Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Jun 1956, p. 7

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UR flThc present poqu credit Maiuh Applied hythe hanknaah result or the mon etary actions and Inflation ol tho Bank at Canadawaa datum ed to aurtaln and prolong pm perityby not allowing aninna tlonary spree to take over it we stated here toily by Nicks prosiilent The Canadian Bantuf Association Spe ng at the Associations Instill meetlnzr Mr Nicks said the pressure tor additional cre iilt duringthe put months had been unusually strongdo much so there had been increasing re atralnt applied bytho Bank oi nada This means sald Mr Nicks loans have become less easy to obtain increases have become ditiicult to arrange and for some Sums quite out at the queo on it may seem strange to talk of credit restrictions while there In abundant evidence at conlinu ing prosperity ortho country at large he said But we are livlt in In an age of nptinnal econ omie management not only in Canada but in all lendingnations and one of the prime obiectim ot such mnnngcment is to see that booms do not get out at hand and lily the groundwork for depressions Bank oi Canadl llole ML Nicks said the Elnk of ur Nleka said ono oi the cial requests made at the tered banks by the Bank oi ada concerned term loans corporations and direct pun at corporate aecuritles by bank Thewhole tielil at ca talinvedtment had been one of extraordinarily high activity and the highly competitive atmoa pherts ill Canadian banking with each book striving to meet the legitimate requirements at it customers both old and new helped to bring about substn till growth in these term lama and holding at corporate sectt ties thn the Bank at cinrdrj asked the chartered banks to re train mm making new commltv merits tor term loans Mr Nicks said the chartered banks readily agreed in addition to this speciilc re quest he continued the nrnlr oi Canada Asked the births to examine very caretully applica tions tornew credits and or re gt newala of existing credits with view to maintaining control over future growth As it result at this discussion reinforced Ind emphaslud by the general prey suro on the hanlu cash position and by the penalty involved in filling securities at lnwer prices urinary College suit Bill Heron Rockwood own er 01 that lint Snyder Samiai Col to Sunnldalc tow tinal details Tlmmi tormer Governor of the Arabian unneeded pm the mural at Horse Associationioi Great Britain John Jacobs icomml In we in mum Toronto ARABIAN HORSE BREED ERS ASSOCIATION admiretheArabInn Bullion unl Hfirw ryficently at Onta ricultural Co ego rg Ignite Barr MrsDurant aners MEMBERS OF THE tilt and ersk Mn rear thcpremit Although olilcllla state 1th it will be used for Ihovtlntc being tor storage limit eventually pro bably be titled to the galvanic process area Contractor is All Eel Collatruc Ltd OPEOSB SHOP HG CENTRE Newmarket but hes roen have petitioned town council to take steps to prohibit proposed mil lion and hall dollar alto ping centre approval tor whic was given recently The centre is lan ned tor Yonge Street no at Eagle It the westerly limits at the town WANT BEACIIPARK The granting oia lease at oe cupaney oi the waterfront at Wa saga Beach from Joan Avenue to the Town Lino has been granted plans to tollow thelead or the Village at Wasaga Beach and rhen Malkhtm Kingscoto Ontario yet have the beach trout declared with chance to com td tor filmworth oiprlua an onlouefganle Product Pic tures to bevlntmdllccd in The Eurlo Examiner Thia new Kim is dliiereot from anything you have ever played Called Product Pic tures It is plgyed by checking illustration appearing in thoad vertlsemcnta in The Barrio Ex aminer each Wednesdly tor the next weeks Each or the Product Pictures eniorccnlent at park area speed limit for vehicles at 15 miles per hour it will alrolplaci under control the erection of any obsta cles that will obstruct BEACHASKS YDIE Wasaga Beach has applied or authority tor capital expendi turevote at the ratepayers to buy two lots and the bulldlnfl thereon tor municipal rtoragepur posesl hearing by the Ontario Municipal Board has been set tor Frliia June 28 1030 Ill in the aagn Beach Town Hall The municipality is nsklng per mission to issue debentures up to $5000 tor the purchase 01 these loll83 and in Plan 525 Pub chase price ol the property has been set at Mu MIDLAND POLICE SALARIES The sixconstable lllidlitntl lieo lorce hnn lglecd to algn twoyenr wage contract with Mid land Council The move is the outcome at motion passed by amounts You merely match amm yillnatnted on uct Plctnrelhcardj against the product picture in tho adror reprints otthe ad which you will ilnd in the windows of mblfiw Stnlu Maher Shoorsvtores To Top Tailors and Regent Oil Sta tions gt You are winnerlii five match ing product pictures are land In row on the card you have You dont have to purchase any thing to ploy this fascinating game More than 2300 prizeswrill be altered They will rangu irom $50 Grandllllld Seats at the ONE to Nash Rambler Auto valued at $2150 Among the many other prizes will he Weslinghouto TV Can olea Moltat Ranles Kodak Brow nle mm Movie Camem and Protectors Mink Stolen woltinfi house Electric Irons Wcsting house Automatic PooUp Toast en $100 Regent Gunllne Gilt Certillcatca $25 Shut Wardrobes irom Mailers Ladles or Genu made In measure 94 sulu by Tip Top Tailors Some 6000000 Product Pic lure cardswlll be distributed through boblavfs The manuiae turcls and retailels at 50 products will takepart in this mass Product YOU FULLY COVERED kl lish 74 Rapid calculationfulVSpel park area run will amid the Council Under the terms three Camila in regulating credit and stlcninillgl policing Julmum wnung 75 mm mm $330 Infinity generally used rccog in if élMfifingiflmgggilfiS 72 nudge Eng WU annually two $000 annually and nlzed monetary powcro to incroitse Policies llrve Taken nold 721 Writing 80 7° or diminish the chartered banks Though such policies have not the sixttl bilicome ritual son nonnr WebbBookkeeping so amt Jul Balm aggregate capacity to supply cm prevented further significant in mmflwflcn 75 dit in the torn nt loans or in crease in bank loans Mr Nickr at $3400 year Office Procedure 70 Busincsr Enn figfl7f°°fgf 73mm Egg 5393 tun llgidlltion some aid filial no doubt thnt they 31211 welfaiigilfélilimn 70 SpmufifMKgwfo Alihooucggngleertz Shimm can an sou ht live tc Eu ol credit ed III We torInal nrranilements will rife below what it wiirid otherwi WWW =8 dim 73 fifiiingilfimaPn 90 Spams 3°Eifrf mghcfisflifpid 70 Rapid Calculation 70 Writing £9 EM if chartered banks to dual with 5p have been Because oi the eon Wmd by mm krs Ty owri rig in Calculhtlon 70 Spelling Wrtt 75 cm mu College this year Nine iulleourso He en ecs tlith policeman is needed for the ACCIDENTS oils During the past tinned strength at lh°busln¢5 diplomas were received by stu Bookkeeping 730ttice Procedure in he Progres Card Pcnmng tom mm murmur year there tins been extensm Plurgc and also becausdiol com dents win map 70 per cent or 19 Business Englishjmupid Cal Sandra illeNuttoiiice Proced Progress cards awarded during mm me Ain m1 at Emma thlt happen gen Your Property use or both methods mitments undertaken when credit culnilondil ellni 7o Writing we 72 Business English 79 Rapid the year wcro as toiiows mm mi gouse you unless you better in each subject of ther meeting no issue Irose when it If he added he Epoch mm centrally available courses and there were large 78 calculation 10 Spelling Bil Writ Bkg SH Twg was minded um Mmn protect yourseliiwith the right In nrrnngenirnts which have been ihflmomentum or the expansion number oi poricoursc certificates Plwoursc Ce Incam mil 78 Knv Archer hired mom dock In runnce in order to Keith rm lnadn inum my year have he in loans hnr hour very great mg awarded Partcount Rascmanc Neil Typewriting Audrey Blots minus ms been per insurance tor your needs on ed alang Wm mm mind has carried right through the Tim mp smog or awarded or iollow Farina 75 Office Procedure 31 Elsie Boyd 5m my the 5mm months slalt rn INSURANCE SPECIAL meprurp Io madam be up wlntcr and spring Warmth Gm Morris who had 36 no rem Kay Archer shorthand 81 Business English 17 Rapid Calou Murgnret Compile to Pmimain def and the isT who can study your insur expansion of credit this is or Mtge oi tighter money have avenge in rii subjects to gain all gfkfelfgagngififi gmggfg 12 70 513knfibxlrmnfiu mflgml docks and provoni vandalism pur fiffisflggufuim lzgummw course all tirin an antl are ccrtainl ll or rlitldi ma mm once showinfflfi lung the rile oi the expansion linn giggigisiciu clfcuss hEdDBl per cent 93 Ema 32 Pfism 5W3 113 figfgtflgzm mm wash no rm to ensure propose rctaria course an it roy ogg surging business pamgfi by Bank or Canada in NW hid per average In sub llsh 74 Spelling 88 Writing 75 Omen Procedure 78 Business Eng Mary Ellen ill morphing effective on fiber was that the chartered jects oi her stcnography course WW 41 list as napl Calculation in sneli 15 hm du 3103Busness llsh 14 dom no credit restrictions no mm on Practice at Ronee Hazlewooil Ind Betty Eerfig mm 33 int 96 Writing 30 re burden on mintinnit is per cent nilnl Mooney had oz per cent average Murine superpoer proud Kmn Robertson43mm Enc bminesgnsand MWqu mum ratio or liquid assets cash inali subjects of their clerltype re on gum English 76 Rapid lish 71snelhng70 Jun more wmidllkn to have gr tor access HM loin laud treasury mum and John HailJud Man Calculation 90spolling oz Writs llelenkecakeo flo lending iacilltlo bills MOOSE JAW CP ltrick Henry Paddy Doyle 93 he liovedtho oldest surviving mem ber of the old fioyalNorthwest Mounted Police He joined the torca at Toronto in 1885 and saw Louis Riel hanged in Regina that do gtnio Ogt so to deposits The banks caret chskos received cieritype 7a 34 9m Pmtdm 75 WWW Margaret Keosketl pleasant to be toldby thisbarlg agreed to work to achieve by May diplomas with on cent mo mgoin DermottEookkeeplng 8i Enfi 35 5P C°a° Agnes Martin er that there is simply no an 1956 15 per cent ratio of age in all subjects Ditiee Procedure 83 BusinessEri 519 93 Writ no 82 germ man money gDrmndjme ER which per cent would be we lish no lirpiri Calculation so Marilyn Sawyer0mm Precast Sandra McNult an finds keadmmbushed la Fuufiounc Diplomas Spclling1wwriung 75 ure 74 Bustness English 10 Rapid Betty Mooney diiiicult to have 61355215 reserve and thfothcrnvmhl rliliiilfiiuli3r$5i$ol 59 Dim Typewmng Falculam 90 Spam 92 wm Emma in measures agrinrt 11 custom gamma Fe treasury bills and and their marks in each subject figfigfltfiffififffilflfififififi Iatri SheppardBookkeeping 1353 eoilgoir Al mum glflsflans militia can Morrisshorthand 94 per Spamg 96 wflnnggu no Office Procedure as Business Patricia Pratt when mm cent lypewriting 88 Bookkeeping nutty FaginOffice mcgdme English 81 Rapid Calculation 80 Brigitte Preuss Wencorne to think about The Purpose of therminlmum in Uiiice Procedure aonusiness 15 Business English 73 spoiling Spellins 16 Writing 16 MarilynsWar ud well Mr Nicks contin ratio in view or the Bank of English 32 ltrpid Calculation no p2 wming 70 Rose MaricvSullivnnBookkeep Ptricia Sheppard be it is pretty clear that it is Canada was to increase the em Spelling 96 Writing 85 mainle Bookkeé Mr ing850iiiee Procedure Bi Bush Rose Marie Sullivan aottfr to put up Bceflfln menu restraining mum Emma Premmmmd 79 om Procedure 74 Bush Eng ncss English 89 Rapid Calculation Helen Walt moknt or restraint now and to tart policy by limiting thenbil Tynewriting 84 Bookkeeping 89 lish 19 ltopid caloniauop 70 WSnemng1°0rwlmng 85gt Donna Webb mr out our financialproblemp of the banks to dispose pt attire Procedure 18 Business Eng Spellinglz Writing on Helen WaltOffice Procedure AllanWood cum spirit of cooperation and such liquid assets in nrder to lish 87 Rapid Calculation no Keith GilllinmTypewr ing 33 liner for the gangp mum axpnnd loans It Wls on by me Spelling 12erting7o Bookkeeping 77 office Procedure accept up lemmas Bank at canida that the adoption Audrey BingeShorthand 79 14 Elwin Engllrh umpid Cél iiir the alternatives might be of practice of keepingn sec Typewritilig 72 Otiiee Procedure mlntlon Spelling or another bout inflation 1517 reserve of liquid assets In 82 Business English 88 Rapid Cnl Geolgina Hammili Wit1h the attendant danger oi Iddillon to cash wouldusrlri in ruiolion so sneuing Writing English 83 RapidCléullin 80 is ous subsequent shuireont hlmlillg the influence or mone 52 anl din inlandW Md alreturn to the alumu Di lary restraint to he cum Renee HaflewoodTypewriting minus lininan Ilennalatuflalwp féaefidcolntroil over business and mart gradunily and Wm male 31 unoklgeping no gulfehpflg 33322 viillequ wmla ua ae ivities wh to my than he ure Business ng is or us are happy in havé°uif be the case would Mm Rapid Calculation do Spelling lllllus Writinng Nicks traced tt Mobile ewrltin fiesInn fordbank creriiiein 1955 AC en Vdm Booitkzepins Valgiiigg 3175 on7 firm no serve that it 13 Business Eng it ed unusually strong driimiii Leaves Hpspifal ruiriibnrao Spelling no Writln Aymmfllgmwgflmmu year The increase in tantrum Midland rroo Praia Herald 85mm Kerskesgpypamun imrnlemliiusmimmhumanismm tip Ptrsiillnat liarii wolrriry sr leilrnnn ripe gtgtoulgttngtn accountant to gtgto wmmmgtgtowgtmo gtn gt11triommuowgtdonmuwgtgtgtwomnngtnom in rising adlan loans tram Mural 1955 to young Midland girl innrrod flay loss was around 511 mu diallug Alr Force Day celrbra géaur°°ieepli=irigésli1sm us or roughly so pepper This tions It Camp Borden June was shnrp growthiwas based on the released from St Andrewsllos remarkably rapid recovery from niul Friday wllhlher broil on leg Johnfinrtiypewriting gm business secession of 1954 in cast Bookkeeping 70 mice Procedure ohlipoi hmkm Em cw lfllslncssmen Gwen Howard daughter of Mr 81 Business English 14 Rapid luMnrdmat hor er or government and Mrs dIul VMI Nicks observed Vb 223 Howard 120 Calculation 90 Spelling 96 Gloucester street was hit in tho in 70 MM rapidity or this roe leg by amodel aeroplane which inwggx broke loose from its cubic and crashed through the lice she wosrunding Ohségerst fthe Illdne more In icet ODE an will Monthly Policy was travelling about no mp teniog of the monetary Gwen was treated at Camp Bo gt situation become nhti den hospital for the wound ll Rapid Calculation 100 Spelling ii Writing 78

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