Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Aug 1956, p. 8

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was ass PARKER JEFF HUNTER nus FOX Mbvu hTOhlE NEWS Sums arraa saunai Moment use limo15 li MONDAY TllESllilY WEDNESllilY MATINEESMONDAY AND WEDNESPAY 230 pm EVENING snows AT 645 pm GRAND CNICHQLIDAY ATTRACTION he had to find her he had to find her munsnay VISTA VISION AND TECHNICOLOR miaxar snrekflmmsur munsin snr tonnauoassaiunniv fanfare RAILS iNro LAaAMIc insTECHNlCQLORwiIh cam illilliiiiillT snowama Simon ismin JOHN PAYNE DAN PURYEA MARI BLANCHsap 2ND HIT foavuLjeooosssii JOHNNY WEISMULLER instnuts on ma presided wilh Asslatnnt Crown Attorney EL Kennedy ChieIIE Tachirbart was on court duty with misunce of Bar ric ouster McKenzie antic Winger LCA Cases As customary some of thcse me up first and respite were convictions on otdlnary cases0 intoxication and fines of $10 plus $5 or five days For having beer or wine in place other than buyers residence it was $13 plus $5 or if more serious $20 to $25 If of liquor and with higher costs in one case of man and wife on recent charges thefirie was total of $50 plus $1 on two separ ate charges WWW Cases On charge bv Provost SSat Boisvert asof July 21 LCnl Edwards was charged with driving whileabillty imoaircd on Julv 21 at Camp Borden The staff sergeant was on duty at the time and noted that the accused hadvdifiiéulty in backing his car and had investigated The re suit was fine of $80 with costs of $5 and suspension of license for two months WilliamJ McMurtrie had also similar charge laid by the Staff and with evidence of LCnl Shaver that the accused driving large car had gone off the road while facing west on the east side and was found tobc impaired as driver His fine was $80 with costs of Took Tire and Wheel Charged with taking tire and wheeifrom Barrie Motor Sales on July 20 Hubert VanDerHeydcn and Raymond Walton pleaded guilty later Evidence of PC Morrison of Barrio Police was that the men had been contacted at St Pauls Garage and had the articles there Judgment on pieaof guilty wasreserved by His Worship Drove Carelessly To charge of careless driv Franlr OConnor pleaded not guilty LCpl Shaver stated that he noted that the car was on the left of the road stopped 50 feet from the corner and was parked on the sidewalk and the accused had been drinking bu was not lntoxicat itdelenc witness Roh Harris stated that the vehicle was not on the side walk on the same level His Worship taking the Provosts evidence ruled for conviction with fine of $80 plus costs of $750 OnStrone Ground Charged Prov LCpl Pearson with careless driving on Cambrai Road July George Marshall pleaded guilty but ex plained that hewas not familiar with the Camp roads He had struck another car in the centre of the road causing damage Unv Milli TillS1Wlil MiliililiES Milli iillllWElltmii Pill fATGUNPOiNT in COLOK ANDCINEMASCOPE Wiih FRED MACMURRAY ANDDOROTHY MALONE 2nd Hu WAYNE MoRaIsihGaEsN BUDDAH ROXY GRANADA rAMOus PLAYERS rusarass NEW towau Back From Trip Mr and Mrs Herb Paddison returned home after trip to Buffal In Gnelph Mr Clarke are 9nANcIN in Guelph for aweék or two fiecent Visitors Mr and Mrs Bob Kee of Tor onto visited with Mr and Mrs George pent the weekend his hom here Mr and Mrs Cliff Plaxton and Sharyn of Angus spent Sunday with Mrs Allenby Vernon Bates is spendingisome Hill From Smith gto Joan Anne Merritt and Saiidra Young of Smithville are visiting Mr and Mrs Harold Martins Movingio forcinto Mrand Mrs Fred Mothers and family bare moving to Toronto Few Days who Parents Miss Margare nine sou its Paddisonand Mrs time with friends in Richmond is spending parents Deep Sympathy few days with her Sympathy goes out to Mrs JamesLau in the Trenton tang on Tuesdaeruly 31 gt passing of Funeral Ewasi ghlln rand Mrs Warnock cl pt ancrrc Manson The Arctic Ocean consists of sea 2000 fathoms deep abroad contin ds ental shelf and erous islt rierPDWeliHhrew doubt Counsel pointed out that vWard der the circumstances the pen alty was oniyr$10 with costsl$2f Want Road Also at Camp on July 14John Smith trucker Twas seensby Ia provost sergeant to have swerved at 1145 on Dieppe Road and went off the pavement and Was found to he impairedvhy alcohol The fine was $70 plus costs of$11 and license suspended for three months Second Offence Defended by Heber Smith in charge of impaired driving laid by PC Rickard OFF on June 16 ilbomas Ward pleaded not guilty but evidence of the offi cer and another witness had gone to the destinationand had perfedvproparly previous tion and resulted in aternfiof 14 two months ing onJuly 21 at Camp Borden and that the road is almost conviction complicated the situa days and license suspended jfor turn to pagefteu Li Artistic VSLiCCéSS gimme County Fair indigenousfianadian Com nis The art critic for The To ronto Globe ahd Mall Miss Pearl Blocmy who offletah 1y opened Ithorelghtb mount Sirncoe County Arts and Oral Associations quilt and rug fair at Colllngwood last week feltthat the event was emblematic of Canadas cul tural resources following article appeared on flm15rilausicand drama pages By PEARL McCARTIlY From the point ofview of arti lieculture there are soimany points of interest in thejSimeoe County Quilt and Rug Fair that no man interested in Ontario art canafford to treat the event as news for women only This ex hibition was one oi the most heartening art tic Successes we have seen invmany years Tdke it point by point In group will whom we chatted there were professionally trained artists craft workers who do their own dcsign and those who do not professional recreation export business woman and others not actively engaged in the work of the Simcoe co ty Arts and Crafts Association Listening we could not tell from the points of view expressed whichwere whichand that is alibut unique Where the ideal is understood in the same way by all there is no problem of professional versus amateur or supportonpatron vers us creator Each has place That is not something that can be created suddenly it can come only by people working together in their community with self respeet for themselves The Chairman and Board of Trnsices of Minesing Cemetery extendian invitation to all interested persons toattend the DEDlCflTlilll SERVICE for the opening of the new Cemetery Entrance sun AUG 230 pm ft The WEDNESDAY Aususr mass Ari Crific This selirespect was evident even in tho ahewmanahip which is tremendoule successful While moving beyondthe old fallfair tumble way of display they had not copied anybody elaca notions There is first large open space marked by tall evergreens Three aisles of booths or alcoves run down from this leading tothree lumiahed roomssmodern 1890s unduninnegreachfirhowing the pertinent use of crafts This type ot showmansbip plenty picturesque getsaway from therkind of thing we have criticized attho Canadian Nation MARILYN near lavycarold conouorhr ox Litre Ontario now pic 31 Exhibition when in anuqmmp paring for an attempt on the Strait of Juan deFuca between British buildings some whens of contem porary display have beenintro duced leaving nobody thinking he is in modern setting but only aware that the fake oeiling of cloth has cut otf the fresh air The improVement in qualitynf craft and design hasbeen startling As some old techniques ceased to be practical there was period of imitation or tightness Now the new approach es have comehut with perfectly indigenous Canadian feeling The quilt Northern Night suggesting northern lights in subtle lime greens and with black ioons has no fakoprimitivism but subtle artistic value which might be shown proudly anywhere in the world Itwas designed by Ada Torrance of orillia professional ly tralnod artist and made as collective effort by the association The artistdesigner was not an out sider geographicailyor spiritually merely one of the community contributing turd to page elve 27 ea PA8 44 yo WARMC no in Miilcomsons3lnsu5nnne fluency 4i DUNLor ST 55 naive CAREFULLY that 792 otgllighwny decidenlsi Ans cansso at oMAN ERitch nIALrA 53535 aw MANAGEMENT fruunsoav AUG Association party to trainer Gus llydcr in seven years rumour illllll spams Militias Columbia and the Stato of Washington obniswith two young admir ers at Victoriagarden party Marilyn attendedvthe Cerebral Palsy give demonstration swim in the water is her CP PHOTO 127m not PAUL HENREID MAUREEN ohm EDGAR KENNEDYIVOOMEDY rm SAT GAI ENG sou MlouchfiHow AW sovo Mon Tess was Coaduni LONMccALLIsrcn rws HANTED VALLEY WiltLTER BmNnANu nuns noisier CAtiwdo cA PLtJS uuei so can Auc 34 AUG6 MERA AUG 67 enemas rws JENNIFER sous ran vouue camel Boon pans RIOT IN CELL vBlsOc sAr oNtY sawsear Wildern color AUG 29

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