gt lila Whltuidehu mmed mntoaftgrlpéndlngt muzhoudy with her parents OldWaier Ch hermercuwmum EItherLaad Wntton Dowaer gtWliysnmer IndiDaVIdï¬ouhen ind misnomer July 21 mowerRonni yttmdodthenownermaion at summonmid Downer my COLDWATERStlll eager to They wiilbe gutstsnt Mr and kiep their gt flower vgarden and Mrs otta Rawson Sr friendaof town as beautiful as ever Land man at their summerre cloudyviith by Judi continuing to showihospitlltty to Imp Rayley Ponfaimro tlonllter whluhzavoooialr host of friends and maintain Ictiv fortthe occasion was mull Mrs ity in untidyye Mrand Mrs Tb Luanbys stilltkeep theot James Luanby of Coidwalenwiil ficlal weather reports for Cold be celebratingthelr 52nd wedding water responsibility maintained anniversary on Friday Aug by Mr Lazonby and his father he forerhim without interruption WM Ior the past 70 years My empeizt Sillrosy It It arid sunnldale colners For45years Ml and MrsLI ll Arnold Ruler Bond ï¬end fmudrmm zonby tookl canoe Lrlp inllus Willimflmsrncreemommen mm church can k0 waters 10 mark their mm laltwcek with Mr auditsn Incs The mmfefms ï¬g hfWinona as was In but Emily cams romance ya 11 inYcoisigcrggustignal plignigin Belles ndmg 3W5 Ywm vnoï¬fc wnh com Cduerwn We flank on July 11 me wm down specialiung in iprinttnzzr He kale lad your dduTtwdoil a0 bountiful supper ol good trained and compcted in local ARATHON hings Iollowlng the supperv competitions with George 17 Gray irizes were given for oldest lady Walter Knox and HennGip all stB iresent Mrs John Thompson old Whom we °n Win uwmld championships native son of 6701515 flmï¬f£°gnrfn13°$fgÂ¥ï¬ Manchester EnglandltMrLazon hm be of he by was ataiior by profession He CECIL 3km 2mg milSan Sun has resided in Goldwater for near DANwon pad In 1TRP ME AND ILLIAM ENDELL mm three months Ingest iyv75years Haui Studlo Got1h nah moozvnrzmgond to that mums on Tmily Mr and Mrs lite Gorter Mrs Lmnby now 82 islthe mg lson from arlhest distance tanner Eleanor Ward Born at Piul miinunishrmammrueuenwm tchard Martin fromSudhury Mono Mills she hasbeen Gold Ampuie sufprised by water resident since 1901 She3has 51 we mufï¬ldwm millage fl pecial birthday Cake and em become widely knownior her run mm inï¬ll00 40 the occas of her in raisins flowers and hold acer ainhday omerereceiving prize titicate of merit from the depart were neonates Shirley Rule and talent of agriclullure IForhaflflyears 1n Do Gorter was arse ewer Il arrle Apmgram of races and contests FIN First Presbyterian Church at ice was topped with long Collinswoad was the setting on sleeved bolero Jacket Herllwlll SaturIMY July 7th 1956 for the tier veil was held by tiaraof marriage of Miss Mebetm Shirley pearls and sequins and she cur Legace daughter of Mr and Mrs ried bouquet of pink sweetheart Lankioid chace and William roses andstcphanotis he was Cecil Bendell son ol Mr and escorted and given in marriage Mrs James Belinda all ofd Goil by her father ingwmd Revv Rei gt The brides sisterMiss Connie mad Grammy hm Legace was her attendant wear was performed against back ingqagomlopmderIbluenylon gmmi Wards 31 hash sheer over satin Her headdress hm dephmwte Shaw was of pink sweetheart roses and PM and Peremmï¬ her accessories were white She The bride was Wearing Sirfl carried pink roses and while less ballerinalength gown of Wm white net ovcr satin embroidered in snow flakes design The bad The httle sistersiof the bride and groom leSS Yalarie Legace lo irlThif ks Seventy Relatives gases mingle over taffeta and they carried bas Gafherv all Park kets of sweetheart roses button pompous and yellow carnations For Bales RBUnlOn They wore white accessories and The14th annual Bates reunion hgnd sfs theyompbns held 5mm at Springwgter Robert Kenwellv was grooms Park Midhurst¢with approximate maa and the ushers were Glen ly 70 as amps as gale James endell ent lunch the election oiflï¬gegsphglmx yes 35 hem mdtherfhfecgggmi theorzgdii resulting as £0110 Pa pres avocado rayon acetate and nylon HEEL shale Wearing White accessories and fighter aentley sccretary 90mg of yellow roses The treasurer Margaret Bates sports grooms mother was in plnk sheer am Menlees With an allover design of frosted fggllmgï¬gs vgï¬on Amswng flowershantl was wearing white it was decided to holdthc 1957 accessories and Corsage of pink reunion at Springwater on the last 3565 Sunday of July Wedding guests were from The afternoon was spent reneW Welland Port Colborne Toronto ing acquaintAnc5 visiting the Aurora Georgetown Barrie points of interest in the parkand Roddy Resume Raven enjoyinehsrorts under the direc Duntroon and Maxwell tion of commi ee After supper Prizes were Sufï¬x ogngrizeddgi trigid to the Oldest m3 Present 5am changed to dress of pale blue Mansfield oldest woman fusesm Maggie Greer Mansï¬eld nylon with white frosted flowers people from furthest dista ce Her accessories We White andr Crook Wes on she was wearing cgrsnge or glitpr marEised closest to 25 years While garden flnd Dink roses Mr and Mrs Wes Bates New Low on 191 Jeturn 61 youngest baby Donna May Randell will be Pridham man with the brightest home in Barrie tie David Larke person with new est car Watson Rowe person with largest carload Wes Bates lucky spot winner ltireratson Rowe The reunion closed with the singing of Auld Lang Syne and Miss Dorothy Bendell were was provided by Bill Bates and Sheldon Culham for both young lad old All went home with the feeling twas time too good to have hissed Minion Band The Mission Band met at the tome of Ann Euie for the July eetiog Brlan Mchauley pre iided Scripture was read by Ann Buie Catherine Sage gave the rayer very interesting talk was giv nbyMrs Mel Sage JoanWoods and Rev Mr Jack closedwith rayer Little Susan Jennifer Cnlham was baptized by Rev Jack week ago Sunday Mr and Mrs Pattersonv and family Erin were recent visitors with Mr and Mrs MacGauiey Keith Atkinson has been on holi lay with Brian MacGauley The WMS mer at Mrs Earl Buies on Friday evening witha good attendance Mrs Cul nam presided Mrs Ed Rule and Mrs Jack Morgan were program conveners Mrs Elwood Giffen hsdthe GT pfaycrp Mrs Bates GT remarks very nteresting to ic was given by Mirelda McIntyr from the study book Little Shirley Buielsang There is Peace in the Valley accom panied by her mother onthe piano pleasing event during the evening was the presentationiof many beautiful and useful gifts to Mr and Mrs Harry Plough newlyweds Harry thanked all on behalf of himself and his bride inviting all to visit them in their home Congratulations to Mr and Mrs George William on the arrival of their son in Collingwood hospital Mrs William Spiker of Totteu ham has been visiting her many friends here Mrs Leonard Verner and Ruth Bolton visited with Mrs Hood here Miss Jean Bates was home for the weekend rand attended the Bates reunion in MidhurstPark exhibit at the local fair marricdln acburchceremony id Goldwater the nuptials beinglper formed by Rev Sheppard in St Matthias Anglican Church which the anonhys still attend regularly The couple were the first to be cannula one 15 Blyflold SW 382 Mlfllsflh satht Elli ivorm vmmos Iv neonmuem mane lot at he uh mileu will pleasantly surprise you CE C0 Home maramen hld Floor 3i BRADFORD ST VULCANIZING ROAD it FARM SERVICE Just once before you purchase glesser pair come in and actuallyleak at the price tagHu beautiful Chrysler It lt or the true cost of this supérb motorcar is farfarlower than its graceful Expensive appearanceWOuld suggest And too inhny features such as ChrySlersnew pushbutton =PowerFiife automatictransinission are stahdard equipment on this ï¬ne car Make this thoughtful comparison seehow big Chrysler fwith all its standard features actually compares hasneverbcen in better positiqn you into this great car And hewill be glad tobring Chrysler to your with other cars similarly equipped Your Chrysler dealer door Youll ï¬nd youve never been so thoroughly pleased ChryslerNaw Yorker Lduor Sudan AND Mona Becomeawholesalerinyour gt area Make huge rmmt made by Du Pont Echo Walt Disney Toys étc full Cgrysler Vlflndsor or part time We turn over gt mt lucrative established retail store accounts to selected person witbrear and $99 For full details write TillPigs SALES 47 Elm SLTorhnto 201 gm Dresses Misses and Wo niens Sizes 12 to