iCyURTINOES1 Continued from page nine 39 concession Innist 29 and skidded feet and Tthrough cedar hedge at gol course and at cedar andoh zlfllactinolL ulna ice headquarters two hours la but PC Ferguson and oh the damage at 10 or hour alter the accident ed he was fined $2 plus costs Essa stirs Serious Situation 0n inlorlmtinn secured by Cplr 91Kelloï¬g OPPI illsLiv Junek and cop ing liquorrï¬r sole wasunlyald by the oliicer against John Nichol son 0m luateaun£13arrie On July is he had observed it being scrved and had convemmin on July 22 at 220amand iound ale inaear with hottle at part lie also hadknowledge tecn agers heing involved The accusedj49 who Ippeared to he in poorheaith butxis arpiasterer by trade toldin courtthathis wife and two children also stepdaughter are all in California with the stepfather He also claimed that the situation started at his home through poker par ties and had developed beyond his control He sometimes sold liquor sometimes gave it away and sometimes drank himself He had but one previous convic tion of impaired driving and was lined $200 with costs at $25 or two months His home is also declared public place Saw Him Poss Charged by PC Winger with careless driving on June 29 at 11 pm in Barrie Donald VHErsey in his own defence stated that the officer had claimcdyto have seen him pass another car on curve on Bradford Street near Brook Street and contended that this could not he done as he was in front 01 three cars The oili cer howeverin the cruiser said that he could see Hersey make the turn on the cltrve but not ntterward and he did not consid er it necessary to follow His Worship noting that the pulling out had been over white line on curvemude the fine $10 with costs $1450 Similar Case Donald Cockhum RCASC To mnto charged by PC Winger with careless driving on Bradford Street on June 29 claimed that he was not guilty The officer on duty at 11 pm that day on Bradford Street near the CGE saw the car pass at high speed and noted that the other car Hum prl Thom aonsluud it dangerous driv Went intopitchj charge at careless driving Rumond Arnivenyalso Swervad To Right charge laidbyPcI when all tion otitha sends and than the makinthe delivery Jude Camp Borden nine was reserved untilww ABE 22 hy Hi Worship To McClun OPP on July 15 dence gt had been following the accused careless driving on 400 Gordon Nicholas leaded not gull Evi thcrt Ross was he nearvtbe endol theaguard nil Vi iBrou Shall Cosa In defence of Benjamin Feld man in the charge of possession mt bras shell cases defence coon sci Gordon litTurk produced wi limes irompuhlic lworks and other sources to show that acon siderahlenmount ot scrapmetal is picked up in thevgarhage coil where oolnerges intoll north in Oroand at11A5 grin ashe wnsovertlking him hewaered to the lett and Jinn to the right rections and at the armoury lhere was also evidence of Jack Stollar regarding the type of bag in which this is nsnaliy placed Mr Thompson recalled the warning given in 1955 on similar goods and he pointed out that the vconlhined sources of supply as shown in deience evidence ldid not total anywhere near the amount involved Cpl Eiidfeli Jon BEAVER GOOD we TO KNOW norm your cannon on THE snows nunch rm No we to put slalom your cottasanlneod or mad Ellh build on the Beaver Budget Plan easy plymlnu on cottage hulldinl tron $100 to $5600 129 Bradford st Phone PA 85913 Essa of semi km by thaCNRand nearthe pia éhusedlhgt Ca OPP with theft on uly 15 in young man1ohnShhrow ea edgnilty was convicteddd re nlanden or sentence on Ans mo mulvnli About 15000 pendnl are played in the opmtion at British ports abolit hall 01 than dock workers CALI F0 YOUR PRINTING or cumy 130 on issuing Maren ummusmrcms EltAï¬tY WITH luusmrlous iN lliE ext MWseorrsAo KOWWHAUM WWI Ii fAiSliii Well actsally Im not really pointingatanything lm merely here topoinr our the value of having wellknown trust company administer youz mateYou see your estate is far too impomnl to put away in the background He has point you know Ityon were to take advanlcge of the cooperation and experience gt or The Sterling Trusts Corponnon who it could very well In lot oiinconyenience and lrouble later Wrile today or our free booklet Blueprint For Your FamilyIll covers many of the aspects of estate administration THE STERLING ransrs on no RA uANEu omen Id Darlings In passed another vehicle on the wrong side at John north hound Cockhurn claimed that this car whs parked there but the magis trate took the flicers evidence and Ihe fine $10 with costs of $1450 THURSDAY JULY 28 District day with Sgt Lewis assisted by PC Park on court duties and 83 charges haud led or adjourned CroWn Attor ney Thompson was present charge of careless driving laid by PC Macdonald OPP against John Mdersou oi Bur lington defended by Schrei er caused much interest with etails of speed to 97 for 14lniles nly ata railway crossing Cou sei checked every ang police lear eltieiency with 95 limit res speedometer no lightson me northbound cars as south hound was humpertobumper no flasher chapel car and is speed driving and other he fact remained 3that only arhonlevard separated ithe speeder fro the helpless vtrafflclme anda fine of $90 with osts $1450 andlicense suspend for two months with comment His Worship This is aactly he type of driving welsre trying to stop in myopinion he has SOOTHiNG VAPORS BRING iNSTANT ASTHMA REtiEF DSEiizl Will Kelloigzahldm sellertor ali Only plus deposit in the big 5glass bottle rlrm ungu and 1101 nionlhcilrwlniato cnossio rlsn carom playable agurna oil 11 do Répyllllg vioulmomos can ha oh gridiron this newspaper 5th ouch game pill lorpostogo Compton lulu on Every commerce 9le PLAYING AREA muuwo olilvn bring VIII tloua otomanta milk mlnua nu water and oz nunma IllAll or MILK mm milk uni norm om smuea with tun mat neuron or PIPgt5PONGE Monaural éoEnlngrnm InfluhanuailU do in PM manna illTNT tuseu EMIUMVMNK mum new mum 1mm Laun rlfhagrkt dfrStarch no eoohlnl dollclovl mum to cold IllIr around mixed em uliy with on lamn1 BENDIX WASHER AND RVER The ultimate in nun Mpilnthoworldr rnootleonolnieai iraahaf mm wttli tha 1mm mil IIIE PASTEI TOILET TISSUE coloured nun Thu with mime alant to your lathle color rdnm ns mmm wwrsvr rooftop on mxm in mosm dukes lohl unu or dduelo Im menus mm begun to lh KKOVAH SALTS omqlla indigo In uigqnu upst stomach and onle sound hy gas in IACMLLI Polarll and mm mue lam costearth Egoohoeol amenwon butth mum WISTINoitoull no lemon CAR MIXII shinny lavemar yin so way am not heal and mm Imus tainr lanolin pool can any roll Marla but Wm PRIPI OF ARABIA CGFFEE gob MLnadir ms or moons coman You my ha in Manor no any on your Balm in neamsalan trip so rooayoulo cIllrs Wiwi lulhhlo la urflvom no so Allenl spasm vl ulna aim or vumn you you need rm loud to teenyguru ole VieMir nuth it an ill elven sarcomas Kameha ml our sur nnmsnmemn unmounte col lanth maquitoe III dawn ndrelal minutl Islam sup luvrel human chilled mu nesmmm handy homo cunn andsco cleanest an tlino chemo CMW unionisml gt alumni elm Glln its hymns Wm torumh 15 oinl and denrt on Each have some he wonda one no nylu can entiro an BM ll 00¢ Minute Ill be and II we Illllhlllm Vlutlnlhwu Automatic Papalp Toaster av Jonknl Mu nnu Watch by an Tollaj rmr on Your 7m Cars In this Sumplo Fromer lOBLAW STORE user You March the Exact Iliuflrntlon lnthia rAdvartlumenl with tho Dn nn Your Card no crossour nooucrrlcruse GAME ICWIII ud mun mu no 103 la II no mi or Im viMh munin wally mum at IWMMH althN mm mm Walloon unit room In burghst tn twgnh anan Ilsa yonrroonljtthout can sola Glldden denier thxt uwpiuco on hounan rsr Lama on their Elm or you Ihnrtenlnll and ï¬x°mf°°il mum ammo rm Jan Maintain IIIIn 5dliflmvie=im rand310w Itmyhflyfln ï¬ller loudly FLUINO nolnr lam class II Pleasantly Tertumed Flush 19mm no em and lhiefllonahln no ranti aï¬a nu But amm lahlnl MN 01 Im viola1nd lbs