sin READY TO GOThe twoman sleek CFluo jet interceptor climbs aboard before taking on on practice training light from RCA Station Uplands oulside Ottawa Members or 428 Ghost Squadron are amongst the many playing vital role in the aerial defence of Canada and North RCAF No more visiblc evidence of the NATO partnership can be ound him on the broad Canadian pmirios where today aircrew from 10 olher NATO nations are being tiiugllt their trades by the Royal Canadian Air Fume The training scheme forms port oi Canadas NATO contribu iiun and is turning out pilots ind observers from Great Britain Nor way Denmark France the Neth triunds Belgium Portugal itoly Turkey and Greece at the rate of 1200 year Focpiliighschool indelits iadVICti on he erewoi flying under Ida Since theiirst ATD aircrew graduations in Canada in 1951 more than 3700 aircrew from other NATO countrlcs have received their wings from the RCAF This includes more than 2400 liar pilois and observers The RCAFdoes not operate spccial NATO training plan as such cancrauy the tninees it into the RCAFs own aircrew tra ing pattern and are trained with RCAF light cadets Any training course pr wings parade may in about the country in whicbrthey America The CanadianbuiltCF oi the worlds iinest nilweather longrange let interceptors ls flown by thcsquadrons plansalso call for Your crloo squad one to fly to Europe to join the RCAFs Div ision on NATO duty therei HASJMPQRTANIP INPRAclléXï¬ clude variety or unliorms lac gtisl vslue QVlhtiplflï¬l in mlny 1letpropelled Birth oi KCAF The All Fm came Into being in April W24 with small torec of less than 400 ofiiun and mom in the years that ollowcd up to thl outbreak oithe Second World the RCAF served Canada in many ways charting what one mapped areas spotting brat lites bringing out the sick and uredimmremote IRIS and is nine civilian film In lurthen ing Canadian aviation when the Second World War began Canada was selected as the ideallocation to train Common wealth airmen or allied ioreos Tburthe British Commonwealth Alr Training Plan came into bo lng training mom than 13mm allied aircrew more than hail oi whom were Canadians oversea Operations Tonyeight RCAF squadrons operated overseas in addition to agood number oi homebased souadmns which promoted Can ads and carried out convoy and antisubmarine patrols Thous and at other RCAF members new wilh RAF squadrons operat ing on every front against the an on one Air Defence Command sind Nsiionai perenu photo tor which is lelt adds to the poten casesthbiftlllnlng pcrlbd with the RCAF provides Io ltheinedg ling NATO tlyers their ï¬rst oppop tunity to become intimately no quainted with their poslte num pera irom othernnr couhtrles Trainees spend more than year in Canada They repprtllrst to the RCAFS owner15eth at Mndon0nt where the st rcceivean introduction manners and eustomsvnndnc glv en preview ol theairduous traine ing Vthat lie ignore them something About the try rheeuphr also does lisbest teach them as much aaposslb higeve enemy Supporting the aircrew were thousands or groundcrow both overseas and at home Be fore the endot the conflicttho strength oi Canadas Air Force rose to more than 215000 World War the RCA has contin oi RCA Sabres Canadas largest lighting service whose expan sion since the end or the SecondWorld War might be termed rho traditions oi the RCA go back to the First World War when approximately 22009 Canadians new as members of the British Air Forces during the fouryear conflict It was the spirit and trodltion of these young Canadians that iorm edthe inundation of todays RCAF included in these thousands were members of the Womens Division who served in Canada and abroad The RCAF was the ï¬rst oi the three services to accept women and ï¬ller the war Its Womens Division was the int also womens services to like an Puoetlme Role Since the end oi the Second nod to play an important part in home continenlal and NATO do ence in the role at home and con linentl air deicnec the mini Alr Dcicndo Command is at prime importance Canadian bascd lighter squlllrons flying all Canadian allrwcnlher CFiOO Csnueks working closely with squadrons 01 the Us Air Dc ence Command provide deter rent to any attack on North Amr crien Iargeis Emphasis is be ing placed on the buildup oi vitll radar early warning and ground control systems necessary in the delencc ol the continent NATO Commitments Canadas commitment to NATO to supply an Iir division for Bun opcan uir defence was iuliilled well ahead of schedule with the nrrivsl in Europcni 12 squadrons Flying these will spend the coming year in struction is given in Canadian poli ilcsl hlstory economy culture and in plher subjects aimed at tamiliarizing them as much as post sibie in all aspects 01 Canadian lite Side trlpmo baseball games industrial plants art galleries Ind other polan are organized to show the trainees diiierent aspects oi Canadi lie iirst hand Hospi lolity Canadian organisations and famil ies to it into tree iilne afforded by the trainees schedule Flylng Training School Fledgling pilots leave London or Flying Training School There Ire Your oi loser Oncril at antralih in Ontario not or trombondon and the other are on the or union prairies at Mo se law in Saskatchewan and at Clamholrn and Penhold in Al berta students have lot oi ground iyorlr toinlster hetore they take to the al but theday eventually comes when they step into pow eriul Harvard trainer or their tlrst night RCAF plans call ior introduction 01 the light Chip munk trainer into the HS stage with the ï¬rst 20 to 25 hoursbeing given on this Canadianbuilt air ernrt Atpresent only one flying school is equipped with Chip use 1he Hilfle for initial train ing Adiancellylnt it After completing m5 students piss ontonn Advanced Flying SchooL While he still has great deal to learn he has mastered the Principles otilylng and has neg quiredoontidenee There are two types oi Advanced Flying Sghools one type for inlure tighter piles and another type liar those destin or multiengine operations Flghurnllois ll ecil WT Conadl Stiir lib This tairérnft sr to the US Shooting star is pow red by itollsitoyee None engine and provides an introduc tplanes The ASFs are prairies Portage In Prairie lnManitoba Gimiio also in Manitoba andal Ssskatoonpin Saskatchewan Theflrst two are ior iuture ï¬ghter pilots the vial tcrubeing or thos destined for run ees whether they be Canadianio othtl NATO countrieslion it Wings ATD of the various NATO countries represented iiy tudents proudly step up one to receive the coveted gt blond rwcgian might he followed by swarthyiaced Turkwilha young York shireman and ender French also provided by many gttiltweekeuurse at the PilotWea munkswhiie theremainder still costot which was shared amongst this the Bchflltséesyoung air tries being siructors and not the color or cut or his unliorin or his country or race Following presentation oi wins the reviewing ollicer takes lhesalllte as the student corps marches past the flag at each NATO country represented being home proudly by trainee imm that nsllo Pilot Weapons School gt Most NATO pilot trainees in Canada are ruture lighter pilots and even after winning thetr wings their Canadian in mg is not linished for they pass on 10s pons School at MacDonald in Manitoba Here they learn some thingot air weapons before re turningto their homeland to begin actual operational flying Those having completed Illa mumengine AFS course do not take the wea pons training Air observer School More observers have been traine ad than pilots under the NATO air crew training program and these trainees leave London or Wt peg the largest city on the prai ies where they attend the Air 0b servers School ADS provides about six monthsbt basic training for future observers after which they specialize or one pf three types at work ervers radio Observers navrgalor and on servers air tintcrce tor This specialized trainingli the basic course is taken alongside Can adian trainees and takes from 18 to 16 weeks Theirs is highly technical training andworrledbrows grad juaily give way to looks 01 cone iidence aslhey sweat out the lnyslt teries of radio clrcuits moteoro ogyuseoi the sextant and other aspects xof ustrxfnavigation plot ting and the manyother subjects thrt must be mastereth r1ylu alone winch ine Expedltor Dakota in Mitch ltrainers when the studentsjresentlsioit to put to practical application Vihll they have learned in the classroom By thetimethey return to their homelands genuinees arecom etent observers ready to guide ong ge fighter or alourcnr To thc Canada operated thevut British Commonwealth Air Training Plan Cans Great Britain Australia andNew Zenisud The training scheme turned out more than 13 000v aircrew from those countries and proved afvito actor in the dc lest oi theenemy The present NATQ aircrew training is operath com etely by lite RCA costis altogether utionsl While it does CATFin magnb it is nevertheless contri bution of trip rtanc and signifi Even finer iversilicd crew from nin¢3otherNAT0 coun lued alongside come parableyoung Canadians Itls denecot NATO moron is as nneoi its Sabres bulltln Canada undai li cense by Csnadair Ltd at Mont real iheRCAFs Air Division ranks loremost among the Air 0mg in Europe Carrying out scheduled flights across Canadaand to the UK in support of he overseas NATO ems are smong the mnny tasks performed by the flCAFs Air Transport Command with head quarters at inching One oi its squadrons No 426 cw stead lly on thoiKorean airliit from July 1950 June 1054 Iiilllllnil more ll many thouspnds andln AniLSubnurlne whore and pi equipment Maritlmcfneeonnslsssnce squads HITCH iiiKEitA Bombardier one or several types attractors used in hauling supply sleds in Canadas North hitches ride with an RCAF Sikorsky HCii helicopt er ornewhere along theMldCanadu early ased aircraft to meet in creasingVRCAFmoritimereqniremenm and the gov7 Neptune shownaboyeoitcan udas Atlantic coast is one ofthe latest roster of operation additions to the RCAF rons respons for sntisubman Inc wsriare reconnaissance and convoy patrols operate from bolh Inc as and west consist Those based in the cast are now equip pcd with the Lockheed Neptune repiseing the ourengine Lam ruler sircnit The Anqu still used by lite west coast squad ran and by the operational min ing unit at Summerside Aircrew irom countries of the North Atlantic Treaty orgnin lion are being trained in Canada by the Air Force with expenses of the actual training being harm by port at its contrl bullon to NATOMore than 3700 aircrew from ten NATO nations have already received their wings in addition to in task oi In In lngNATO siudcntj Air Forco lye lng schoolsï¬most oi whichre located onlho Prairies harem tlnucd to graduate necessary pil ot sndobservers for Its continued requirements and buildup licrl rhommrM Equipped wit Lanustcrnih warning line vital role in RCAF service Line duties rnént bulges the planes nose he RCAF photo squad mns Ive almost completedth eovcngept Canadl by serial pho togrlphy Only lmlll portion oi Ellesmere lsllnd inethe Arctic remains to be done Much is this work is now done by eoumrrdsl companies but some at thovphoio sousdmns aimnit operato isr inlogthe Arctic each summer on serial photographic surveys An extensivo slwar gt search and rescue organ utlon operated by the Air Force has saved num crous lives since the war eorr ing out hsurdous mercy opcrn tion llrlnto ihc Arcilc Wllh present strength oi morn thin 49000 including close in 3000 omen who began coming hack inn lhc service in July 195i the Alriiorrc larger than ever before in peseeumc proud service with proud trod uput The RCAFJodayv is modern lighting iorce with 41 squadrons lying alrernitlnokmg Inlontthe finest in sndstsnding on guard Call llintl EurOpeJn the consent om The helicopter is playing the construction or the line This helicopter is once several types in and employedon MidCanada mtloal potent Pholo gt will rcrar iiying wlthMa gtune Alrjc mmitnd lsalsosultahle for min lay ing and torpedo operations Part than onandavhali or electronic equip out into the radome below Natloual nelcnee rhino