Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jul 1956, p. 1

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JAMES JPARKBB works out on purlch ing bag at his training camp Miiskoka The Jameer Parker Story Meyer Gave Illpillage Lodge Port Sydney with caricature of Ar chie Moore facing him thither Frustrated fighters never succeed inthe arduous sport otthat boxing W35 be lure boxing and the man who eventually finds the golden oppor tun beckoning to him is one who has never glilenubhopes ith has carried on even when at times it seemed adversity might force him out or the picture Thats been the story of the greatfighters through the years which leads us to the latest example of man who was determined to become head man among theheavywcights and finds the opportun ity staring him in the face the night of July 25 when he meets Archie Moore worlds lightheavy champion in 15round encounter in the Maple Leaf Baseball stadium Because rangy James Parker 6yearold rgiadiator from Saska toon whodeolded in 1950 to join the iisticbligsde and has been plying his trade with great we cess ever since had explicit faith in himself hehss manoeuvred into place today as the Canadian and Empire champion and has been rightfully rated as the cham pion in Ring Magazine in the Bri tish ratings So on the 25m because Dave Rush famous Toronto sportsman and philanthropic figure believed thatParker will eventually be come the third heavyweight champion to arise under the Johnny Bull banner Bob Fitz simmons the Cornishman was the first and in later years it was Noah Brusso more familiarly known as Tommy Burns out of Hanover Canoda succeeded to the richest prize in fistiana Not only has Mr Bush shown great in terest in James Parker but when Jack Solomons outstanding promoter on the rather side de cided to extend his exploitation with battle in Canada the Parker backer himself to show his faith in his protege an nounced that he himself would guarantee Archie Moore $40000 plus $5000 expenses to cement the heavyweight championshlp soiree Nothing Taken For Granted Boxing is one sport that path ing is taken for granted That opinion was proven when James Corbett bookkeeper stopped the mighty John Sullivan pre viously untouchable in 21 rounds down in New Orleans to ease the Boston Strong Boy from the scene and newcomErLWhorn most folks scorned when he Was mentioned in the strn breath with the Mighty John becanf the new toast of the world The story of James Parker is another from the Horatio Alger ato Ffrohithe day he wasol gh to have some conception what the world con sisted of thit aoryem old who stands féet inches and weighs all pounds has plodddd elong most of the lime enioying success ah onoccasious disapv pointmen niideat that in the long ru his patience would be rewarded and behold prove to thewnrld of boxing that on long and arduous career vvill finldly wind up in blaze glory gt do bout heritage from them can case of James dhltia verily true for his out bhc heirs handed down and th father Hildon was aifine expon ent of the art of selfdefence Truth to tell the elderParkcr had only Dheskil1nish but that was brilliant victory against the British Columbia light heavy weight champion Bruce Kelly One wildroundhouse right caught the champion off guard and wound up with victory for Park er So history again shows that while hisson JamesJ also fol lowed in his footstepshis chief weapon to fistic fame also was his ability to land knockout punches with both hands Not onlydoes the Parker his tory in iistiana date back to the days of the elder parent but ac tually the ancestry wasprominent in the goldrush days when great Uncle and others vied for gold in the Trail of 98 along with such fabulous characters as Texrnickard great fight promoter who came out from the Klondike to establish himself as the No impresario Wilson Mizner fab ulous character who managed the immortal Stanley Ketchel and others whomade up the golden days when men travelled to Alas kaand otherspots to find gold Art0f Self Defence The elder Parker taught his off spring at an earlyage the art of selfdefence as means of instil lin onfidence zand selfreliance lenough an uncle of hose middle name is loss given him honor of Joe less will wsa great uncle on the mothers side was quite figure inuthe game at one time being undisputed bolting cham pion of an Oregoncampand sub seque orked as asparring partner tor James Jeffries whenthe formersheil of great champion was preparing for his illfated comeback match against Jack Johnson wholl face Moore for boxings richest prize has had anything but anAeaay life Like his opponent Whohas also known it nieans to go hungry and not Apply from one contln carry on his battle for lsience James has had the some andffinally decided life after Ernie Zurich ranch msn dad former Canadianvwel leiweight boxing contender saw good deal of promise lnthe rawboned Parker and induced him to make trip to Edmonton to engage in some amateur bouLe The outcome was great success Prodded By Brothers That settled it so far as Pork ers decision about hisfuture was concerned Back east once more Jimmy was prodded by his older brothers Bud and Morris to dis playhis wares in Eastern rings leas at this time that brothers Joey and Vic Bagnatowere pro motinga series of rousing bouts atlthe Oakwood Stadium in TW ronto Erom that experience came the higgut one yet to join the pro ranks and from that time on James has been units figure among the Goliath From the time he tocéd his first opponent whom he knocked out in punch Parker has been piy ing his trnde Mostvof his first years fights were held in Toronto and when he returned to Canada again hehad become amame per former withtalks of chancejtn cventually get crack at the heavyweight crown Oddly enough since he lost split duke to Nino Valdes in NY Garden two years ago the fights Parker had in 1954 were in Toron to and London drawing with Earl Walls and the giant Ewart Pot gieter and thisyear the same pattern has been followed twelve round win over Johnny Arthur in Toronto nd three round kayo over German giant Hans Neuhaus in Germany Ambition To Be Champion Parkers ambition has always been to become champion and to provide for healthy home life James mirried Shirley Parker blonde in 1951 The romance blossomed after they met while she was working for an bakery in Toronto six months after their meeting com ing the wedding Thy are blessed with charming little daughter Cheryl five Needless to soy James Js future asidefrom at taining his goal in boxing is all wrapped up in his happy little family Theres plenty more that can be written about this big good natured giant the man who can drop you in your tracks with one punch for he isvunquestionably the hardest punchersmongthe heavyweights performing today Ianiu has had rodgh roadto travel but hes no longer worried with any apprehension about his ability He has felt his oats pennedfrom July Once againthe booming bats thc Dorrie bilterawereaiicnt as three hits wasall they couldwnua fer offthe combinedpitchi of Cha man and Whitney the burgers Miller was on the Barrie mound withLorna McLean behind the plate Dot pitched effectivé ball allowing su hits but keeping them well scatteredoverthe nine inning route She registered eight strike outs and didnt issue walk 0n the other hand in the top of the 7th inning twoerrora and three walks spelled disaster for the Merchants as this resulted in Barrie tying the score and going ahead by one run Chapman up to this point had theFLyErs hand 6112de she hadigiven up only three hits Whitneyrelieve and pitched nohltball to the end of lhegatne Lenore ykcs and Norma Fowl er led Oriulasattack withtwo hits each Fowlers being tri and doubie1 For the Flyers McLean Miller and Marshall garnered the hits all singles no cry impressive record consider the Fly several girls hitting well over 00 and two hitting over gt gamesback iiemllvrayl Oriilia left fielder was thedefcnsive star of thegobie twice making spectacular catches on long flyballs ofiihe batbi DorianPorker tha would have gone for More runs Lenore Sykes robbed thesama batlst snoring line drive in the 7th to cut short Barrie raily The Flyers travel to Elmvaie Wednesday night to meet the Co mets in replay of tie game and that ill be the end of the schedule ii iii playoffs get under WHY Wire Fencef To Hold Fuifik In Arena Bout Wrestling fans shouldbe but in full force Tuesday night rie Arena to see the return atch between theTexas tornadoLDory Funk and the po uiar French Can adian French berre this match there will be afifojureioot wire fence built around the ring Roberre has demanded that this he put up because Funk has ha bit oi climbing out of the ring every timehe gets into troubie If Mister Funk does notaccept this match NortidahdWrestiing Enth pnses will takevsteps to have him suspended in this territory Know inng Funkhe will be thereas usual Tubsday night rThe semifinal matchwiliseo newcomer toiliese partsin the person of Ronnie Mac who hails from the land of the heather and has been making quite name for himself since coming to North America MscKny ispitied against the judo expert Harou Sasaki The Japanesevis mean customerand he seems t9 have new haglof tricks everytime out However Ronnie MacKsy should provide him with plenty of opposition ThlSWlllbeBlDlJE fall 80 minute time limit affair The opening match sees the re turn of map top from DarkestAfrica He will take on the NewYork sensation Marco Polo This will alsorbe organs made wonderful es bad few headachespbut is confident from here iii Only climax his colorful mi career the Elephant Boy making quitea that iof Labs Honiom Killer By Jus anus Departari of land pad Forest rhé phantom kilier the Menu Hill finally became careless His contempt for humans and sweet tooth for suckling pigs and young dogsproved to be hisdownfali On June 24 this elusive wolf made the fetal mistake of watching Farmer Cookfs stock too long and at too close range Mr Cook who lives in Caledon Township call ofOrongevilie finished the ihimsls career withthree 8030 ihough at the time he thought he hod dstroyed misreading dog The animal died ence sure ign that plenty of wpr blood ran in his veins as do will always cry in pain when ounded or at leastflve years accord in to reports thiswolfbad do strayed sheep pigs carves deer dnd fowii His depradatioas ex can throughMono and Col edonto Luther Marsh His habit own overa different area every few days made trailing very ult job Few hounds would tdke his track and it is said PERFECT GIFT sea wroomos Anniversaries yassmrjAnous Iorfilnfo on grass is 35 watér This Edens Up odyCobdition la lush green makesntiik our awaiteapp to aonYoouDmou gtIrevontsfMilk Loss During Phillipa lT Osrstuorume ONNIBM KAY willlmnke his 11 Arenaonmuesdo night whenhetongles with the much diatedHarou Basil from HiroshimayJapan This will be one full 30 minu time limit affair MacKayhas been name for himself since comingto this country tromacotiand He has speed to burn andhis determinedsplrit spell trouble iorMr Sasaki te ded from the Township 01 ofhitaad run hunting Ionhis errmin suaeyes ad TrLCouniy Baseball Loop Theresecm to be no stopping Driliia Buckeyes as they col dcv astating swath througbtho Tri County Baseball League They tio likea DEacona Sea Awas large seat close by the fireplace in logging camp bunkhoino footed Sloutiville Red Sox in for their filth from tho vanquish club with fine record of seven nppe ronoe the fbfgiMonoHifll Efided by EdmlerfCooks Guns some hounds never returned after giving chase Although the conservation of iicera had number of opportun ities to examine dee kills etc they only knew otbim by the sizeoi the footprints and descrip tions received fro localreslt ideals lie mighthave been destroyed sooner had it not been for his sim ilarity to large dog which often stayed therformers shot When examined by conserva tion officers some time later it Was found that theaoimnl was hybrid no doubt sired by alarge male dog Although it had all wins and our losses The winning streak which start Vback on June 20 barsecn Oril move from fourth toflra and defeat Sundcrland Newmarket and siouffville once each and Port 1337 twife Tig7hot one started ose viclo Sunderiaod hm standings Oriilia Stouflville Sunderland Port Perry Newmarket 1299 the wolf chirocteristlcs had Jnassivevhead and lurks with black jowls instead of the usual iron gray color typical of the waif fills estimatedweight was 60 lbs and would stand approx imately 27 high at the thouldbrl Unfortunately thecarcass had been left in the fields for several days before beihg reported to the conservation oflicerand was in such state of decomposition that removalof the hide for bounty wouldbc difficult Fonthose th may have occa sion to present wolf for bounty here is the procedure to follow in Southern Ontario the on inlais pelt must he presented to wolf bouhty officer who maybe conservation officer magistrate or county treasurer In Northern Ontario dlatricts the head is all that is required When wolves are taken in the summer months as in the case of Mr Cook it is wiselo salt tho hide as soon as removed wrap ping same in oiled paper and star ing in cool place or refrigerator The pelt may bepresented for bounty any time within six months Hovlever it is obviou during the heat of the surnmer particularly that presentation for bounty should be expeditedwitb landmine WW new Churchi ammunition 3w MENS GOLF ly JulyzzI Slmcoe Courlty InviiItlbnal Tourney Camp Bordbn starts mm Womens somatn warmth my 13 Barr Flyeralnl El vale WRESTLING ruesoy July 17 All tarThreellout Cardpr rie Menard45 Pm SOUTH SIMCOE BASEBALL Tutadv July 11 New Lowell at Allistan Lisle at Barrie Palmve at Everett Thornton in ecton at JV St Bolton July Aillsto at Little New Jewell Event at Churchill Barrlolot Painave Beeton at Ivy Thornton ot Stroud SOUTH SIMCQE Thursday July 19 ilennells at Hand BARR SENIORvSDm MondayiJuly 16 Minesingot DeVilbiss Tuesday July 17 Bradford at DeVilbiss Wednesdanyuly 18 Minesing at Legion DeVllblss at RCAF STOCK GAR RACES Saturday Jul 21 gt WasagaBe ch Speedw Pinecrest Spesdtvny 830 in surERoYLliooo is frooAvfs BIGGEST BARGAIN iNEXTRA ENGINES niroiu you uoalhk inn dannBI 1° on with Innuendoso Pun Donnul 9a and warm who uw undue llutuIIbodlo inna protectiono Jo oonlinuolu high pond ho antenna 040 via Inzyotllulnkcuo oaao Mlfidalii all add ulnarHarv Youv oum up luhrkfl rvgi1oo+n£AW9 man with All vainulna ltlzliinl Item My pure aoiyinnl iotliiiod will uziruny noter alga alarm additives flavour on Ivory all change authenticate wma to rup lubrication ta PROTECTICN9 Unmet per 39 149

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