Show huge mirth vol3 dict ill the executive oi Humnle linrlicullunl society Vomiheflor isld groups lint spring flower show held Wednesdly Mly 30 in tile dwller council chain hers Compeiition was lively in prae tireliy hit the divisions displnyed end the quality or pl ts Ind lowers shownwhs high CaldwulchIdIeS who Ire memlt llErs at the Society served aller noon ie Society President Ar lhur lto ohm Waubnushene ilnLl secretary Jack Tipping oi Cnidiliiitr were among lhe busi est members looking liter Ihe do toils eonnecied with lhedlspluyl The ncxl flower ill will be it Wnuhiiusllene Full Support For Clll Club Coldwaler Lions Club meeting this week ngningnvc luilsupport to sponsoring the Hmnll Call Club ollowing comments by Lion Chester Martin who is secretary at the Agriculture Society TileCali Club is considered one ill the most succnsslul in On tariu rim is said by Agricullunl itiiiclals to be operated on very ellicicnt basis The project is one oi the Goldwater Lions major interests Due to incrensed membership in this years Coldwater 4H Cal Club the Lions innncill Bssi ance will be substantially increas ed lilr Marlin said those who Iiuve been contributing awards to the junior linrmcrs achievement tiuy held atthe lair had nealn ellnsvnled to donate Tlle Lions Club denoted $25 to wards expenses or comp lo junior farm boys at Bliss Lake Plans lire beingvconsidered to assist local boys to tiike elmp outings at Severn Fnlis under sdpervlsion Di Ranger Fred Ai hinson Further plans were mode hr the ladies night at Dmegn Lodge Severn Fullsy on June 20 Viccpresident John Dunlop ehiirv ed the meeting nders For Road Work er of nighwoys lion lit cwr Convention Amone those who attended the CWL convention at Martyrs shrine Midland on Sunday were Mrs McLaughlin Mrs Leo Mob en Mrs Lolly Mrs sneppird Mrs Malicy Mrs Nlmmlngs Mr and Mrs Charles Lnltus of Néw Toronto visited Mr and Mrs Leo McLaughlin Benetang neeeptlon Mr and Mrs Leo McLaughlin and Mrs Morley attended the re cuplioll given Monsignor Castcx in Pcnclailg Sundny aiternuon From Toronto Mrs Cummins oi Toronto spent iew days with iriends here lieceive First communion class at 18 received their ï¬rst Holy Communion Sunday May 27 at St Patricks Church nt nine oclock muss The iirst soltoaii game was rained out nltgr two innings Wed nestiay night when Cundles piuyed lierc ocealen being limei Allen hit eetiiigd Lethtrby MVP lor Simeoe lhlt tendon Ire being 61 or red iig eulvemj Ind hr one niiihui to from yltilaulntuhrleJo Severn Conlrlelors uclively en Edged in resortring the rind between Waubllishelieinnd Mid llnd Ind inwvlénTMcNicau In some consider roed hue ll be log Iilie ln Indvthepewlll bé some lghlenlu th slurp urvelinrliedilte Martyrs Shrine on the north ride at llillhwly 11 ciuthi nun Fox Orin Levilice ol Rosemount had caught smell lax Illd cu ried it about downtown Coldmter while cnreiuliy avoiding contact withihe gunmenrip truth Higher Milk Prices Huroniln Dzirylund ol Cold water has dislribuied notices to Coldwuter customers ind otherx lhiorming them that due to in creased production costs and higher price paid the producers higher milk prices became nee rssary Anï¬lhnr move by hi Coldwnier dairy was to install mlclilne to homogenile mllk end it is now in use 9i SHANWIBAY Mumps Victims Mumps still seem to be present in the community van Cameron Brinn Tnylor and Gary Atkinson heing the most reeentvietlmi WA News The womens Auxilinry met the evening 01 May 22 at Mrs Rnikes or the lust meeting of the season since the delinery meeting will take the piece oi the regular June meeting Deanery this yenrwill be held atCrown Hill and it is hoped to have good number lrnnt Shnnly Bay in attendlnce Conierence in Peterhorouah Peter oliver ndxciih Cnld well recently ttended the AYPA conference in Peierborough tor is weekend session with Mother young people Tilting nMonth Course Rodger Welsman was home re cently on his way to OAC where he ls taking months eourse in conjunction with his job Birthdin rerty Bonnio lilnrtln entertained scv erai smiill iriends on May 24 the her ionrth birth doy Deanery llleeillig Rev Dr Lightbuurn uttended the Deanerymeeting in Penelnng reeently accompanied by Ruikes Mrs Lightbuum visited the same day with friends in Midland nrriwwinner Congrztulatlons to Timmy Gar rick who won S5 In the Robin Hood Mills drnwlng contest for most ginal and well done entry 13 IACK guarantor oi iiï¬iid Mrs Brothel ol Thornton celved Ill Hobors degre ill Selen tilic Agriculture at 0A Guelph rccenlly lie is now managing llrge poultry arm neer Gilt School Asloellilon met onJhe evening at Mn to discuss plans or the Annual gratinlion purly The tentative ditto is June 25 Mrs mike consented to being coevener lor thedeeoreung com mittee IndMn Syrperlki otlered her Inlstlnte its social Convener list all apelien and guests was compiled Ind detiiis arranged or grsdultion giltsiind littettd nee prizes rm Toronto hlr Ind Mrs Shilllday Ind boy1 ol Toronto visited with Harry liariin the weekend oilioy 29 Rmnt Visitor Guestswith Mr and Mrs Here ward Muriln on Sundly May were Mr Ind himlilix Hewitt nl leghurat and Mr until Mrs Hansenoi Cooksiown ii to cup Brawn lsllnd Little Robert Kendall has gone to Cope iireton islend where he is visiting with his grandllthï¬ His parents drove him to oronto where met his nunl and contin ued the trip by bus At Toronto Synod Rev Dr 10 Lighthourn lilS been attending Synod In Toronto this week The lly delegate of Si Thanh IS Mrs Oliver has also been in attendnee Bible Society Meeting on Thursduy Julie there will be aihie Society meeting in the community hell ot pmperey Parsons ivill be spenker andwill shown iilm Id Stroke Art Reel former resident of Shlnty Bay his had stroke and is being cared for by his daugh lei Mrs Aikcns in Stayner Midland Visit Elmer Emrns his been visiting for to weeks with his daughter liirs Abernethy in Midland Plans tor Garden free The Guild 01 St Thomns chereh met Monday evening they 28 It MIslIck Taylors Meet ing consisted mainly orpreper etory plllls tor the annual garden to to he held this year on Wed nesday July 18 Illelune meeting will heet Mrs Martins onlune to Plans For ornduation Prudence ill totesthotyo itsh retain anduseu he business ir Reynoldho so Belitlmhi Jervis lr crmott limiting Jervis Sundean Torontovixlitng retiii liiies Mn willins visited with Mr lnd Mr llilnrvzyoé Wei go cw wee Ind nttendedtllel oi Elsi Simeon Wonie heldetrvvhrhego lily Simon chlrter memherv were luesu Mrs Wiggins wu one of the elllrlnr member Washlo Wl luidG down at Bucebridge and Mrs Edwardsoi Schonh berg vislled with Ind Id by Me ermoit Suturday An vemry service Mrs lMcCuliougbend Mr lnd Mrs Nell McCullough OPTO ronto and Mrlntl Mn Spence McCullougthRidtmond Hill tended the anniversary service It on Sundey end visited with rel tivcs thrown gt Vlutedrerenu Mr ultiMreWIt Renewal Coburg Mr and Mrs Deep liiver visited with Mr ohd Mrs Russel ilendy recently Returned to Kinyton Mrs Handy his returned lo Kingston where her husbnnd working Moveto Community Warm welcome is extended to Mr lind Mrs lumen Handy who have movedto shanty Buy irom Blrrle Weddinl Shower mlicelllneous shower was lied in the community hall on Mny 29 or Mr and Mrs Gordon Simpson Many lovely Illd useful Kills were received by the couple Mrs Squires Ind Miss Belly Bowman assisted In opening the presents end the young couple warmly thanked the group for their kindness reeling Better though confined to bed is improved At Reeleequ neview Night Severn irom silentylioy utteredi ed the Simeoe County Recreation Review night held at ovals on feeling Mini ElsieRoikasMiss Jdeur ison IndM nd Mn Empk BellTenm Wins Congrhtulutinns vto the school ii Rent game Recentguests Recent guests at Mr and Mrs More were Mr andMlE Inesonlnd three childnn oi Bright and Mr Mid Mr Ross Bnlph enditwoehildre in he St Andrews preshyteriin churehi Mrs Taylor returned from lioyelilietnri Hospital and May Those taking part Were 11 tenniwhieh deiented Jarrett ol member lire med thermoiitinfljwithq yhiii Thq votloml un Hutshippo lid prpimtedtn her gitts is the we tor the buffet lune vconvrned dime ubloyns Imngedvllth bee cloth centred with bowl social ho rend Wllblfllflufll lor Mn NHW Brawley was held neJirLBrwley will be moving on smoky tojer new home in Price The address we reed by Mrs Wright end the presentation gt by Mrs Giliutctilson few old ilmllier songs were sung Mn Bnwiey replied Ind In her remarks lhe uld thlt she had been member oliheWA or 25 year end indolwliys enjoyed the meetingsnind workeoi the WA She lhlnke STAYSflF IT Rolls 1415 nests LESS soln lntuln it flowcriendplnk undies Heres the yenrs homes lie in door chvenngt lemons Gold Soufflegoblin the new fSequin patte Newlongdnnlng heuutyier your rooms to only iew mo See scone in nriillgo or gloiivlng colours lit your com gt dealers Ayuil ohio in rugs and by the yo ee swish nnd fhckstrnul nnanli the other sinnrt old Seolpnttern omenbar Congoleuin is your iinesi buy in floor covering nnd Gold Senl tee of tisgoedon See your floor coveiltig dealer soon toucouum cAliAllAilMilE a7oosi rhniclt stitmMoniiiAl 19s look it floor Cong will wall the Vsll mcerlnx in Ioolil Feels llem slid elemxliltn canth lilei Bus to hlndle you innll it younell gt IN BusllNEssrwhenyhll bills are paid at thoend iii theryenr what is is after taxes is protin Profit fprdvldes the mdney ytroln Whicli dlyidohds toiishare holders or owners are paid Clinnngini troubl titan or oath yénrs pro Ilieseretninededrnlng tiliii business to pay at lenst illport otthe cost of he eonstaint need tor bettér oulpment and seditionnlnapinity rid yileid lie You website Hats Finns drive more many othi