Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Jun 1956, p. 6

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installations mvnionmtryrdim £11055 Womena Editor ls well asbclng the month tor weddings June Is the month that mnny service club auxiliaries hold lnstalitalons of elite ers This year the Ladies Auxiliary to the Lions Club lsAravel ling to Ortllla tor its annual dinner which is being held at the Blrehmcrc Hotel this evening Next week there In two an nual installation dinners Tho Kinclle Club is distill It the East Anglican Parish Hill on Monday evonlng Juno ii and on Thurv tiny evening June ltth the Sort optimist Installation will take lace at tho clubs dinner meet ng in Community House Kiwanis Auxiliary Tea The Womens Auxiliary III the Kiwanis Club is holding lLs annual spring tea and bake sale on Wed nestlay allcrnoon at the home at Mrs Rodgers 122 Sunnldalo nnad Tea hours are from three to live oclock Back Home Two of Simcoc Countys most famous residents Kenneth Wells and his wife Lucy who reside in The Owl Pen By Moonstone Crock that is ended thalr six month live thousandmile cruise inlln eighteenloot cabin cruirer last month They arrived in To runto on the Moonstruek its little over week ago at the end of trip that took them as far south sa Panama Their cruise believed to be the longest cvor made by boat pow cred by single outboard engine look them through the lnlsnd waterways oi the eastern United States the Gull ot Mexico and the Carribcan The boat acquired in Midland was carried overland to Cincinnati to be launched in the Ohio River last November From Panama lliey travelled back to Florida tllen to Virginia and sailed up the Hudson Rivenand Into the Erie Canal On their way to Panama City they were iogbound on sn island and unheard train for four weeks alter exploring the Bayou counlry west of New Orleans Bride Enteriained nature her marriage in St Anlt drews Church to Peter Alexander Van de Kamer of Toronto the runner Frances Hodges was enter ininetl at showers in Barrie and Toronto The Misses Mnrjurie Harris formerly of Barrie lsabel Cun nlngltam lsabcl McKinnon Bar bara Coates and Yvonne Bruncllc were hostesses at shower in her honor in Toronto Neighbors and friends entcrv taincd at shower in the brides honor at the home oi Mrs Ruy Simmons on Perry Street Assist ing the hostess was Mrs loh Feltis Bridal Showers Miss Florence Elizabeth Jack son of Miuulng whose marriage to Norman Kenneth Pagct took place In Emmanuel Baptist Church in Barrleon Saturday ternnon was entertained by many friends betore her wedding Members ol Emmrnnol church presented the couple with tr light lamp and the Christian Youflt Fellowship Group held miscellaneous shower in the brides honor at tho home at Mrs Lola arycs at Stmud last Saturday evening the cam munities oI Mlucsin and Illin csing Slatlon held mrscclhmoous shower for the bride and grdom and on Monday evening the bride was cutertalned at personal shower at the home oi her matron ol hnnor Miss lusn Trucmnn ntertainments It June bride the lormcr Shlr ley Todd of Churchill whose marriage to Charles Wood took placoun Saturday was cnler mined by several friends before her wedding or bridesmaids Miss Doreen Bagley and Miss Helen Anderson were hostesses at miscellaneous shower held in the nurses res ldence for staff nurses and mom bers oi the alumnae oi the Royal Victoria Hospital The bride is graduate of the training school Two ormu classmates Mrs John Feltis and Mrs Bud Martin held miscellaneous shower at Mrs Fcltls home and Miss Agnes Flynn of Mary Street entertained the bride and her attendants at dinner party Over seventy friends neigh bors and relatives at the brlde gathered at the homo of Mrs Allan Todd in Churchill to shower her with gifts Seated beneallt an overhead arch of pink streamers and bells the bride was assisted In opening the gith by her sister Mrs Russell Aikin and Miss Ethel Todd Special Honor ormp Borden girl Miss Marie Skinner was one of eight nurses who received special honors at the thirtythird annual graduation exercises at St Jos ephs Hospital Toronto this year She received the award or ex cellence in bedside nursing Miss Skinner is the daughter of Sergeant and Mrs Skin ner Quebec Loop mdér glanced floclgeo gamma St re ws Presbyterian Church was decorated with pink and white snapdragons and gladl ull for the marriage of Miss Fran ces Edith Hodges daughter at Mr and Mrs Harry Hodges of Barrie to Peter Alexander Van do Rainer ol Toronto son of Mr and Mrs Van de Kamer ot Ham ilton on Saturday May 19th 1956 at three oclock in the alternoorl llev James Ferguson otficiatcd at the Vccremnny and wedding music was played by the church lbt Alfred Clhrkc who companied the solols Yvonne brunsllo pl Taro to tional white gown of bombazlue tattelu Styled on princesse lines with short jacket oi whitechan lilly lace made with mspdnrn eullar long sleeves and buttons down the back jullct cap at seed pearls held her fingertip Vail and she was carrying bouquet oI white poms iiyoItheltvalley and epllallfltis lo was attended by her Mrs Douglas SalSeam or Barrio as matron of honor wearing altzlength gown of peacock blue ffeta styled on princessellues tlia matching feathered head Aress Her illowcrs were Vplnk gearoatlonsand white stephanotia The flower girl Kamerof Ha dtonsiste at them om was gowned in biue and pk swiss embroidered or gn dy andywas wearing tcll in bonnctand rying Plpka wh erltul vrn sister cessories anda eorsage ot pale pink roses Among the toasts was toast given by the grandtatlter oi the groom Anthony Hoogcndyk to the bride and groomvwhich will be long remembered Leaving on motor trip to Virginia the bride was wearing beige ncn dross under tan linen duster coat with matching accessories and corsagc oI yellow baby mums On their return Mr and Mrs Van de Kamer will be making thpir home in Toronto Outmitown guests at the wed ding were trom Sudbury Black Lake Quebec Englchart Westhill Hamilton and Wood CtlllllElGlIT The girl who wants to cut her height but still look trim should carry lsirlylnrgc flat rectang lilacshaped hag if she isnt too thin acontour belt in bright color wlll also help Mr and Mrs McQuade were married 50 years ago today and this allurnoon andthis uvcning between the hours at three and live oclock rmd seventhirty and to oclockthey will be at home to their iricnds and neighbors at their rosidcncc no hurtpn Avenue where they have made their home during most of their years in tDWll nsrric has poor their home ior ill but one year of their hall cen tury oI mnrrlod lilo Thsy came hero in 1907 year alter their wedding on June tone in par sonage ln rclcrbpmugh Mr ltieQuade was carpenter with the Canadian National Rail ways lur yssrs before his rc tirelnent in October 150 Now he spends most or his time in his garden gt Born and raised in omcmoc he was working in Pctcrborough when he met his wllc whose home was in Tweed Ono of Mr and Mrs MeQuades main intorosts has always been their churchEurton Avenue up led She has always beenan ac tive worker in the womens organi ns including the Womens Missionary Society and the WW mans Associatv and ho has been Mrs Feldman Home and School PresidentElect The annual meeting of the Cod ringlorr Home and School Associa tion was held in the school audi torium with the acting pres dent Mrs Feldmall presidin The officers for 195361 president Mrs Fcldman vice presidents Ben Flock Mrs Hannah recording secretaryr Ralph Congdon corresponding secretary Mrs Kenneth Simmons treasurer Mrs John Stevenson exeoutivo members Mrs Traub Mrs Parry Carter Mrs Corbett Mrs mith While the ballots were being counted Codrington School girls chorus under the direction oI Mrs MacLennan sang ssv eralseleetions The installa on ceremony was neighboring township at area vicepresident The nominat ing committee was composed or Mrs Agnew chairman Mrs MaeLaren Mrs Stollar Fred Thompson and Mrs Congdo short movie entiuod Sing Along was shown boldre morning adjourned conducted by Mrs Hankin Celebrating Golden Anniversary Today Yesterday all except one at their eight children or Mr ind Mrs McQuode and eight or their hen grandchildren gathered to honor theAllandale couple on the eve or their golden wedding anniversary The entire tamlly was home from such distant spots as Norfolk Virglnla and Chlbouga mnu Quebec to attend the tamlly reunion and dinner party at The Studio on Codrlngton street last evening an older and was treasurer ot the church for mrmy years MrtMcQuade belongs to the rail way brotherhood oi maintenance of ways Two their children MrsElla Gauthier and Beatrice live wlth their parents as well as two of thcir grandchildren Suzanne and Roger Gauthier Iiome for the golden ling an nlvcrsary nro Mildred resides in Toronto Ethel and hcr husband and three children Hob Marguerite and Karen of Hamilton Wallace and his wife of Chibougama Mrs William McLeod Eunice and her husband gComman erMcLeod and th three ch dren Katherine Billy and John of Norlolk and Flying miner Roberta bobble McQuade who is now stationed at Centralia Unable to be present are Mrs Frank Wright Florence who so rest in Chibougauau and or two children Miss Diane Wright oerontreal and Philip Cancer Society Purposes Are Outlined to WI The May meeting of the Tee WeGwill Womens Institute was held at the home of Mrs Robert Brown Mrs Ralph Huugbton the prestdent presided In an swcrrto the roll mcmbers named vegetables starting with the first letters of their surnames Mrs Harold Metealf convencr of health and home economics introduced the speaker Maurice Grimes representative olthe Canadian Cancer Society He ex plained the purposes of the soci ety education of the public the furthering o1 cancer research and to see that those suflcring tronl cancer got immediate medv ieal treatment Mr Grimes showed film illustrating how cancer is detect ed undirected Seventeen thousandv business andpmlessional people serve The Salvation mam deiltiiullyi tinned Mrs William Scott Anny on Advisory Kiss Norms Grilibam dangh tcr or Mr and Mrs James mm turn ol Barrie was married on Saturday June 1956 at two tb oclock In the afternoon in Trinity Anglican Church to Rel nld Putt son at Mr and rs Ernest Pnttoi Palnswick Rev Allan Rea the rector any and wedding music was aycd by the church organist fl Roberts who also to up Given In marriage by her father the bride wss wcaring streeb length dress at while celanese petate with hat and veil tn llcr ilowcrs woro rcrl mos ond lllyotlhovsllcy licr altcntlaan wcro lillss Lur raine Jordan of Toronto cousin of lhe bride and Miss Margaret lul turd of Barr Their street length dresseswere of blue colour eso acetate and they were we lng mohair headdresses Th flowers were pink and while posiea Gcrnld Pratt at Palnswlek was gmomsmon or his brother and the ushers were Itonald Williams at New Toronto cousin of the bride and Harold Walton at Bar rie uncle of the groom reception followed in Trinity Parish Hall whcrc the mother at the bride received in blue crepe with beige accessories The grooms mother who also receiv od was in pale blue and was wear ing white accessories For travelling the bride chose mauve floral nylon drus and light bclgo coat Hcr accessories were white Alter wedding trip to Ottawa Mr and Mrs Iriltt TCA Stewardess Ti 08 Mrs Normu Liam FORBES of Owen Sound graduated recent ly as TransCanada Air Lines stewardess following an intensive our week course in Montreal Miss Forbes was born in Owen Sound and receivcd hcr education at public rnd high schools there She graduated ss nurse in Sep tember 1955 train the Royal Vlc tori Hospital in Barrie After working is assistant head nurne and later hosd nurse hcrc Miss Forbes joined TCA on April is All TCA stewardesses hrs regis tered nurses Miss Forbes is now based at Toronto willbs making ibclr homc in Outdbtowrl guests at the wed ding were mm North Bay Oak ville Toronto In Port Credit Cook Heads Sunday School Council The annual Sunday School eon ventlun of the Tecumuth and West Gwllllmbury branch or the Ontario Council of Chrllliln Ed ucation was held last Wednesda afternoon and evening at Ric Hill United Church with vSunc day Schools answering roll call The president George Farts oponod the convention with low words of welcomo and who on the theme The Roots Illtl FrulLt of Decision Rev Dorian conducted short worship service and intro duced the speaker is representa tlvo at he Ontario Council Rev Gordon ilatetwopd at Mount For est During the afternoon several buzz groups were totmed atwhich problems arisingin Sunday School work were listed to be dealt with in an open iorum led by Cook Mr Ilalelwond explained and diov cussed the OCCE and invited all present to examine the splendid display of books and literature Mrs Farls sang solo and pleasant social hour oi fellowship was enjoyed during picnic sup per arranged by the ladies of Rich rilll Sunday School The evening session began Willi singsong allowed with prayers by Rev Dorian Tho nominating committee prc sontetl the olilccrs for 195657 and Mr llalelwood conducted short installation service Otilears are Honorary presidents Farts Clarence Brown past president George Paris president Cook vicepresident Mrs Wals sccrctarytrcasurcr Mrs liturj rte Carr executive commit tee Mrs Reynolds Mrs Hindlo Mrs Bell Mel Bray an John Dc Valk Gard rncr Lawrence eupolsnd Brown Lemon brothel and all ministers How can these thinflsb Store your uni wllh Fun rlcr who makes and sci furs only and knows no to handle the summer MINOR uamms race gnuAll And Now you can actually try aott wslorln your ownvhomo tor lwnwosis at no cost orobtlpsllo Spa and isolth dutsrcncs in yourwsohshls You on new whltannuinew bilulttn there in no aoaa cum to dullt you rsvs averse dolsrpsnlsi TryiiWlth Culllg nSarvl tyouncvcrnoodgto bu wine the monthly chsrde II lot ssrvlr as with your taloaho problemallatedduringthe alter noou were aimed up by Mr tin elm who brotubt out three detlnlto actor or the church tnowledxo at tho Bible laltla in God consecrated lives in the serviceoi God Honlggened two books which miaht be round beipfulfor Sunday School teach Christian Doctr for Sun day School Teacher and ingdon Commentary 1n the closing drum of thc convention the ounlxter chose as his text 5L Matthew llelZ in which be emphasized the valuo at rural living and exhorted his its tail ct their soul lllrllnir Nylolt Flooco Shorty by Newtnus Tho dctal at long study and reflects and the radii titthe material valuu should 500011 The hymn Jelulxln Promised to ServoTbeo wllh End brought the convention to close CHOOSE MIDHEEL The short stocky lrlsbnuld choose shoe with nightle color thats more rubtle dramatic Particular unaxt tbli year are shoes in beige101 oruwn shades such French bread san catteeandcre In car met and toa lustlteeoivod for Summer llulttratetl is tlrc result tlle ldcslly stylcd shorty Ths shawl collar the semidolman culled rleeve the hallbelted hack dull the popular hip length create Spring breezesl REMsMsen ITS BEAUTIFUL COLOR to Henry lddy rim wminlrtc yool buy nor buxineu for ITS WASllItBLE lTS LIGHT AS FEATHER co cream shades or white pink unit powder Sizes garment as dellghttu as the first ytu you to rtillovnl you on an important grit nimaylJsomotlmod in 720 24 hour for new loans you mils idea of time pallodsalioVed fordlfiu amount from to 24 months And to who hsv moo income during tunnels and schooltcodturs special dytnonl wallodui bu arranged on team ohms soo An dillom chorgosthqlomofléupbflmo Iy yes but romembsr ot rtlspdro Kill your lvuursnrc no extra cost Above $500 tltajomor the untounl and the timetile lowcrth rota Contparo money leis not fit my lnumansa onloona wonhwhllorYog amergondgsytorepol or modernize hair od stock is er forflia when cosh

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