Ans hernia the historyoiflthe churéh ndd From Quebec Mr and M5st and Wil Vain of Lachuie Quebec are vis fling with their daughter Mrs Couture this week Recent Visitors Mrs John Barker pf NewLow til visited Mr and hirs Bruce Demitro in the past week Mr and Mrs Keith McVancll of Barrie and Mr and Mrs Har old Arnold visited with Mr and Mrs Ernest Carman in Meatord on Sunday Community Synapathy ViIhe sympathy of this commun ityis extended to Mr and Mrs Earl Hirons and the Pencitun family in the passing away of their father Mr Penclton At Church Anniversary Several from here attended the fifth anniversary of St Judes Church in Thornton on Sunday Thirsty mYCANADA DRY AI availabto in handy Mom carton Canada Dry Bottling Co Barrie Manufactured By or Under Auth ority of Canada Dry Limited Limited their appreciation for the gifts delivered very interesting oer mou Holiday With Friends 1115 Kate Derereaux is on hol iday with her friends Mr and Mrs Jeanett Weekend at cutn Mr and Mrs Viviar Jennett of Toronto spent the weekend with triends at their summer cottage Motoring North Mraand Mn Claude Banting left on Saturday for motor trip north Prlncéspréss Miss Margaret Jennctt ls spend ing Weeks holiday in St Cath arines with Mr and Mrs Rots lord and family In Hospital Mrs Fred Nelson and Mrs Money are patiean in Royal Vic torin iospital We wish them speedy recovery Mr and Mrs Kongoth Suther land and son Gary spent their vacation with Mrs Suiherlands mother Mrs George Wilson Bid Farewell The congregation of the Ivy Presbyterian Church gathered in the basement of the church to bid tarcwell to Rev and Mrs Guergis on Tuesday evening Mr Guergis has been minister oi this church for the past seven years and his kindly face and Christian manner will be missed by all Bert MeQuay acted as chairman for the evening program of recitations songs and musical sc lections were enjoyed The Rev Bevan Monks from the Anglican Church was present illd express ed his regrets on Mr Guergis departure On behalf of his con gregation he wished Mr and Mrs Gucrgis the very best in their new home and charge Mrs Herman Jennett read an address and presented Mrs Guer gis with lazy Susan from the Missionary Society Bert McQuuy read an address and presented them wiht purse on behalf of the Ivy congregation Mr and Mrs Guergis expressed and invited tiilfltlier folks to visrt them Lunch was served and the even ing ended with The Queen DUMP Tliliiiii FOR HIRE Sand and Gravel for Sale PHONE PA 84351 Vale Acetorrs or smut YOURE covereo EITHER wav WITH 8020 AUTO INSURANCE Under this policy you pay only 20¢ of each $100 on the ï¬nt $250 of eachioss Above that amount State Farm pay every thing Call today for full information an um Imunucr so Eugenia it pays to how your STATE FARM Agent II II nu MITCHELL cIII Imam fora metre visit Sundress or housedress this princess style is wonderful fashion to weari Its simple smart always looks neat Easy sewing laundering too no frxlis to fuss over Make it in crisp cottons or the new noiron fabrics Pattcrn 4821i Misses Sites12 14 16 18 20 Size 16 takes 47 yards 35inch fabric This pattern easy to use simple to sew is tested for fit Has com plete illustrated instructions Send THIRTYFIVE CENTS 35c in coins stamps cannot be accepted ior this pattern Print plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANNE ADAMS care of The Barrie Examiner Pat tern Dept 60 Front St West Toronto Ont Holiday at Wasaga Reach Miss Margarettc Latimer and Miss Joanne Wilson Barrie are spending weeks holidays at Wasnga Beach Return Visit Mr and Mrs Charles Mederaft St Thomas spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Eldon Latimcr Mrs Latimer returned home with From Toronto Mrt and Mrs Richard Ireland and baby ofToronto spent weeks holiday with Dr and Mrs West Colborne Visit Mr and Mrs Victor MeMaster spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Ralph Carman at Colborne Evans Pefferlaw is visiting his soninlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Victor McMaster Back Home Murray McMaster returned home with his grandfather after holi day at Pefforlaw Recent Visitors Mrs Bell of Barrie and Mrs Raaflaub Orillia spent Monday with Mr and Mrs Duck worth MrsIDIinean Graham Barrie returned home from Quebec on Friday and is visiting her daugh ter Mrs Duokworth Mr and Mrs JackMunsen To St Barrie Phone PA 84036 ronto and Mr and Mrs Raymond lowest carrying wow monetary gmtlstifeon Active Frontier FRINGE ALBERT AUG 15 CHVA stillsprightly Wynnold pioneer who sawand took part in the growth of westernCanada il becoming legendamund here Irish born Dan Milllgln has been policeman explorer river boatman farmer prospector and shipbuilder during thelasi 70 years He is the only survivinz member of sixman party which staked mine leading to the growth of Ilin Finn Man Dans story has all the elem ents of an oldwest legend lie is whitehaired and softspoken now but vivid memory has caught eve detail of the past down to one dates when he first came to Canada and to Prince Albert as 20year old he worked as caretaker of the first curling rinkhere In the summer of 1386 was hired as fireman on the steam boat Marquis he recalls We made trip to Grand Rapids and on the way back the Marquis sank at Togan rapids damaged by rock Later the boat was repaired and brought back to Prince Albertbut it was never used again In 1886 Dan Milligan helped repair mill at Duck Lake that the Indians bad damaged during the Riel rebellion The next year he Joined the Royal Northwest Mounted Police as special con stable In the early 19005 he went to Ontario where he worked at build ing three steam boats on Lake Ahitibi He returned to the west and joined prospecting party which in 1915 discovered valuable ore deposits at Flin Iion other Party members were Dan and Jack Moshcr Leon and lsadore Dion and Tom Creighton Since 1918 Dan has lived on friends farm at nearby St Louis Despite his 90 years he moves hired hands on the farm His only regret now is that he is not young enoughto go to Uranium City in for northern Saskatchewan to stake few uranlt iumciaims Prospecting remains his first love Muir and son Barrte spent the vcy Robinson Day in Toronto liirt and Mrs Roy Plaxton and Mrs Graham and Jim spent day in Toronto to visit Mr Graham who is pat many friends are hoping speedy recovery Deepest Empathy Deepest sympathy is extended to the Ward family of Barrie formerly oLAngunin the passing of their dear mother Mrs Marion Ward who passed away last week Also sympathy to the Shaw fam ily in the passing of their dear sis ter Mrs Martin Auxiliary Euchre Mrs Stewart Mrs Banting Mrs Winkworth and Mrs Graves iliary euchre on Tuesday night for high score Mrs McLachrie Toronto is vts iting with Mrs Jessie OConnor Day in Tomato Miss Betty Jane and Marty spent Tuesday in Toronto Island Holiday and Karen are on holidays at Manitoulin Island gt Mrs daughter Miss Eeth Redfern Cai gary are visiting with Mr and Mrs Bryson Redfern mm NIAGARA Talks about twat7 avmwmazmvï¬wmgxmmWFanxw If main moan doohamdnnqoaa chromium nonaamsrms weekend with Mr and Mrs Har Lorne Plaxton Mrs Winkworth winning the prize Mr and Mrs Walter TarBush Mr and Mrs Bernard TarBush Lloyd Bedfern and her Bills marked 77 Humans scams human NICEBIG Innwuss on Jul LEISJUSY Ni omen MMETBA POQKOOPS VEHSUE New DOESNT GUM WECQDWINggaoWKEy AVE TVID THERMOS BOTTLES Wag emotions Wuwmlfï¬tgf c4 77 MW Ottawa with agility and he cooks for the WHAT mmmmwmo $1M if WI SAWMY R95 Wit MIOLE it PM Rm mmth It Mysmuim MEMORIAEIRWILATEE OF MYHFEPEMAFQEEMY 1915 iént in Sunnybrook Hospital His for MUGGS AND SKEETER Il more Ask your imperial Doctor about on£vorgroon Contract forguorontood furnace oliruppiyp Consult the Yellow Page of your phone directory foryour nearest Esso Burner Dtoioi Esso auRNERS Powni £550 on rowers THE arsr FOR WARM AIR HFATINGV erase not at IMPERIAL oILiIMIiED PLEA REMII Most people linvo glad that looseningan owo Pieauremirbyrenirn mail And many of us have not always been able to road ymenr by tom mail unplanned bill or at of trio ones motion cam drhir no in pe mMosilfeo ont as oy acid clear iway their debada time nation to spreads the aymeora into fu payenve ope friend ly an get you may rum ofmqn wathw rob to pay yourb You then have Iimeto rgny with payment on can andfo more easily simple way gadget back on your loans ilgnro eet Irren up to Slsoq fro are lifeinsuéeddr no card no ooyou on on many fflgndiitloins eh rates are lower on need moo why some ougivti yam one napy arrangin aNiagoro loannWoil be is to no you drop in NOW WEA NERVOSBOHLE iNNOCiMP Gilt NAMEPW Im Em liti Eli YHAT Is QUESTION nwr CAN mLY BE ANSW ANOTHER WW Mom WW 1607 mwrokgm mm omen Pulil want an no paginaten 3244 Barrie attended the Ladies Aux Bv Wally Bishop we MILE young mun menuscase Haw Aaoor name THE BOYS ween rue