Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Jul 1956, p. 9

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us 7mm Nmwmwqr HOLLY so innn film with nuts menin Wancnl Barrie as well represented at the Calgary Bumpedepqm the soul summers westorn travellers woo many local residents in the city during tbebig week that the trip seems octave heeuthemost popular holldayldeapt theyear n1 wullunm nrcnnwflnba hu Tuesday to Earlendi where they lust returned from three weeks will he holidaying or the next trip to the coast withvhirwlte three months It will he Idr and her daughterlicleoun into Knowles tinttrtp tuck huh Vston Peacock on the Stampede homeland um eomlnl tovcmda growth during their ourland in 1810 Mrs Knowles visited halt day stay in the city in Cal England in 1022 ary Mrs Brennan visited tuio The selling date he double old friends Miss Ruth Russell significance or Mr Knowles who former Victorian order nurse in is celebrating his hard birthday Barrie and Miss LaunGrahem on July am Their many friend of Oro Township who are now ioinin wishing them happy and residing in the Alberta city They safe voyage Syapdhrotttbe district is tend to Mr and lira Wale in the passing of the ther in Toronto Mr lira Toronto unqua mm lsrocov Ittlckbouiymeulu Billy McNnbb5ioney may unmetum tinny win it my are visitinc ter and ifs2153 vlvmm mtherinlaw Mr and Mn Jackson um Poison Merith vialtin Wainwme thon flfigficbflliflb in FedLflth lagged 99 one 00 he 509 be 3m tuneral or Mr sumo aunt an Brother in Scotland Archie Irvinelea by plane on Friday for three weeh visit to his native land Scotland While there he will visit his older brothers whom he has never seen and de not knowoxlsted until hirly re SEMI 500 iii if £23 er or now filly and 1hr gave uphopeun Service tk Sunday School one as ecnme Ioro men 31h mgrzqenhficgm 35le SUNDAY JULY 29 1958 er WII obtain his address and write to WWVE him HALL gildland angin zsm street sign nan Mr Lime and mWEwOME re Rule to ny tram holldhy in and Mrs Elliott mhtored to Midland la riday or attend the Organist SUNDAY into 29 1953 MORNING annvtcaonnv dump8 UNDAY sermon Beginnersnennrtment svegiALIzao 332 W11 saawce Mrs Scott was in yellow and eiiiinio TELEVISION bad as their guests tor the week two other gavallcrsndtxfim tfilven Home From Scotland Mrs Kenneth Smith mined Wham divffifsffimn gt smears weekV by scat otter Helen avelled on to Victoria mflfimfimfig zflfigfif and holidnyed at Banfl1asper fly in Smqu rgfn and Lnke Louise duririlxg thalr train tripon the Can on Na tlonal and Canadian Pacific trans vslmrs From De° continental lines Mr and Mrs Kettle Another summer traveller who find lhelrsonChsrles Ind dluah went on to thecoast on The let Nfllnynt Balm Ire Cansdlanwas Mrs Lowe SPERM law View with Mrs who has returned from three Kettlcs motbel Mrs Mc idnonlhs in tho visitgwith her KEY Kempentelt Drive augbter Mrs rvey and nag three children Jalne Home From West Anne an Gusan Mr Hervey as 4mm 5mm rs Mccnuley Bradford St MR AND MRS JOHN PETER PERENCZ he Femd 015 has returned troma mp mvvlé Gnlt and the family will be visit in at the Lowe residence on Dun en in to men She med gt lag Street East or smooth be fiber gem and nephews fie iomoig intotheirénew home 10 as fizaxzfmifnficg gt rsrwewasln agaryor 11 C0 sizmpfifioggu nn enjoyed Esieiiiiysnifidflifii 33 aloha re or F=4==i =v Local residents due home this affinlghéyzhfi luv UNI°N KSERVICES gt SAINT GEORGES weekend from thcir stampede ble Mm Wigwam Mcmw Anglican Church mandala rallied erencz trip are Mr and Mrs Walter ley ratified by Hm CENTRAL mm nectar °53iiil2yé 50 0W am we Msmean 5° SHA The marriage of Miss Kathleen ther the bride was wearing 05 atoon on erence Minister in Chad 115 11 smethuflt Gail Scott daughter of Mr and traditional white gown styled Attending Edinburgh mm 011 Miss Isobel Joyce Hamdine At the reception at Baystalrs myd mmoumg mo Mrs Scott of Guthrie was with full tiered skirt of lace Fesfi 54 9th we ll 011 daughter of Mr and MrsJosenb Lodge the mother oi the bride LIIHOLY COMM marmd 01 Saturday July 14th over satin and satinhndice un va Farm Unit 1983mm Mhnarmdine of Barrie was married resolved the guests in rosemauve SUNDAY JULY 931955 tumMORNING PRAYER 1958 at three oclock in the att der nnet jacket crown of Mrnaners Robert Clitton 12 Psmlmm 3t 5le on Saturday July zlst 1956 at imported summer crepe wearing Morning Service 11 Lin 73° film0 An service crnoonloJohn Peter Percncz son pearls and rhinestones held her Kempentalt Drive salléd Tuésdiy umlu ufl WeTWW 2300d00k in the lineman Whileléc¢fi0ries=The EIOONSw Ground the l00F non of and Mrs Peter Perencz of fulllength veil which was em from Montraal on the Empress WW Pilan Ward Miller Central United Church to Glenn mother who assisted was in tur sz°NE WELCOME Barrie Vii Taylor otticiatcd at hroidared at each corner with at Britain torEnglsnd Dnringfinw 0W9wu Emmi Elderstln Swain 80 Of Mr 059 Chum and DECK 19 ceremony WhiCh took place satin butterflies Sha carried their stay at over two months V9109 In Plum WM Mrs Emerson Swain of Barrie white accessories and wrist cor on gnduie lawn L21 in home ninth cascade oi red Sweetheart roses nhroladdthey will he travel nz to F1011 Dolley thlx rem Rev 10 lhBrenn officiated at nae sage oi tiny pink roses EVERYONE WELCOME 11 85 Pawn Im or antare The Scat on for the Edlnbur Fess dqub er ceremony and we cedar bows decorated wrth sum 30T°fiefim83g 313 tival and will he makingga brie ding mingle was played by War m125gagesweglgnfiflégpwz am BURTON AVE mcrilowers low of the bride and tire brides visit to Paris ran so can who also nccom wearing blackndwhuedms UNlTED CHURC Wedding music was played by maids Mrs Jones of Barrie gh Ind chfl panled the soloist Mel Wiley oi with while accessories on men MINISTER 10 1an Mm Avery of Kingston SailingFor England ownsammo ayng with N5 SWJW Th returnMr and Mn Swain will rmsr muss cannon REV TBJMBLE BA 39 Given rmirringo by her ia Mrs Starroi Guthrie Mrs and meles Mr and Mrs wtj Ifm Ffly and Wgn ne be making their home in BellsL and ME DANIELS Dwinnell of Edgar and Mrs Lime Lake mmd films on 364 d9 ville Dwinnell of Barrieall sis nth edding 51 ANDREWS the Empress of France next Mrnnd MrsRyGrny and Bar 3059 FF After the departure the pRESBYW cannon filing Ehevwbridlefi wgsre magimg 1m at JohmmnAng the brld gavehissisterlinmar Mrs William militants anion communynnne aims mis son UNION SERVICES were waltz16 th and the pleatvmohe 15 Erldefectlved withinsorts Frenchlacé and swing torremainder oi the eve SUNDAY JULY 29 1958 ed budicgs were styled with blue Silk wearing white accessorfi St Aidana BauerSupper he jacket with unrsmn hm sweetheart necklines and bolcro 95 garden 5335 The The mu1 Mn up tons Her threequarter length jackfls They wore headdresses grooms 11mm WI 15 cev be he at St Mda Anal veil was caught to tiny band of REV EAMES FEkGUbDN W01 MISPRONOUNCED of white roses and matching pleat ed W35 blu9 nd Yhle 831d ingrfmém wdlffidfllh Aug sequins and pear and she was Service in St Andrews Church any mum church in mm cd nylon and white accessories 33 awgfigfifi leszgéncce ories thinning VEfiglérds Eigflsmng bamling bouquét of whitecar PROMPTNESS No EVENING smwlcn throughout an month nutlonafl ltedEClark BscFxCL July was carrying nosegay of white Guam we 35 mm 19 remwesnd nequ Tommo He attendants MISS mm Hat IS ESSENTIAL IOrgnnist aneiinéhiirmaster 30 italicisxcommnnfly mums centred with tawny gold mm Kngsm and Ththury NW Brunswick Villtors dine and Mrs John Hamde comv CH erv IODF Home Grounds r0525 and the bridesmaids were Fordtrailrfillingxthe brfide ghost h3ililnd fikflflwumu of Barrie and Miss Ann Gibson of In each SSW we Hansel TO ME UNION SERVICES in lilac pink turquoise hluennd POW FY Dr 99955 955 mi aw runs all deta are execue ===1 lime and were carryiné nosegays pmk355°fles3d cm wck Vim figufihewigsxlgtgg wgimnspalé gt promptly and unobtrusively WITH ESSA ROAD °f White 1qu mum With flyipfléaifiwfif $55 ixShes gmflflviiligeiiefl glue feather headdresses They yet with the proper amount ESWTEWN CHURCH fiznggfifii $335gf3pf3fiesgoggs Bay Mr and Mrs Perena are Bryanwtihelsvuall wedding 0ro Stav carried bbuque Pink emu ofproiessional deliberation iRINI CHURCH EVERYONE megME Every Installation snpervtled by our technician MHNHBCH REFRIGERATION CO 118 DWI ST Phone PA 83059 and butterfly roses making their home in Barrie Miss gtEthel Dwinnell of Barrie and Miss Bernice Starr of Guthrie were flower girls in waltzlength gowns of yellow and pink nylon They wore white accessories and carriednosegays of white mums centred with tawny gold mics and How About pink delight roses Paul Perencz groomsman for his brother reception iolioweddn Guth of Barrie was mania Anano €44972 Odd cmounlsun venloMly paid even Mrs Irwin McMahon Mr and Mrs Fred Leigh Mr and Mrs Jack Jenney Mr andMrs Ellis Leigh Mr and Mrs Croft Mr an Mrs RuebeoLelgh Mrs Lloy Leigh Mr and Mrs John Leigh min owls on Mrs Thomas Shelswell 100th Annivjsaryfiervice Mr and Mrs Menard Leigh Mr and Mrs Edgar Johnston and Loreen attended the 100th anni versary sorvico at Uptergrove tion on Saturdaywere Mr and mm Lloyd Goheen of Barrie was groumsman and the ushers were Paul Swain brother of the groom and John Harradine brother of the bride her summer home here and will begreatly missed by her many friends here spendingas many as eight or ninemonths of the year inher beloved garden and cottage to ensure thorough and ap proprinte direction regards less oitime or circumstanc es Lloyd Slecklcy Funeral Home so Worsley St on PA 85553 Anglican 24 Collier 8t wtr 29 1956 am limpHOLY COMMUNION 930 am Momma PRAYE nno sEnmoN 1100 umMDBNING rnhvna AND sEnmoN wnv Elsunnnan Broadcast FREE METHODIST cnuacn zoo Bayllcld St nov 1113me SUNDAY JULY 29 1958 INNSunday School 1L90130 Preachint Pr or Moetlng every Wed it VIE oclock EVERYBDDY WELCOME THE REV SEEKING Broadcast by courtesy of Kiwanis Club rofBairire on rmenlhIhl FIG Presbyterian urah Sun ll month utSaS also visited nd Mrsflnyolger 1cm one Idlmpl Nihili Mcbonald leenl canalIs mm 11mm lsitora $1500 armors Mr and 33 nard Ho ho lmlmwflwwfflfh Orillla and granddaughter Wax ford visited Mr and Mrs or IobilIston the beginning at wee The Salvation Citadel socnmustreett gt Lieut Gordon Reignsacn stmonv mm 291956 nomss mm 230 pmsunnnv serious Inlthe 35555 lilo pmaElvcnson and Seniors fiadéIb far 75 RE vacation Yalhelf lllfiylnltlg HOME Wlttllllil sr weather emitting moon sunmimuiv 297 MR KEITH CALDWELL mmrrv iiiwuss £1955 EnsrjANoucANMI wrmfim 39130 munhixrdmfllnm Wamem Fem smou REV Jonniunnau BlitVilllYfEflQWSHIP Ellllllflli or rriejcnrlstian nndMlaslonaryAlllance comm FEM do DUNLOP STBEETIAST llev Pun Valentine Pastor filiaylorhhgehvédd eeaessy fly rHewnsouaui min the loss oils rPost Officesq PILTfl 84040 mother Mrs Webb at Toronto manure REV its TRIMBLE not do sponsored by the juigllcan firesbytcrlan and Unite Churches VolAllonrlalerf warm welcojne awaits you at The Salvation Army onion utrip nip lHOfiECAtL PlCKlJP

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