Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 May 1956, p. 9

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ltofiluzlormit For Mink Ronch Painswick petition signnd 143 resi dent in the ToiicndzPatnswic area objecting to allowing mink ranch in he establilhcd in their districtwus allowed up by an or der that no permit be allowed or the building at any structures that might be used ior such pur pose The residents were alarmed when they heard that mink ranch owner who had to move out at Bar rte had purchased land on the John Cook Inrm Including the Driller residence it was stated that there was piece at land about two acres in tile and this was to be used to place the mink houses on The persons bringing the peli tlon were told to advise it any at tempt was made to move the uni niaii Into thearea or to construct buildings Local iStora Expnnds Youngs lGA Store in Stroud will he closed or three days Mon day to Wednesday May 2330 it will reopen with newly expand ed siore and display in little over live years this business start ed by local men alter their return from the services has become one at the largest its kind in th district IGA stores are Individually own ed but they are operated in eh In manner with central buying facilities and prices which are the same in all stores and which are advertised In the Toronto papers and adhered to in Stroud as well lanoronto The new store will have two eheekeui desks and will have many new features which will allow the customers to shop in their oivn home surroundings among their own tricnds and do business with local people without having to re turn to their cars to find park ing ticket awaiting The owners or this store an ratepayers oi the mumelpality and their taxes and contributions are made to local and community charts The llrst 100 customers each at the ilrstthrec days are to receive tree gilt Also there will he door prize which will be decided and draw tieltct This will be an electric try pan The store has adopted system of prizes which may he had tree by saving certain amounts at the cash register re ceipts HARD STUFF Tungsten used for hardening steel has high melting point oi about 3310 degrees seniigrade miter how imalli cob lluon ccident under th policyslyou pay onl seh no on the use of each lo Abuveehat Inlnunl St to Firm Iyl everything Call and earn more about soz tod so Eugenia seanarrie ruonndoso boring our missionary flanker The Minionsad at the United Church held their Haymeeting in the Sunday School room on sub urdcy litcmonn with thepreslds sillgsndra Jackson preaiding Scripture wurud by irudine Lotta allowed by the Lords Prayer in unison The uttering was dedicated and prayer by CID ole Sheldon llrx Elvin Fleming read the portion of the story The boy with the busy walk letterwal rend lroln our missionary Marjorie Cummings matron ot glrli ruld once in Assinibola Sash and prayer uttered tor hcr The meeting ciosedrwith hymn anti Mlzpah benediction During the work period the children made string holders and ornaments Atkinson provid ed treat of Ice cream elite cookies and cold drink Mrs Sell ers will provide the treat or the June meeting Combined Service combined service of Sabbath School pupils and stall and com aregiition was held tor liloihers Day service on Sunday last Earl Gilmore superintendent at Sun day School presided assisted by Rev Mr Wnnlcss with two Trail Rangers Verdun Reid and Roland Corner also on the plattorrn reading portions of the Scripture Trudine Lelia read the story or the service The choir sang suitable anthem and Rev Mr Wnnless addressed the gathering Lovely baskets ol spring flowers were placed on the altar in metric ury ot mothers gone on belorc WMS Enterlnlncd The WMS of the United Church were entertained and held their liiziy meeting at Mrs Harry Stew arts with Mrs Wight joint hostess Mrs William Noble president presided The liith oi Romans was read by Mrs Grose The secretary Mrs Farrier read the minutes and roll euii was answered by verse at Scripture Mrs Stewart as treas urcr gave her report motion was made by Mrs Elliott that all former receipts up to the new year be destroyed and was carried iiirs sellers will provide the treat tor the Mission Band or June meeting report of the Prosbylerini meeting at Oriilia was giv by Mrs Noble and letter asking tor prayer irom our missionary in Saskatchewan was read by the secretary and prayer was altered by Mrs ilervyn Noble Mrs Wight rea message on Christian Stewardship stating none at us amount to much until we havebecn shouldered with some responsibility Mrs Elliott and Mrs William Nohle sang lovely duel Under liis Wings accomp ied by Mrs William lipid at the piano Mrs Stephens suggested we have more prayers in our meetings and that someone would be re sponsible for the same at each meeting also prayer ior remem She also read sermon taken train the Owen Sound newspaper given by Rev Paisley Christ Knows His Own The meeting closed with prayer and the hostesses served dainty lunch Members were pleased to have lormcr members present Mrs Ward Miss Rogerson Mrs Elliott and Mrs field who have isscd many meetipgSowing to illness The June meeting will be held at Mrs waiter Allans with Mrs Ell iott assisting The WA of the th is MADE UP or BY TUE Uuitod church use Within Xi Till llyli lOlNTS ti length employincnt with vulua cxpc cm and train ing inCanadis its uiarAnny The good You new skills ha EdeEYou beta taste circa driven turc have anemia ruako iiiaionr friends wit has mcn young enthusiastic cutabovo ovarian Mir throoyuinwourmnke yo choiceto gum or stay and make viliioc ilfllllllll ind out about one or inhumanfilo shes on were llclcniitir gird at Toronto at urglod urs Archer Salishuryt Allan Shaw oi Toronto It hll home hatefulck Eiklcy nd Cecil Townes of Her chorn their respective homcsr Ron Douglu ot Acton withhii rents Mrlnd MmDavid Doug Mr andllr1 Junie Cromie and Susanne and Min JinnWool ley at Toronto with Mr and Mrs Roy Eoklcy Mr and Mn Orvl Perry and null Earl oi PointEd ward with Mr and Mrs Ed Mn Watters Dean Jones will and daughter with the llttera pan enu llr llld Mm Charles Robins Fireworks Display Marge crowd attended the dis play at reworkth Little Lake lpork in Midland on iiionday evcn ng mm at Wlun llelcli number at Wynbridge race tans motored to Wastin Beach to see the horse races Monday ulter noon out at llotpllal We are pleased llin Robertson is home irom hospital Mr and Mrs John OMnllcy motored to Suyner on Sunday Mr and Mrs Rawn and Mr Ind Mrs Phlll Lamb cl liar rie also ltir and liirs Lorne Woods and Danny oi Midland call ed on Mr and Mrs Angus town on Sundayalternoon in St Andrews llospital Ernest Robins is patient in SI Andrews Hospital Midland rulterlng with an Injured arm and shoulder Mr and Mrs William Ills at tended the annual mlmnr al sci vice at Hobart Church on Sunday afternoon Marilyn Robins was in Niagara Falls and Buttan Saturday Dog Show Winner Darka Nabisco tha Boston Terrier owned by McWatlers took first prize at the Barrie Dog Show on Saturday in the Canadian brad class BirthdayParty Mrs Stuart Withers entertained few little girls and boys at birthday party tor Elizabth on Monday May 21 Elizabeth was tour years old Thursday May 24 at 815 sharp All are welcome Ilolne From llospltal Mrs Roy Jack is home irom hospital and we are glad to say she is much improved in health Miss Lou Kennedy Toronto wasa weekend guest Cathy Holland Mr and Mrs Ross Ardill Aurs ora were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Harry Stewart Home on Vacation Miss Mary Etta Atkitlson nurse intraining in Oshawa General Hospital is home on three weeks vacation Mr and Mrs Grosc and Mr and Mrs Morley Grosc mot ored to Windsor and spent the long weekend with Gordon Grose Frank VFoote and Charles Vlr ehon Camp Borden and Oliver Foutc Clinton HCAF were week end gueats with Mr and Mrs Douglas Reid Mr and Mrs Thumlon Reid rowassun spent tow days with the latters sister Mrs TRSteph ens and InmilY Mr and Mrs Ingram moi bred to London and spent the lpng weekend with Mr and Mrs 1132 Law Anniversary June Dont torget the anniversary services in the United Church Juner3 Rev Paisley will preach both services Special sic in morning with Aurora Uri ed Church choir in ev Prom Mr Ind Mrs Allan Scott Hon John and Mr lid Mls llerb Beach Billie and try at Aurora spent Sunday with Mr Ind Mrs ScotL lu Hospital Alex liliier is patient In Royal Victoria Hospital barric where he underwent an operation on his leg last Wednesdly He is Improving tlvnnbly Our best wishes tor speedy recovery Visiting Father Mr and Mrs Reg Miller son Gary were down trom Sundrldge on Sundiy to see the lormcri lathe who In Royal Victoria Hospii They also visited with Mr and Mrs Cliltord Harris vnsiing in Knock Mr and iitrs Victor Howard and mm hth turniiy visited on Sunday with tir WE hm and Mrs Oscar Bowman Knock and attended this anniversary ser vice at Stroud Presbyterian Church lm Jute cot the out had minimal Service The intant daughterAnne Lor raine oi Mr and Mrs Maurice Baldwlck was baptized on Sunday May 20 at Trinity Anglican Church Barrie Those present for Itle occasion were triends and relo lives tronl Midhurst Stayner and Barrie At tiro Station Crawtord and Hugh Ellla visit ed on Sunday with iiir and Mrs Stargess Dru Stullon and also called on Mr and Mrs Craig Allandnle Recent Visitors Monday visitor with Crawford and Mrs Mr and Mrs Alex Sheppard and Miss Wanda Hunter spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Thomas nellnmy and Miss LillianShep pard antteau Vith Grandparents Erie and little bliss Elnln Tub man Elmvaie spent iew days Inst week with their grandparents Mr and Mrs James Strath Mrs Robert Hunterchurchlll Mrs McFadden Schomherg spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs George Hunter Mr and Mrs Jack Cooper and children Sheffield Miss Jean Barnes and lriend Toronto wore weekend guests at Mr and Mrs Barnes Miss Agnes Hopkins Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Russell McElwain Miss Margaret hthinnis ol Washngo Bench spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Marley Lyons Garden Club Meeting The meeting oi Crossland Gar ilen Club was held in Crossiand Hail iiioy 14 with six members and two leaders present store ylrlmr Wm pugs Weekend With Father mm Mrs Leighton iiecinnis and Win iii sons Glen and Clinton lilarrnorn your spent the weekend wiih their iaiher John lithinnis Enjoyed Bus Trip The Young People at Knox Presbyterian Church who enjoyed the bus trip sponsored by Wye vale Young People were Miss Doreen Eencock Donald neli Donald Palmer Calder Hunter Larry Huth Ken Anderson and James Bell life is easiet hunt and In chnett Don or and Verna Thornton sulnunlnl Clomet Incetlnl was held at the Com rnnnity Centre on many ni ht to see it any at the parents It the community would be interested in their children taking rwlniniing lessons Mitt boulso Coliey was present to gphin about the lee sons lt Wu agreed there should be class lroln Grcnth Seven teen Joined No representative yenappointed Mn McFad Jen and Jim Scott Anyone ntcrested in their children taking lessons please get in touch Willi either one at the representative in soon It possible the onus hive to be cent out and returned actor June 15 mm Scott thank Mica Collcy on bchait at all presan Lunch was servedby the ladies at ritr AN mm umm AD TEE MONDAY MAY on 1956 The death occurred in Detroit Michigan on May ot former Flea resident Thomas liinlin Tommy as he was hmuilriy known liter leaving schoolwork cd or time on till tithcri llrln in Flux Townshl tlh Con Liter lie give up arming and toi lowed the axiom hich was popu lnr it that ti wt young mln go we and hew=nt to Calgary and Vancouver He crossed from there into the United States and became an Ain erican citizen He went down the western court to Portland Oregon and San Francisco Cal ue came north sgain io Detroit tor during the biz buiidlnx boom in Detmit and much oi the clear triul equipment and lighting eltecls 1n the bi buildings and ikyicnpers ot Detroit were in stalled by his diorti to and he married Catharine Sweeney daughter at Mr and Mrs Patrick Sweeney at Detroit who survives him lie in also rurvivcd by his two sisters lira George Hall and hire Manley of Toronto The lunerol took place lrom Phelpston May 12 Rev Morrison PP was cclcbnnt ol the missin St Patricks Church Ind otticiated It the graveside Tho pallbearers were David Ken ny John Kenn John ONeill Robert BibbyLE win Toner Peter Ion interment in St Patricks Cemetery and became clocqu cohtrie Immune partners ilhtiiillilgdlmfi W8 TENTATIVE iLAN $21an am giants ornate with nsscnvc Youn LAKE SHORE LOT NOW Wiilra on rilonc IVL sis CHURCH smart TELEPHONE wAinui41347 EXCLUSIVE AGENT View TORONTO MI We Erydrdflpluilt tap and nylon midst Here Ills no blind lluuu lmiiliiul baause my dean lush tapes and ryl mpn ipotlui or stretch MIDple mapbink aluminum Illll minim unbrulo abis lurch too wrnoi mechanism new deem at militias flui liihl mun ad is lit your budssi FILTER QUEE sunset nAani Mn is rhnne at

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