Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jul 1956, p. 8

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glided atrousscau tea for Miss On June 29 miscellaneous Ihwer was held injurns Church lorMiAa Marion llalbert brideto iies The bride received lovely Immoral of gifts trom relatives Ind lrlends Recent Visitors Mn Gilchrist lot Stayner is visiting with her son and daughL crinlaw Mr and Mrs Harold Gilchrist JzMr and Mrs Bob Riddell who have recently purchased the El mer Stoltz term are living or the time being to the house for Tmcrly occupied by Mr and Mrs Everett flutters We welcome this family to our community Trousseau Tea Several ladies from Burns at arion ilalbert last Tuesday at lumen and cvening Strawberry Festival number of families were re presented at the Strawberry ch ttval at Baxter on July All en joyed the delicious supper follow rlls WILSON BUanlNG ed by concert which was put on by local talent Swimming Classes The swimming classes are being held at Thompsonville until the Alllrton pool is completed There were thirty pupils from the jun lIJr and senior rooms present or their first lesson on Thursday morning Welcome New Bride Friends and nelghbors from Elmgrove and Burnscommunitios met in Burns Church Thursday evening to welcome Mervyn Smiths new bride nee Marilyn Wilson of ilerryville to our midst Mr Harold Gilchrist read the ad dress and Ken Blanchard and John Buyers presented Mr and Mrs Smith with coitec table and an end table Remaining Longer Mrs Cummings Miss Barbara Cummings and Mrs McCague Srirom Toronto visited recently with Mr and Mrs Mes Cague Mrs McCague Sr is re maininglor longer visit Mr and Mrs George Jeffrey and sons spent day recently at their cottage at Brooks Beach Birth of Son Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Tom Vcrlaan on the birth of NIAGARA hills about LARGE ours And biow to pay them Most people spend large sum of men only when they know era the money is taming from Bu there are lame bills that you just cant plankfor For instance cur Slnils ps unexpecle megicnl expenses fires thefts lnylllrng completely on your control bills that ha you llltc bolt our of the blue These urge bills are often serious concern to family Thats when aNiag loan can really be of help Ax any rate there are lot at letters in our oflice which wergwriucn by people who certainly think our service was miIgh fine nnsncr to this di kind of blem Yuull find it you quire that friendly lozos Niagata Finance often have lower rates Another polnz about Nia loans to 31550 are lifei urcd at no mm cost to you if you have rlnrge ullox cried bill which you cant Iudle why not aim inor phone well be lo see yon post Otiice sh rli PA 84640 BARN son July use lnSteymwn no mortal Molokai Alliaton Mr filer inn is clap oyedat the lam of James Macsue Mr and Mn Harold Wilson and son Aubrey oi Dexmime motored to Bum Thursday evening to attend the presentation for Mr and Mrs Mervyn Smith OshawaHoliday MrsBen Swenson Sharon and Deboth have been on holidays in Oshawa with Mrs Swenaona par ents Mr and Mrs Plnglc Weekend Visit Mr and Mrs James McCague spent the weekend witbithe lat ters mother Mrs James in Brant lord ills and son Rush of Gren fel vislted with his soninelaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Pcter Switzer on Sunday Mr and Mrs Leonard Sturgess and children at 0rd Station spent Sunday withMr and Mrs Peter Switzer Mrs Sturgess ls Mrs Switzers sister At Film Forum Picnic Mr and Mrs Harold Gilchrist and daughters attendeda Farm Forumpicnic recently at Mr and Mrs le Bells cottage Wasaga Beach Snndayfiuests Sunday guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Wm Henderson were Mr and Mrs Tom Clayton and sons of Markham lllrs Doug ins Clark Mr and Mrs Howard Scwcil daughters Marjorie and fiargaretand son David of Mea rd Mrs Clark and Mrs Sewell are sisters of Mrs Harold Hender son Ma and Mrs Kenneth Hand and family of Redickville and Mr and Mrsllusscll Hand and daughters of Mansfield visited recently with Mr and Mrs Hand Mr and Mrs Orville Miller spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Wes Dickey in North Bay From Toronto Larry lnghom of Toronto is holidaying at the home of his uncle and aurlt Mr and Mn Orville Miller Trip To Waterloo Mr and Mrs Fergus Kerr and Paul motored to Waterloo on Sun day to visit Mr and Mrs Leslie Shelton and family Mr Shelton has been transferred to Kitchener and will be manager of bank there Sunday Preacher Frank Anthony from the staff of Banting Memorial High School Alliston preached in Burns Church on Sunday The theme of Maybe Charles Dickens was gazing inlo crystal or alu minumball when he made this prediction century ago about strange new metal called alu minum He wrote What do you think of metal as white its silver as unaltctablO as gold as easily melted as cop per as tough as iron In proportion as the cheap pro duction of hlurninurn becomes more and more an established fact the more we shall find it entering into household uses lor travelling purposes for in stance for which its lightness is no small merit Very goodCharlcs espes cially that bit about cheappro duction That day has arrived as Alcans vast production and world sales prove ALUMlNlnl COMPANY on CANADA LTD arcing theLuke Representing xhe Ontario Peach oneoi lromKell llljnois blossom lestivnl was pretty eighteenyearold Jean Myers USA National oinoro fblioslallou was hasten The descendants of theflate Elijah Hughes held their annual reunion Sunday last at the lovely couatry honic 13 Mn Wesley Hughes and sons Douglas aadRo ban this being theold homo stud About30 descendants en lay the afternoon and delicious supper served in the spacious rooms of this old home with glorious view of Cooks Bay Even Pesrnolossonis in onlonn am inst now making their appearance Although two weeks later than usual is is not expected that this will lliect Ontarios annual crop at approximately 100000000 pounds of peaches To mark the occasion of peach blossom time in Ontario blossom lsslivnl involvinga big parade was recently held in Niagarrum Peach UoWen Aliociation in the friendsirl Toronto his sermonwas EA Day of Glad Tidings based on the passage Two Kings Chapter Ha also contri buted solo The Lords My Shepherd Sundayvisitors with Mr and Mrs Switzer were Mr and Mrs Somervillc Eldon and Evelyn oi Stayncr also Mr and Mrs Carter and their granddaughter Betty Anna Cherry of Creemorc 9+ Sundny Callers Mrs Reynolds and Mildred visited Mr and Mrs Thomas Mc Crackcn at Caledon East on Sun day Miss Dora Mason Mrs Roy Fisher Billie and Joyce of To ronto called on Mr and Mrs Wil liam Brooks on Saturday Recent Visitors Mr and Mrs Joseph Noble and family visited Mr and Mrs lyson Noble at London last week Glad to see Mr Hipwcll home again after his recent operation Mrs Copeland Wedding Guests Mrs Geddes and Gwen attend ed the wedding of Miss Ruth Ire land and William Draper on Sat urday at Rosemont where Gwen was bridesmaid for her cousin Swimming Lessons Swimming lessons commenced at innistil Park on Thursday with 53 children from this district at tending At the Cottage Mr and Mrs McLean are holidaying at their cottage at Big Bay Point Community Sympathy Sympathy is extended to Mrs James Smith in the death of her sisterMrs Adams also to Mrs Roy McLean of Barrie in the death of her husband Miss Addie Orr of Toronto vis ited Mr andMrs Orr over the weekend At Camp Bobbie Watt is attending camp at Midland this week Rev Mr Love is also atthis same camp as an instructor Week in Oshawa Mrs Kennedy and family spent the past week at Oshawa Friends at Simcoev Miss Alana Barker is spending some holidays with friends at Simcoe Sunday at Bala Mr and Mrs Cliff Whitesid and family also Mrs Wadds spent Sunday with friends at Bala Mrs Wadds and Nancy Whitcside remained for Ivisit is visiting and Stanley Wright of Elmvale Thornbury CLOWES Sunday Visitors Mr and Mrs Lavender and iamin visited with Mr and llirs Chase at Scarboro on Sunday and Miss Elaine Lavender re mained for weeks holiday Mrs Stoddart and Cliff of Guthrie visited recently with Mrs Sampson Mr rand Mrs George Rugman and Mr and Mrs Thompson visit ed on Sunday with Mr and Mrs James Rugman at Midhurst Mr and Mrs FrankWoods of Dalston and Mrs George Jones of Barrie visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Cairns Weekend in Barrie Mr and Mrs Rh Perkin spent the weekendgwith Mr and Mrs Perkin in Barrie though the terriblewind and rain storm raged outaide and Hydro tailed everyone had splendid time It the reunion of the clan Recent Visitors Viritora thiapast week with Mr and Mrs Paul Russell were on Sunday Mrs Tborburn and daughter Donna of Alhambra Calliornla and Mrs McLean and son Jack of Tomato on Wednesday Mr and Mrs Gordon Hoienbraelt and son Russell Mrs Sid Russell and Mrs Carlson of Lake Wilcox Callers at Girvnn Sawyers on Sunday were= Mr andMrs Ralph Cummctord and Mrs Cumme lord Sr of Batavia New York llira Fred Sawyer Jay and Hon as and friends trom Toronto 41 Trip Marilyn Todd Helen Sawyer Liida Alto and Evalcen Sawyer went on the 4H bus trip to Can ada Packers Toronto and Sher idan Nurseries Clarksonon July is CHURCHILL Mrs George Richardson and girls at Weston spent thewcek with Mrs Harry Sloan Miss Lois Burke is holidaying in Midland Mrs Constable and boys spent the weekwitb Mr and Mrs William Constable at Ccdarllar bour Miss Catherine Paterson is at tending Summer School in To ronto Mrs lsabel Moore St Cathar ines is spending week or so with Miss Lillian Sloan MrsColin Cémpbcll Stayncr is visiting her brother Gordon Mair Two Elderly Residents Pass Away Two elderlyresidents of Chur chill passed away in the persons of Mrs Willson at 24 Brad gate Road Toronto and Dennelly at thehonle of his dau Mr and Mrs Albert Shelswell of Hawkcstono visited on Sunday with Mraand Mrs Perkin Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Beardsall were Lloyd Mr and Mrs Graham Summers and family of Crown Hill Mr and Mrs Martin of Barrie Mr and Mrs Sommers andlcn of Craighurst From Grovenhurst Mr and Mrs George Hutchin son and iamin of Gravenhurst ilics on Sunday Mr and Mrs Dymond and Carol of Buiialo MrfiandMrs Cecil Dicker of Toronto were weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs Dicker Moliday with Sister Cecil Hayes of Barrie is spend ing few days of holidays with his sister Mrs Dicker Congratulations Congratulations to the success ful Grade and bighscllool stud ents of this community gt Holiday atVStroud Gary and Shirley McLean are spending their holidays with their sisters at EolidayAeres at Stroud Sunday Guests Mrs Jory of DalstonMr and Mrs Thomson and Lindo of Toronto visited on Sundnyxwit Mr and Mrs McLean Mr and Mrs Fraser and family visited on Sunday at Mr and Mrs Percy Bonney and Mrs Shaw visited on Sunday with Mrand Mrs Stanley Shaw at Milena Squete Barn Dance number from this community Aslr your imperial Dealer abouton EverW green Contract for oil supply consultlhe Yellow Page directory for Dealer £550 or is wow guolonteed fumoco of your phone your nearest Essolilmlarf sssobl ill Aces visited with the Hutchinson filmu ghter Mrs Carter Downsview interment was held in St Peters Cemetery Tuesday afternoon The sympathy of the community is ex tended to the families of these two old friends Mr and Mrs Harold Brown and Dr and Mrs Bruce Challis To ronto were guests of Sloan on Saturday Mr and Mrs Ron Clute Bever ley and Joan spent the week at Elonn Holme Cottage Cedar Har or in Barrie Hospital Sorry to hear Mrs Walter Al lan is in Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie but pleased to hear she is progressing favorably attended the Atkinson barn dance last Friday night good time was had by all gt Miss Ann Johnston and Betty Bidwell wgnt on 4H Club trip to pakville and Hamilton Sanitar tum Community Picnic Our community picnic will be held at Springwater Parkon July 27 Everyone is welcome Mr and Mrs Marcbildon and gallnily visited on SundayatHilis rlnln editorial Illhand urnEarl Deverell of San Bernardino Calilorhia were visiting Mrand Mrs Elmer Unelcsthia past week ortlJlaVlrlt Miss Phyllis Jobnstone is visit ing inorillia witbMias Dianne Johnstnde Recent Guest Mr nuclle Leslie Robertson and boys of Orillia wero guests of Mr and Mrs ElwoodIJobn stone onSunday Mr and Mrs Nelson Johnstonc visited Sunday with Mrs Wood Orlllla Miscellaneous Shower Frlday evening the school Williams FRONT WHEEL BEARINGS SHOULD BE REPACKED every 10000 Miles seized front wheel bearing can unrantee an accident eck YOUR Mileage DANGERFI ELD morons LIMITED Seryice Department 65 Collier St PA 82487 house truth Itan of miscel with the uaualf laneolls shower for Miss Cora Shellswelland Leland Bryan who are to be married July 21 The eyening opened with ring song and progrrm which was fol lowed by tha opening of the many useful gilt from both churches and the CGli as well as individuals The evening closed 133 and relrcshnrcnta oo lndustrinl enipogn eat relic andaverzge weekly ularien 1pr at Jan 1956 were lag high lanthanum lat date in nada VWeeklyrw for example averaged$61M against $5849 the year provious rfi multimillionInvitationif sum mammals Not one big yearly billl fiercrnalhinglikr big oncoalycor premium budget yet its do unnecessary With State Paras you onlyipxy mull easytomeet premium xix montha without qua carryingcharged Let me tell you more about this and the many other budgetswing features pioneered State Farm Call or stop id todayfii HKmil llllrclllill CLrU so Engenla St Barrie room PA to snarl gsoURcES CANADA it has been sold is country which has policies favourable foimportets First becauseour customs tariff is low with many items on the free list Secondly the iropln growth of the country ls expand ing our homemorket at pace Canada never has known before The steel industryhére in Canada has expanded some whnt faster than has the home market so thattoday Canadians need to import less of most kinds of steel than in earlier days 0n occnSlon steel from other countries is sold here at prices below Canadian cosmisioccurs when there are prolonged or temporarysurpluses elsewhere But pickup in demand in the exporting country reduces or extinguishes these external sources ofsupply That is why year in and year out the Canadian pro ducer is the most reliable source of supply TH conpaulrior cartoon Llerso MllNTREAl cAllAlonul llAlllllmll rrllAlnroln Jolene When Wilson planned go shopping he husband Ion said Mcet you at thebahkm lt was flannel thing mangle gain centre his is justapatt of everyday life

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