with white lace nosegays of blue cornfioiirer and three shades of pink small cap headdresses WM aoousr some 04 The marriage of titles Haul Crawford daughter of Mrand Mrs Albert Crawford of On Sta tion to John Leslie TImpsonymn of Mr and Mrs Fred Tlmpson of Mimico took place on Saturday Aug 25 me at three oclock in the afternoon ip SL Andrews Presbyterian Church at OroSu lion Rev Frank Slavik officiated at the ceremony zWedding music was played by Mrs jetty Williamson who aiso accompanied the soloish Mrs Gil bert liardman of Toronto Both are cousins of the bride Given In marriage by her father the bride was wearing agown of MR AND MRS JOHN LESLIE TIMPSON vita15a Multan Syéfling 30 IltopiaUnitedChurch was de corated with pink and white tap ers and two large baskets of pink and white mums for the marriage of Miss Joyce Alice lilary McCunn daughter of Mr and Mrs Wilbert MeCann of Utopia to William Leroy Lister SDIl of Mr and Mrs William Lister of Copper Cliff on Saturday Aug 1956 at seven oclock in the evening Rev Paul Field officiated at the double ring ceremony Miss Erma McKinley playedthe wedding music and accompanied the soloist Elwood Miller in the singing of The Lords Prayer bc foe the ceremony an Walk It rid in Hand during thesigiiihg of the register Given in marriageby her father the bride was wearing gown of white French lace and nylon tulle over heavy satin The fitted lace bodice was styled with high neckline pointed waistline and long sleeves coming to points over her hands and the boulfant skirt was made with three front tiers of lace inserts and back apron ef fect of lace bordered with pleated tulle headdress of pearls and sequins held her fingertip veil that was appliqued with small lace roses Her flowers were curved spray of pink carnations stephanotis and ivy Gentred with small pink roses Attendants In Pink Her attendants were Mrs Wil rliam Beckett of Sudbury matron of honor and Mrs Ross Archer of Barrie and Mrs Bruce Miller of Utopia bridesmaids Their crystal charm gowns were in ranging from pale rose to coral and were styled withjscoop mecklinesTtitfi ted torso bodices and full gather ed skirts and they were wearing and mit tens of matching material covered They carried stephanotis centred pink roses William Bee ett of Sudbury was rgroomsman an the ushers were Glenn McCaun of Guelph brother of the bride and Percy Lister of Copper Cliff brother of the ith small wide gt443 Cowper Studio Chumt Ceremorry Receptionist Community Centre reception followed in the new community centre appropri ately decorated in pink and white Receiving the guests Mrs Mc Cann was in Queens blue laeo over taffeta and was wearing navy accessories and pink cor sage litrs Lister who assisted was wearing smokybluc sheath and duster ensemble with pink ac cessories and pink and white corsage For travelling the bride chose apink sheath dress with match ching tuxedofront duster coat in bulk eyelet Hcrwptcture hat and patent leather handbag were black and she waswearing white dotted patent leather shoes and white gloves witha corsage of white gardenias After wedding trip through Eastern Ontario Mr and Mrs Listcr are making their home in Gatcheil Guests From Distance Outoftown guests at the wed ding were from bimcoe Beiievuiï¬ SPECIALIZED REPAIR SERVICE ALL MAKES OF Illiilltl TELEVlSllllt Every Installation mporvlud by our technician ziiioiiiincii REFRIGERATION oo 113 DUNLOPSI Phone PA 82059 summon anions 0609695 on mini Reduced lace and nylon tuile with white satin made with lace locket trimmed with pearls and styled with long lilypointed sleeves luliet cap trimmed with seed pearls held her fingertip veil of tulle and she was carrying hou quet of red roses muvns and hea ihcr with trailing stephanotis Hcr attendants were Mm Mary Crawford of Toronto matron of honor and Miss Mary Crawford of Barrie and Mrs CliffordRam say of Mimico and Miss Elsie Me Cuaig of cm Station bridesmaids Thor idéntical prlncesse atyle gowns oigrecn blue pink and yellow lace taffeta and not were made with scalloped neckiines ihreeouartcr length sleeves and bouffant waltzlength 5kirtaThey wore bandeaux of flowers to match their gowns and their flow ers were baby pink roses and mums The flower girl Miss Darlene Crawford of Toronto was wear ing bluenylon rock with full flounced skirt and head dress of blue flowers Sydney Carter of Toronto was groomsman and the ushers were Clifford Ramsay and Edward Plewis of Miran and Charles Crawford of Oro Station At the reception that followed in Guthrie Community Hall the mother of the bride received in mauve crepe wearing lawn and white accessories and corsage of pinkroses The groomsmotli er who assisted was in blue and was wearing pink and black acces soriesland Corsage of yellow roses Guelph Woodstock Alliston De troit Bracebridge Sudbury Bar rie and Angus Newton Hesse JG lmPJOIl For travelling the bride chose strayblue sheath dress of cord edIllk made with threequarter length sieedes and an empire waistline Hers aceesorics were pink and she was cor ugo of white gardcnlas Afters weddlnï¬ trip to Northern tarlo Mr and Mrs Timpson be making their home in Mimico guests at the we ding shawaq waiter and rlbmnto ourHRiE BrideBlcct Honored Last Monday evening Mrs Gilchrist and Isabella entertained for Miss Miriambesse The even ing was spent compiling brides book and in amusing contests Dainty refreshments were served Service in the United Church will return to the regular hour of 230 pm next Sunday Sept wig Sunday School preceding pt Mr and Mrs Clarence Hail haveretumed to West Orange NJatter spending the summer withthe tormers lather it oldest couple to Mrs Menzio for coming the longest distance Shir ley JoySlrachan was the young 2st member present and Mr and Mrs Charles Brown of Vasey th Hall Recent visitors were Mrs Nich oison of Vancouver with her sis ter Mrs Nell McCuaig Mrs Mc Laughlin of Hamilton with Mrs Miss McClure of Toronto and Miss Bartholomew of Barrie at Walker Caldwell Mrs Menzle of McKeesportEa with her uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Walker and other rela tives Mr and Mrs Walker Mrs Menfle Mr and Mrs JD Gilchrist and Isabelle Mr and Mrs Bertram and family and Mr and Mrs George Campbell and family attendedthc Waples reunion at Springwater Park last Sunday when well over 60 at tended Gifts were given to Mr and Mrs Walker for being the FURCOATS numb or uni is mimic for Maudlilo no as worn II Milhllrn Son vault LocAI runrill DUNLOF IT Ill PA I41 3m nun Innamir BarrieSchiiol ol SaIeJDrIVinng Dual Control cars Safe Competent iMC8Â¥ld1flSflfflGb0tS WillILll Y0 iiiiE ill BE IVIISS BIIltlllE 1956 Fill in the entry prizes isLPmzE on below and bceilglhie to win thefi1ilowln complete personal improvement course on ten free tï¬lylings by Danielle Glamorous Complete driving course MeBrine Train Case Elizabeth Arden Make in Electric Coffee Perk Electric Toaster Nylon Duster Cost Mi or 11 x14 Framed Portrat Four Theatre Passes Rhinestone Set Gift Certificate for one pair of shoes siltvoucher Lady Anne Sweater Negligee Dozen free iFiWissages 51 2m mm Rhinestone brooch and earrings The Joan Garrick School Better Dress Shoppe The Lakeshore Driving Schcoi Harry Twiss Mens Wear gt Cusdens Pharmacy lmcoe District Coop Emms Electric Co Zellers nishings Les Cowper Studio Imperial Theatre eav Jewellery store Maher Shoe Store Wiggins Furs mons Coat Store Lenos Lingerie ndleys Flowers DBIJiBSMBSSBgE ce Place Setting Dundee Thistlebone China Dick Steele China 5110 ebbs Jewellery Store Button lIole attachment valued at $10 Singer Sewing Machine Lingeriervalued it $500 $500 Cash View Master Two Theatre Basses 10 Portrait anprnizc English lionechlho Cup and saucer Two pair ofdti gauge 15 denier nylon An ashtray $500 Cash Dolthourse Two Theatre Passes 10 Portrait sham and Fleming BeavervLumber Imperial Theatre Les Cowper Studio Arrhstronï¬ Hardware Saily Shops Clarke Leathers Imperial Theatre Les Cowper Studio Please fillitn the try blank below giving full particulars and return to Box srrie Examiner Telephon carver oiuoiu MISS CATHERINE WlLKINSON Mra Harvey Wilkinson of Barrie wishes to announce the her daughter Catherine Anne to Lloyd George Pearsall son of Mr and Mrs George Perasail ot Burrie marriagewili take place on Sat urday hrce oclock in the afternoon in engagement of September 15 1956 Central United Church ost reccntly married TEE ROUND SHREDDED WHEAT Quaker MilFEETSZ The flu UM I92 7mq 1k 27 as n¢v¢wwawflmwm iintngo automobiiewas the nnusunlniearis of conveyance chosen by Mr and Mrs Richard Harris Steele for wedding trip to Haliburton following Baptist Church on Monday oclock in the afternoon Arrow the brideswathlng her The hrideis the former Lorna Juno Smart daughter otMr and Mn HSniart of Bruccbridge The groom is the son of Mr and Mrs Steele of Barrie Rev Morrow officiated atthe ceremony and William Day of Torontoplayed the wedding music The Pilgrihis Chorus and The March from Tannhauser and sang Whereer You Walk and Youll Never Walk Alone during the signing of the register accom paned at the organ by the father of the groom Heirloom Headdress Given in marriage by her bro ther Norman Scott the bride was whommoi gown of white brocaded nylon over taffeta styled with basque waist olttheshouldcr neckline and tiny puffed sleeves An heir loom hesddress that had been worn by the grooms motherkhcid 315 IMPROVErSALADE WITH MIRACLE WHIP 3aiad onEssnio g44e JELWBOWDERS 29 Mums nouns 9359 mm from Quality Meats Swifts Promidi swap Oriole BREAKFAST IIIGOII Swifts Premium Eiini Longs Gillies Ready to eat FULLY GOOKED PIGIIIGSIb 49o Ewuhflfremlnmlï¬ithermd fly the piece sonELEsslsuoKEoiiAii lb 19 Store sliced 312 omlars AltoiNEs OGIINIE Free Klddles Theatre Poss mocqu CAKE MIX BRAND VANILLA streaming BRAND swarm PICKLES SALAD DRESSING ouvss SUPREME BRAND mam mam chimes PIMENTO arm Toothpaste PEPSODEN lb 59 SALADA PURPLE um hr mamas raiiirunml NEw Lux 33° 65° FEATIIRE avauhnm in cocoons mummy59 am iscocr martinijealous SweettiHEltItIIIS 49o Allows cwvsznuasr soup wiiiriE EIUNA BILLIONAIREB wALNurs warm mums gangsta Stuffed mm swEEr aELIsii CHEESE rEA BAGS mo oat raccoon mo their marriage in Bmebrldgc mm 1050 at twothirty mytrpvelledin 1922 Pierce not no yellow motoring veil net shouldzrktength veil which was edged in use Ith was carry cam roses babymbreath and adoration fern Miss Patricia Sullivan of Blind River niece of the bride wu flower girl wearing frock of yellow nylon over matching flowered Illp with yellow straw bonnet She carried basket of white and yellow dailies Philip Petite ofToronto was gmomrman and ushers were Lee Hart of Barri and Donald Horne of lroquoin is Wedding Reception At the reception that followed in in Terrace Roorrat Holiday House the motherof the bride received with the bridal party wearing rosewood lace over ratio with smatcblng hat andgloves and ii corsage of cream cama tions and pom pom mums The is iso off maroon Monsoon CAKE Mix DEB TOIIETIISUE BI MULCGILJOWBONB 984 HARD 6W5 STRAWBERRY 41 ï¬t 19° 33° plaice my 3r soaking POCKET 25 the More PEANUT manner its 457 int25 $234 32 33 sun ysiiie as so ts liaising 1i43 coir HQRQWNVTEABAGS 85° asso arnn mvooos EREsniEs mo out Mummy Cooking FRENCH FRIES like me SOLE ILLETS is oi pk cello out cum sauce 11 oz bottle 335 pintzaps Jules 43 azfon sac pest BROWN Beans and omian antimalarialinnit 15 oz tins 27c g3 SAND season circus Brand Pure WAX pairan SM mo mother who an in cotllllon blue silk and wearing white leather bat and eoruge of white carnations and pome mums Ttiéizbrldes travelling ensemblo was an Ivocado men tweed lulu with matching blouse and glov worev If 92 yellow ha memo ow pom pom mu Mr anddiha Sleelawill be makihgthcir home In Ba Guests From Distant Among the outofitown guests at the wedding were Mr and Mn Smart of Detroit uncle and huntof the bride Mr and Mrs Léo Sullivan of blind River bro theninlaw and sister of the bride and their daughter Patricia Mr and Mrs Norman Smart of West brother and sisterinvlaw at Che bride and their family of Weston Mr and Mm Karl Thom son of Newfoundland brotherin law and sistonoltherbrido and their daughter Karen and and Mrs MacLean of Coiling wood brotheriniaw and sister ot the groom Miss Doreen Steele Montreal sister of the groom and friends from Barrie and Weston FORBES Ilfenetnrig St lLEETIIIIMS Sltï¬ltillIWES LBradford st Prices Elleclive Thurs Fri Sat 29 me off Golden lloilrs candy Scotch pepper rnlniu AJ pep permlhk Enr uah peppernflnts Jn Jubea ï¬tdnorico All sorn nu WhomUnw Toltee 297° 31 49+ Liamsouiiimroons rainy anniin tins 95 School DavsllIre Here Ctnot12 kLEENEx pkg so on as ourran lib pail 5129 166 it roll