Matthisl Me variety atthelr June meeting at Jack Tippings cottage It Ont yï¬P°hp with Clarence Ward and Jack Tipping entertalaing Rev ILG Churcber conducted qula which was won bdy Tip plnl Run Hawkins ted the Kim worir bee to imprch church ground was organised Rchlr Churcher and Mr Tip plnstleave early In July or an as ten edvlait to the British Isles and Europe Music Festival mini 01 musicir being Ero Videdjby Goldwater SL Matt Anglican their at Wauoaushcaa at lm and at Coldeter evenlal services June 2L Thccholr will have noon lunch at Jack Tip pingI cottage Coldwaicr Anglican Church has new memorial doors In memory the late Mrs William Shop rd Jr Regular Summer Meetings June meeting at the Ratepayers Association decided to meet regu larly during the summer Next speaker will be village clerkChes ter Martin and Ilydro oiliclal will be invited to give an Iddress in August The meeting will support by law to go helore council or au thority to deal with parking Eelorc next meeting commit tees oi the recently organiled as soclatlon will be completed and act to work Dies in 36th Year William John Street Waubau sbene resident or several years where he had been in retirement alter successtul business vcntures in Toronto and elsewhere passed away at Orlllla Soldiers Memorial Hospital in his 84th year Service was conducted by Roy Ross Cumming at Ilohlnsou Fun oral Home Coldwatcr ou June 21 with interment at Toronlo Annual Picnic Jonson will take tunilies from ldwatcr Unllcd Church June 29 at 130 noon lor the annual Sunr day School picnic at Midland Lit tie Lake Dog lllt by Truth pet dog Spot owned by Emio Godircy Jr was victim at Goldwater Main Street traliic Hit by iruch the pet had to he do strayed Working in Ernest Coldwalcr yacht colony ot score at outboard motorboat en thusiasts is scene at activity It the village dock and elsewhere pre aring tor another season cm sing Many oi the boat owners delay ed getting their boats in shape due to the backward weather but the re airing painting and polishing lowed by launching have been in earnest recently Novel Ideas Goldwater Junior Chamber of Commerce are injecting uayel videas Into their community ven lures Aided by bugle band and piper Cyril Martin and parade they attracted large crowd to an auction sale in the husinessscc lion and raised over edart Ill Goldwater uans audulorutr co operatlnldln nggttht in years an up go rec on Severn Falls banger Fred Athle aan is iheadlng up tbeoutdoor supervision The boys areprovided an enjoy able and healthlul dayI recrea tion swimming hiking and learn in wood lore They are transport ed Iron Coldvnter to Severn Falls and back by bum provided by the Goldwater Lions Club They have only to take their uth and bathing suit Ind ca has leav iung Goldwater It 330 am June Improving alter Illness George Graham ot Eady is im rovlng after severe bout with llncss Mr Graham is promln eat Medonte Township armor and leader in district organizations Purchase Residence Real estate news in Goldwater includes the purchIse by Mrs Rya tormer resident of Cold wat of tho Percy Dunn resi deuce on Eplett Street She will be taking possession early In July Mr and Mrs Dunn and tamily are planning to move to Deep River Positions Vacant Goldwater Municipal Telephone Commission arc advertising tor aï¬rlleltiona iar the position of of operator and manager at the telephone oliicc Mrs Cecil Dun lap has been in charge of the ot liee in recent years Church Anniversary Eldy UnitedChurch anniversary services are being held Sunday June 24 It will he the 58th anniversary of the Ezdy church Dr William Berry MA DD director oi the National Evangelistic Mission oi the United Church will be minis tcr in the morning he will preach on Dreamers nl Dr ants and in the evening Canad and Christ Soloist will be Char Orser and Mrs Argyle Eplett Goldwater will he pianist Organ and violin music for June morning service at Coldwatcr United Church was lurllishcd by the Carlson sisters of Toronto granddaughters of Mr and Mrs Norman Buss Waubaushenc Mr and Mrs Frank Gicadalls baby daughter Joyco Margaret was baptized Passcd or Payment Payment 01 contractors draw or work on the new public school which had been delayed when lew er than quorum turned up at the trustees regular meeting was passed or paymerfl at special board meeting attended by the council The current expenditure so 18293goes to the bonding eoln pany which appointed iiuliu Grass Construction Company to complete the school building started by Dennoer Construction Company Miss Carol Day at Sehrlght has resigned tram the Coldwater teaching stall as she is to be mar ricd Her successor is Mrs Cecil Robinson ol Goldwater who has Pm torment Hesse Zen Manager The McCall Frontenac on Co Limited otters this position to capable young man with the necessary qualiï¬cations Senior matriculation and typing aro essential rre vious business experience is preterred Starting salary is ettcrthan average and there are excellent possibilities for tuture advancement It you are interested telephone ate the weather family of Mrs Rowat Orillla was guest ot Miss Kay Allan and visit ed other friends in the village re eentiy At Church Conference Mr and Mrs Harry Stewart spent few days in Toronto last week when Mr Stewart was at tending the United Church Con lcrenee weddlog Anniversary Mrand Mrs Grose and Mr and Mrs Maurice Reid visited Mr and Mn George Wino lnTot lenhanl Saturday June and ex pressed good wishes on the Wieea 45th wedding anniversary 83th Birthday Congratulations to Mrs 11 lteid who celebrated hcrBBth birthday on Thursday June ll lllauy happy returns Congratulation Weill Its another granddaugh ter lor Mrs William Noble Ind griatgranddaughteryior Mrs Mer van Noble Janice Lynn born in Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Friday evening June Congratu lations to all the Iamllyl lionar Mrs Reid Mrs Maurice Reid entertained number ct friends to honor Mrs JIRcld nu attaining herBath birthday Thursday June 14 Mrs Reid received many lovely gilt and cards and expressed her thanks to all Thetcvcuing was spent playing cuehre Mrs Ross Sheldon received the prize or high score and also the moat lone hands Mrs Atkinson received an award for low score Institute Meeting The ladies ol the Institute met in the church basement on Tues day evening June 12with good attendance of members and visa ilors President Mrs Gordon Shel don opened the meeting Roll call was anchred by nam lag rose Mrs Walter Browning read the minutes and other corre aponrieuce it was decided to send 855 tee and join the Canadian AS sedation of Consumers The mom hers voted to buy the picture of the Unitchhuleh painted by Mrs rPreston and give theplcture to lhe church Mrs Gilmore Miss Luella Douaclly and Mrs Dalton errier were appointed custodians the Tweedsnluir history book Sheldon called on Mrs Beh fson Morris who sang two delight solos accompanied on tho piano by Mrs Dalton Forricr Miss Donnelly gavean interesting re port or the area convention Mrs Jack Reive and Mrs Russell Stews art Churchill were most helpful and encouraging in theirdemon stration cancer dressings Thc iadiesnra to meet on Monday ev veniug to start on this much needed Work Mrs Jackson thanked Mrs gain and Mrs Stewart for their The hostesses served dell ht lunch WMSMeet Tuesday gt United Church WMS will hold their June meeting at the home of in Walter Allan on Tuesday at temuon at 230 All ludies are cordially welcome Exams Starth Exams in both schools beganon Tuesday morning Its uniortunk road so very it hardxto wariii as the pupils concentrate on problems in the terrific heatwhve the service on Suud United Church Mr Beer gavea splendid address 1Three basketsot beautitu Ilowars were aroundthe abandonted by the late Mr Barrie presiding nail minuteswere read by eel lure talten hyrruding belts or for the missionary Mrs mine er Pin traya were children duri Pray ab the ed by meeting osed Dart Nuisance Again the housewiv aroup in nuisanceh retary Caroleisheldnn and sétlp as givenl by Marilyn Corn DUCK AND BROOD wild grey mallard duck stands KIIIId her brood hatched In lower poteu It doorstep oi the late Jack Miners estate at Kingsville The duck has returned the last two years to make her out in the flower pot at the Jack Miner bird sanctuary Note Jack Miner band on ducka leg CP PHOTO DALSTON Sunday at Ch Ill Mr and Mrs Allan Brown and Gregory spent Sunday with iriends It ChurchilL Weekend at Cottage Mr and Mrs Watson and children and Mand Mrs Handy Jr ad children apent the weekend the nulman cottage on the Severn River WA Meetin The June meeting of the Wo mans Association was held at Mrs Handy Sehlors Com mittees were chosen tor the gar den party on July Mrs hay Cray Guthrie was tho speaker Hei subject Gardens was most interesting leI host esscs were Mrs I4 Handy Sr and Mrs Handy Jr Mr and Mrs aldon Latimcr spent this weekend with triends ill Toronto Mr and Mrs William Muir of Toronto yisited with Mrs Sand toro Dumpster and Mr and Mrs Fred Latimer and attended the Decoration Day service It the Community Cemetery on Sunday Birth of Daughter Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Arthur Duckworth on the birth oi baby girlion Saturday attho Royal Victoria Hospital Judy Also eongiatulallonssto Mr and Mrs Donald Carter on the birth of daughter on Saturday It the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Bridetohe Honored Miss Margaretta Latimer nnd MissBetty Jano TarBash helda shower In honor at Miss Carol Tarnush on Wednesday June 20 The bridewho received some all the girls Sundayvllltors Mr and Mrs Cecil Green and Mrs Norman McGregor Brant Mrs George McGregor and Mr and Mrs Robert Lynn Mr and Mrs George Harris Beavertou and Robert Harris lvyspent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Fred Lynn Suoceulul Bazaar The WA ladies of ii Presby terian Cburchheld avery suc attérnoon tea iuthe church base ment on Wednesday June on Tho regularmonthly meeting otjAngna WA and wusmeton Wednesday evening June 20 at Boclockrat Mrs West Meeting opened with themesoug followed by prayer byth ldent and everyone repeat Lords Prayer taken by Mrs Thomas Wilkinson DonScottread trom Mis sionary Monthly vMiuutes oi last th 11 variour committees gave the reports onluly12 2pm to pm the WA inlty All citizens would appreci ate visit at tha Iowlishlp calso sutiocatcd Wilhmb er arth oiilydnwn each tinnedres en the to ill hd Barrie sister or Richard and lovely gifts for which she thanked ford spent Sundaywrth Mr and cesstulrhauarsnd bake saleand Devotions were There will bola tree chest Xray Tbe Julyrnlee ng is going to he lltlné buggy heioro they become there and upon sun roasted ll Hateful neonatallair willbc Mrs LDyalhoine Promn committee Mrs Lactic and dirt day School willhold picnic in St Vincent one so oom in bail out alternoo Ind supperwill be servedtaps ltishopedthe mngregntlon will Itteod to enjoy manholewith the chit bby Kenwellrol PortCredit tewgdayr holiday with this Kenwelis He returned on the weekend to begin training gt Ilonday as an apprentice to pltdn vbe second Needle school children received their second polio needles odFri day Week In Toronto his in pan Itu and IInillyspent ie days in Tomato lastweck Mr and Mrs Crow and boys were Tomato visitors on Monday alternoon Mra Nelson is spending Iew days ItCooksvllle Brampton and Toronto and Meeting The Holly Home and School Association met in Holly School on Thursday June with Mrs Ortt presiding 17 answered tho roll call The secretary Mrs Bentley read the minutes at the last meeting The treasurers re School Picnic The Bully School picnic is to be held on the school grounds on Thursday June 25 at pm or the picnic and Mrs Leighton ls lunch eonvenor Each Iamlly ls asked to give small donation which is to go for prizes and gameaetc Each tam llyxla to bring box lunch and supper to be served at pm WA News The wa met in the church basement on Wednesday June ta ed the meeting Mrs Downing read the lesson Mrs Brimstln read chapter from theatudy book and also led in prayer alter whldl Mrs Collumield the min me at the last meeting and rev eral thank you letters meetin were read and adopted breast lit to our ob glidgstl ako vW Wealo spent tweet port was given by Mrs Irvine Mrs James is sportscoavcuer with 15 members present The president Mrs Cochranc opens Mrs Camphcll sang solo laughed lunch committee Ilalfxelt and In Kelcy huaarwhlebiatobeheld in the all am also discussed glhe nest meetingis on Thom da Sept at Holly School at nTho meeting was The Queen and allowed ConlnlliteeMIIb¢ri Convene or the year or Horne and Sc oat committees are program Mrs Johnson Mrs Kenwell Mrs Crow Mrs Lactic Mrs Baker member IhlpBoh Pryde Henry Brown Jim LeighIou Ort social Mrs Jwbeigbton Mrs Schell Mrs Morrow Mrs CampbelLMrs lugrarn Invited To Birthday Littles lilll Coronation WI are having strawberry festival on Jilne 23 in Iiolly Church basement to celebrate their third birthday Members and families are asked to be present to begin supper at pm sharp when the main course will be served Alter those interested may at tend the bail game at Holly School between HollyandlAillsr closed with lal hau hour our to your Mm FILTER annals suits or BARBIE 37 Maple Ave Ih PA 34432 bodies7B7 exp 108 54 of lead Fawn flabflared eaan raiaeddunlslnd snaps step on quail ï¬ton models or theau1wbeflies ice Email and cake and tnenioy the pro gram which will be prsented Mr and Mrs Dllentloy and lamlly visited on Sunday with the lornlels parents Mr andMls Bentley It nuntrville For thoflnt eight months oi Canadian Iulonlohlioahlp ta werequ l9 per cent WHITBY mil east Qt Tomato Hill on new mercury vapor gtlInipeon its principal streets This move will double the lightingeoda now about 52000 BIG RAIL NI PRINCE anoncnmr has started on the Mollie uten hlon ot the Pacitlc Great Eastern Railway lrolu Prince no Fort St John In tho no eut corner ot the province Canadas favourite rv dramatic show now at is new time pm EVERY WEDNESDAY Starpacked showyfrom Hollywood smashing climax ilii DOD 501C Ciiztvï¬trf UODIT AND i260 TRUCKS lonp mullFeature for feature beat Dodge K3 jmndel Iorov performance nndoconomyl Forex mployou got the most powerful VS in its weight clam stomianieqlupment with 201 orsepowor your hipped deaig loads along Advanced omlspherlcal combustionfchnmh sun not power from regular gun rior hurting and ignit ortormnncaigNaw genorsoor prnyi as maximum output ovanni lowoppine speed for on roiledbuttery charging under