highest total points erndalo Mldhunt village third invents included theblgh jump hlll throwphlold Jump happllflp indiumpduh and rainy Ind tug oi war windup with pupils to teaiiL Gunilla werethe Iinal winners lthc latterr colt 1lndividual trophies were given the top boy and top girl in each three divisions senior inter vmedlate Ind Juniors in respective age groups of la and over ll frndiz and in Jim Stlnson Ferndale took the senior boys award John Phillips Ferndale the lnterinediIte mil in Nugenl Cundleo Junior boy onors Linda Marshall lnd Lynda mm ll No Mldhunt Village lied top honors in the senior girl ward class intermediate girls individual prise wss captured by Ellie Walt Cundles with Altridl Bergie Cuddles top junior girl ParkerMooreHSign Tuesday ernoon in the allies oi Toronto Mayor Phillips at two pln the lime Parker Archie Moore tight prolecled for in 25 at Toronio Maplo Leaipsta ium will become near reality with the oiticlsl signing ol tho two partici pants Moore arrived in Toronto from San Diego today and will train up north or the bIttle which will either be recognized Is world championship bout or the winner unquestionIbly receiving top ruling in the heavyweight Eilective June 21th Buses heave Barrie To North Bly To Toronto 1055 olrn 510 Im xlJfl lel 845 mm 330 pm 1035 am 605 pm 115 pm 745 nm 240 pm 11010 pm 610 pm 215 am 800 pm $45 pan To Huntsville lo Orlllia To Gravenhurst so Penetlng To sunnii 1050 arm 1050 nl 110 ND 750 mm 325 pllll rd Collingwood 740 pm Vin Wasagn Bench bxloli phi 1050 Im L10 pm 330 in 750 pm xy Via OrrLake Sundays ll Holidays Daylight Time Tickets dc Intorniatiun 1t BtiSTeMInal 73 Collier st in loss iillllll trillion ame rectalmu ill 51 ed in wres ng ea um doubleheader main event Alter last weeks wildvl dll withwrestlers taut ild dehrls the ring cell allenge learn match as been lined laulcllplnuu and Bill have lhrnwn down the gaunt tor mly poly recree Joe Dem and villainous Dory Funk to up which they have and my is likely tobe committed with loveliest between the reapectl lwnsomu The match is slated for two out oi three tails wilh an impartial reiereepappainted iollowing the sensational ending last week when Joe Dempsey intericred with the course of events and awarded Texan Funk the bout on delault Second mIln bout will feature popular and very cloter North Bay napplcr Diniy Park against the Hiroshima Horror Hirou Sasakl the latter just as tough case as you are likely to come across nut llde of Cowboy Funk This will also be two nut 01 Lhreo tall at lair with onehour time limit Nearly 1500 ans turned out last week or the nillches audit is ex ccied that many more constiiut ng record Iltendance will be on hand ior what shapes up to in an evening oi entertainment and ac tlon th like of which will be talk ed about in many monlhs to come incorrect Year in Dangerfield Advt Dne typographical mom 1552 Chevrolet Scdln listed in Dangerï¬eld Motors Ltd Id vcrllsement In Frld In shown II 1055 The list in should have read 1352 Chev SMIII Delivery $77500 Infgun Pni obirict Mens 5min commence It durlnx week Angus at Barrie DeVllhln Barrie inï¬ilrn3iiir in It Queens Park mufï¬n Ply Barrie Ir District Ladiei idsgnu Monday Juno 0rllia Einlvale JMIIIO to om Newmailiet It shunn June 25 Barrie It Ncwmriict All Barrie cn ham rrncr played ueenl Par unseen siaulh Slmcoo prim All emu cornmrnca It us pm during week THEM June Blirtl It Chumhlii ivy It Thorn ton uric Islmd bl ton Auiatim rt sultan roundv lull Zl ueelon It hurchill It Lille Everett M7 Lowell Strotid Ivy Shim ton enhin It rimmingl soccsn Barfle District Le Northern Sultana IAU games commence ll 7Prlll dlllllll week hieday ll rn it ll unlfwl ml It Camp Borden sciiron sons in die at Midilid llur sc It coulnrwood Andy Burlaek wheeling in irom counter in much the same man looks like Jdponese diplomat Sasnltl takes on Dlnty Poiits North Bay in Tuesday July Barrie Aronnr gt on latterl homo dia Fridai evening by margin Vietnam the Linen and the second inning loo ii ut In idarkneaiias Alliston pushed tho tielng and two Kratchhltv iorincdtne battery or the open Dennis Tlnklln Ind Billy Ir for lliston Bowman eit out ell tlwhils givingup hits rlnldln whirled rlx but mind just seven hits rrie were on to lying sis hen Thompson unrcd Christie in third with sharp rlnnlai Doug Conlson subsequently ume through with twovout cs loaded doubled tht clean ed the paths Thereaitcr th llllyers attack subsided with Al listen gradually closing ihe gap with run in the north illlhé and sixth innings and winding llpi the win Wilhtho hlg two in th seventh Ind tinal trame Hilton sitsnltltthe Hiroshima Hammer who dresses land and wrestles like it hooligan feature bout Senior Soccer Game pis Into Flas dlsgracciul exhibition of soccer took place srlurdry after noon iil Queens Park Barrie when the local club and Midland Humniahsd their contest can celled by referee Al Kimball wlth about ï¬ve minutes remaining in the last half Amid scenes of wild disorder pushing scuifling semilighting and incessant pro testing the arbiter called the whole thiiic oil players still ar guing in the gntherlng dusk At the time of the wind up score was tied twoall major protest coining tram lilidlnnd over pen alty kick that Borrie tied the count with gt The game hogan miscrlhle weather is steady dr le render ing the hallgruasy sml hard to ndlc the pitch slippery Yet it wns well riought miltch through most of the ï¬rs hall with the local soccer club scoring ilrsi then Huronia tlelng the count before the turnmicr and taknig the lead litter ten minutes of the Second half Borries goal alter twenty minv uics playwas well executed manoeuvrel down the middlewith centre forwardtu thump hard shot out of reach of the Mililsnd goalkeeper whogtplnyed on ex cellent gamo throughout Midland scored shortly before half time from throwjn near the corner ball being termed and Barrie backs unableto clear foot to thehall eventually end but Barrios goalkeeper cleanly The visitors had one more good chance prior to the hall when their inside right slipped through and cracked hshot ofitho eras liar with the goglie beaten Barrie had and or two line up portunlties to take the lead but 11 referees rrlringcalir at nip side ete hamperedrnnd stopped break througiic Midland earned their second ncros the urn thegual coming of ascrzmhle the inside right the slippery sphere Sneider put finally bunting low drive just inside the right upright Thus the score was 24 down to the ï¬nal live when Harrie player was obviously pushed and knock ed down irom behind In the pen alty area Midland at ï¬rst icit the field then elected io return and Bill Sircet steered the norm hilll through the left side with low successiui try Shortly after two plu ers were banished from the fiel the Mid land mnn coming back in on the nextplny with Bhrries elected pcrioriner toiluwing suit Argu ment and scufiilng erupted with the harassed official ï¬nally hali ing the contest There is no attempt hero to pinpoint the blame as hath Sides were gullly of rough play but Midland on top of reading their recent press clippings are rap ldly gulnlng reputation vin the league as cryers oi the first order Every single cell is pro tested and players shout their own decisions before the referee it this league Is to maintain any Semblniicc of order and con sideringv thelqet that no reihun crailorl is given ofï¬cials whose Look at those sleek new linesand waitll you see the performance oilhecompleteiy new 16 its smoother quieter more powerful than ever and ill packed wirh luxu ieaturu task is diliicult enough meet ing establishing their authority beyond dispute andvqllesiion ex cept by recognized captains and in the proper manner obso lutely imperative therwise play will deteriorate into some hackralley tin can brawl and serve no purpose spnrtother thanto provide terness and Ill wili Spirited play is to he desired inul play and iiinpire baiting not to toleraied Let gctï¬gtr Dilly ry pray Concentrate kills aerosl thegaines lune run usro Nv Walkonl Elgar rinklln Mason Tulor Pardoe Cameronigtwri£hlÂ¥ Whitesldc other Friday umu in the South Slme league nw ivy drop male to ewlowell lO idwhn resolved into pile rs duellwith llllvlsltle ln dquh till the last halt oi the last inning when the home lerln pilst lvy thlrd baseman elected to make play to first on ground or iosteadol touching third for one out Theoverthrow wound up tense struggle Simlld eu Iertalned ion with barrage oi besehi Indwon lit2 Thorn style ot lowjlow price Flexihle Plastic llead scrltch in handle Fits any Vs garden hose non theh Controlled spray forced through jets in Ih Wash anti rinse in one easy operationlehoped consume iin tank to entry simpiyinun The Ontario Bastith Am uon aends around rémliider that thn Ibrainl eidti or simia tion this year is June not laterthan the above date line at Jilly toior receipt oi Sign ed Players Certiilcates postmarked notClater than the abovedate rnd sent to the Ontario Buseball Association nowdcn See Trees atm st St Catharin es Ontario ton took Eveult 14 Lindgie Ieated Palgravo 55 Ind Bolton came through 96 over Churchill ccncrnus inlltltlclr bristles wont WaterControl Valve and Shnlnn Keeps hands and clothes clean SPRAYER mudlilti 75 According to Donna at the fish and wiidiile stali It Maple the dry summer in 1935 Ind low water levelsthis past spring were probath the main causes for n50 per cent drop in musknt harvests in the townships of Tay Tiny and Baxter Although more trapch purchased trapping licenses in l955 than in iormcr years almost onethird of them didnt set out trava Notwithstanding the drop in Muskrat it was encouraging to note that the harvest oi beaver mink and raccoon thowcd nice 19W brush hesd quickly loosens dirt and floatsit away to it all contours of the car the suitruhberlika us if