Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 May 1956, p. 14

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monurdsifmmnimi Guests ii Town lim Jack Broley at Toronto spent theweekend with ornnd Mp Hm Leadlly Mn Stanley Oshorne of New market was chest or iew day and both lttended the Leldlay Bo rne wedding on Saturdly May 19 Harrie Anglican Church From Colhorn Mm Alvin Cammnck and Son Lee at Colbornc is spending lhis week with her parcnu Hr Ind Mrs Thomdslliluycs Toronto Visitor hlrs Mary Porsons at Toronto spent the holiday weekend with Mrs Sldie linrlillm and other iiicnds In town cnnten Guests Guests Ironl Clinton recently Wilh Mrs and Mrs ill Mani don were Mr and Mrs Clark nali snn Grelnrv laughlers Barbara and Patricio Mrs Ellie Cornish and Wny Cornish all of Clinton Holiday Guest Miss Marjorie Wilkinson of Ttr lonto Wild recent holiday titles with her mother iitrs Wilkin son From Oshawn Mr and Mrs Juck Smith and family rind Douglas Patton ot Osh awn were recent weekend guests with Mrs Gordon Patton Attended District Annual Mrs John Furis Mrs Harold Parker Mrs Gordon Patton and Mrs Wilbert Trnllcr attended Ihe district unnuhl Wl mcetingal Tot tcnhilm this past week Visited at so Cntboriucs lllrs Iru Wilson Joan yilsen Mrs Bury Jobb lllrs Mnyeh and Miss Florence Campbell spent iew clays this past week with iriends at St Catharlncs From Richvalc Mrs Donald Gregg and daugh tcrs of Richvnle were gucsls of few days with the iorlners par fnts Mr and Mrs Charles Cope In Mr and Mrs Altx Copeland and son of St Cnthnrines spent lh holiday weekend with their pnr cnls Mr and Mrs Copeland In Ultawn Simmons and his son Kan nelh spent the weekend in Ottawa Mn Simmons who has been visiting in Ottawa for the past few weeks returned home with them Weekend In Everelt Mr and Mrs Harold liicKilIican suns Ron and Brian spent the weekend in Everett visiting with relatives Recent Visitors Weekend visitors with Mrs Ed ward Hurling and Mrs David Muv Muster were Miss Sheila Lnr rignn David hielllnstor or To ronto ltlr and Mrs Cliif McLean of Barrie Callers were Miss Donnell Ferris Donnell Tot ronto and Mrs Harold Barton and sons Vancouver BC Toronto Gncsls Recent Sunday guests with Mr and Mrs Russell Draper were Mr rind Mrs Webb and Mr and Mrs David Trumoley all oi Tu runto Anniversary Service The Unitcd Church anniversary service was held on Sunday May 20 with morning and evening worship services conducted by tormer pastor Rev Pugsley at Toronto who preached here 16 years ngo in the morning he spoke to gt congregrttion on the subject The Church of the Living God and in the evening on Marglns Special anthems were rendered at both services under the direction otthe lender land organist Arnold Institute Meeting The Womens institute will meet at the lawn hall on Thurs day June 7for socill night The roll call will be answered by suggestion or entertaining Commill Mrs Bert Coleman Mrs Lemon Mrs Stanley Hal bert Mrs Powers Mrs Gra haln and Mrs Arthur Cooper in Meeting meeting olCooltstnwn lIl Miss dr unel 2y ID li ll milling It hurts noyu Victim1 HDIPII spent the weekend with hat mother In Hublgdpm United ivAMeetln The United Church wn will ervlllon Chfllobcuyerwho port is responsible runlite wlcicnlWyevnl in on undropenllon at his gt on Ill Iircralt is 21 honed on Alrcrfl Fuh priority reentnl authority known Filler Centre than in one located lnBulietormn um um moreJJollntcen are might the art or plotting the rlntlnuon rat in 1951 no flu the directional the RCAF Air meet the church lortbeir Juno meeting on Tileoduy evening Jones United Church will serve lunch It the sale Mn Herb anu on Frilly June Sort1 Evening The countslion of the Pm byter Church held mill and nlud plate supper on Friday evening My 25 in honor oi Ravi Ind Mrs Fox of Toronto Ho ho been the minister during lh past year in Cookstown and it lciivlnv rol Vncnuver Benin short time Following the snippet ringsong musicnl numbers and readings llld visiting were an ioycd Frnin Elmvale Mr and Mrs Donna at Elmvale were Sundry guest with the lil daughter Mrs Kenneth Crawford Ind Mr Crawford beef ind dairy ealf club was held in Hughes Hall on Tuesday May 15 The meetinz was onened by the preside who introduced the speak of he evening Stone 40 ston who took charge with dlscussion on what andme to feed it calf This wasnllollowod by short quiz in whic every tonkport Friday evening nnothcr meeting tookplace in Hughes Hall with lhe scussion on what to feed swinegior the best production At this meeting the me receive swine ware 10 Defence Commnd with head nemr invgdeflorth Amcrlca thu ll lovdelretrphnci thit our radar twork rni ht min Ildll not lnnllih incu miuTon low THIS TWOltWEEKvOLII pore uplnu isthe pet or students it Rothesay Collegiate NBl Dlvid Pickyrd X2 or Fredericton shown ceding the youngster count the baby porcupine under tree He keeps it in his room at the colleg inte dormitory litnight and it spends the daytime in hair out doors CP Photo Little Miss Christie stays flyinzllmnlLbo Iliected by It modphcrluond moilntllnolls ten rogue ill cfliclfng no or purpose Corp cetlme Is toilsslrt In search mun0 Illlellulll that Is In dishes or his crashed Many volnnlcen The Ground observer Corps Ia composed of mlny lhounnds oi volunteer5mcn women teen Igen who devole only fell hours eneh month to watching lhc skies arid reporting limrlii Vol untcers are nrgnnlzed into small groups nl observation post lplcfll Approximately eight miles Iplrt East post is under the dirccl sup hn®nwl The bug gridnup ytotung table The Inlornutlon correlated lnlo inch flown one posted immed ircly to on modted radar on Al ndlr stations have direct cohhlct with RCMP lighter rqu it rolls they are nhle to scan kt fighters on any truck that is unknown whether it is from tho Ground Ohs er Corps or picked up by the nd ltsclt Cult To Coast The Ground Obscrvcr Corps stretches irom coast to coast antl II Innoth Is the Arctic Circle in the litter barren wasteland trippenhllCMP trudlng post per sonnel Ind lndilns report lircrail 75000 other civilian man 8003 observation posts In Canada Groups or observation posts are orgllnimll under key volunteers known iu Regionl Supervisors These mm and women come rum all walks ohlife George Charl dlcr Allenwood Beach is neg inn Supervisor for this district Chnndlcr hls assisted the RCAE in organizing observation EXAMINER Wyebrldgd renoung LII Thunder Bay Elmvnle llillsdlc New towel Strand Angus Phelpston Cr lhlllst Glencairn Big Bay Point Edsr Thornton Awning Amen hills Edenvale Clulnburg Shiynet Collingwood Clnlperdown Duntroollpltavrnna Wuhan Buch Slngbamptnn Cnizleitll llltl Allenwood Beach sell Quill loo at work or one man and the district in tests has been several times commended or efficiency Conxmcnlllneknce The RCAF Ground Observer Ilidlrod im Cdmglin invtry neatly Abort nation in 11 USA in httrlll lll detcnzulrelcomv billed in whit is known as Comm ental Derelict Any airchtttnck picked uo by Cuth tllter centre Ind herding into an adjac cnt Amman tiller centre are is tomnled on private line to the centre concerned Advlhte Notice Not long Ago an air deienee ex crcise was conducted on the North American continent whereby Ann crlcnu Strategie Air Commnd bomber enduvored to sneak thmughv oorComdhhid They were pieced In as lukkr Ind Irkuth Ground Carpian Thin nut piece at war on our lighter drience thm houn no tice or the Impending mock musk Haiti lhll been the radiating de tlructlon at our kitten and industrill arcu wnu tl luvs been greatly nduced think to the ob served Althouxh there are 15000 vol unteers in Canada nun more In needed to help delcu the me and keep them clear or In If 1hr ymoivntm

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