Register your name on our Iiig Bulova Lucky Clock You may win magniï¬cent new liuicna Watch absolutely my Come in today MISS tutti irvlL mm wu mil JEWELLERY room 2257 ESSA Roan Guest who took the awlrd or on TillIIPSdI May 17 at Avenlng May 19 There were 102 girls taking part mm 14 dili color one could think at Still Tollendai Par in her cent ikNIVunlllL William Hill her older brother paged away at his home in Bellevllle alter ten thy illness Congratulations go to one at our Teen Town bays Jaclyn the Beat Cadet at BDCI inspection Busy Bees Club Painswick lIusy Bees dd Club attended Achievement Day eront clubs and they certainly put on good show Our unit was What shall wear and each club girl made blouse so there was practically every pattern and ur club was Small but the Bills did Just as well as any of the other clubs and it being their ï¬rst at tempt we want to say thanks to them for seeing it through We personally cal that club Work is interesting as well as benctielal to that we have starletl Palnswiclt of in wbrk The first year club girls are awarded silver tea spoons with the on crest on them NEW LOWELL Recent Visitors Mr and Mrs Graham at Mark dale called on Mr and Mrs George Matthews on Saturday Mrs John Murray oi Barrie is spending cw days with Mr and Mrs Clarence McQuay Mr and Mrs wally Beach and family of Binbraokc Mrs Martin and son ltnssol Brantlord spent Sunday willi Mr and Mrs Hamid Martin Miss Mary Matthews at Tomato Spent the weekend with her sis tar Weekend with Parents Miss Margaret Bates and Mlsl Jessie Stalnton both oi Barrie and Miss Barbara Day at Graven hurst spent the weekend with their parents Sunday Trip Mr and Mrs Mumberson and daughter mnlnred to Streets ville on Sunday Mr and Mrs Wesley Stellar and Marilyn at Delhi spentthe week end with Mr and Mrs Caster Longmire Wedding Anniversary On Tuesday evening May 15 about 40 friends and neighbor gathered atthcllorae Mrand Mrs Mumberson tn eele brate with them their 25th Wed ding anniversary Ree Wilson was on hand with his flash camera and took pie ture of the bride and groom oi years along with their attendants Mrs Mabel Borgstrom Streets ville bridesmaid and Rupert Lemon Toronto groomsman The immediate family consist Stalt Stayner Glenn ot BDCl and Joyce were all pres ent as was Mrs Wes Mumbcrson the girls and leaders and hope now the grooms lather One of these days yanll find me with my head in the gas oven About time too Iticouid do with cleaning ng ol Marian on the stall at the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Arthur on the TorontoDonitnlon student The evening was spent playing court whist alter which very delicious lunch was served The table was centred with abeautl ful threeaier wedding cake and bouquet oi red roses ilupclt Lemon made few very titling remarks which were ably responded to by Mumbon son Ellis They received many lovely Music At Sunday Service Althe Sunday evening service In the United Church besides the Iunior eholrs anthem Ross Mar tin of Branltord sang beautiful solo which was enloycd by all Holiday Visitors lioilday visitors with Mr and ltrs Harry lrosser were Mr and Mrs To Prosser of Gladstone ldanitub Mrs Ron Battersby ï¬nd Karen of Toronto Mr and Mrs Carter Gill and Mervin also Jim Prasser ot Barrie sbNDtho From Vittarl tic Rev Mr Kendall of Victoria 30 former minister here call friends in town last week Mr and Mrsiullan Cummings pcnt the weekend at their cottage it ilaliburton Motor Trip Mrs Il Landerkin and Mrs ireen left on Thursday to motor Saskatoon Weekend in States Mr and Mrs Alvin Smith Alice nd Velma spent the weekend ditll friends in Fredonta NY Mrs Watt and Mr and Mrs Tomlin of Tomato spent the vcckend with Mr and Mrs Wil ialn Watt Weddlnswnhes Congratulations to Mr and Mrs llan Breedon who were married Weston on Saturday District Convention number thelocai Institute aides attended the district annual it Tottenham on Thursday At lnnlswoodLodget Mrs George Gummerson is at iresent patient at innlswood odge at Palnswick Her many riends wish her aspeedy re overy Music Festival The music festival presented by qu MCKelvey and the children if West Gwllllmbury schools in the temorinl Hall here on Friday night proved decided success he hall was packed with interest parents and friends to enioy he numbers by the massed choir ilso the junior choir giris en emble rhythm band and the Solox st Pat Gilhooley Miss McMann Iastheaccompanist Ml Club Achievement Day Mrs FredUsher aad the girls ot hersawing club and some inter stetl ladies attended the 4H Club Homemaking Achievement Day in Avcning on Saturday brownie Revel The local Girl Guide group toin nittee met on Thursday night to makearrangemcnta forthe Brown is Revel to be held on Saturday afternoon in the park Panes Cums Congratulations to Miss Allcc Smith who was successful in pass mg atTeachersCollege on her years work She intends teaching in Schombe ext tor up Relatives at Miss Della Mayale glad to knawshe is home ram tha RoyalVictorlajloSpita is still ndarxthe oetoiacau Eldon Thompso whahrokehis leg andjwasstaylng wit ter Mrs Percy Jo adtothe notsn well Weekend Mrs uted to the donors to be wuwn Toronto cw days with Mrs Beardsll and Mn Ru Gosallng Mr and Mrs WesleyJordan spent lhohollday weekend with Mr and Mrs James Jordan Little Current Mn JanuhyAdams spent few days with herdaughtcr and has ban Mr and Mrs Meredith Wil son ldland Everett Turner Toronto was with his mother Mrs Willis Turn er over the hollda Mr and Mrs Elwood Frost SL Catharina spent few days with the latters mother Mrs Terry Settling In Mr and Mrs George Terry and son Bl to are getting settled in their aw home they purchased from Dennis Sexton on Peter Street Weekend Visit Mr andMia Roy Rowat spent the weekend with Mrs Row Mr and Mn ucrt Greenbank and Miss Joan spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Clare Knlpo or Richmond till Two Consecutive Accidents On Wednesday May la whi installing Hydro service or Myers Ice cream bar the ladder slipped and George Terry fell from the height ot the building and on Tuesday he was bitten on the arm by police dog which was run ng at large He was treated at the oillco at Dr McLellnn Ownersai dogs were requested to have dogs vaccinated and tied up some time ago In Hospital Miss Richardson and Miss soon McConnell are patients in Pcnelt tang General Hospital SLPAUUS Baptismal Service Baptismal service was held on May 13 at St Pauls for Harold Wayne McLeod son at Mr and Mrs Wally McLeod ltccent Visitors Mr and Mrs Shaw St Thomas visited with Mr and Mrs James Lawrence and Margaret recently Mrs Gordon Whipps spent Sun day with hcr sister Mrs Roll and family Weekend Visit Mr and Mrs Wonall North Bay spent the weekend with Mrs Thomas Calder and Mr and Mrs George Stunden and family Mrs Margaret Williams Toron to called on Mrs Thomas Calder on Monday Mrarld Mrs Bert Tillcy and family and Mr and Mrs William KHDWles and family spent the weekend with Mrs Knowles and family Blmvale Visit Mr and Mrs Joseph Pratt and family visited on Sunday with Mr anld Mrs Herbert Pratt at Elm vs Mr and Mrs John McMillan and daughters spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Hugh McMillan and Ala litigation Sunday Rogttlun Sunday was observed In St Pauls Church The otter lngs of soil and seed were brought to the altar then wareredistritr lanted tended and some of their ncrease returned to the church at harvest home services Annual Contlrniatlon The annual confirmation was held at St Peters Churchill on May 22 Bishopvsnell officiated reception was held to honor Bishop and Mrs Snell on their first visit to this parish Married Last Saturday Congratulations toMiss Evelyn Martin=strnud and Bruce Pink ncyrwho were married in St James United Church on Satur day Best wishes for happy man ried lite go from this community Froin Toronto MJSS Alice Carruthers Toronto spent last week with and Mrs semen and family Mr and Mrs Aaron Jeane Mount Clemens Michigan are iaitlng with Mr and Mrs Jen nett this Visitors With Mr and Mrs Wal ter Ainos were Ross Stlnson Pet awawa Miss Helen and Linda Richardson and Miss Nancy Melt Eaehern all at Barrie Mrs Kerr 0rlllia is visiting this week with Mr Am spent the long weekend it her daughterMrS Summers and mother Mrs cairns Toronto Visitors Minor Ann and Calhsr VCuaig Toronto spant Saturday with Mr ndMrs Cairns Contents Community We welcome to oureommunlty our newnelghbors Mr and Mrs rally and Mr and and iamil tong Maybe youre too weak to cut it lattes The Church Mesliah Sunni dale WA held their any meeting at Mn George Rogers The meeting opened with hymn prayer or Ascension Day followed by prayer for negation Day was read by the pmident Mn Fred Prosper Scripture was read by Mrs GllPln Mrs Legale gave the wearers modest It was dccid to accept an in vitation to creemorer oath annr vemry on June as other bus iness was dimmed The roll call was answered with lbtmclnbera and Six visitors pres en Mn Markle gave report on the 10th anniversary oi the annual WA meeting in Toronto Mrs Toronto viiit Mrs Brawley spent Fri day visiting irlcnds in Toronto Visiting llrother Mrs Camplln and Mrs It Crumble were in Toronto on Fri day visiting their brother Aik en in Sunnyorook Hospital Mr and Mrs enccr ol Barrie visited with fr ends in town on Saturday From Tharnhlll Mr and Mrs Barrett and iam iiy oi Thornhlll spent Sunday with Rev and Mrs Cooke and Mr and Mrs Fred Barrett Weekend Visit Mrs Choatc of Drillia visited hcrbrothcr and wire Mr and Mrs ilnmlncll over the weekend Mra Crawford oi Toronto visit ed lrlcnds in town on Sunday Pelerborough Visit Mr and Mrs Bell visit ed relatives in Pelerhorough dur ing the weekend Mr and Mrs Barr and iam lly qt Wallacohurg Spent the week end with Mrs lrwin onll other relatives llollday Visitors The following were weekend vis itors with their cousins Mrs Wiggins and McMurray Mr and Mrs Clubine Mrs James Dldham Mrs Floyd Retcliiie and Will Hunt at Stouflvilie March and Mrs Clubilln oi loranta and Mrs Pierson at Port MeNicoli ltallday van Mr and Mrs Frank Horan oi Toronto spent the holiday at the home at Miss Wnliwin Sunday Guests Mr and Mrs George Faris and family Cookstown were guests oi Mr and Mrs Cecil Rcynulds on Sunday in Special Service Mr and Mrs Douglass of Toronto attended the special ser vice at St Pauls Anglican Church Cooke Weekend with Daughter Mr and Mrs Zuiclt spent the weekend litthe home of their daughter and sonlnlaw Mr and Mrs Edgar Warkworth Mrs Slaughter and Mrs Iter stun oi Toronto were guests at Mr and Mrs Hooper on Sunday Guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Kearns during the week end were Mr and Mrs Bill Dunn and Mr and Mrs Page and tamlly at Toronto Mrs Norval Cave of Alliston visited her sister Miss Aida itab Son last week Bowling Banquet The VAlley Bowling Club held their annual banquet in the Or ange Hall large crowd attend ed and the members of the LOBA served do us dinner short and were guests of Rev and Mrs George fr nngcn Spoke on the study book regarding the Arctic Mrs Markie led in miglonary prayer followed by the members prayer Benediction brought the meet ing to close lunch was low ed by the hostess and helpers Rev Dorr an oi Tattenham lormer pastor of the United Church here and who is retiring from the active ministry this year was the speaker at the reg ular worship service of Burns United Church on Sunday after noon In Hospital Master Peter Switzer eldest son of Mr and Mrs Peter Swltzcr underwent an nppendcctomy at Stevenson Memorial Hospital Ale Ilslon on Friday evening Share Leave Due to the strike ich aitcct ed shipping on the freighter boaLS Jack Henderson spent tow days recently at thï¬ home ot his par ents itlr an lrs Hender son reporting at work again at the weekend At Holstein Sale Several from the district attend ed the National Holstein Sale also the Glamis Dispersal the Holstein herd owned by Mr and Mrs Ilusv sell Hood Doth sales took place at Hays Sales Arena at Onkvllle on Monday Burns community was represent ed at the regular meeting or the Alliston and District Horticultural Society held in the Council Cham bers Alliaton on Friday evening Several mm the district atten ed the Victoria Day celebration held in Everett on Monday Trip to Niagara Falls Cpl and Mrs Childs and family motored to Niagara Falls at the weekend Mrs Butler ac companied them home to Spend holiday at the home of her daugh tar Sunday Guests Mr and Mrs Lorne Buyers and family were guests of Mr and Mrs Wright at Cookstown on Sun tia yiueats oi Mr and Mrs Swen son over the weekend and on Sun day were Mr and Mrs Reg Blur and family oi Oshawa Mr and Mrs Ashwell of Toronto who were accompanied by Mr Cluston oi Newfoundland and Mr and program was held and Emerson Dale president at the club pre sented the trophies Following this Galbraith showed some of his movie pictures which every one enjoyed The remainder at the evening was spent in games and danting Mr and Mrs Charles Hutton oi Vancbuvcr spent the past week visiting with Mr and Mrs Culgln gt ood And hen he inchpr longllne get yourself if your cholee oi ny on sati Spring The spring ucding has final got underway in this neighbalrl hood being later than usual Arbor Day The pupils at New Fins school held Arbor Day on Friday Weekend Visttarl Mr and Mrs Blake Ogilvle Linda and Kenneth ol Downsvtcw were weekend visitors of Mr and Mn Archie Wanieas and family Mr and Mrs Ray Hall of Aclon Spent the holiday weekend It Wal ter Halls Mr George Finlay Mldbulst has been staying with her son Alec while her daughteninlaw is patient in Colllngwood hospital Mospltal Visit Mn Harry Borthwlck visited Mr Bortbwiclr in Suanybrook lins pltal last Friday Saturday ourrui Mr and Mrs Steve dawn and Mr and Mrs Cline Rawn and family were Saturday evening guests at Mr and Mrs Russell Mc Elwain Grassland Mr and Mrs RussellSage and family visited here Sunday ovens ginngith Mrs Kirkpatrick and Sir Filled or Weekend Harold Smiths cabins on the bank at theNottawasnga were all MISrFrank llslon Mr and Mrs Foot and family and Mr and Mrs Mcidcma and children at near Alliston were recent visitors of Mr and Mrs Evert flutters and Gary at Al DINING IN ATHERLEY is mile on Hwy ll on Lake aims PHONE 01mm 5211 filled the bus holiday weekend weelmni litter Weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs Elmer Uncles were Mrulnd Mrs Armstrong and boys Birch Mount Heights Scarbor ough Mr and Mrs Bnicc Smith and dauahlcrl1lrch Mount Park Scarborough Mr and Mrs George Uncles Leiroy lioildaygisitou with Mr and Mrs Elwood and Nelson John stone were Mr and Mrs Steve Muglordand Tommy at Toronto Mr and Mrs Ray Shaw and daughter at Rugby Weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs Howard Crawford were Mr and Mrs Stan Mislara Toronto Thomas Grlsmcyer Miss Sch1y Barrie Mr and Mrs Orrin Williams and boys at Edgar Radar Station Holiday at Cottages large number ot the tourists cut the holiday It their collages oog the lake Shore Ball Team Oro Station ball team were guests Mitchell Square on Tues day wit the seure being 221 gt428 Blake Stree Highway ll East End at gt Barrie SPECIAL MAY 28 JUNE LikoFrpsh Raspberriesi then youll like the raspbbl rics that top our Regular3c TASTEEvPflEEZ superior soit ice cream IDBAPPDMTMINT trans my syururusous Jemima Ind OPTOMETRISTS risen RO DIZNLOP sum nannie oral ï¬shsgs