Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Jun 1956, p. 3

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Barrie Teen Town ntthe cirlg dance on Iiillcrest School Auditorium Bestowlng theorem on the runny will viiuuob Visltlol Little Judy Annuaiherdaio prom is visiting with her uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Thorni Ross and con rariy and Prnenta For Grandma Tuesday evening lldleaol the Unitedpehurch wa theredr at Mr and star Victor Rons tor baby ahowcr tor Ricky As aniadded event tips View ltoss received while vase with cut flowers mm the ladies or her newhomcr Churchiand Sundly School Time change of church Ind Sunday School Sunday School Presbyterian Chart in United Church 1115 Bail iarnc Edgar ball team were gusts at Orn StationTuesday with score being11 When the united States ooli Association was lormcd in 1894 there were only tour golf clubs in the United States Continued irom Wednesday The iollowlng is the lamlly tre oi the Campbell Clan who cam trom islly Scotland about 183 and settled lnOro Township in th Guthrie community then in its tural slate Janet McCIIalg was born in is 1780 it is worthy to note tit she Ittd her sister Flora MY Hugh McArthur had combine age oi one years Somewhere around 1600 Jan and John Campbell got msrrie and they were blest with live cons and two daughters namely lolul Donald Angus Alex and Archie twins Mary and Annie Alter grandson hi on Highway 27 ab iCollllnued lrom page one nows and man thé disiurber has been trying to netthem by mov ing around to where they look thickest and iinda that they have gone elsewhere but enough are spilled from the net at times to attract thiI hiackhlrds Gracklcs otticlally who love them Alive One wise old bird had his own supply base where kncedccp and with leet locked toa tw undcr watcr he lost waited poised until the school came along and almly and neatly reached down nd spearcd one at time until with too much ballast he could 5vare1ytake on one years back when loans and erons were to be seen on Kem cit Bay big heron came may spring to the mouth at Min ets Creek and would atand there it the evening and take on so much cargo minnows or frogs that he required long slanting the siudehalrer when the out three miles north oi Barrie on Saturday morning et headon Jaycees Meet Contiiiuedlrom page one lined by MrGray whoshowed how these Christiana resisted eom munlam in the final analysis by stcadlaslly reluiilng to yield to thought control In this eonneo tion the speaker reterred to an extrabrdlnary book written by missionary who had undergone three years at communist indoc trinatlon entitled when iron Gates Yleldr Some startling statements were made by Mr Gray regarding what he considers the growing threat of communism in Canada and the LS It was his contention that successlul transition will be ac compilahcd and that it can hap out here Without shot being tired The alternative to revolution which encompasses the loss at property liberty and soul Is strong and militant Christian Present Wings To Observers icontinneormm oraconcl ed this day might not be so or away rrihuia was then paidio the permanent stall at the Barrie Filter Centre as havlng achieved high standard of training and operation Stall personnel at Bar ric riiter Centre are rm Swanton 0C lrO Ar Show herd ro McGulre FO Hoppleswn Dull Cor pral El Hepplnstul Corporal Norton LACS Furbcr Moasip James Vital To nelonce Group Captain Gwinn conclude ed his address by mentioning how vital to the Air Detonce oi the country was the workbeing done by civilian volunteers now strung across the dominion to engcrwmi her liusbandfwas thrownthrough th windshled or ther car receiving multiple cuts and bruises ra to observer Corps in conjunction with dcience measures such as the Mid Lille Dew Line and lur lher northern expansion Citing as an examplu early warning given by northern ob scrvatlon posts during rceent simulated attack on the North American continent reports irom these centresailordrd ample limo lor continental air dclente sYs tem to attain state at readiness Flnc Liaison Captain Charles Turner vdc laohmcnt commander Bulldio Filler Centre then spoke briefly as an invited guest on the line liaison work between Canadaarid the US and the importance of maintaining our present cooper ative status This Wings Presentation cere many culminated the past sea sons training for the Barrio Fil ter Centre and it was hoped tha the high standard of training the lathcrs death his wile Janet came to Canada with the lamily John settled in Thora Township am know mountain at camroeu with Ross Gough son at sir and Mrs Wallace Gough who is the seventh generation at the Campbell iumiiy have iarnily Leome married it Simpson Thoy had two children John and Charlene Rob rt rrl Em Donald settled on the west halt perrye ngypfid of hipiii oi lot 17 concession Alex lived tll ila hse me are on thccaat hall and Archie llvcd flkmfiepf flaw aeross the road on the filth Minnie Johnson married Alfred Donald married Sarah McCuaig They had one son John find Cole who had two girls Pearl and lluhy Pearl married Mr llrcce ur daughters Jessie ilinbrell They mg no mm Ruby mm Sarah and Isabel Alter his wlie Ben NW They had one cm diedhe lelt the arm and went ed aohpic Bobbie mamed Miss sailing as that was his trade in Thompson They Md Ms Scotland He was towing logo 8m and 01 BniF Lke Sim in twins whose names do not know erley Or to and while do Ing some repair work to theisalls ml 13 if 51 50 iii ffiqkwlfffi 23 alright Epsteimlia min need $53 Chester married hyacinth Sinclair 931p hf fig rmmy 1319 Theyhad iamliy at two Sharon monograph dammed dishwashers rush we we fiéufigleymfldgf£dy $23 one in their lamllyya girl by the Anothtrcute little picture was buried in Kmk Cemflm name Lot Tram Laura is Red grouped when lighttruelicame cm His daughter 1mm Cross nurse in Toronto Shels not alone with two in and aiiuie Wm the ml when 35mm married yet She is caring ior her 5131 They ind gevidcntly found happenedrand ahevmok mummy mother who is the only one living thattlle truck needed ballast and brought the tdg to its destln whim ei MW atioo This brave girl was on the Be me hm We eve be muffled when her mil Gamma so of Dun large cardboard carton Sheiugr suitor did not suit As the saying hid son oi Janet married Mary 8F ii Wk and they suited to Em Wm my we we Anhgauld1lhey mm 5mg till it by hand aiicr placingltin cup Ind the up She gave Mm Album min and MN men the back at the trunkpbuttbe little to understand that he could go his married Alex orown bothnow do Kiri needed the Mimi by null way and one would go no my ceased Clara married Wendell herrubber 1min ml the Hg my going take um craham Theyre now living in twinned wash hand and native 01 Wine Pennsyl ing now He he mum hg Barrie They have one son Robert iilbixv like Vania he became interestedv in would mmed ahead at hm Campbell Graham He in thpep skipped sally about in the salt rough heal and no mum sons John Allan and pauiWen mi flockinsieeti Iithnushit ing received as boy He joined took the term and sleighmd head deiir Robert has government will It that men The Mother church in 1m and ed towards neuvcrtoh an believe ioh with the Alriorcm Mndie has beenvactlvc in varioulcapa it or not he courted and wad and died while she was siiilyoun cities in the Christian Science brought home his wire inside ol John Camrheil wns wander movement iorzmany years gfigkhigghglfimdaefina mugiiie gawgflngigigg ffgégf or inrromn They gd wasra characteristic ol the Camp cLEANlil TIME Robert and John who were both he Cielii is noticeable in Callin all husbands Time to killed the rim war squeratmils down the line His clean up Maybe you will end no Judaism another daughtgr 31 Wife died when the tarnliy war withasore back lrom allyour el Donald son of JIneLsyshelmgr young He did not despair how iorts but youll be nilglityploaaed ricd George Johnson They had ever but keptlhem together In with the trim air your property tlvclboys and two girls The urea andrroviiifii forlhem iiii will acquire little sales talk to prime thechildren were Dons thanwere Ibiefli take their rim theywlle will convince her that aldwilliam in thehom2w icw hou ithihcrnr luinniczand Bell Donald Campbells daughter better arrangement son They Timbrell marriedmonaldMcKin poundagebut be diplomatic hadatamiiy at threc7lna Ethel non lhcirpso Gmnicllis Sun andiMildied Inamarried George nonmarried McLeodThcyhud tworhlidran lamily consisted or huth an Douglaa Ethel married John Lily lungcmmhcra They had tamiiy oltwo Ross Glenora Mildred son They had no would be carried over to next Sopiemher when new courso commences Meanwhile the cur rent volunteer graduates remain on sta by as trained cogsvin cansd dele takeoil across the bay with many ilopiiopa of his huge wings Dllierent countries have differ ent methods of fishing sitting in the pram at Wosuga heach recent ly alter the strong breeLe had died down and leita line of weed and hits or flotsam well back on thEflndy stretch it was interest ing to watch threemcn who came across train the west in large crult resembling ships boat but they had an outboard motor at inched as sailor would say to starboard amidshipa and seemed to navigate it successlnlly The lyslellt evidently wosto leave the stern tree for handling nets or night lines but coming in they were seen to be wearing waist deep waders and just jumped out in over three leet olwater and moored the cralt to an anchor line running out to small marker and to Inother similar llne near shore so that she remained be tween the twoancnorahwcii out where no one could make away the approximate number at 72 000 Squadron Leader liarris DlCV then spoke briefly on the great responxlh tic girl the Ground iaithr God used as an accessory is nearly as great an error as subscription to communist doelt trine an illustration ol the dim ger Mr Gray asserted that com munism la strong It the University at Toronto with its influence spread through many worklng celis among thestudent body Many influential names were broughtyout in the course of Mr Grays address which he claimed in one manner or another repre rented idangcr through their com munist activitiesr Walter iteuthcr the powerlul labor lesderwhile not branded as communist was still listed as having received six years or trainingin nusaia in conclusion Mr Gray pointed out that the battle against com munlsm must be made rlghtrln communitiu such as Barrie where awareness ol the evil comes first then an individual resistance made through atmng personal faith Again the ll choice is lielor mation or evolutionr OFFICERS INSTALLED the regular mccting oiithu Prince ot Wales Home and School Assocl on May 2a olllcers were stalled at an impressive ceremony conducted by Mrs nahkin area vicepresident Synnolt tho tiring pres ien then handed thegavel to lighter 1t matron at the Royal Victoria Haas pltal in Barrie when it was built about10 years ago rs Trlbble the new pres1 cut and she presided for the balance oi the meeting hfii Ward who is on the teach ing stall of Prince Wales School give very interesting re porl all the Ontario Federation of Home and School Associations 37th annual convention ianoron to bountiful lunch was served by Mrs Rankin and her committee gt Cambridge hlossaehusetts was today named president of The Mother Church The First Church at Christ Scientist in Boston hirWoodnrds appointment vvas announced by The Christian Sci ence Board at Directors af the annual meeting at the denominaA lion nticnded by thousands at Christian Scientists trom many parts of the world Thallrln ol nlliee is tor one year An authorized teacher and practitioner ol Christian Science Mr Woodard holds degreesle Harvard College HarvardrGrad uate School or 115 and Sciences and Harvard Law SchooL low months ago Paris France passed new regulation banning the banking at horns To get rid of the habitual horn honker who sits out in lront of house or the thoughtlessindividual who insists on coming up behind and booking when he thinks one has paused too long at stop sign would be most divineClaresholm Alta Local Press anwavs anusmo Most numerous oi the panguins species on the Falkland islands is tho jumping iack which bounds rward with both icatiogethcr su 73 pm bright new Guy Lombardi show starts its 52awcek run on CKVRr TV bringing new entertaining variety to The Sweetest MuSie This Side oiHcoven Speciillyproduced tor Loblaws in Canada this new Guy Lombardo series will eature popular guest singers plus special surprise Things lo As professional photographer lurray glad he talizc on all Ihe modern advanocs in his chosen iicld lodays demandlor more and better photograph espraially in colourkeeps us on our toes rays Mr Dwan out were well equipped to meet it thanks to in nl developments likc electronic hash faster films andmoic versa ilc cameras As onllly many Mrr Dwnn also benefit by the progresswhich has boon made in another field Ir Insurance Policies today or more guos each week ueh woii flexible Ihan ever polars Asa resuli each family can now have known personalities is Skitch security plan that main ownjspccial mods moic clicctivcly Henderson Carmen Cavaliero and can prepare for tuiure changes in lhose needs figfigfigigfigg mfliflfi 101 Modern times have also brought the advantages or groin insurance protection on arcain broadened scale Moreover From Its initial uppearane tionsonobtaininglilcinsuranochavcbecnremovcd And writers amacucriraincd better able to help pcop inch the best use at their lilc Insurance dollars mums and other woyr life insomnia campian in Canada bringing benefits to people in all zoomaims tram ran Dlstrict assembled in Barrie lastcvening and paraded toColt tier Strcet nited Church or divineservice istrict Deputy Grabd nt Worarorw noy Allen Minch Lodge Stroud andother district ltieera aasls edthe minister 118V Lewis inconducting the rvi Spe clat music was provided by the choir under the direction of Wor Brotloyd Th male as composed oi Wor Shepherd and W0 Lam rt Victo Knox and William Day An God gt log was delivered vhyow Littlelhey bad oncsonpAlnold Rev Sanders at Speddlng Phyllis In rrted also ct chaplain oitamily llaere id held the halfhour program toCInuda is sponsoring GuyLom rdo on everyontarlo fiV David and Alex marriedMlss Lorance They ave oneson Donald Theyhad family of three Ha Beatric Marlon Ka Vie married Mlss Speddlng They lllllilyll ofrtbree Beatrice llarvle Beatrice rvie nurried Bill mlrried Blain Mattie one daughterv Joan th the iighter William Johnson mar hlo rie llaspga hey ad ne aibleand inade the With Credl married andv

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