof 71NDIIiIIAlIIEIlGCV lqplliiiiitiii again inn VilnternotiolnolUnion ot UnitediBrewory flour Cereal Soft Drink and tillery ELECTRiCAL WORKER iocariiiimii rim39 Workers of America EAKERI Mr Russell Harvey DirectorotEdncatioanak LIAII LUCHLjUNWN No32514niiilillt abonr congress Ontarto BlldJLflbolll Representative on the Ontario Lahour Delano oar LABELEUYING wEEir naomsmn oun surnames 1956 clonalAsa VPAINTERSDECZQRATORSIANP PAPERHANGERS aging gt it UnitedAsso NhtiortoiU on orpuaiic am iojy BARRFFFPER HUMOR Journdy ICANADIANLABOURCONGRESS odion TLdbour Congress not not its gt