Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 May 1956, p. 13

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in st be supplied by hospital on chvslclanr order may he in sublishl better undenun in at this new and ycry worrisome problem In the tint instance then in the general or tnll dlctr calléd Iulully the fatnndard or unstrlttrd nanny dch Nut in line irl the light dicl which inun that the natal must be without much Ilc Ind ealily dlguteda The bland or wit dictzla suit and usually without much navr or but clelrly indicated tor certain illnen oondltlonr Ir diseasu Pull fluid will include attain cd thickened soups lnilkf fruit Juices and dessert jelly while clear fluid means just that broth Consomme inlets and such Even the cdcntuious diet is ill lilde in the dietitians varied listthis or patian without tooth whose load must be sort of premasticatcd in the kitchen grinder or blender The spccial therapeutic diets are widely used by phyaiciana and surgeons who have to deal with particular illness conditions or dis earn The popularly led salt iroe tuct is actuplly in pan lum low salt since it impor slble to remove all the natural sails irorn foods but mi slit in added in their preparation The same ls true at the low sugar and low int diets Then there is the llllndI or law residue diet the low calorie the high caloric the high carbohydrate the high protein and the diabetic dietsIll these and many others And over all there is the combination oi two or more ol these special diets all important to tho pationta hy sicai needs and all prop at the physicians orders The postoperative patient will gradually proceed imm clear fluid to lull or normal dial The obstetrical patient from light to llll diet Patienta suiicring from high blood prey sure are usually placed on Illllcl low sodium diet just as the dia bctlc patient is careluilyscrved low sugar dict 19 muffin There ismuch more that could heuidvabout dicta and the pro parallon or food or hospitalpat lento 1th preparation and nerv ing at food in any hospital is con lldered very important iuncilon Only tho but load is purchased and thekitchen are aiwcya very competently rupcrvlsed usually by qunliiied dietitian Great cara Johann in makingsurc that each patient gets the type of diet pre scribed by his doctor The trays are checked In the kitchen and againon the floor by in impor vising nurse batore urvindto the patient Special eta although lhcymay notlook lililé much load to the pat icntl niton coat more loprepm thin the regulation standard meal oi meathppuloc nd Vegetables So it you eel you Ire not gettifi yourmoneyfl worth in actual in bulk remember that thethora pantie or hellinl quality your dictmayhc worth more toyou at that timethan alitllo food at your local supermarket it may be your best lmurnncc hat you will live to eat ndly Visit Mrs Ecrtrlartridgc and Judy Atvnlstrlct Annual iriends here on Sunday of St Catharine visitcd with Ten ladlcsattcnded the district nnnualhcld ln Washago Miss Marian Gough attended the wedding of her friend Misc Lou ise Shannon and Barry Clarke ln Thornton United Church on Sat urday United Church service will comemnce at io ncloknext Sun dayJune Kindly not change or tirncu You wi dclicioua than any you have ever out You will enjoy its rich Orange llnvnr you will find wonderfully refreshing real mar awaits you mler Petcrtwra reed2m otllplliht lying Aumale quartzite at All and Walter shclrviell nanan lira rues Bahnxar is on hull daywitllllr and It Rally Bel Oscar Anderson Edar Bel anlzcr are workan in Barrie Ind Bill Miller the highway Sid Clarke is working at the relorni arm Rmnttlritnn hlr and Mrs Sid Clark and Bonnie spent Sunday with friend at Halibumn Mr and Mn Howard Ritchie ilnd Muriel Eimvala vlsitedwith IdlinM Frown Mr and Mrs Henry Landrrt and lamlly Toronto apcnt the weekend with Mr and Mrs King Finished Yur Teresa Frawlcy has finished her year at Ryenon Institute at Tech nolozy rcttinzllvc subjects with iirst class live at 70 and three have been visiting in Welland the past cw days Lut Card Party There were seven tables of cards played It the null Friday evening The last card party will belriday June or this season Weekend Visitors Mr and Mn Irvin Leigh and daughter Joan of Tomnto visllcd relatives in the village and dis trict over the weekend Sunday Service Starting Sunday morning June services will be at 945 Mn during Juno July and August Sunday being the first Sunday oi the month Holy Communinnwill be celebrated Summer 8ch on Service will be held at 1015 In in the United Church for June July and llulzuat with Sunv day School following Avcry simple but beautitul worship cen the hu been prcreated to the church by Mr and Mrs Walker Caldwell it consist of an oak cross and stand on which rests an open Bible ln Tartan Mrs Gray and Donald Campbell spent few days in To ronto last week Attended Funcriil Mr and Mrs Bcrtranl nt tcnded theiunerolof the farmers auntMrs Mary Graham or To mnto who was huricd in Barrie last Friday Mrs Graham atill quiteroctivc and alert was in her mind year YPUTahe Service The YPlJi ot Guthrieflawke stone charge was in charge at the services last Sunday Miss Miriam 33535 prgsid the Union conducted the servicciitthe Unit ed Church here gtMiss Edna Rose Bertram read the scriptures from fludges and led in prayer luv Brann at Central United yChurchtlarrie preached ran out sta ding sermon on Sampsonln lchaile edthe youngPeople llcv ta at VJuuLté cam on too who YPU Ion Ollut Walk withjnee gthqut ully large when if quils honours cyrurden GlceClu Punam lbq GleeCiub at Central Unit ed Church is presentingit mun iealproxrani in the Millie on Monday June and Mrs Melh rn and boys Stayner wcre Sun iy guests with lir and Mrs Norman Barnes Mn Potts and Mrs Sam Alltmp Grassland Mrs James SmithMli Smllh Elmvalc and Mrs wr Print Barrie motored to Unbridge lo illitelld theircousin Don Smith tunerl Thursday Weaning Guest on ad Mrrjlarncs Shav corn and Mr andMra Roy liar mon Kitchener attended the Spcirs andStralh wedding Satun day Mr andlilis Gcorgo Srnlth were in llxbridge attendin the tunoral at Don smith rriahy Contrnlnlltiom Congratulations to hllss Wrea Ihn Slralh nndJildnn Sncirs who were married in Knox Presbyter ian Church Fl Saturday Newton Rolonson Mr and Mrs Bought Mr and Mrs Ben Steers and Mrs Lceson attended the unveiling oi the Praicssor Day Memorial in Bradford on Sunday aiteinonn Pinkerton Annlvcnary Several from here atteudcd Pinkerton anniversary Sunday Mr and Mrs Walter Andrews spent Sunday with Gordon Ma dills oi Richmond Hill Ind also visited lltrs Jocl Prosscr at Lynda hurst Lodge Toronto Bride oi thechli pleasant nlternoon was spent in the Sunday Schoollroom last Friday when the ladies hold shower iar Miss Agnes lreland nhride oi this week DALSTON Mr and Mrs Allan Peacock and children ol Midhurst were Surl day visitors with the latiers par cuts Mr and Mrs Pcdlinghuln Mr and Mrs Freeland oi Barrie are leaving shortly to liyo at North Bay They were Sunday vi tors at Pcdlinghaml Mrs Ed Wood and Mrs Thomson and littledaughtcrof Toronto were recent visitors fwith thcir mother MrsJnhnJory nannlo Weekend Mrs Drury spent the wee end in unlinln wn Meeting The Womens Associalion will meet at Mrs Handy Srs on ruesday June at 11m Deva not Mrs Emms study book hlrs Ball Roll call verse containing the ward Others Speaker will be Mrs Gray at Guthrie Tea hostesses Mrs Handy Sr and Mrs leldy Jr Church Service On Sunday June church scr vice will he at 1115 am Cllnir practice willha Friday lght WI District Annual Mrs Watson MrnA Brown dndMrs Handy Jr attended Womens Institute districtan not at Washago Charon Garden Party Church Ivitil LTHINK ITSALL JUST BLONDIES macgiwnou mammm PERSONALIZED ITEMS orgasm omwnm Mums ANDSKEET It soiul suntan summarismyw NilEl VIE OIL lTs WIND 3140 mills moaiio sxrrrrlil uer mtmamm 1aLMzucrsEsnoEs LucKVII

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