if misfit Notes hms Continued from page seven This is the first concrete step which has been taken to the for mationof this board which ac cording to the act must consist of members other than the council and which will assist with the or derly planning and arranging gt the growth of the area Death of xThomas Donnelly Council member with the ex ception of Councillor Campbell who had been earlier went in body to the undertakera parlours on Monday evening to pay ro speets to former employee Torn Donnelly who for years was super intendentof the township park Mr Donnelly made many of the im provements which are part of the present much used park The funeral took place at St Peters Church on Tuesday afternoon where the remains were interred in the church cemetery Centenarian Passes Mrs Hannah Sloan Wilison was laid to rest in the St Peters Churchill cemetery on Tuesday af ternoon Mrs IWillson who on her last birthday April of this year reached her hundredth year pass ed away after she illness Mrs Wilison wife of thrlte Herbert Wilison lived in urchill for many years until the family sold their farm and went to Toronto She is sister of Edward Sloan ot Churchill and mother of Earle and Mildred Mrs Horton Bert and Norman deceased Heavy 8th Lino Traffic The paved road on the 8th line is taking much of the lake shore traffic which formerly went down the other lines Over the July holiday over 12000 cars passed either way on this road This was from hiday night at pm to Tuesday morn ing The condition of the county road is bringing considerable com plaints from motorists who use 400 highwayand cross from the clove erieaf on the am It usually fin ishes the weekend so rough it is unsafe to use was comment frpm driver who uses it daily If the Township was not committed to the County Road system we could have this paved for less than our annual payrn nts to the county on roads For ent servrcc received The road has sufficient traffic to warrant some type of surface oth er than sand and gravel Men tion has been made of improv ing 25 sideroad with hard sur face to take the traffic across the bottom end Claims Police Ware Not Available The proprietor of the Leiroy Restaurant lakes exception to the story appearing in this column last week about disturbance said to have been started in his place In letter he states called the police about two inguultble to get them either by phone or on their car radio called the Reeve who on hear ing my complaint said he knew nothing about the police and hung up With the aid of my dogs chased the intruders from my pro thy do not knowwho they indiffer AN were Much labor the police can tscted me to tell me that they were mantles awry but would be IJDII proving that they were not lnthe vicinlu when nude theealLBetweenï¬andnnmtbe foreman of the gang on the nil way called both the CN and the township police to stop rumpus lathe ears knew noth ing of this till next day am informed thatI will have to pay for police phone chill Hobbs Poor Hoying Weather This is the general comment of farmers these dnys Another week has about passed and very little accomplished in the way of mak ing hay although so acreage has been cut and is lnying awaiting drying sun to make it into biling condition or fit for storage However what is being lost on the hay is being added to the grain crops The rains have brought the late sown spring crops along fast and have also helped the fall wheat which is headed out weli and in allthe improve ment in the grain crops has considenble since July came It is likely that we will still get the hay harvested and may also re alize very substantial harvest Shortage of help on most forms is the greatest handicap other than the weather UTOPIA scurry to Shelter The young fry enjoyed amp to the scenic caves on Coiling wood Mountaln Sunday but were forced to scurry for shelter when sudden storm cut short their visit Congratulations Congratulations to our BDCI students number of whom wcre listed in the honor list Day in Toronto McCann and Evelyn Smith spent Mondayin Toronto Coutts Reunion Mr and Mrs GilbertMeMaster and family Mr and Mrs Donald Coutts spent Saturday with the Coutts clan at the Centennial pie nic at Midhurst Saturday Mrs Andy Miller Barrie is vls iting her slsterh Mrsï¬Fred Mcv Cann and other relatives Days Visit Mr and Mrs Henderson and Mr and Mrs Harold Henderson Allllliston spent Monday with Jack Bus Tripto sister Mrs Wilbert Gibson and sis ter who is visiting with her from Washington left this morning by bus tospendi some time with an other sistor in Virginia USA Strawberry Supper The congregation of the United Church held their annual straw berry supper in the hall Tuesday evening At Funeral Service number from here attended the funeral service for the late Noelï¬G Ste 0PTO ETRIST at mm mailman mu mine WYEBRIDGE mt Visitarn 1111 BarrySIlta and Mn weyoflichlganviaitedwlth othergelatin intweek Mrlndlnwillllmhkleynpd From New Jersey Mr and Mrs Creighton Lum mnudlamllyotNewJerreyand Mn Charles Hail and son prert of willde Visited with Mr and MmflowudLummlronerand of Toronto were recent weekend CHINESE HIGHLAND LAES Betty Chan 11 of Saskatoon whose parents are Chinese won therGaelic Societys challenge cup at the Scottish dancing competitions in Winnipeg She says she wears the Royal Stuart plaid because we havent got McChan tartan yet At rightis Maj Neil Sutherland of NEW rLos Recent Visitors Mr and Mrs Earl Briggs Ham ilton visited on Thursday with Mrs Kirkpatrick andRoss Mr and Mrs Emerson Madill and Calvin of Bradford were Sun day visitora of Mr and Mrs Har old Smith and family Mr and Mrs Ray Hall Acton visited with relatives here on Sunday Thomas Hisey Toronto is visit ing at the home of his sister and brotherinlaw Mr and Mrs Fred Viney and family Get Better Soon We wish speedy recovery to little Eileen Grace Hope young est daughtor of Mrand Mrs Geoffrey Hope who is ill with pneumonia Supper guests of Mrs Kirkpate rick on Sunday with Mr and Mrs MervinCraig and Mr and Mrs Smith from Midland School Report New Fios School reportnames in alphabetical orderrw To grade Bcrt Starling To grade Dale Atkinson Robert Janauskas To grade Nljole Janauskss Richard Pilkey Veronica Pilkey To grade Barry Starling Eric Brooks at Shelburne Tues day IIard Ball Tournament Dont forget the annual hard ball tournament in the park civic holiday Aug hensqn summaowssamtnos and Jeromesulna FORVAPPOINTMENT PHONE PA 84201 BY MAIL IN MINUTES For you eonVeuience advantages of banking home summ nannrn ansaura 11 Canadian Bank of Commerce and the by maiL Ifyou wishto deposit cheqiiethis Warren Wanless Winnipeg police force cr PHOT To grade Murray Atkinson Sharon Wanless Tojgrade Grcta DeGortcr Jimmy Hunter George Ward Teacher Mrs Ramsey PIONEER AUTOS VICTORIA CPBritlsll 00I umbiaa first motor Vehicle code in 1904 provided for $2 licons fee aspeed limit of 10 mph in the city and 15 in the country Study of the old law recently showed the maximum fine for any alience was $25 ammo is visiting with Mrs Mrs Robins for few days Barrie Visitor Mrs Swan of Barrio visited few days with Mrs Robins last week Mr and Mr Roy Brown at El rose Saskatchewan and Mrs Todd of Scarboro visited on Fr day with Mr and Mrs Ra Mrs Todd remained for the wee end Misses Carolyn and sheila Ed wards spent couple of days with Ruth Rawn during the week From Toronto Mrs Claude Falls and son John guests of the William Fallia Sunday in Stayner Mr and Mrs Ellsworth Collins visited relatives in Stayncr on Sunday Mr and Mrs William Fallis Verna and Murray visited Mr and Mrs William Jacksonat Upter grove on Sunday Mrs WaverleySmltbof Barrie and Miss Elizabeth Smith of Coir percliff are spending the sum mermonths at their home here Few Days with Brother Mrs Dick Main and girls of Thermal are spending few days with brother and sisterinlaw Mr and Mrs Ed Copeland Miss Josie OConnor of Elmvale William Faliis Mr and Mrs Clarence Reynolds of Montreal visited with Mr and Mrs William Charles on Monday At nephew Wedding Mr and Mrs Henry Reynolds Sgt Geargt bowery is still on the sick list Get better soon Mr Lowery Robyln noqam Mr and Mn Art hillford went to Tomato to visit their baby who still in the hospital Everyone hopes begets well soon Toronto Wait Sharon Fullford is away Visll log with her aunt and uncle in Toronto Home from wtndsor Clarence Canning was home over the weekend visiting his ELMVALE Storm Caused Power Failure On Sunday around 530 prn the electric storm blackcd out section on Queen and Peter Streets Lightning made direct hit on hydro pole near DrPat chcii burning the cross arm and avelled down the ground wire tting the pole on fire at the bot tom also blew the luSes on the pole near the highway Elgin Ritchie was called and powerwas soon on Orilln topped to visit some or their friends in Colwell Congratulationn to Mr and Mrs Ralph Canning an the birth ofnhsby KENOGAKI QUE CP This northoanernQuebee loamy caloriï¬c momma has approved new construction permits amounting to 518L509 Making lmprovements Most of thepermtts arelor Ves lraey has been making ldentlal construction arrch tqu today with mvhabmtfimflymuymobmorf lushloandptoSlOO00nodayrcrvioeg Up to Z4 months to repay neednlbneyndviceorlcashbmyofl arealways welcoaw at HFCOrnada ï¬rst and foremost consumer financa wmpany ovsrnotnnniiri Dunlap We main floor phonl IA 15527 IAIIII 0N1 oeana usual Iranians hammermml Hmntnrlo Strict eons flooryphono IIVO ComNï¬woofl om at ers mommy SPECIAL and Mr and MrsWilliam Charles attended the wedding of their nephew Allard Reynolds on Sat urday RCAF omch Willbe in BillllilE LEGION flitti lll July 56 lizOO aim 600 pan onwruc near Recruiting Unit St Clair Ave Toronto nu light Duty Models MlOO through M4550 Series Choioeoi pickup gt anal exprsa N°°iars°md ew up to 40 load ooChoiea ot ohorh rake engines and Heavyline Models Rugged =600 ODConveutlolnl andCabForwsrdmodeie offer widest eho gf as hunch one an axles pravaiiablo brananew M6001 19500 lbs GVoW masooolbe engines to 212tpr withLbagï¬al carburetoraudd exhausts you simply endorse icon the back andmail withthespecialhaukb Bank of Commerce You willreceive prompt acknowledgment by mail You can eveumail yoursayings account pass on in thine Cans rroe wheneveryuu want it bro ghtup to date It you raves illrent accountyou can have your monthly statement and cancelled Cheques sent to you by mail It is easy Youll see savings on in all weight classes Then too you can count on Mercury Trucks for longer life because of dozens of heavy duty features in both V8 and 6cyilhcler models call to yourMercury Truck dealer gt new will open your eyes lidreal truck economy yoisr truckï¬ollhrs buy more ina New Mercury1ruck built for your Job more work poWer more hauling capacity more ser Woestominamoramone savmg gemore economical operation We can ca Cl sedan to aegzomy Whaeibeu tabecause Me f4 Truckpricesaretheinostcompetitiv mbiafnry hoopenasavlngsorcurrent of