Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Aug 1956, p. 6

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Rotary Club Continued from page one othels are closely connected With the since the latter exempli lies the ideal of service and the building of Christian cbaracter gt Ind Christian community The annual budgih of the Con tral YMCA in Toronto is about $800000 and tbat at such anor ganiaation in Barrie may be esti mated at $15000 Main souncs of revenues are membership dues grants and gills frominterested citizens Financing ii YMCA in Barrie might be arranged by municipal grant with service clubs undertaking to contribute part oi the budget Such grant could also be assisted by local in dllslflld since maip function of the is to 319 young talk in therethics and experience neces 0er for social and business lead ership The YMCA and YWCA offer to young people fulfilment of not ural desire to belong especially after leaving school to some or ganization that providesiellow ship the best in life which they Will choose in preference to less dc if they are silrriblehinfluencesl Th vcn oppor uni ey er further hghly qualified leadership and training for lcadcrship ex perienced and sympathetic per sonal counsel physical education and recreation intercommunity meetings and worldwide lav tionship The is not social agency nor business or political organization but Christian move ment with social program The speaker considered that if com munity has an opportunity to serve youth by such rrtenns it should accept the challenge Past President Bill Clark intro duced Mr Iippct and George Frieke also former president expressed the thanksofthc meet ing for his interesting and timely address Tilevitotary Club was pleased to ave as other guests at the lunch eon Bob Torrance of Toronto YMCA executive llaroltl Forster president at the Lions Club Ela erson Swain oi the Kiwanis Club and John Winchester of the Junior Chamber of Co merce Scores Hole in One At Big Bay Point John Mueller student at St AndrewsCollege Aurora scored the first hoieinonc oi the season Sunday at Big Bay Golf Club He used an eight iron on the 125 yard eighth hole Accompanying him were Jim Anderson and Tom Kinnear WHERE0st creemOreiAngus Stretch of Road Residents of the Creemore area in Nottawasaga Township express ed pleasure over the recent an nouncementthat the Ontario De partment of Highways will stand the cost of the construction of1the much travelled l5mile stretch of road from Creemore to the inter section on Highway 90 near the village of Angus It will be espec ially beneficial to the large num of Creemore residents serv personnel and civilians who commute daily to the big army and air force base at Camp Bor den The route to be followed will be onthe north side of the CNR line between Angus and Brent woodn In additionuto reducing the ileage new bridgevover the Mad River east of Brentwood will be erected The project will be engineered through the Development Road Act and built to modern highway specifications When the road is completed it will be turned back to the Simcoe County roadsystem and ithis body will then be re tsponsible for maintenance Col dwater Club HochBanqueL Hear Statement CDLDWATERAs result of upport by number of Coldwater rganizations and local and out dEindividuals sufficient assist ance was received to operate Goldwater Junior Hockey Club last season banquet and theatre pro gram was held and Coldwater ac countant Charles Danby gave statement of receipts and expend iture Coldwater Iéezgigm $500ilColdwster elllea Village of with $150 Manningllardware cash $1205 gloves $1335 Mrs Sheppar ray $100 00 Lloyd Letherhy $300 Mr Wrn Pheasant $300 Joe Borden $20 Win and also chance to select hidale TownshipAngus Continued frolnpeze one The pronni as arranged coin pletely by Past President Fred Kelly was aboutthc handover Kiwanis function There were pipers in wk3fl5£¢rlalltimlh nndJIlncs Fergulon an orchestra inirn Camp Borden composed of enry Bonacnbelg clarinet hart JacoMvlolin Brut Antonett pl ane singers and dancers Behrlcy Cowan ElspethCameron and Gail Pethick from Hillgut School as companied at the piano by Bell vocalist Rosita Pitt and pop ular Jim Coley irom CKVRTV with Bert Churdliil at the piano Guests lncludcd Lew Roberts Club Reg Care dicepresident and Howard Young sicrelary same club Dr Oxenhalnhpast president Toronto Eglinton Rot ary Club Leroy Rosser presi dent of Mansfield Rubber Can ada Limited William Taylor past president Tomato Rotnry Club appointed Ontario credit manager or Lever Brothers visited his parents MrandMrs Pat terson 50 Toronto Street over the weekend Mr and Mrs Donald Mills and their children Jack and Jan et of Winnipeg are visiting Mr Mills parents Mr and Mrs Murray Mills Dalton Street They motored cast arriving in Barrie on Saturday night and will be spending about 10 days in town Aid Gordon Mchrrk has pur chased the Goldie residence at 105 Sunnidale Road Mr and Mrs McTurk and their limin will be taking possession late in the tall in November when Mr Goldics new home on the lot im lrllediately to the north is complet Mr and Mrs Simpson of New York have been visiting Mr and Mrs Poster at their sum mer home Bon Secours Beach during threeweek vacatlonfin Canada Mr Simpson who is an agent for the Canadian Bankof Commerce is nephew oi Mr Foster Mrs Hunter and Mrs LA Bosman of Vancouver are visiting Mr and Mrs Jn Craig Owen Street this week They travelled east by train and were in Toronto heiore coming to Barrie on Mon day Mrs Hunter is Mrs Craigs grandmother and Mrs Basmnn is her aunt Elgin Shortt is student at Industrial Arts Ontario College of Education in Elementary class summer school This is be ing held at Central Technical School Toronto and the certifi cate will qualify him to teach in dustrial Art in public school or an intermediate school having grades and 10 Mr and Mrs Badgley 232 Blake St have returned from motor trip to Westport Connecti cut Cape Cod Boston and the Atlantic sea coast They spent several idays at Kennebunk Beach and Biddeford Pool before return ing via the White Mountains New port Vermont SaranacLake and the Thousand Islands Mr and Mrs Russell Cross Wor gtsley Street have returned from threeeweek motor trip the west coast They visited Mr ross un clevand aunt Mr and Mrs Garf Gordo formerly of Stroud hi Poute Saskatchewan on their way westwand also stopped oil in Calgary torattendrthestlilnpeile Theytravelled home from Van couver through the United States Summer is visiting time among thenewspaper fraternity and it is not unusual have an itor on vacation drop it any dayto look over your plant and talk shop Re cent callers at The BarrieExam iner have nciuded Lindley Cal nan publisher of The Pietcm Ga zette Mr and Mrs Harvey John ston of The lillsonburg News George Dills editor ofThe Acton Free Press and Milton Champion with sons Dave and Jim Jock MungleandEarLshlaipolehe Summerside Prince Edward is land Journal Warm Weather Brings NewGrth lo Forest Areas Fire dangeriin vthe Lake one districthaa dropped temp arily with therapid development of new growth and leaves ifollo ing showers and armor weather No new fires reported dur ing the past week in the Fire District which includes Baxter Matched gt pf Wood and Drillia wnships small file haweverphelieved causbd hy smokersuwas extinguished by de pamnefllalétafl at Angus Sun Forest recently before any material damage occurred The blue coycred approximately 31 acres before being roundedup and ex tinguishe Fireer ction staifhowever cautionany ctsons diving inor travelling Sin coded areas tagaillat any carelessness with Gerald Patterson who has been Rothey both also of Elisabeth lRobert Westherill of Coldwater and usually coincides wtth Lhe counsels president of Tomato Kiwanis lt IEEPING RECORDS of administrative personth rcq lred to maili ariaes for the lst Canadian lnian the sponsihillty of W02 staiford Taylor of the Royal tnin rear town is adibn Schoolot Infantry Camp LOIINE Lem nor TendenCalled LloydIcthcrby MP for East Simcoe hasrcceivcd word from Highways Ml ster Hon James Allan that tell ers are being call ed forgranular base on Highway 103 from Port Severn north to McDonald River Peel Construction Company were reported 1m week to be paving aliout amile per day on Highway 93 from Waverley to Crown Hill it is reported the surface pave merit on Highway l2 between Wnubaushcnc and Midland and into Port McNicoll will be under way in the very neariuture pre liminary work including reduc lion ot gradcs correction of don gerous curves and improving road base in spots having beenplalc tically completed Happy Man One of the happiest men in the wholo of historic Huronin was Wayne CramEr 30 of Eliza bethPennsylvanin town 22 miles from Pittsburgh when troll ing one afternoon with relatives be caught and landed impound muskeilunge The lunge was caught nearGreen island not far irom Port Severn where the Crab mers have ii summer cottage it took an hour and half to land the hefty specimen The lure used was anold red and green plug In the outboard boat trolling with him were his father Albert Cramer and an uncle William In The Doghouse Recent Canadianarmy pietlires released include one of SSgt testing out specially made dog house in which soldiers of the 2nd Transport Company RCASC pay for errors in traffic or other minormlsdecds in humorous mannereby spending time in the kennel Returned From Trip Miss Small has returned after an ocean tripin which she took the round trip going by Montreal and Southampton and Drop in Quality Noted Despite Cool Spring rep in quality and an in crease in off flavor milk was noted during May by veterina 1ans of the Simcoe County Health Unit As the weather was not warm enough to materially affect the quality authorities are assum that less time is beingspent on milk production Oif flavor milk lsretulfned to the producer with resultant loss in revenue inmost classes few simple rules should help overcome any difficulty with such problemsin the opi on of the ve an milking This source of off flavor ilk Cows on early pasture should be brought in at least three holirs before milking Do not milk cows in late Jactstion or cows with mastitis Thisgives salty flavor to milk The quality of raw milk drop ped to approximately80 percent good last month This drop ap pearsevery year about this time common advént of warmer weather and thebusier seaao ofs ring plow ingand seedingu Suneys were carried out ata number of dairies during the month and as result of find tags the health unit feels the dairy operiitor ples were taken in Mayhconsigting of 27 aw 62 pasteurized andy201 elianeous to is loss and damage tell as de straying Nalueslblit itaha yearn to rcpifie id ran at any persons wishin to ls the nearest forest partnient of Lands nominal rolls is Cpl Cecil Hamilton of Oakville or in sllown mulls pillth Mir it try Division at Camp Gag orden Assisting him in checking left returning byLiverpool and Mon treall some roughweather was encountered off thenorth coast of Ireland on the way back Miss Small wasnwny practically lhree months and included visits to famed anemiaLondon in her travels she visited sister Mrs Hamblyn of Eastbourne in Sussex 60 miles south of Lon don and other relatiyes She left on tlle Ascania andreturned Olli another Cunard litter the lvcr In Brief During absence on holidaysl of Rev CharlcsCnrter services July 15 and July 22 at Coldwater Pres byterian Church were conducted by James Thompson who is as sisting Rev Dr Maclnnis of Orillia Presbyterian Church Mervyn Walker visited his birthplace of Carrie recently dur ing centennial celebrations intlle township of Howie which in cludes Gorrie in same town ship at Fordwicll Arthur Bllsby former operator at Medeute Station and Port McNicoll is CPR Why dont you€ry my walnuts pity iiuo no Junior Junction coo Wanton 1mm roarm Marqu am nostril filthlight can Music more The 900 Nell ttos rno 1000 News Inc slam t1oo Nell and Sport as us still on p10 emuin tor to can Newmat 1150 Ilullcll elect 700 Finn Market Report 715 News 720 flpnrtn Boote us rirr Wriilner Report 150 News no Ennrla Roundup iuo News on son 33m Nan v05 Trndltll rm 0io rmnrsm Ernie Show and Mid Morulnl io00 Null 1005 administers Clinic 10tu Trinastrait use News lms Swnhold mut misculnar Baht anon burrs PAPRIKA calsr clifme kes any picnic memor able Cottage potiwulad dis delightful accompaniment Cottage cheesetglves it extra flavor and texture appeal HAtltlEL 1w moon Quorum one our Iran cttVR TV NM lull Wutlm 190m no Timid in name 130 Jim It in 101 Jim DWI marinasaunt use clcNn IJODIHMrm Ancien IL mm iinu limit 109le 31 The Grim itnltrh tn won nonlad in strips was 11m clanm n15rodn Irl loam Paloar 4I5Paali no me or in AS VILSQIHII sou nm My an lotion coo wussm Thotn $30 iun vileum Luiwfll Loo Tabloid 141v lineri IIlnlhl or sun Jo mu Iith no one New us no in slum Thomson and us ll 43 can Lin us soui Ihtl no nomy away no wmm rural cKBs mosaicus DIAL 1230 use nulls country arm rm runirony Hpidlin raion ml 10 snaru Dilut ins Mum nrnons use our 1215 nunl Roundun 12117 Hug wannunnv cm County near p00 New tiedun Lm lion eln 15 all Parade 10 Emitl Cuendar 30 Tennessee Ernie 5110 45434092 gas some all 015 Concert 1n Illntlturl 900 cos Tradinch no Tennesse xrni allow in Net loos nomemmri dilute 010 arrom mi lioo News 1105 am Grainy Show lie it geconthBmlnl an 330 Notlent variety 400 oln News in oo nuns county aim Purl 11 uo Manure 500 new newlinen 525 onion Borden spam Pnrme no News No Prelude to Dinner moo county near 002 rum Market Rlpnrtl 13 Mon on court 10 New also BulletIn noun 700 News liemllncl 710 norm Cliendu 715 ml Plrlde 720 Tennessee nrnlr alum roll um 005 minimal to himin 01a Concert in Miniature aao rmlu Taotn non Nun tiua1ori oi the Town 1ooo New and Bpnrt Bootes 1100 New and apart scorer tenntd 1200 mu sport It and Wrath 1205 nilii on gt pi iri Town scores 30 Ilullc cnunlu null Put 1200 Nell Heldlinea IIlfllDV 1251 new neiounu 100 nu run Board nature scam sno nuilncrr Review 888°8u 400 mm Neil nun Country aim Part in Matinee urn Brianar Camp unronn £30m ilrln Preludaito Disin Vlrlettu manor an act system dear always put TWO pennies in and halve the result BORN ERNSTAt the Boyd Victoria Hos ital Barrie on luly 195a to and Mrs Robert Ernst 11 Burrte son gnndy Shawn KNUIFeAt Toronto eneral Hospitll on July 19 i956 to Dr and Mn Grlydori ntIPP nee Sally BOW man Sutton Westpflntarlo son Nell Clifford fiitti an iind Mrs John McFadden 73 Na ler St daughter Margo Leo 8H0 LTSAt the Royal VictoriaHos pital Barrie on July 1956 to 51 and Metvynd Shauna RCAF Station or nu or SIMPSONAtlthe Royal Vietofla H054 ital Banlei onJuly all was to Eng MrsdGolxon Slmpsun Shunt nug er BLBBSOleAty the Royall Vatnflorla Hod ital arrie on It 5k 11min Mn Victor sattr 22 Mul cnstnr St dnwhterr TDNERAt that oyal Victoria Hosp Ital Barrie air VJItly Ill 1956 to hr and MryEdwin Ton help stun sonrBruce James Dispersal Vaccinated 11017 titular Complete Holstein so Head Registered Fully Accredited backing Owned by Donald Hunter 1m Unlonvllle one SBELING 0N ST 10 FRIDAY Autsu l956 commencing at oaxyudrf females of milkingage 20 milking with first and second calf 6bred heifers openyearlitigs 13 heifer calves bulls of exceptionally good pedigrees The herdsire selling with 14 offspring fl 23 carrying his service ianEYES GENERAL his data with Lifetime Total of 215841 11183 378 CATALOGMES MAY BE OBTAINED FROM HAYS FARMS LlMITED Sole Manogers llln Box 47 ONTARIO as al3 cosinesmell TEE BARRIE WEDNESIIIAYf AUG 19557 ENGAGEMENTS Mr and lira Crawford wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Hazel to John Leslieflinipson Mimleo the marriage to tnheplaee on August 25 It st Andrew mibyterlrn Church 0m station all pm 88 we sin Housollulil llfccts inlsoet vauliuiui moss Mahogany and cedar treat high rain crests are staple products or British Honduras in Central Am erica lihtmne ill Name not 1950 hm Nmmcc Itbaa pulfulgfl to an on oiand crooner Prie rants Barrio lulu to air an to Relill nourish Price audthnt of at fromhelyn anel Print In to Raul Prtco pnd lint of their all Em chin1 tl GIN mltfil numerolu to lnentlo JRegistarafl lIlolltoiii thorsesIfqlm plelnstlts ond housdllotd Paftedts nle undisl rd umc ed lnEirugllonl lrdrn NORMAN RATCLIlFE Ez Lot 14 do 14 Oro Township line North or No II Highway To iell nyrunllc Auctionold AT 110 9111 In par THE roaowmo lionsrs llouleln Cow wértlrl Sorcrelrn Marceau born Sept 1945 tired lama ll use mlllt ruu flow Hol stein Cow nurneu Apple Jane born Sept ls mil tired June 12 use mllhlnl no flow in sin Cow Crea holme Brenda Vern 1m fresh open Holstein Cow nrendi Monogram Pabst mom Ciel so 1052 bred 211050 mull ingmin Id Holstein CurPfllKY Pie linten borne Feb ism 1056 mllrl luu now no lielms born lasagna also Horne drtwn implementlnllocnm4 pletflhouu aluminium MS caleA Menu drag ble ollered or rile it CC cu in ii Thornton mm Ncyw sh slonilin Prion rurvl +0 Bl Whether you feed our dozen eggsyou1 of meat or omical cost our aim to pr ee results and consequently turn lemsor phone PA ly with the agricultural andexperimental farms qu ty feed to Why not drop into SimcerCoop an 53land have mini be mad before Ell Honour Jinn Gn Knth in His bimbo Court Glut BarHe oti mutt day at September to at In DAmthla will or Jul 1930 sum as Dani flair sum ee gm ennui Apblltlnl Solielion lor the readers Invited forced ll turncc two Imemmau mi AotANoALs tendm lord to iy Augrficn flNLIY in KING nullling Colnmltteo churn3 Barrie Mme lmSIilllv HOME or PURINA OHOWS Itor divestook and poultry SURGE Dilly Farm Equipment fl MULCASTER si PA 82932 eedzforinulae from our own highly efficient nutrit nists at uelphwhowork very close feedvfro roe Coop liltryfeeds hog feed or you can be sure of fresh quality ta madq produce your yourlb of ofi to thefarmer ding prob visit your giéa rosrenAt the noin Victorln Hos plmLBarrle on esdy July iLIr i955 nun Fle beloved IQ of Robert Foster dendmother pr nuséell Mrs Kelly urinal Mrs alley Helen Ind llnl all or Barrie rndmrr Faulknerilllelltl ot Winnipeg in her 51rd year nest linevnt tile Jennelt Funeral Home Bu Funeral service Thundny Iiu at 330 pm Interment Angus cemetery MOORBAI anonta unMnndny July so 1956 Lieutcnionei Sarah on towofi Salvation Armyi dear mother at amid nnrt Mildred Funeral service ntHJerrettanS Clllt Ave cnnpel ramrm Thurmay STOREYAt the Royal Victoria flu name on Mondlyy in 301 glandin storey heiovedtw Wlllls Store at sir dear mm tllcr of Mrs Nelle hlnine of Stroud nut thllsrot rm Barrie ileriinr it the Jennettv Funeral Home arrle Funeral service Ttltlrsdafrs Aug 2nt irirluterinen st Pnuil Cemeteryi nrilstil apanumo on Monday July so less at Ro pl Victoria Hospital Bairle Sara Littleln her 78th gear beloved wife of tile into Farllltn Owen 5min ear mother Wilburdclelled ertrude Mm it Henry Barri grandmother of Melvluellenry os Wilbur 11 Marie Mrs RossA er 11 Henry all or nurrlc nut tr Breckenridge micro Owen smmd interment on Thursday tit2 Greenwnnooem ntery Owen So melaninWe wists thank relli um friends rind nutuhb mimeti me etc at loudness and xpreaslolu llaJllllen BETTER LASTS LGNGER Be Oatefin

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