if kegomend a117117£3mm11111x925523312 MONDAY AUGUST 27 1956 Section Pages Tie 10 ï¬g equipped with safety belts has hoen nude in Barrie by con oners jury An inquest was held into the August traffic death of Mrs Ed wsrdlaconibe 39 are Station Mother of five small children Mrs Lacombe was buried from the car which went out of con trol and overturned on 400 High way The driver of the auto and brotbeninlsw of the victim Ar Lhu Lacombe 31 Hamilton escaped with minor injuries He told police he was attempting to pass car pulling house trailcr whenil crowded his car on to thc boulevard Extend Sale For TransCanada Otiiiia Bypass Elana ifthï¬nbassadoISDaugliter the mini bypass of the TransCainda Highway has manm Tommy Noonan Francis Lederer Edward Arnold Mmor Watson OLIVIA de HAVILLAND JOHN FORSYTHErMYRNALOY ADOLPHE MENJOU In the Ontario Department of Highways his extended the Atlierloy toad No 12 high way with the bypass west of pu tender date to Sept grooms PRICES been extended The contract is or gndlng WrittenLProducedtoirected by Norman Krasna culverts and gravel on 33 It is expected that work on the road will be started this ADULTS 45¢ CHILDREN 20¢ CINEMASCOPE ON OUR WIDE SCREEN Originally tenders were to have closed as of Aug 22 but In CINEMAScoPE Print byTECHNIGDLOR miles of new road across ed Artists south Orilila connecting the Muse hm your after lenders have been let some time in September ti CHARLES McMAETlN Barrie Chairman of the Area Committee of the Air Cadet League and Squadron Leader Ditches Pattee DFC Training Command Air Cadet Liaison Qtficer By nos Toke Councils Time delegation from section of the tub concession west of side foad who petitiollefolï¬h ditch across theconcesslongt and north as far as pondrohthanOth line came back to Council toflndthat little or no action had been taken on their request since they were will be delayed again until too wet to get the work done this year The Council felt that the engineer Mr Weir had more work than he could attend to letter from the secretary of the Gienwood Beach Association about flooding conditions there owing to water backing up in the ditches was not according to Deputy Reeve Sproul township liability and the clerk was in structcd to advise the association RCAF Station Camp Borden has been built by the erection of are temporarersmceroom stetho site of the old school tended to house about 40 pupils it will be used until the present continuation school is not re quircd Belle Ewart is having difficulty in making the commuii ity hall fit for pupils as the build4 ing was found to have settled eons sidcrably and has to have new foundation underit before work to make it into class rooms can be commenced It is unlikely that it will be ready for the open ing of the school period Another Constable For Force Council were requested33 agree to the appointment of sixth constable Mr Cronic who has during the summer been night man at the park He has already been taken on probation This is ln chat with members of the United States Civil Air Patrol and the Royal Canadian Air Cadets during Resort Areas Closing Now Mth the weekend recent visit to salary was the only matter adjust in the lastmotion Milesgcis big factor in this work tjio opening gtof CNE and the cold weather driving people indoors most of tilt sumimer sorts are having teir arewe names this weekend and Wm be detailed description had been heading back to their homes in the city The children are all do sising to see the ONE and mother has lot of fixing up to do to get them ready for back to school Some of theassociatlons will be holding their farewellparty on thej labor dsyweekendmany of the owners coming bsck just for Most summer stores and eating places were open with greatly reduced staffs pocket book was picked up Mon day morning on the beach at the park Superintendent Martin was anxious to locate the owner as apparently he had goncoff in the nude or bathing suit The 0de bookswhichcontainedr money and identification papers showed that the clothing be longed to Harrie McCagliarty of Toronto address Before investigations disclosed what had become of the owner John Young of Queen St East Toronto come to enquire if the clothing had been found After given of the effects they were handed over by Mr Mchbb who ivas looking into the matter got drinking after his swim and had gone on to Toronto in the rgottcrr where he left them un til he sobered up in the morning The possibility that there may have been foul play was not con sidered but the fact that thlo owner did not come for his cloth Young said that the owner hadl or leaving his clothing He hadt Barrie Branch CSA Discuss tairPomts information of an important nature was laid before members at Adgus on July 25 last This report is timed to remind civtl servants and cssusls that coming Wednesday is meeting day of the Barrie branch of thcbssoelation visitor from Penctang Art McKee gave an appropriate we face to the provincial presidents discussion Pointing up the oper ationof CSA under its present leader Mr McKee envisioned great growth in membership wider fields of administration largehicreï¬ in stiff tor buildings and equipment Today the organization musthc in every way adequately adapted to meet requirements of vigorous func tioning He concluded by citing the prospect of greater strength andiuscfulnessiundcr spermanent chief executives Mr Bowen then presented comprehensive analysis of the budget with convincing explanae tions respecting each of the long of items lie described the rig costs of maintaining this institution which must do more and greater work for its members He stated the need of full time central official and two fieldmen and he made it very clear that recent attitudes and develop monts on government side ind icatc new recognition of cm ployecs petitions the Premier himself leading the way toward fair trestmentsnd better wiser udderstanding$ note for the casuals who had representation at Angus in July In support of th to or of articles written in Tri question may be in unit How about un reasonable discrimination in the compensation of men who work side by side at the so sim liar jobs with equal efficiency and spced expected for equal hours and periods of time with conditions and circumstances like The present appears as the op portunc time to remember that SCAO is useful only in so far as it ministers to the needs of all members The government can only dice tatc unlessand until membership shows intelligent lively under standing and united front and speaks with definite sndconvlnc ing voice fcamimrirxsinm i=on YOUR PRINTING NEEDS hére last spring Niycngineers re port was available and the paper work was in abeyance They wanted the work doneduring the dry period as if it turns wet it would be difficult newsrea ident Mr Lawson who came from Weston and hsd been told when he purchased the property that the ditch was sure thing was surprised to learn that not all those affected had signed the petition He offered to obtain an engineer if the township could not mutual arrangement to do the work had been turned down by some whowould not pay share of $1400 costs phone call tothe township engineer revealed that he had not yet looked over theproposition to that effect They claimed that the water could not get away be cause of obstructions in the ditch near the lake The surveyor told council thatat that time with so much rain everywhere was flooded School Board Buy Property The Area School Board have come to an agreement with the Cemetery Board of St Pauls Church toget two and half acres of the southerly limit of their property for new school at St Pauls They will exchange the property they now have there and pay difference of $75000 for the land This will place the The Hewitt ditch cleanéd out new school on the cut offof the thisspring was also mentioned as 31 highway and 315 1t the meland gwnmesjdeétfï¬ schoolrbeyondtherlimitsfasjpro levelling done they can work posed to be incorporated into the it up this fall The tree stumps town of Barrie that are on the side areto be The Chum Win make 59 removed and theirDad supervisor the old school grounds as part will ask fora contractor to take the Cememry and the built1L this on ing whichhwillh become the pro The new gt pcrty urch may be util subject of $1133 $553153 ized as boys work centre The owner of lot 23 who asked hat old school which is close to 100 me lo years old could not be moved lt OJ wer part of this be cleaned contgnué mibe theipmpeflx 73f he schol board until they ing himself or send note seemed strange Mr Martin states that man by name of Young had been looking for McCaghorty couple of days previous saying that ho had got sway from them and they did not know where he went on the force Deputy Reeve Sproulc felt that after the sum mer it would be better to reduce rather than increase the force Councillor Cochraner suggested that perhaps change was neod ed in the force gs he felt things were being put over on us as he stated Mention was made of municipality that had got into difficulty when change of the head of the department was made before hearing had been given motion that the dog licenses should be received by Sept or action taken by the police depart ment was made Assessor Sproule askedsome additional time as he had not yet seen all the ratepay ers He hoped to have consider able more in when he did 50 George Hunter owner of the store and restaurant at Glenwood Beach has sold his business in cluding the parking property and boat business The sale which was closed with next door neighbor before advertising could be placed in Toronto papers al though it had appeared in The Examiner wasfor the amount of $40000 Mr and Mrs Hunter and family will leave on Sept for Florida where he has beena winter resident and an employee of large hotel for few years past The children attend school in Florida He has retained lot at Glenwood Beach on which he anticipates building cottage so that the family may summer there gPii85934 pporscr WHAT lJou OWN INSUPE BU Films 53in GENERAL INSURANCE Ciapperton Street ORDERED asauerc5211271ssaiisrtecri BILL CURRVY APPOINTED 60 MINUTE TIME LIMIl OUT OF FALLS HPJAjk°99Wonr€lot For Inspector Found In Pork Councillor Campbell mentioned that he had seen by The Exam The entire clothing of man iner that the building inspector including wrist watch and was to get his mileage paidI He said he was not aware of this othersagreed The motions that hired Gordon Mason read as fol lows June 6by BennyCamp be That Gordon Mason he em ployeiLasereliioffieeLandebuildL ing inspector on temporary bas The ditch on have been asking fo some years are fear seeon cession is yet to be start it and the property owners there who this for ing that it have their newbuildingin oper ation which is limited to two years in the agreement Some of the pupils from this area will have to betransported to Painswick as there aremore than can be seated in the old school The teacher problem is serious with the Board and at their last meeting theywere in searchlof couple more teachers It was hoped that some of the married teachers in the township notnow employed would volunteer to take is until the end of the month on salary of $100 per hour and eight cents per mile If at the end of the period satisfaction to both parties salary to be arranged for further duties fJuly 8rd motion by Cochrane Sproule That Gordonleason be hired as relief officer and build ing in actor on monthly salary of $2 000 per month for period of three monthsat the end of which if satisfactory he be en titled to fairly substantial in crease and be engaged on year IvMoreFIILvsSim sEMIriNsLL FRANKIE Monruss soon28 VBATTLEicnira ALDO RAY VAN HEKLIN NEWS schools ly basis At Lefroy an additional room It would heapparent that the cpvnn rim noses inYOUR Insurance program and be sure you are rotected Cheap Insurance is bargain if it doesnlt repay yourloss claim Tomemerino of gettln the right Insurance in good comps esYOU should consult an INSURANCE WED his lltlllliMEil Vicron Memoran snasron FOSTER