The mnaamtknï¬ouoay runs is toss SM Service large congregation attended the special service held in Trinity United Churchon Sunday morn ing July when the Tecumseth Districter and MBA lodge members attended divine service The congregations of Thompson viile and Tottenham were present and maiTyiuembera of other local churches The trontol the eburch was niCely decorated with lovely an rangements rumour flowers Many these were supplied by Miss Wallwin ihe pastor Remit Gardr ner deliveied an approprilie and most impressive sermon Special music was supplied by the regular choir of Beeton Church They sang two anthems The Captain Is Calling and In The Garden These anthem were well rendered and merit special mention The organist was Mrs Dobhs Visiting Relatives Mr and Mrs Jack Dale of To ronto visited relatives in town on Saturday Chief of Police Iohn Chisholm and Mrs Chisholm oi Tomato vislt ited with Mr and hlrs Thom son during the weekend Mrs Taylor Mrs Service and Mrs Wrightwerein Newmarlretnon Friday From Toronto Welch oi Toronto visited with Mr and Mrs DJoyca on Sunday Visiting Mother gtMrs Cohnors of St Caih arines is visiting her mother Mrs Letts Barrie Visit Mr and Mrs Joyce visited Mr and Mrs Appleton of Bar rie last weir Eric and Elaine Dohhs of Lon don are visiting their grandpar ents Mr and Mrs Dohhs Toronto Visit Miss BrendaLetts is visiting in Toronto this week Kidd Reunion The Kidd reunion was held in Heston Coininunity Park on Sat urday July From Arizona and Mrs Gray at Thcson Arizona have been visit ing with their relatives in town and in Alliston the pasttwo weeks iMr aners Devall visited rélativcs in Collingwood on Sun dty Inflospital 1W Butler is patient in Royal Victoria Hospital Rarrie Mr and Mrs Pegg visited relatives in Oshawa duringtlie Weekend Guest for Week Mr and Mrs George Appleton of Rochester NY and Mr and Mrs EpLong of Quebec are nutfol In ad wars Janie Watsonthla week Mr and Matt Brawley Priceviuovialtotl biendadnwwn on WednaaTday Wuhan Renoi an TheWataon limily held their reunion flipsinmate Park on Sunday July Week with nanni Miss Ream Hayes of Toronto spent the week with her parents Mr and Mrs Hayes Vtaitln Sister Miss Dorothy Coleman is visits ing hersister Mrs Fetch Markham renca Gould are visiting relatives in Port Elgin tor week Few Daya Visit Mr and Mrs Brinkman of Glencross are visit withMr and Mrs Rutledge or few days to Winnipeg Miss Moherta Kearns lelt on Friday for Winnipeg where she met her aunt Dr Maysil Williams at Kansas City and they will be motoring through the States and visiting relatives for couple of weeks Reeve Visits Relatives Reeve Eand Mrs Little are visiting with relatives in London for week Nichol Reunion The Nichol reunion was held in the Community Park on Sunday July large number at the family were present Carleton called on friends in Creemore on Monday Mrs Cross Mrs ILetts and Mrs Watson are spending few days in Guelph 4A Weekend at North Bay Mr and Mrs Charles Cole and family spent the weekend at North Bay and Sundridga While at Sundridge they visited with Mr and Mrs Ray Money Joan and Gertrude Money returned home with them tor vacation Georgina Cole is on holiday with Mr and Mrs Bateman at Thornton Mr and Mrs McMaster Mrs Tattersall and son Brian and Mrs Fred Harris spent Sunday with Mrs Qunnce Toronto Called on Friends Mr and Mrs Raymond McDer mantrand family oi Alliance Al berth called on friends in the community this week Calf Club Trill George Harris Edwin Donnelly Gordon Ford and Tyson Smith Jr lett Wednesday morning on trip with the 4H Calf Club to Oak ville and Hamilton J¢ FINE VWOOL super Tasmanian wool inAustral ian sales in 1956 ACCOUNTANTS FMECLAREN 8L Co aeooumaun montage Mum anoma ts humans co commo Public Account MW Ind Barrio Irmyoiilcaiuu am in aar yreicangno mm ll Pl the MMKEDNAL BOYS SEAGBAM GROW Ianlakn Inlicilnn cumnoon Mom Mice Iraarh Ollie In uuaiom Oouulttna Houra in no to an Juan an 31 omsrom ctmam 90 nose can1mm untilliawa ea in song Piuuu Lou wanox his sons Chutesed ooonntanta Toronto Orillia tan OFFICE Phone ms Resident Mia GA =i OSTEOPATH wmsoN osraoraijaroonmm Illilun lulltins OPTOMETRY Mlll Daniel or In iaqu in Dominion ltora or avuiingnmia oemmmusr gt omu xsura to Olnlbd AIIIIIIIXI hm 153 Collier st PhonaPA llrfloler an nuqu MON ra mm a1 Dunlap at Iarrio Phone pasans Joan sbrroN on mug minis 11 mt 00 Masai sum is MnLEAN suequ ra ouru MEIEI mini aniitfdlï¬Ã©pgait in mm magneto Dilan Phon Jags f1 VLWINGSTDN ms BAREISIERS SOLICITORS 35454 sonata Massagetr Hydrotherapy n1wo ao wright mm om Musu teyssous JESSIE it anyhow mm PIANOIINGDIO III as error pronpndJor Xllnlnlt $2335 trmhiimï¬hï¬ Ilodarn unit Be main marrowa at Fhon up WAEBBN la MIBLEAN nusum $2515 latrhino aura Ideh mu VETERINARY on ammo lentil mrn on Mrs Creighton and Law Recordltprice of $346 pound was paid tor one bale of extra mil stemmed When as husband arrives could yo give him message 011 youll recognize him an right monursnioun Delayed Picnic On Tuesday evening delayed picnic and presentation was held at the school with the children and parents arriving In time for not luckisupper on the grounds followed by ball games and races or the children Then we all went iriio the school or the presentation and farewell party as number at the children may be going to Hobart school next year Four of the boys are leaving to attend Midland High School and they presented their teacher with lovely cream and sugar set Then the awards from the teacher were highlights in the childrens eyes The top girl arid boy were Susan Pottage and Ber nard Belanger Perlect attendance Linda Barr Kenny King Peter King and Michael King Award or thevmonih ciiort performance Yvonne Belangor Punctuality George Barr Lin da Barr Robert Barr Willis Amos Shirley Todd YvonneBel anger Larry vAnderson Helen Watch the their kind cooperation during flirobiaanna Mata mat hat leetend with Mrs Mervyn Noble Over than Holland Mrs Barker who ante over from Holland low weeks ago is visiting her daughter Mrs James Reid andrtainiiy Vlattan Mr and Mn lited Noblonon nie and Gordonaod Mr and Mrs Berthalotte Mrs Miller thanked all for the year To Mr and Ander son at Peaeuoe General Hos pital baby girl NM The burial was It Hobart Cemetery on Friday atternoons To Mr and Mrs Kenneth Pot tage at Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie girl Mrs Murray Todd hrm spent few days with Shirley Todd ss Medonte Promotions Name are arranged alphabet ically Grade 39 Roland Belanger George Clark John Pottage Douglas Troughton Grade 78 Larry Anderson Bernard Belanger Peter King Mary Rose King David Pottage Shirley Todd Jean Trouehton Grade 67 RichardBelanger Yvonne Belanger Rita Berthe lotte gt Grade 56 Audrey Anderson Patsy King Grade 45 Willia Amos Lin da Barr Shirley Ann Belunger George Burr Rosemary Ruch nnan Robert Relanger Paul Grenicr Kenneth King Dennis King Susan Pottage Susanne Troughton Grade 4Ronnié Wilton Grade 28 Gerard Beianger Billy Campbell Richard Grenier Mary Pottage Grade L2 KarenAnderson Robert Barr Helen Berthelotte Judy Douglas Michael King Grade Kent Pottnge one half promotion MRS DOROTHY MILLER Teacher Week transition Ira MauriceReid speak last week in Hamilton on and Mn hindi citaem and chiidren otLoa Angela are visiting with the lattara parents Mr and Mrs Roy Jack in Ilium Mrs Walter Alianhhll been patieot in the Royal Victoria Hos pital or the part week All her friends wish her speedy recov ery EGBERI Visitorawith Mr and Mn Broley on Sunday were Mrand Mrs Arnold Rogers and Lynn Bond Head Mr and Mrs Jairies Lei hton and family Holly ind MrsEwart Burns io rontoand Mr and Mrs Harry Anderson of Thornton spent Sun day with Means Mrs Garvin Burns Mr andMra Oswald Downer and friend of Midland spent Sun day with Esther and Watson Downer Special YP service The special seryice taircn by SPECIAL SALE DISCONTINUED LINES ENGLISH CHINA cues AND sauceas By Calciough Colclough CupSoucerPiote Set Foley Chins 165 185 Royal Albert 155 1fl5 185 Victoria thna 295 325 cosrumn JEWELLERY nick Steele English Ghlnn Collier only all at Buyiieid Sis Pit Pii82395 FREE PARKING 1N REAR one druehter Mra GeorgesAckv nan Milly eight grandchild ren eight yeatrandchildrenrtwo sisters Mn William Rawt Maria 311M Nrner Aiuanda ot Yakima Washington The body rested the Wallace Funeral Home 151 Ottawa Street North for ser vice on Friday afternoon July 13 at oclock Interment was at Stroud raw materials and partly Iactured goods make up tit per cent exactly the name tions as in the 193539 CALL rne examines not voting PRINTING henna Intovntont AltStrotidfor Mrs John Thompson was Died in Homiton Mrs John William Thompson who lived with her daughter at 12 Caitlin avenue Hamilton died early on Wednesday July 11 Born at Strqud 88 year agoahewas the lormerVMury argaret Maneer She had lived in amilton or the last 14 years coming from Thorn ton She was member at Calvary United Church Surviving are you can in ll animal wast EARNING muse RESPECT SEtilililTY By spending one hall day morning niternonn or even ing each week Jn our classes you can he traloedus prae tieal nurse Thornton Young People in Egbyrt United Church on Sunday was well attended The You Peo pie deserve great credit or the way in which they conductd the service gt Mr and Mrs Glen Murdy oi Hillsdale spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs SandnycCuaig Toronto Holiday Miss Patty Church is spending few holidays in Toronto with friends TB AN EXAMINER WANT An Registered nurses are in charge oi ail classeslectures are giv en by Doctors Theï¬emlnd for nurses Is al ways great and when you have graduated you are entitled to our Ircc placement service Free equipment given Classes now Iornitng MORNING ansnuoon EVENING SEND FOR FREE LITERATURE AND SAMPLE PAGE 0F LESSON tor 85c for 110 for 110 for 125 Ior 195 Eunudian Schools at Pruplicul Nursing sex would like to be prae In none Picre send without ohlintlon1nrth er details on your trainins ennfle IEPhAY or Name ago Address Cit occupatlun and out Shop ED SULLIVAN snow onCKVRTTV ohamrei Sundaynight BY USED 15 Highway on mrnis Youre in world of new excitement from th Vetyjï¬nt moment tit the wheel oftho BIG the BIG Mercury And when you feelthe gdortiesspo ofthisiong 9w beautyyouil know whyi the BIG performer of 56 Mercurys mighty SAFETY SURGE v3 engine delivers more usable power in every speed range You get splitsecond pi up the instant you need it for saftu control when passing or hill you drive Mercury rides IG with easy oing comfort And speaking afeas ust you try ultrasmooth MeroOMatioflri Mercury power assists Theyre the last word in convenience Accept your dealers vitation th ahfety wheel of the BIGCM ior OBIGW armanmiofthnyrarL BIGV NEWMER invesaa Yankm DEALER