Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jul 1956, p. 6

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ltllllSlilttlillEs Second after this photoznph was taken two greeting telegrams were on their way ram Strnud to the civic heads of StrouduNcw South Walcs and Strand Onlario on Monday Theywcre sent by Mr John Stroud Remembered Namesake Day The first Namesake Greetlng day established by the General Post Office in England who sent free messages to any namesake community of places in the British Isles started message from Suoudclouccster to Stroud Ont arlo and Strand New South Wal cs The message to Strouda Ont came to the telegraph office in addressed to tiic lteeve JGibbins it was phoned out and olerkircton took the message and dispatched return reply lie then completely forgot the incid ent It was not until we received clippings of the ceremony which started the message on its way Mil FULLY WIRED pEA SMART BIRD and save 10 on your home in surance withour new Homeown era Combination Policy It includes the most essential insurance for your home all in one policy thus saving you 10 or more over sep arate policies Call us about this money saving INSURANCE plan and let us show you how to get the best Insurance at the lowest cost STEVENSON $3 INSURANCE see us FIRST rot wInsuranee of A117 KINDS 95 Dunlop St BylRGSVV chairman Simud unc at Win ceremon in the tenorpgK mom of Slroud oat Office to the tint Nlmcslke emuin Day which to be organised unimall to puoiiciu the cro Commonweal communications sysicm made enquiries that the matter came to light The Reeve was quite unaware that there had been any exchange of greetings clipping from the Stroud pap er in England showsa picture of the chairman of the Stroud UDC together with other members of his council standing beside the operator at the Post Office while the message is sent mention of the Namesake day was con tained in paragraph dated June 22 which said greetings telegrams would be sent onMonday to the civic heads of Struud New South Wales and Stroud Ontario by John UDC Chairman at special ceremony in the telegraph room at the Strand Post Office Through out the country some 400 civic heads dispatched messages free of charge to about 500 of their Coins monwcalth and Colonial icounter parts to mark the occasion day which is to be an annual feature to publicize the Commonwealth com munications system Visited Council Chambers England During our visit to Stroud Eng land in 1953 we had tho plea sure of meeting many of the mem bers of the District Council or the borough of Strand andalso the clerk whose name is Gibbons Mr Gibbons went to considerable length to make curvisit of interest and to help us to meet and talk to many very interesting and in fluential people He even inter cedcd with the police when our car became involved in slight traffic mishap We will long re member our visit to the Stroud district from which many of the first settlers including the Little family came to settle at strand in lnnisfil Perhaps some day in the near fdture the residents of Stroud Ontario will take on themselves to become village and handle their own affairs At present they have not any official statusother than being post office There is no boundary limits anyone who géls their mail from this post of fice is concluded to live at Stroud PAS5201 They are not even police village andvdepend entirely on the coun youll get there in LIST OUTOFTOWN NUMBERS as well whcnyou tolephone mom as local In your Blue Book gt oil at the township of inhlrfii for their public services They have no water system nor scwerl and their roadsare mostly those on the original township survey and are kept up in the township road system The only matter to be handled in the village are the streetlight ing which is supblicd and main tained by the Ontario Hydro Sya tern committee of three is Ip poiated to arrange for any details pertaining iothese The Community Hall Board ls made up of members from the surrounding area and they have small park and hall for which they are responsible Township clerk Allan Ireton does not live in the Stroud Com munity and this may account for his indifference in regards the message of greeting received Also AStroud In Oklahoma USA About the same time as the greetings were being exchanged with Stroud England pa or was received from Stroud 0k ahoma and the sender asked if there was newspaper in Stroud Ontario The label on the paper was Lumm Hade Box 198 Wado not know if this was any relative of Lumm of Lumm and Abner who were keepers of general store which used to have skit on the radio network The paper called the Strand American sells at ten cents has on its banner the line Hub of the Turnpike and proverb in cludcd under the details of the publication trust in the Lord shell be safe Prov 25 The paper is weekly very much similar tohnost weekly papers in this province The pub lisher is Mrs Francis Watt and Wesley Watt is assistant pub lisher We pass on greetings to the corri munity ofStroud Oklahoma We wrote to the district post office there couple of years ago on deavoring to contact nbreeder of Herefords of that area as we had been in contact while in Stroud England with breeders there oi the white faced stock and had also contact with Breeder of Here lords in Stroud New South Wales We felt that it would be fitting if we could establish circuit of these breeders including ourselv es here at Stroud Ontario who might eventually meet at show in the motherland Stroud Eng land Perhaps the Stroud American canassist us We are the proud owncrof ai liérd of Polledtlierc fords which are fast becoming the leading cattle of the beef bree dcrs choice We had the good for tune to ship two balls last week one to the Province of Quebec and one to North Western Ontario we havean enquiry from New Zealand about our stock Eight Lodges At St Pauls Service Sunday last was the official church parade of the Innisfil Dis trict Orange Lodgesywho paraded to the morning service at St Pauls Church Led by the Sea Cadet Band represented the members lodges from Craigvale Stroud Allaudale Barrie Ivy Thornton Baxter Churchill as well asin dividual members for other lodg es the parade was led into the church after acirele around the residential district of St Pauls Rev Lionel Rowe pastor was Most of these wére assisted in the service by Roy Cooper who is missionary in training who went from thisdis trict to the Diocese of Brandon and who is back on months fur lough Professor Norman Martin who is spending the summer in the afea also took part of the ser ce Expropriation Bylaw Passed At special meeting of Council whoso putteth his instrument factory in London En holiday for these RCAF bandsm Barri Sgt HOLLY Week at Cottage Mrs Ii Brown and Connie spent week with friends at their cottage at Bale Recent Visitors Mr and Mrs llarrison of To main visited Sunday with the latters parents Mr and Mrs Weale Mr andllirs Wealelre turned to the city with them for few days Mr and Mrs Poole and John of Newton Robinson were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Downing Mr and Mrs Rodgers and famiiyrweretSunday visitors with Mr and Mrs GBurns at Egbert Vacation Job Miss Valerie Elliott has accept ed employment at Stroud for the vacation Weekend with Daughter Mr and Mrs Maher and family spent the weekend with their dau ghter and soninlaw Mr and Mrs WHakc Heidi Hake returned with them for few days while Mr and Mrs Hake are business visitors in the states Welcome to District district to Mr and Mrs 3D La Tour and family Mrs MatCormack and Miss Lewis called on their friend Mrs Nelson on Monday on route from theircottage in the north to their home in Toronto Phone in News Please assist your correspond ents by phoning your heels items to Ivy ring or PA 55614 Out West Jon ingram is spending several BUSMANS homoiv Touring instruments they ran across are We extend welcome to our Bonsey and Hawkes musical glnd soon turned into husmons cit Trying out few of the odd rom lcit Sgt Wiseman Sullivan St StephenNB Sgt Bradbecr Toronto All are members of the which toured England and the Coiiincnt recently CAF Trai ing Command Band tlonll Defence ram months with relatives in western Canada Garry Keating of Corbetton is on holiday with his uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Prydc From Weston Mr and Mrs Slessor and Betty of Weston spent the week end with the iormeris parrots Mr and Mrs Slessor Trip The Hi club members and Toronto on Thursday Gravenhurst Visit Mrs Earl Baineand Danny are spending few days in Gravgn hurst with her father and mother Toronto Visitors v4 md Mrs Lloyd Grant had friends from Toronto over in weekend Sunday at Mldhurst and Mrs Charles Campbell on led on friends at Midhurst on Sunday Wedding Anniversary Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Elmer Dyer who were twenty years married on July 11 pporscr WHAT lIOU OWN msucr su paons gate9 GENERAL iNSURA NC Clappcrton Strcrl Pia5934 held on Monday evening bylaw was passed authorizing the town ship solicitor to take expropriation proceedings tp obtain the lands needed to extend the present gar bage dump on the 10th line The lack of space nowis preventing the contractor fromdoing the ne cessary fill that is required to keep the materials covered Corrections Bylaw A30 When the Municipal Board of ficials went oventhe bylaw which regulates the use of lands and the character of buildings he made certain requests which were to be takenfrom the bylaw or changedas noted on thcrspproval inor correc speeiai meeting tions either in word or speiil ing with 1hcexception of tho clauses which would have alloWEd Council or official appointedby them to make deviations This was completely thrown out The cor rected bylaw was passed at the Planning at Councillor Odell rane meetingrwilibe held on uly 23 era the arrangemc the 132 toconimeace the rg snizationo£ plantain ardlh motion asked ml the presence of Charleswyylison from the office olietto re On motion of quested as will assothers ho mightheinterestad rconi offer nnycontribu mmth estain ofp iiiiiilt HURON Milli ins PL alias vniiuaa meanness iii1AM lt ohmic leadcrs enjoyed their bus trip to Check Reports 0n BDClExams TheExaminer has run into at icasttwo instances of er rors in the Elm promotion and examination lists as Puh llshed on Monday July par tlcularly in commercial sull lcets 0n checking we find the results were aavsupplled by the colicgiatc if any pupil discovers the results vary Jrom the report card check should be made at the col legiate office andwo will be glad to publlshrthc correc tloo gt MANYUNSAFE REGINA CPReginas safe ty lane where cars arestopncd for spot checks on mechanical condition in single efferooon found 132 of 226 ears testediiere defective Twentyeight returned after few adjustman and were given OK stickers At Presbytery Camp Rev Burundi attending the Sim Presbytery Camp at Midland this week Visiting Doubled Mrs Scythes left on Suit day for avisit with her daughtc at Milton gt Back to Toronto Miss Mabel Brown has returned to Toronto after visiting here with bdrmW Sander Womans Association This months meeting was held at Mrs Wilsons with splendid attendance Mn Wilson con ducted the meeting in the ab scncc MrsErethet with Mrs Harris taking the worship service andMrs Barnard the program Mrs Mccutchcon in the ab route of secretary took the minutes of meeting and read those uf last month The bus lness arising from these vés then dealt with in detail As remun eratlvo effort the renewal of mag azines was discussed and left over till the September meeting Quilt ing was planned for the near future gt Some further parsonage work plained by Mrs Wilson and plans made for doing this special Work Plans were also dismissed the entertaining of the Edgar Group in September and for the Simcoe Presbytery WA meeting here in October Wednesday August was let for baking sale at the lake Three thank you letters were realdfor rcmembrances for the EIC At the and of the business part Mrs Barnard conducted very interesting program of contests which were enjoyed by all The usualsocial hour with re freshments followed Everybody was very pleased to have Mrs Cecil Harrishack again after her absence through ilinus Mrs David Clark was very welcome guest Miss Edith Greene was also presentrid explained pro icct used in her university group whichproved quite remunerative and which could be used in our church work also ANCIENT SITE Abpotryearold cemetery was unearthed during excavations for housing project near Hamburg Germany llitilY sriiaaiiiiuc aavuioii con can iiiaiiizii barium run Sili nuns summs AT 900 pm AoMissiou 75 ran ALLYoua REQUIREMENTS sire INEsoNfsco Successors To Julian Ferguson ondCo 13 Barrie is conhmowodn Phone 990 rot wI ill00 lithe PeaceliillnisurroundiltL llinii chattour LiMrr circaNe srerosIYE AcfION 2oufor FM

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