New History of County we are looking inrward tomdlngtnc firstvolume oi Hon Ernest Drurys new history of sumac County whieiils to be published this fall Hunters lilstoryyof Bimeoe County is valuableplece 91 work ulred by all students and us such it is intended that the new writing will re place it but rather supplement We under stand that Mr DrulY Sheriff oftslmeoe county and former PrimeMlnlster of On lo has taken completely new outlook nhiswork May Open Deer Limit strong hillt thutpublie parks will be opened to deer hunters is contained in the current bulletin of the Department of Lends and Forests it polan out thotin Algonquin Park the deer are threatening the supply oi birch trees ior lumbering Deer are not gross eaters They love to browse on trees and especially on the yellow birch which ls the main supply oi fuirly substantial lumber industry in and around the big prolt vlneial park But it is doubtful whether the public would stund for such drastic solu tion of hunting if the deer must be thin ned out planned campaign carried out by dglpartment rangers would be more accept ll Where the Heliport Comes report that helicopter buses will available between Cnnndlan communities within five years Our civic ofilelals should now consider where Borrles hellport will be located As to charges it Is said the buses can operate at costs or about we per seat mile loeolly do on intercity runs Add ground overhead and margin Must Face Rail Problem Whether we like it or not pretty soon we are going to be iorced to take new and hard and long look at this whole railway business Were simply not going to be able to continue passing increased costs along The Financial Post wurns Long ago the railways discovered that there ls limit as to what the consumer will payfor movingfieiglitbyirdiif Alreiï¬ly lot entail that used to be moved entkely by rail now goes by truck or ship or through pipeline And the higher rail freight rates are hoisted the more business will go to competitors The railways know all about this but under the present setup they cant do muehabollt 1t They are not iree agents not by any means WInreiieetflthey arctold whatï¬they must payior labor and their freight rates minimum and maximum are controlled by government board Some of them in fact like grain are controlled by rigid agree ment that goes back to your grandiathers that must be paid today and when the cost OPINIONS OF OTHERS time when wages were notation oi those whole train was little more than what good box ear costs now Times have changed and changed greatly in the railway business Once these carriers had almost an absolute monopoly of the transportation business They havent any thing like monopoly today But weare still trying to run the railways in the same old straightiaeket of 25 or 50 years ago We cant continue to much longer Honest labor bears lovely face lhomas Dekker Joveniles Shock Judge Brantioid Expositor land or more than 30 years Judge in London Eng has returned to his home alter visit truthe United States Idlervie ir Basil llenrinucr cd fill his arrival he expressed himself as shocked Itlthe scope and seriousn uency in America Former chairman of th East London Juvenile Court Ilvahlll reierringt what heibndmecn guest inns juvenile courts sald ry one at them lh rd cases ior oi juvenilo delin In than lvlistened to in my 33 yearsï¬n the rich He addedlhnt heieltth if ritir method of pi log minllrfor iive branch lines couris were like courts social workers it can be taken or weer Tiers commenting on diiicmcs in approach and meibod=Slrlccon iho recordch lnqueaey is ir more prevalentzzin thrilnltcd gsuluihsn In England bothtbe upprooch and the methods employed in the 113$ eould be uselully rot course there in no simple iormuln In this Iliunilon enibr inlo ll Moreover many observers lncludln mailed experts will not be disposedtosgreo position on the pm at Sir Bull to blame television progrlma for gangstcrinm He admitted the might have run into thimby uniortnlutev held cncebut he said he had econ nothing on TV except murder divorce and prison scenes bvious comment in that the retired iudgo did not nuke particularly cxienlive tudy oi TV in meeum oi Even so noclologisls psychologisu nd othersln the us Ind Camd nre themselves rnnlrlng eliorin to gel murders and other hoganoibohlldreno shown The producul of TV prommliuemot unmlndiul oi their role and respbnnibllliyin this ilul su auli intended nun great many actors Wilhlrdll doudtodpy You either so improvement can be anilelpaied Mun whlle with oil mp0 to visiting judge notroll TV icaiures areidcvofed to mayhem Insurrection and bad behavior ll blame is in be ipvonlonid no less should credit be given where credit is due Culling Train SerVice Swill Current Sun Guess people generally hire railways and the servicu they oiicr qr granted like so many things which are part and parcel oi our lives So it was not entirely unexpected that the new dlrcciofl oi the Chamber oi Commerce representing as they do the business and lndusirisl and proiessional lacetr oi this cily should have been shocked into expressive action whcnihey wereiniorlned last week ni their lint meeting that the Canndinnjacln ilc Railway had decided to discontinue Trains 17 and lb west oi Moose Jaw come April 29 next Whelllel the Chllnbers prolestl at lhls notion directed in company olllcilis and government auth critics which have to do transport will have any deterrent client in halting plans ready made by the company remains to be seen Undoubtedly tinellmtoii lg 13 loci 3le cast and lwest in ay me or III an express im icntlons will be lelt by lhe oily and district The rlllwn reason advanced ior this decision rs that this particular some is losing money and creating operational deï¬cits which cannot continue to be borne in the absence oi announcement oi any alternative service it would appear that day train service oi local nature within the Moose lawnicdicine llnt sphere will cease however there may be wider implications in the sutcment that mine requirements will be taken care oi by other trains There have been rumors oi lposs AMALshuttlsljxains service whiebvllt doubt but probably some rearrangement of time sobcd oi other trains it would be more advisable to waitond see what reaction there is irom the urgent representations made by the Chamber oi Commernegind further ampliï¬cation of the intentions of lhe railway in this regard to providing some sort oi service to case the pain oi the loss oi No 17 Ind 18 The company is certs lily as much aware as are the citizens and business terests that this is very important distribution centre being on the main line and ter Return of Street Cars Kingston Whigslnndud cm all over the continenibivn been exerting themse ior years to get rid oi theirstreet cars by substituting buses and adding more highways for the use oi increased motor irniiic There in stlll love street ears leit or courseone iinds them in Montreal and Tordnto rNexInlple but Winnipeg recently got ridoithe big yellow cor whichuscdvjo carry such enormous crowds during rushhours and the trolley nnd gas ollbusir now supreme in almost all cltl An Arncrlcan iraiiic wipe was commenting on this situation the other day He said that he be lieved that the streetcar Was probblytho answer tothe public carrying problem today Hestipulm ted however that street can shouldurun on rep Irate rightrroiwoy so that they could operate will out regard brother iraiilc He did not ice that the helicopter or monorail racket oiiored any solutiom The iigurcsgivcnio support his claim are in lercstlng Large buses operating onione lane on an average downtown street angurry nearly 10000 passengers in an hour urhce street cars can handle about 12000 But the expert thought the nil cars on pn ntyoifstleettraclc could carry 40000 persons an hour By contrastgauto mobilesoperatlngunder the some conditions as those mentionedior buses and rtreet cars can carry 750 peoplein an hour This is problhlya maximum ilgurc ellculated on iully loaded cars But how many automobiles are ever even hall loaded Aparl irom his easy dismissaloi such future posslbllities as helicopters and some form at mono rnil car whiehrwquld certainly out the way we ieel the traiiicrexpert Is on iliE traek Nobodyneully isle see streetJallwa in eitlemli course but their wn rightoiway ould solve big ity problemvwe prediet some re extensive use of this form of transpomtlo the future lly NORMAN in cnnirnenl Since Janet Mccualg nndJohn Campbell are the central ilgurcs in thefamily tree which is illloll ow thought it wouldbe lniorm Itive to those concerned to know their icmlly connections lsnethnd sister Ann who died in hensbth year She man lied John Gilchrist find they not lied on lot 18 concession west lull Dru where John hrisl now lives The members oi their inmlly were Nciileter Donald Duncan Angus Mary Ellen Jessie Margaret Catherine and Flora it was remarkable to note the ages oi Viour oi those dnugh tarsJessie 14 Duncan Mc cunig 93 year Catherine Mrs Milne 94 yea Flora Mrs Smnge 95 years and Ellen Mrs Donald Manbb 96 years Peter Gilchrist and his wiie Margaret Ferguson and their lame ily and Donald MeNabb and his wiic Ellen moved irom ore to Edenvnle in 1811 and settled west 01 the river on the townllne be tween Flo and Vespra then mess oliallen timber taken down by ilre at on enrlier date gihcn in lBBllherb camé IVE oipro louged drought nodule lire got going and burnt everything that would burn and ion the wound ready ior clearing and cultivat ng Those two inmllles and Mr descendants made contribution inmorewayl all in that noted plfl van Township By the way In nicklinngriilLlleeve of Vesta sun was Warden oi the County Simeoc in 1955 Flora was another sister Janet and she married Hugh lic Aribur They lived on the own iine between Orovand Medonle just north of the RCAF Suiion it place then called Little lune kolla now Edgar was up uinreunce with mother about 55 earn ugn sun FloraMeArthur oi oi was blind and in bed at that time but her memory was good She was mothers grandaunt and lived to see loo years She was buried in Knox Cemetery Oro Her sons telephone exchangennmes wfl be lntroduecdln Darrin sndenough nuwoqulpulcni to provide service ior acme 1100 more home and ciflcesyill no lawn lincDonnl Bell Telcpbone mnll agnr here announced fod lie ulduut at about am that dry the newllirkwsy and Phinwa numbers will bccome uniiamb recl iny bowling billround coining in Canada rnelr child ren wcrc George Hughie lobï¬ willum Margaret and Ellen enimzrled Archie Gilchrist and Mfgrel married Duncan MorriV so Many oi their descendants live around here Henry McCualg had talent for composing songs One day aIh was nailing his grain in lsley Scotland young many came to him in great distress of mind Hll incl was red as cherry think he must love had temperature oillo degrees He bad in double dose of that dresdeddiseue called have He told Henry his trouble and oliered to flail his grain ior him line would compose song ior him to sing to his girl friend Tsong that would charm her so tint she cauldnot day no Henry lbld him he would do Just lhll but he would have to tell him everythln cnarmlng about this girl and is ieellngs towards her Aitcr be complied with this re quest Henry handed him the flail Time beingno object be we to work on thewng which ed out to be masterpiece ru iii had 12 verse and chorus Dr William Gilchrist whorwas Mndson Henry hndtbesong writtedin Gnoliennd itlis on re cord Ind in niekeeping in the Gaelic Society in Tomato Had known on much when was led do now should bu mmed to sing that song grandmother McCunlg on my ride Mil to pin the 50 sheep every winter the monotony of the lpionlng whcel she olllglog Gaelic songs among them was this one Wbli an opportunity missch Janet lullanolher brother call ed Duncan He was an lnnlreeper at Port Eleen lslsy Scotland He nevercnrne to Canada but his son Lnughlln came to visit his cousins in the land oi the irae That was in 1835 He wu im pressed with the country and are contented state oi the people Who were at one time iorced to leave lhe land oi their birth and seek rciuge inrparu unknown In low years he urncd to Canada word Gilbert lelnrn John andlino brought with irn his two Duncan and she had one daugh ter Mary If there were any other do not remember them unean McArthur waseredited with carrying nslek oi Wheat to lhe Drndiprdrmlll irom the north orn port oi0ro Township to be ground into ilour lorvhume con sumptlon saw this man several mes when was lad lie was big heavyboned man carrying no excessive int and never boast ing think tbeiarmer llughle brothe Duncan never rnnrri Janet had broth Henry Mcr Cuaig who married JessieCaldcr lid they seltled on the WEE half oi lot 19 Concession 4Droaiier rlehl which will com rougho the country on the enumeraiors iorthe thetownsbips Medonte lIJoreph Bolyea Mrs VI am bell Mrs which held wziin new Mrs isobci ng Mary ehay orbilrwln liuclc Earl Lauder rge McKnyl Orillin Tw 4W mile George curl mltblempbell om sulinn oi Slmeoe County chprgc Ma rights toltflndfother adlne sisters lean and Mnry um they might see fnr ihernselves his re port was true Donaldwasa brillher townsh lnn He lived in Nebraska USA He Camry over sonic years later to visit his iriends These two brothers were iine men and they loll lasting impression on those who met them regret tootsiethud do not know more about my great grand father John Campbell who mor ried Janet luccusig was told that wasn school teacher and that he won born at Port Eleen lslay Scotland lie was des cendant olv the Campbell elon The Duke oi Ngyll whowasn Campbell honored the descend ants by havinglhcir names listed inbook iorm done givento ellecllve It will be necessary to dial only five iiguren to complain local calls liowever ior long dlsr lane use lhe full numbertwo letters Ind ilve ï¬gureswill be needed Telephone uscrs here will need dills which bear both numbers and letters Most pcople hem now have them but Mr MacDon Ild sold lhll ll my Bell customers still hove the old type dill those with only numbers on them Llley should make arrangements in have them changed Thls can he done by dialing Operator and asking lor lic palr Service He also said that lhe new equip ment will provide service for all Barrio residentl wonling tele phones Telephones to be served June 17 are being installed in ad LINK to DleSeline Canadian Nn ionnl Railways will put diesel locomotives on the liiontreoivloronlo runs oi the lil ternnflollnl Limited and other name irnlns early next year when it takes delivery oi more thon 504900000 worth ol new dlesel units and irelght cars Brom ley vicepresident purchases and stores has announced The largest group oi orders ior 163 diesel engines went to we Canadian companies These units voided It more than 303 million dollars will go into servle in Can rdn included are the reread passenger locomotives which will replace CNR Northern class slelm locomotives in hauling the international and other lilonl rcalchicago mole trains on the MontrealToronto leg at their ns Anolher 71 diesel switcher and road switehcrs on order ior cNRfllney in lheUniled States including the gt Grand Trunk IWest am the Duluth Winnipeg and Poclilc Railway iheCenlral Verlt mont Railwayand CNR New Eng land lines These 77 units are valued at about in million dollars ny mu inane THE LAST PUDLlCmccting oi the Barrie Horticultural Soclcl until September VIM held atllill crest School Tuesday May The meeting was chaired by lrcsldcnl CPalscns and large crowd mended First item on the program was presentation in Sylvia Wealhcr by student as Prince of wales School lor poster she had made that entered the finals in Toronto lilll PARSONS GAVE reporl on the membership drive To date there are 826 members and still some canvassing not complel ed lie expressed warm apprcc lotion ior the cooperation shown by lhe citizens in lhe horticultural membership drive TiIE SPEAKER oi lhe evening was Warrenoi Dundas who was lrilloducod by Cocklium lilr Warren had picked up horilcultursl magazine one day saw an advertisement oi garden inur sponsored by one oi llle large American hnrilcultursl societies to European gardens and hero and illen decided to lake the laur As he enlercd lllllcresl School lhui evcning he saw the same magazine displayed and said looked at ihai magnlinc one and that look cost rile $4500 which was course the cost oi his tour HE GAVE very vivid word plciure oi his trip which took him to England France Belgium llol land Denmark Switzerland and luly He sailed on the queen Mary All the tour was planned for him and it took six weeks al ter which he did bil oi sight seeing on his own Following his talk llir Warren showed slides of all lhe places he went Being In nrchilcct he was much interested in lhe old world buildings cathedrals and runs cums He went lirsi to France Paris he described as beauiiiul well pinn nod city with lls great old cathv cdnils opcn parks nnd lovely urch ileclure From Paris he Weill lo Holland and the pictures oi the tulips were simply gorgeous lie showed flowers in the parades He men some of the floats decorated with tinned Ihe great aIlcction the total of 1030 freight cars oi various types valued at more than 21 million dollars hove been or dercd from iive ear builders Can adian orders include 150 flat ears of 30 ions capaeii ior tho CNR Newfoundlandle slon Ind 1330 ears ior use in the rest oi Can ada These include hoppersalr dump cars reirlgerator ears and gondolas Two companies in lhe United States will build500 lreigllt units 100 loton ilat cars ior the Grand Trunlrwestern andsou autobox cars oi 50 tons capacity ior CNR lines in the Unitedstates Deliveries of all this equipment are expected lo be complete by mid D5 Mr Morrison oi London England we rcgrntiedby the people Wiliilni Fnd Campbell was the lather oi the Imostdlsllngulshcd Canlpbcllon record namelythe laie pnlllbeil who was travail author andeminent iolklor licyil as who gavorto the world the magnmcentcolic tionknowll as lhe West Highland Tales in iour large volumesand also lhe scarcelyiess interesting volumes kaown as Leabhar and ï¬ddle To be continued Human nature has varied and cunious anomalies but one oi the most puzzling is the altitude of hospliah pniinnis about land sick person at home employs na iures own reactions in iood with indiiieront obnndou ll lhe home patient entertains he thought oi ioodat all remembering that one must eat to live it is usually with the limehonored ten and toast routine with grimace which indicates that it is doubiiul ll even that will stay put Butwhen lhe physician sends his patient to hospital lo ensure lhat he will live to eat meals in hospital take nn signiï¬cance ol almost spree proportions spate oi criticism as long as lroln here to the post oliice becomes aiA most routine and the patients re action to any and served in llospl lal is that ii doesnt taste goods in that crliiclsm at least in patient is somuiunnn right but inrgottenis the reason ior Zenasmerrr ONTARIO HOSPlTAL assocmle or lrcnling them people oi Holland have ior Can ndians iorlhe part they played In helping to liberate them in World er ll llE SliOWEl lovely slide of the museum In Amsterdam show ing closeup views oi some oi the great masterpieces oi Rembrandt Brussels Clvlu Squore was one oi lhe llncsl in Europe ONE THING aboul Denmark he mentioned as food or lhought every child never fails to thank its parents ior the meal provided alter having eaten when he commented on this inciio Dunc lhe man was nmlwd to illin olhcr children didnt do so in olherlands ENGLAND hi mentioned and also showed by his siides was in loud oi gardens and gardeners There were plciurcs oi lhe Bourne moulll CivlcGardcns lhe Civic Gardens at Brighton lhe ch Gnrdcns and the Chelsea Flower Show The English love their gardens and lake great pride ill them hir Warren Wolf iv gm slides In Home ill was most inv nrahly impressed by St Peters llc had some wonderiul slides oi Florence the art centre ol lie world lln WARREN wnr ranked by Jean Gable is also was Dr Fred Campbell who noted as projec lionlst MRS COOK sang very pleasing solo The Coronation Waltz accompanied by Miss Ell dore at lhe piano MRS ll JOHNSON gave lill iinai details iorihe lower arraniv lng clinic The course will rlln live wcclrs inst Monday in May and ench successive Monday through June ll will be lrum 730 to pm at iilrs Cooks nnd Mrs Cox is tenchc Class is limited in maximum or 20 ond the reglstralloll lec is 55 This is the iirst such project ll illis society and any lurlller de tails can be obtained lrom lilrs Johnson MRS ll COOK asked all mem bers to lecord iheir suggestio for all meetings in order to able her to plan meetings suited to the nlunbers need being In hospital The patient is sick andjny sickness has its own peculiar reaction to food What the palient should remcmlt her is that in this day oi modern medicine the food scrvedto the pationtln hospital is primarily dcilnite part of his whole medn cal treatment Therapeutic dicis those having healing qualities are coming more and more into the lrnalment praclices ol lhe medical ptoiersloll for medical scicnce in the last decade has been able to ind ill diet the answers to many oi the unling problems oi disease and curative measures As in most cases the patients criticism oi huspltsl inod stems primarily irom lack oiknowl edge oi thc fwhys and the rwnmiorcsj oi his siipulnlod diet Perhapsnsimple rundown oi the manyiypes oi diets which each inlilily All lnd insehon 75 years ago recall beingpre seated wnlr this little book on rnan Campbeu gleaned some history iren the pen oi Colonel Alexander Fresher LLD regarding the srly nlslory of the all pill the bully got poss land otlalny in the time James Vixoi Scotland hen lnndr were given ob Camp ll oi connection oi that name Thu WSi es Branch Janna Me ExAlliilNR oi honor viluc The win lslndd dgrgw Turn to page thirteenplcase