Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jul 1956, p. 2

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marriage of Mice Jean ucmrcz Brant daughterot ur Clarence Brant of Des Groom to Richard Thain of Toronto sou ofltr ud Illace Pattonden of Gun tnokplace on Saturday June four oclochfip the Rev Ernest Lewis elated It the ceregony in tho pnnonnse of Collier treat Untt 93 Church his bride was wearing walu length gown of while nylon net overtatieta Her fingertip veil was ought to headdress of pleated nylon and lilyofrthe valley and she was carrying cmde of white frenchcd carnnA Hons lilyoithevalley mil pink 1w heart rosebuds ller attendant Miss Shirley Brint of Toronto was wearing 111011 dress of powderblue cm btoldercdhylnn organza with powderblue hat and white ac cessories She rarried nosegay bouquet of white pong vink Metheart roeuand tepbanotls Ross Pattenden of Barrie wu groomsman At the reception at the home of tbe grooms parents the mother of the bride received the guests in navy blue sheer wearing white accessories and carnage of pale pink roses Tbe grooms motherwbn assist was in new blue sheer andwu wearing pink accessories and corsage of deep pink roses For travelling the bride chose plnkIndwhite linen jacket dress and pink hat with white accessories and cnrsage of white frenched carnations After wedding trip through the Ottawa Valley Mr and Mrs Pattenden will be making their home in Toronto Outofvtown guests at the wed ding were from Oshawa Deseron to Toronto Hamilton and Tim mlns Th Examiner Radio Column IN THE A111 WinEs By KAREN JOHNSTON Hello again with summer here most of us take every opporA Qinilyto get to our cottages or tpthe beach nigans portable radio time You dont have to worry about missing in with portable radio long Just flick of switch indIthe latest in news and sports well as your favorite programs are brought to you wherever you KBB is starting program Just you The Guy Lombardo how begins tonight Monday at 1330 Be sure to tune in and Jgonoav no 1290 News Headline um Luncheon nais 1210 Baum Digest ram saarrci Report 11m nurai Line 12 nan Headline 1oo Bulletin anarac ansnun rcaiurea onus Perm Reporter no second enrins as auni Mary news sports Ncwa annrti wnugaqq 8338 News man 28 News 55 1100 New mic country girl omuaunec awn Headlines amp nnrncn sports News Prelude To Dinner Fist new HeIdlines ram erket Report 5517111 News so Bulletin Board News Headlines in onowcare 13 goons Calendar 11 New second 838 News Ncws Part $3833 on isidniann ItsHear in The County news 833 1a so oo in Ind ennrta oo snort scores and Weather aqaaagnnaun 9m ayu scum 853553233 pa 45119 059 flittut mock show no rarrn1sarirst Report 71a News mm And summertime nuionai Weather anon Eulincyl itevleI Trudinl Post Tennessee Ernie enc Mid Morning Variellen os iinincniarcru ciinio 30 Trlflllll PD 11 as Household Hints 1110 Binn Croaby snow 1110 sausic enuniry emu wunnv MI 12110 Neil Headlines 110 Luncheon Date ia1o snort nixcai 121 Farm Market Report an hrsi Neva liecune ioo nuiicnn aura 05 Pllm Features E510 Plrm Reporter Aunt Mary variety to 400 Matinee um Hudllnes camp Borden Pardo Prelude Dinner auuéun sons New Heldiines Ehnlcnn Hit Parade Tennessee emicnnow Cnvalcade of run News nirniixnts In In kienani 15 Concert 1n Miniature 30 Canada At assentrte BIfety listen to the sweetest music this side of heaven belated welcome back to Bob MchIn who was on the job last Tucsday after spending his honeylt moon in New York and the New England States Five mornings week the Bing Crosby Show is heard on your community radio station So if youre one of Bings many admirs ers youll be pleased to hear that Bing will sing for you every morning And thats it for another week so until next Monday goodbye and happy listening 550 Heres llelith 900 awa rtnund tip 1105 an at the Town to Midnight ecorra moo News and Sport into ann spurts 1200 News anon ecorca Ind Welther wzouesoav AJIL as sign on 10 fitrength tor the Dar 45 Ncws 50 Musical mock Show Farm Market Report Nun Overnlht sport News oo ennrta Round Vn Nana ortl Bcorel ow Buslnen Review 05 Tradinl Post 10 Tcnncsace nrnis show as MJd Mornina Varieties 1000 Newscast ions Homelnlkerl Clinic 1030 TrIdllil Poet 1100 Newaeaat 11115 Good News ncast sun ninr Crosby Show anrino =n°° use Music Country style Part anorzs wenuzsnnv 12oo Noon ncanunu no Luncheon Date 12103nort3 Dixelt 1215 Plrm Market Report iaJo Newscast HAS Rum Linn 1151 Ne Headlines 100 nails in Boards o5 Pl rcaiurcr 110 Zuo Plrm Reporter 130 Second snrinr 145 Aunt stars Nutrient 05 variety to am on News io ssaunec no nan Headlines 25 cunn Burden encru New orchidsk ca Dinner Hour dunes krt Report Clleodar Work sear Burn 11 elc 1115 rady Early wqu huw gt the cum Mk Lujmrh mm mo 7nhloil nvm 500 Nmy nmy Lone Ranger mo Your sm showcas Yhutrl soo sirmm 910 our Lombardi mm This otuva In Inm wrouuoav uLv an no can at Life as stern 51cm soo Howdy ooody Jo Junior Junction no Weather rvcuANNEI3 n1 Ynaatn 100 Ilrrln nm on Tim tom cinnax 11m one Nun 111 Yoda In sum TMHISPAVfJIILV L15 Peek Louof Lin suns sinrm son My nosey 530 Full Tlml Wullrn mum 610 waatnav us and Allan strain Thqu saunas ltvlnlc one New arcs onioni Weather 441 THE cannrisce 111 themiitedstntes to Atlantic veiled up the Hudson River to Troy NY Vlil at Iconager Long Branch Man Dies in Hospital Requiem mass was said for James Joseph Builre42 of 36th St Long Branchlawyer nd for me deputyreev at 10 am Sat yat Christ Catholic Church with interment at Mount Peace cemetery on Thur Anativeof Tpttenham called to the bar ill 1940 after graduating from the university of Toronto and Hall He served pearly vseven years on Long Branch council four as depu reeve He was member bfthe Canadian Progress club and Christ the King church lie is survived by his widow the former RitatKelly and six children Annlobn James Mar tha Mary Adele Christopher brother William ofnioronto and tuio siétersMrs William Conn rof Hamiltonan Mrs McNeil of Toronto itt performed the feat on the sixth hole Iiarkins hole in one1 me on the fourth glie used Isur on todriv the hall 180 yards into the en the foursome in Played were Waite Kennedy and iliarold docked at the gt Government Dock atthe endhf Bayfield Street is longwnyfrom its home Fort Lauderdale Florida The owners of the boat Mr nd Mrs Bert Alexandra left and their Spatsy came up the eastern coast of ing Roman studying at Osgoode and along across Lake they picked mer home took about City and tra indiarrqooiis WinhersHRace ai Siayner July 21 Put Flnhcrty who came ilrst in The Indianapolis 500 mile race on May 30 this year has stated that he will Stayner Speedway on Satur day July 21 Sam flank who time sec and in that race and John Parsons fourth will also be competing at Stnyner WinsShanly Bay Sailing Event The second race of the season of the Kempenlelt Bay Sailing As sociation was held on Saturday at ternoon in stiff northwest breezeEight boatspstartcd and af ter running fairly closetogether runtil roundingthe second buoy Woods lr gaincda substan tia lead onrthe beat to windward andfinishi=d the race well out in hunt followed in succession by Cam Raikcs Bob Graham Ellis Crooks HarpWright Jim Grant and TomLHolden jlhe nexttracc will start at 11 am next Saturday and the nual junior alrippers race will start at p1n The juniorrace is der accompaniedby one experien ced crew member The starting lineforboth these races is in front of the government dock at Shanty Bay he fin hing line for the jun io race will be in front Vof the ig Novl ny benefilIIt no extra cost ritch come today inn FINANCE CO be competing in the races at open to skippers 13 years oi un wounded in March 1945 the Erie and Oswego canals Kivvariis Extends Thanks Examiner For Assistance Blrtié July 12 1956 To The Editor The Barrie Examiner Sir it is mypieasurc to of ficially convey to you the thanks of the Barrie Kiwanis Club its Bourdyof Directors and myself as president The help that you have given during our recent money raising campaignsand indeed at all times is very much appreciated even though we fail to say so when we should and though we sometimes rib the tor in many ways We oursc consider Barrie to he the finest community in Canada and we sincerely helieve hat The Barrie Examiner by its progressive policies and in fact its aggressive business buiidvup has had no small part in further ing our community Yours truly EMERSON SWAIN President Barrie Kiwanis Club Barrie 111 NOTE This was cn tireiy unsolicited and unex peclcd but we appreciate these kind words neverthe less Barrie Re51deni Takes Over Motor Sales BUSiness Fred Parker of Binno is tak ing over the service station for mcriy owned and run under the name of Cook Motor Sales on the Shanty Bay ltnad just out Sallie the town limits effective to ay Mr Parker is oh Oshawa boy only son of the latc Mr and Mrs Parker of that city and attended public and high school there He joined the active army in1943 going overseas in 1944 with the Ontar Regiment Arm oured Division 01 Oshawa He saw active service in Eng land France Holland Belgium and Germany where he was Alter the war he served with the Can adian occupation forces in Bel giu Czechoslovakia and Germ Ontarlo tofloronto There up their friends Mr and Mrs Perry Rynn right and came to Minets Point to visit MrRyans parents Mr and Mrs Ryan of Toronto at their sum The4 entire trip rrom three weeks erl Phyllis Pnrcro Barrie Upséi In Home soccer Barries soccer team suffered arstunning upset at queens Park Saturday evening when they bow cd to Collingwood 31 Play was even through the first half but in thesceond the Bprrie half line Florida the visitors in 1or some close chances AdamLMeesters Coll ingwood centre forward scored all his teams goals Bill Street got the Barrie goal on penalty shot The league executive meets in Barrie tonight to draw up sched yles for the second half of the season and ifithévciifi games They wilialso deal with protest by Collingwood over their last game played at Midland The team standing except for the latter game at the end ofthe first half of the season is listed below and indicates how well matched most of the teams are 12 12 12 11 Midland Barrie Camp orden Collingwood New Lowell Hollandih The Barrie entry has now play ed total of 20 games including exhibitions and holds record of 14 goals for and 25 against ock on the property Mr Holden Parklands where the regatta is being held commencing at on July 21 MEAT EATERS 111 1956 each American isex ported to eat 82 lb of beef 67 lbs ofpork 92 lbs ofJeal and were drawn out of position tolet HE enjoys view of the houses across man ramrcn any returning to Canada in Jan uary 1946 and being discharged May of that year He hasla varied mechanical experience behind him having beeninthe employ of Carters Construction Co of Toronto for year aisa deiseloperator andmechanica He has been maslt tor mechanic in charge of large construction project for his cnmp anyat Churchill Manitoba for the past two years Previous to thatrhe was em ployed by Co We Construction of Barrie for years He was married in 1944 on local girl the former Dorian Will ies softball circlesand they have two children Paul seven and Carolfour They have lived in Barrie since 1947 and now reside at 36 Marcus St Both he and his wife are aci ive members of Collier Street United Church Barrie spare time ram or VlEW face north or south commandintgha street when one of the most beau tiful vieWs stretches malestically away to the ought to new plan for the 1371115 of land total 1625 adysrpith BC Chronicle oughby wellknown in local lad gardening in his in British Columbia east The citycouncil mightgive mum Morton my some TCAfsTFirsfsTviini Flight Afierdants IDENTICAL TWINS Margaret Jane Rimsicr leit and Mary Boll Ranslcr who graduated recently as TransCanada Air Lines stewardesses call Colllngwuod their hometow Born as registered nurses from the and educated in the Simcoe County centre they grad ated General and Marine Hospital there The girls are TCAs only win flight nttendantsFul lowing in intensive fourweek course in Montrealthey are based in Toronto Stopped For Faulty Light Found impaired Boy Leslie initially stopped for defective headlight at Camp Borden appeared before Magis trate Foster at Barrie on Wednesday was found guilty of driving while impaired and re ceived 14day jail sentence and suspensionfrom driving for six months Leslie had been attending farewell party on July to an NCO at the camp and on his own admission bad ad six drinks up to pm He was driving some friends home Virom there about three hours later when he was stoppcd at the camp barrier or defective headlight Bocause the commissionairc onduty form ed the opinion he Was impaired when he got outto inspect the light the Provost was called Later he was asked to reverse and park his car near the barrier which the gatekeeper admitted was done correctly Provost Cpl Joycegon arrival at the scene gt opinion that Leslie was impaired and laid charge Evidence of friendswa had kept companyvith the defendant that evening was that he was sober Defending counsel Living EXAMINER Phdtos Pictures by Favor Examin er staff photographer that up penr in this newspaper are available In glossyprlntl moan snnvxcxfi to Loo 6V2 312 rubric PA 82414 The Barrie Examiner gt also formed the Draw Highlight Shanty BaylWi Bazaar and Tea draw for quiltand pair of pillow slips was made at tho suc ccsstul July on and bake sale held in Shanty Bay Community liall under the auspitcs of the Womens Institute Susan Simpson drew the Tyin tickets The quilt was won guns Ann finder of Barrie Mrs Peggy Simpson pf Shanty Bay won the pillow slips ston said if conviction in tliis case is sustained then on man who takes one or two rec drinks runs the grave 1in of charge of impaired driVi Notice of appeal has been served and Leslie has 11 all owed bail sSUUpropcrty WIDE VARlETY 011NSECTS There are about 310000 dif ehtkihds ofllnscctadn Cnnad says Holland head of the Canadian National Collection of lnschs at Ottawa Tastee Freez sea 131m Street vnlghway 11 East End thistle Special July 15 July 21 COCONUT PINEAPPLE SUNDAEL minced durum Mostofrthehomes of Ladysmith collection or Sniartly sty infinite variet

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