Summer In Sun Patio rConstruction For summer with more fun in the sun one at the biggest rc turns for small Investment is the construction at apatio It provides more living space for playing eating and enter taining it cuts down on main tenancetheres no lawn to mow so theres nioro time to relax with the lamily Concrete products manufactur ers have made patiobuilding easy with the production of concrete patio slabs in several colors They are easy to handle and Inexpen rive All you have to do is prepare oscAa7rrviunaza FRIENDLY PLUMBER IR yrs iNDEED FRIEND ALL AVE eumwmw PLUMBING HEATING PliPABlt3 sand or gravel bed select pattern and place the slabs in position Patio slab dimensions are usu ally about is 25 inches just right for easy handling and almost any or the dozens of pat terns that can be used in building concrete block walls will serve equally well or patios Patio slabs arent joined with mortar for good reason The earth around new home settles and provision must be made so that the slabs can be levelled from time totime The sand or gravel can easily be adjusted to level the patio it any oi the slabs get out of line due to earth set tlement Maintenance is simple good washing down with hose from time to time keeps the slabs clean and attractive Some advance planning will in crease your enjoyment oi your outdoor living area Location ls important to ensure the best view and as much privacy as you want rrProtectlon fromraunrwindr and rain is an important considera tion especially if youplau to eat or entertain outdoors Experts advise putting your patio plans down on paper first outline house scale on squared paper then sketch the patio areas on thin piece oi paper placed over the outline This Jielps you to visualize the area and allows you to try sev eral plans choosing the one most suitable patio can be work centre hobby area barbecue area dining space or play area for the tor the most effective use Attention should be given in the planning to the surroundings for and property to childrenamong otheruseP18I the patio It you choose colored concrete patio slabs and work out your own pattern how will they lit in with the trees sbrubs dcr your patio Will you want to plant mcre build wall or privacy extend your patio vvith garden walk terrace flower bed border or the many other attractive outdoor units you can build with concrete terrace slabs Recommendation is that patios be made at least twice the size of indoor living rooms Your concrete producLs manu iacturcr will be glad to help you choose pattern and will advise you on costs Consult him while your planning is in the early stages His advice cah save you time and money BELL HISTORY The history of belts in the west crn world began about 400 AD iii Mlle PLUMBER 7wa Vii2w amaï¬ waizic we Do oIJ winced SERVED AND PLUMBINGHEATING cod JAM PA 83770 it wear We sat ILDIIIG SERVICE MEN FIRES ARE CRUSED BY flowers and plants that will bor 84DUNLOP SlWE5l Niwsf fANiIijwiiis filBuildviï¬YouiVSGIf CoirTo Soboi ifoquilhocit Fun at Shore lltliiill mm My room WINl0 If new Mm NonIlsa on It awe DETAILED runs above let the eightelootsalling dioghy save theaariioie andin paittwfot the serlescfonstluctloh detainjtortaarthohiu transects anew 1W aséembly will be given Hens ARE MKTERIKLSNEEDED roa ASABOT MATEWPlanklng two 4x8 loot sheets quarter inch waterproof glue tin plywood transoms 4x4 tootsheet or hairinch llr plywotid keelson x3 inchby feet BARRm MONDAY AUGUST 27 1958 145 GM SIMON DOUGLAS There were 145 persona in the The Do ugly fir is named In mud sum mm com honor oi David Douglas Scot 000000 year or more among the 58M income tax returns tish botanist who introduced It into Europe in 182 We 5pecieiiae iii 599 See us for your Industrial and Building Requirements ANGLES BEAMS 2151135 SHEETS BARS Hot ond Cold Rolled New largo modern equipped workshop at as am so Prion PA 83744 lillililli iiIiHilili lilNlIlll Ni ii Xi Modern Kitchens moire hie much happier Maybe It isnt as expensive as you think to fix up that old fashioned kitchen so that its really up to date at least you owe it to yourscll tofiina out WE ARE ALWAYS HAPPY TO DISCUSS INDIVIDUAL PROBLEMS WITH CUSTOMERS AT DENIS SHEAEDS YOU GET High Quality Materials ExperienccdAdvlu Reasonable Prices Elilcicnt Delivery Service Convenient parking and loading it you pick up Easyacccsalblllty to Town and Country specially goodTlmEPaymuatPlau to approved accounts DENIS SHEARD LTD ansmcm Miles South or Barrie on Hwy 11 Phone Strand 68 Collect WllY PllY CDTTIlliE IIEIIT YEIIII IllTEII YEIIII Build Your Beaver Cottogo Now And wanioy ma it usioiiinovvxasfsia mason Planning home of your own Allandale Lumber can give you complete building service from drawing the plans to lifetime maintenance program Come inand inquire about details at no oblig ation spruce pine or yellow cedar keel x2 inch by feet oak chine stringersyone piece 1x3 inch spruce pine or yellow cedar gunwole stringers two pieces 1x1 inch by feet spruce pine or yellow cedar Fastening two gross lnch No brass Lh wood screws for planking etc three dozen tnchNo for irames etc three dozen inch No for outer keel etc Marlne grade lir plywood is made especially for boat and hull planking however the waterproof glue bond 01 regular grade llr plywood will ensure sound dependable FAULTY Wliilliii Play it Sale Cali THE BEAVER rcorerE BEDROOMS LIVING ROOM KITCHEN AND BATH large Siiéious Familycmage At Surprisingly Low Cost Sabot This is the first In series on how to build an eightfoot sailing dinghy By Barry Furniss gt minim NEED xs valo ix i2 iIllll SHEHTIIIIIG 30m if LIIIIHIN TilE anon as ClIMEIIT uiiiisiiisi riiwonii iiic SEE VIIIIII BUILDING CONSULTANT Inquire about complete plans or alterationsto designs by our qualified architectural draftsqu graduate of Ryerson Free Estimate ormamnarsomsorp newsmanmanome iiiiiiis Hill5581 So you want to build dinghy Naturally you antone that Will sail like dream rflightiasLiontherJorAeorboptransportation will holditwollsiflHnan dicining box Her fishermen and even take tiny two horsepower outboard 905 What make be kept to minimum it youre This time Imready for you ir plywood in aseries of calefuli iIIlludlng thEdeB 53 The answer is Sabot one of the Six €1951m 39mg 91 YW sweetest little prams to be seen hlw twwm mm on the watch You flee many sail shes versatile little craft ofthem today fleets of these and 1° mm 0W trim craft on weekends wea So with bow to the Rudder ther permittin futiliflaing Company from whom tained permission to copy her SOUND 1355qu lines down to thebasement lads LleiiormancLis provenandletsigct bus ï¬tncidentallyr well found While it you are lookin tor plans for shes not as easy to as other plywoudrboats including flatbottomed punt even bumb strictlynnn iling cartop pram Part ll we will show you how ling amateur liL me can do aseveral are availablewithouteostto get started on the mould trans With waterpyooï¬ irom yourzplywooddealer sums and assembly gourmet WAto wetsuit WA will meet at thehoanf Mrs Harris Wednesday Sept Swat oclock ISQ rr The attractive trenddesigned Beaver Cottage has many added features to increase livability comfortand value large tullviéw picture window seven ialousie windows for full and controlled ventilationywith adjustable glass louxros large root ozlerhang for more shadecomfort and many more feature ucs But before you do any work on on Sabot spend sometime study ing the plans At first youll won der how this or that piece fitsor what certain measurements are but careful perusal of the plans willjreveah all the necessary de tails Remember all measure meatsoisthelinerare to theouF side of the planking IMPEFIRL ease DEALiR 721annediorsconpmicauroublojreLbuildinLtlieJieayer CoL tags is preeut tosave you hours of tedious work or high costs exactly the right material in the right uantities Complete with easytoiollow plans you can Buildi yourself or have it built either way you save money on material and labour with the aver Cottage Beaver preplanning prevents ï¬costly errorskmiscaloulationannd waste The Beaver Cottage is on display in our Parking lot ï¬ll Illll Rlltl PliflNE Pits32130 Shop Sopiii Kenneth and Kathry Bowman of Knock are holidaying with Mr pad MrsVictor Howard and to and Operation Terry Couplandis patient Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie where he underwent an operation Mr and onTu day our best wishes for rcellus Wyevale speedy recovery IIlliifiSliIii lilfllil STANDARD GA AGES ii Limwzo customer coNSmniiano The ï¬rst éonatdbndo Id Sire innimui