Baseball and Crafts are Serlojus Pastimes for Youngsters at Shear Park Playground IEAWOLDJnnie Webb who goes lnto Grade at King Edward School in the fall keeps close eye on Supervisor Janet Cleare as she makes out registrationxeards at Shear Park Playground in Allondale Janet who is 20 years old worked at Queens gt BUSY MAKING MASKS atthe moment 17yearold Anna Dcagle senior assistant at Shear Park and her young charges are startlng soon on modelIndlan encamp ment which will be their main project at Park last year and is in charge at the sen ior playground She has just completed Grade 13 at Barrie District Collegiate In stltiite andhns her eye on tEachcrs col lege the summer Entérihg Grade 13 at the col legiate in the fall this is Annes second year as playground worker Her friends left to rlght are Naincy Blogg six Stanlee Neath Jway six and Margaret Pollard nine Am Mikm EMBROIDERYTRIMMED SUTTON SLIPS Sizes 32 to 42 In slim cANADIAys £0va sms 4mm fitting ilounced style as shown Exceptionally well made with shadow proof panels in front and back Saleemiced for Special Savings LACETRIMMED stirs of ImeMAs Baby Doll sty1e Nylonblinflatq With shadow proaf panel in front Fits beau tifully and so rich looking in white pink pastel blue as shown of Cotton Plisse that requires no ironing White backgroundflower patterned in pink or sottvtoned blue SML flurry or Your Share or these Wonderful Values 3Tirnjzcnnmimr sereniionnncr STYLE AS SHOWN ABDVE ii gureflatterer with its hiphug ging Celssuede top and greceful widespresding tiers of nylon horsehair Just what ygure whnung for wearing with clrele shirts Choose from white pink pastel blue black in small me dium and large SIZBSA At Special Price that makes itrworthwhfle to buy more ha one duringZelIersonce YearLlngerie Sale ffCELllSllEllII Fairies Serum 139$ White and mm Colours swans FEATUIlED end all of them well made with flat waist double gusset and elasticiz ed leg openings Trimmings include embroidered nylon sheersnd dainty lace Same with inserts at sides White pink pastel bluemaize SML 015 BRIEqu PR 95° censuses in white pink pastel mue maize Trimmed withnylon sheer and dainty embroidery MoneySsving Special tumcoma 34 ANOTHER GRAND BUY cotton Camlsoles richlyembroidered in front and back for eitra smar blouses Trimmed withribbon ed at waist SillLL jluey on her right is onept the young players Coaching hath isBarbara web 17 Junior assistant atithe playground who 1sgoingiintorGrade 13 at BDqI next year Sixteeneyearold Gary Andersan couche BARE LEG NYLONS menu Mnsn 15 deniot Grhnd portunity to stockup for the rest of the Summer so the thriftwisewill bejbuy ing these in several pairs of theisame and are quite happy in ti surroundings GMu fatherï¬t Pricevill Wednesday shade Sale Price and old Belt er and come along an have ml Congratu atwus tini 01 the man Wehli