mm Mr ind Mrs Mike Bischem Weekwlih lather andhmily at Highland Creek an Corhleloi alumna dud mi Rmn apeot lutweek with 10 Wutherbee on Sunday lira Nornnn Nettiy Ind lit Nellly and Attended the weddlnl Oemlew Maï¬aW lnCoohvilleonSatnrdlyotMrl Guelph Visit load sports as the iotteuhnm rink The Cemetery Boudqlend an Nam Wm Mrs Harvey Maglonghlen re whichwonh In tattoo to all to attend the ck turned tut week mm visit with Two rinks oi lldiex trobles mo de ationservtce of the new en or fiends in Guelph tored tn Barrte on Fltids last for mum to me cemetery on SW lflss Jean Sturgeon in NW mumthen held on Barrie dly Aug It 230 leII ed tothe East Generulllorpltn1 Weekend with Mother green urn chridge Mrs Wice Torontontter three weeks we Dan Galbraith spent the PM ind Mrs Keogh were high or Change Date Flower Show min with her parents Mr an Weekend Wm his mm one win The other rink was Mrs Please note that the Vesï¬n Mn wmunr sturaqn Gllhriilhi l1 Walkem Mrs IL lrwvalkem Horticultural Society flower show Back mm ï¬eld and Mrs Helen Sinclair which was to have been held on nody Mrs Carl Fleur and 501i lélufll Aug is postponed until A93 Mrannd him Ernest Kneeshn edSaturday from weeks vucn NW Du Hum 29 um Forestry 111 and 1nd Bob emoyed motor trip mm Beach The other day he writer heard burst The Juniors pluse Ike Wmmm 35W the following remark lhereis mm 61 vm Honda never ran moment Imong the Clare Ann Schriner or Toronto mm of Mummy The lite mama Mr and Ericthight on holiday wilh her mod has just been learncd that Word wuvrec ve an and Brionropent Sunday parents Mr and Mrs KeoglL one to n4 women has wh at the death of Liaimerunspzl Mrand Mrs Harold Wright of rJerry and Ruthie Lyonsdaugh we call snoring coffee pot 51mm Ev Sh Gt19 gt irrs oi iii and Mrs Merle Lyo The other evening our ladies drew Studen Vancouver dB Sunday Guests of Lindsey are on holidays at the livers enjoying table of bridge and Ml 53er WM Sun my guests with Mr not home of Mr and Mrs Joseph Bel when they heard sound resom ceased her 47 years ago last Jan Mm Ernest Dues and auendmg ford bling man snoring SuretSome unry fumed the firm now own the service at Ebenezer Church tended yum one had come in the back door ed by Joseph Wud Hollowan were Mr and Mn Ed Mooreyof and um Wilma Fame and had mien asleep her husbands denth she and her Barrie and Mr nnd Mrs William AHUSBAND attended the funeral oi the late The terrified women thought of Emily 511 Sin Chlldren Hunter Toronto 22185 Francls Chapman of Wood all means of escape ponihiy evcn move W951 Klndmkyr 53 Mrnnd Mr MclTnylor and gt ASATARPAGlt bridge on Wednesday of ice picks Alter some confus ntChEWon Ilhd with Spare hall Q1ildrenflc€t0n were Sunday Ion it was discovered the hostess struggled to mtuntnln and farmlguestrwflh Mr ridHg Douglas susa cum hnd put on the coitee pmolator landiwhlch Min Standen had only Tnylor WYmg wm gmngpgmï¬ls and had commenced operations short time prior to his death and James TD or No comment from the men taken up She rcoilyknew whnt weak Mk pioneer work in the Westwas ï¬r mam mï¬ngélohï¬ and when she had to go out in the chlldmn Toronto were with the hi 52 $23323 farmers parents Mr Ind Mrs andablio help her To add rlttuico Debong over the weclrendr Sunday Visit to her already and life he was Few Days with Pnrenta MaMuiEggd Igginfnxgilflggmkvï¬g suddenly hereavedof her small Hrs Earlc lrwin and daughter daughter Dorothy Hut through Nancy spent few dnys recently at genrgfugedazzggwiï¬gsihfépggff all this she courageously carried the home of her parentsMr ond owing very enjoyable weeks on and raised her remaining gt gt Mrs Jnmes Drummond mum family Blll Tough at Chatham is on Command Park Service tu MY tANUw holidays at his home here Mr and Mrs Jack Ellis Mr nnd The annual Park Service for the ms THE anyone with AT THE NOTE Mrs AlienMiller Mr and Mrs our congregations of Minesing gt 3WOW AT TODD Con ratumiiingrgfchyin order to 519 Rdeinsleh Saskat United church charge will 132 age ocean In flaw Mr Ed Mrs James Toughand chewnn spent Thursday in Coli held Sunday Aug It l1 mm in Mrs Ede paimcr on winning me ingwood and Wasoga Bench Springwntehlark Specml music lion Earl Rowcfirophy at Beeton Weekend sums by the Show Edenqu Eff3 onSatuiduy last at it mixed Mn Mm Cu Mr and Come so why an apt treble tournament The trophy is vice All are invited benumul new one which my Mrs Robert Ross Hamilton Visi bowling club would be proud to glï¬swflh Mn MShqeorge present to such ï¬ne bowlers and air and Mrs Cecil Denney and JOHN Fairport Beach visited with NIAGARA Mr and Mrs Jock Ellis 9m miiiiiiiï¬ifliziï¬f£253 sum Attend McLean Reunion 1h Au Mr in gt Mrs Wesley Hughes Douglas ms vfljFSpeegfs Tm NIAGARA DAN MEMBER newW smother gtflmWMieo and Bob attended the McLean re and Mrs mean anemia icooitwup as two ad lFTIlEBEALBERTtEPuT union on Sunday 135 Comï¬woud vismh vim Fred 7031500 migran may MOFWEELLEZ 1455 grammar ï¬nwwscmczeumrs Mr and Mrs Foster Col mean mum 15 MA Lt FAVORITE gt WWILL amnesia iingwuod were visiting iiiLou The ï¬ght ror MNTY um 52125 Ws 351512160915 Neiliys on Saturday number from hero attended OWJTPJEF IKE ROWIN The Late Percy Thompson the Monresiarker fight in Tor ï¬MkOHENINroe TMEMTVEEE Sympathy is extended to Mrs onto Percy Thompson and family ih the Mr and Mrs Harry Knras and death husband and father David TorontoMr and Mrs to 93 sundny miflg George King Patsy and Luna A1 Gunpue lower naeo liston visited with Mr and mm mm Numbm oronto Preacher elm Campunr dulcfezi Eihffksgviéqmagf Mr amLMrs Allan Gibson and AGARA morning or gplenaid congrégg family Alliston Mr and Mrs Or LOANS iron in the United Church mie Turnhull and daughters Bax ter visited with Hector Turnbulls himnfactored It or Under Anth vi llench Association Glen Cliff Roy Jeacoclr nnd orlty of Con Dry Limiter Dont forget the Beach Associo friend all oi Toronto visited with THEWILSON BUILDIN Canada Dry Bottling Co Barrier tion servicemn sunday at 11am Mr and Mrs McCann Jost Office 511 Ph PA 84610 Limited Van unsethv gt Muacsiiinskrnii ByVVolinislop miAis me StZE IWORE THE NIGHT PA PRqPosEnl Tins is moeeo we WILL HEAD NORTH soon we MUST PASS FINECOUNTRY ON SLAvg Rives OVERLAND To THE souiH Heywhee DiDYOiJ no Stekin new route to the Arctic he leit past Chipewynn in June 7119 AI Whale Island unmanned Mackenzie mini oiopen Fort Chipewyan on Ln nthhuh uide Ioiiedhlackenzic innira in new rritoryrighi to the western in Muy I793 he set out agnln JHISJiOCK suALL MARK oun ACHIEVEMENT rink Luigis Trayelling at on 22nd 179 There for tourMnckenrie in 1801 Mnmoklhey hid iron ihmughiv Soonother followed when usas MY vowioes or DISCWERV TERMINATE AYE BEG ED Tusnswmo My tABOuRS1FOR rusvgwéae mowneo bwdllh miyhna uhlehiln leigrind null