HISS HELEN ELIZABETH THOMPSON daughter oi Mr and ruce Thompson linTllfln et was one at lhu plze win crs among the graduetes olflo nlo East Gennnl nnd orth opaedic Hospiul School olNurs ing this year in addlllon toher pluma she was awarded lilo umry lor postgrudunlesludy given ny lhe nlumnne association last Salurdnys graduation ex selscs gradullenl Barrie Din lrlct Cnlleflllle Insillulc shp play ed clarinet In the hand during years school here Invalid Mlha mnrnlnz rervlre in Gulla rle Churen on Sun day new Brendn Lynndallgh But Mrs Shdlwdl In returned In her homealienalwo weeks VI ulion in Toronqu and ï¬nvenhuul WA Medial WA wIli meet Mn Ellis ler of Ir andMn Roller Amos Hutchinsonson Wednesday June lwu bang Weekend Vlallora llan here al the weekend Mr and Hrs mohair Turnhuil Indwin Brampton will Mr and Mn ll Mellon and sons Mr and Mr Norman Graham 01 Stoney Creek llvhln home Mllus Catherine and Ann lic Cualx andlruand Mn Ross Mc Cuaiu Toronlo at lhelr home Mrs IL nelnliu Beaverlon Ulllrlends Comlnllninn servie will be held in Guthrie Presbylarlan Church on Smithy June 17 IIIIJ5 Missleuie Gilchrist 01 Toronlo lsvlslllnz with her slslenlnlaw Mrs Glichrlsllx no Rnll call venenl mlulon nry hymn Mrs lives will be In charge lhedevnlinnal The Iludy book wllibe given by Mn Lou MnchMrL and Mn 1Bldwell Recent Visilora Mrs Healy ol Clowes and daughler Mn Llnlool To ronlnhvislled with Mrs Everett dly his put week lllr and Mrs MacLeodnnd family Swill Sunday with relatives In Atwood AG Nurses Gndnllion Mrs Howell and Mrs wm Cockhllrn Illended nnm gradum lion in Barrie Wednesday evening Cooke oi Tomniospcnl dly willl his parents Mr and Mrs Cooke Lauder 70 biennium nLlloole my Nisiled herHenrik Mn or lewlda hit week Olher lellon were Kr md Mn Dh Filmer and lamlly Tornnlallrs Hare and larxlJevlln weekend lrlllloravllh lira Earl were Hrnd urn Wilson and Mn McKenal ol Barrie Deanery Conlelenre Mm Willlnm Coward Sr leaded thn Deanery Conlerence at in Angliun Chord onWednea day held Crown Hill Anglicln Church WlMeeKlnz Dlllwn Womens lnxlillle will meet at Mrau Wallwlns 123 Burlon Avenue on ihupdnyrlune 21 oclock Roll all an Ill Ioril monument or memnrl 1nd where silualed Malia ace powder may catch Imn bul it like baking powder to keep him Comment hy Mm Bertram Tea hostesses Mrs Wallwln and Mrs Osborne mum Granules Mr and Mn Moore ai llcndedlhe Enduallnn ollhclr In ï¬gure Iy llr rnrl nra wor Thorplan Indtehlldrien Mn ncCauley sud dnuhler Newmarkel rpenl lhe weekend at Carsonn 1dr and uranï¬bnmos and hoyl WlIA lowdale also visited lhere recent Sundry lelfora included Mr and Rpmld Ellia and chil dren lilo la Mr ndldrs Elmer One In children Mellon Mr and In Green hirLMclluler Mrs Ellie Brown Mrs Mend denand children all Barrie wilhwllr and Mrs Wllllam Me Sudden aim Miss Anne Mchd en Friend ind relatives wllh Kr and Mn ll Knnil Mr and Mn Van MI and chlldre Mr and doublet at Tomnlo Ens General Hospilnlll Control sale Competent Licensed instructors MrJnd Mn Bru Inflya baby of Unduy visited al thhaldwnr Wedding Anniveraary Mr and Mn llrem Camn Ind Valerie ended the 45 Wed dinxsnnlvzrsary or her plrenu Mrand Mmsununln on June Bell wishes are extended or mny more yen ol good health nnd laminae HIS A1 Gibson and philan at Toronto are vlslunl with Mrs Murray Canonthin aeek Recent visitors lllh hire Stone Mn and MnNMoI Lav ndc lwn will nd uni E9 even Sub urn Alslme Mnke certain that yonhove enough life insur ance to énoughllo enable then to buy the lhinga they must have for laylordny living Insurnncé Tudny is gnarl day lo talk la London Lilu rrprcéenlnlirr LO DON ChNADA In Homer Beleourt ura Leollnruu Phelpalon lien Dévéntléw rgllsdiuurv MgnrnLlNG Pandnul mprovembnr Undar Teens hwéxt week June lam to 23rd ll nm pm Dally mm pm Snlurdny AT THE loan garrlék ll you are allclldlllg school llnvc rcccnlly gradunlcd vr are already Illunched an hnslncss career here Is your opporlunlly lor the personal improvement um can mean so much in your lulurn The hesl paying pl slllons go to Lhasa best equipped to handle them Per sonalily polsecharm Ire among the first essentials This special summer course was designed lor girls bl lwccn 15 Inn 19 Ind Is an econnmlcnl method or acquir lng cnmplnlehaslc training In all phases ol personal improvement You may pay us you train Free personal nnnlysij or all sludents enrolling for lhucuurse emuan 3W ny lanlele The beauty salon ollhc Joan Garrick ï¬cllnul oiicrs complete hairstyling service In charming surroundings The Salonjacllllles are available to sludcnls and lo the generslpuhll from In In pndnllyv days lilll yvappoinnnnnLVQrl erle rlrbnr rir vlsl us It Jrlllz JOAN GARRICK 0mm 51 BARBIE SCHOOL Phone BARRIE 4661