Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 May 1956, p. 7

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OWWATE address by Percy Crawtord preli dent ot Midland notewsn mention arcpreoeatative meeting in the court house Ray 22 pm ccedcd with the forlrlltion ot Goldwater Ratepayers Association Mn Rose Manning Coldwater hardware merchant and Zone Commander of the Ladies Auxil iary ol the Canadian Legion was elected first president at the or ganintlon Chester Martin was chairman or the election of officers and the association decided to meet on the third Monday in each month in the council chambers jltbout hall those present were lldlcs who took part in Ihe dis cussions and provided lunch when the meeting adjourned rationals an its rosintit otlceve The secretary uwrenco Dev inc wondered whether his post with his serving as secretary but wasarsured by Mr Crawtord it would not The latter stated ad ditional enlightenment which could be obtained on issues dis cussed in the association could help in dealing withatfairaot Council Due to most of those present iecilng they could not accept the duties at secretary Mr Devin had agreed to take the position in order to cumpletcjn executive and gettlte association under way Quite few present paid the annual tee decided upon Duke and commute elected to consider orming an association were President Mrs Itose Man ning vicepresident Andrew Dun lop secretarytreasurer Lawrence bovine Committee education Dr Hughes Rev Boss Cum ming Mrs Williamson health Ind welfare Mrs Gordon Dunlo Dr Hall Mrs Danby property and Industry Chester liiartin Victor Turner Carman Russell business Jack Tipping Lloyd Bell Joseph Borden labor Thomas Potter Roland Gilchrist liarry Cowan Aim Association Mr Crawiord said Ratepayers Association should be formed in every community and contended such organisations could prove vitll asset In the case of small er centres such as Goldwater he stated there were many advanta llcs not available to urban muni cipalities as the people were in closer contact wilh each other and rallied to one anothers assistance in time of trouble The farming community was an essential elem ent in seeking the betterment ot village serving iL He explained that Ratepayera Association could discuss issues affecting taxes and related sub jects und where advisable present resolutions or briefs to Council The matters to be presented should be oi sutiielcnt imporlance to merit presentation and the guiding aim should be to advance the best interests at the commun ity through the Ratcpaycrs Asso cintion in ceopcration with the Colin Relieve Excessive Burden Efforts should be made to ar rive at methods otrelicving what he termed tho oxcossivo burden on real estate Finding new sources at revenue from other sources than property invaded the politivitour was unioyed cal field and was an involved prob him Mr Crawiord admitted in answer to question regard ing the type it matters an Assocl ation might study the speaker said the Midland Association had persisted for six months to bring apparent inequities in equalized assessment to the attention of Midland Council Mr Crawlord described the types at committees which could be included in an association and explained the field eaeh could cover in his opinion an active repre sentative group althoughrcompar ativeiy small in numbersrcould achieve successful results and would receive wide support from the community Help Progress Mrs Manning on being installv ed said she would do her best to helpColdwater make progress and takeadvantage or new opportuni ties opening up Herb who had acted as president temporarily promised to assist in any way possible LWEEKtY cHoltE sentativc and oitlcera appointed at that time considered their by polntmenls only temporory and were vacating the positions Mrs Bernice Williamson on be hlii of the gatherinfl thlnlted Mr Crawford for his informative ad dress and for coming to the meet lag although sufiering from the As proposed by Mr Herb vote at appreciation was also carried done in starting the move for iutepayers Association IVY this Report Mrs Gibson ws hostess to lvy wills Tuesday May Mrs Cochrnne was In the chair The meeting opened with hymn and praycrhy nov Guergis Minutes were read and approved and bus iness dsuitwith Mrs Cochrane and Mrs Gibson wcrc appointed delegates to the Presbyterial meeting to be held in Coliingwood ltlay Mrs Coehranelcader ot the Junior Mission Band extended an invita tion to the members of the WMS as well as the mothers at the chil drcn to be their guests at their meeting May Oiferinfl was illicit and dedicated Mrs lcnnett then took charge of the program Peggy Gibson sang it solo Beacon of Righteousness Mr Gucrgis explained the chap ter in the study book The Slory ol Panccc Mrs Nelson gave piano solo and Mrs Jennett con ducted contest on men of the Bible new member was added to the roll Hymn judprayer closed the meeting after which the tea hostesses Mrs Arnold lllrs McVanol and Mrs Gibson served rclrcshmcnts and social Weekend Visit Tyler notsiord and pay him ston visited Mn and Mrs Jennett Ind Margaret over the weekend Anglican Rector girdlined Congratulations to Rev Bevan Monks who was ordained into the priesthood in St Pauls Cathedral Toronto Sunday May 13 Out of Hospital or the work Victor Turner had lion itcave would interiors air Herb opened the meeting by stating that the first session had not hceri autiiclenlly rcprelt we GIRLS IN rlii business the Bell Telephone are taking classes in col or these days to help them not as advisors to customers choosing the new streamlined colored phones Typical room sets complete with wall coloring drapery and upholstery OFFICES 01 colors blend tones iobrics aregused to teach the girls which and which contrast with the four basic telephonehcolors oi red ivory cool green and soil beige with pink over With all the color in our lives hundred years from now the mid20m century may well be known as the Color Age it is used in industry to improve cm pioyce morale and in hospitals to cheer the patientsv All manner or home appliances come in color secretary can have colored typewriter with matching ribbon and the homemaker colored tels ephone to blend or contrast with the decor in every room To heipeustorners choosethc most attractive color ior their par ticular decorating scheme girls in the business otiiecs throughout the hell Telephone Company are being given acoursc on color appreciation Duringtraining the girls learn the diifcrcncc between warm and cool colors They discover which telephone colors blend and which contrast and when to suggest arneutral shade Soil shades or the new stream lined telephones were selected by an expert The red set or ex ample was chosen to blend with All other red tones from lightest Mrs Hurry Banting is home lrom hospital and progressing steadily WI District Annual Mrs James Demitroft Mrs Clarence Hoggurth Mrs lena nett and Miss Margaret Walsh at tended the WI District Annual It Tottcnham Thursday and report proiitsple day urn me Massachusetts Dr and Mrsrl Hoggarth and two area of Boston visited Dr iloggarthsparcnts Mr and Mrs John Hoggarthrecently Mn and Mrs Skinner Osh awa were guests at Mr and Mrs Lorne Carruthcrs home over the holiday Numng Sister Visits Nursing Sister in Reserve Navy Sub LieutMary Davis with Margaret Shey of Toronto visited Mls Esten Davis over the week end Miss Davis leaves soon or two weeks training at Esquilnalt BC andthen for holiday in tols at Mrs Esten Davis tor til weekend Sunday Guests Mr and Mrs Elmer linden Allisto Mr and Mrs DrvalvTe otBarr Mr and Mr Lorn Corbett Mrs Rupert and Iva peers at Barrie were guests Mr ers GA Spears on Sun day Mr and Mrs MacMclealt and ch dren Sarnta und Mound times Me canardnon aorvtco Severalleandidates from Utop Ivy Thornton and st ruuir ell chore ea were confirmeg Mills lud pink to dark wine and to con trast with cool shades like blue green and turquoise There is also cool green salt beige with pink overtones and delicate ivory The girls train the Bell business tfices are provided withpraoti 31 experience during the class Jy typical rooms designed and let up by their instructor First backing or painted wall board put in place over this apieee of printed or plain drapery fabric is displayed Upholstered furni ture is represented by an actual length at upholstered fabric However the course is not de signed to set the service reprcsv cntatives up as interior decorators Rather it is provided to help them act as color advisers or consult ants and the girls are advised to keep decor discussions on non tcchnical level Some people claim that those whopretcc sJcool colorswtha blues greens and purplesare generally intelligent people who pay great deal oi attention to detail They like things well planned and can be counted on to do good job it is also said that those who prefer the warm colorsthe yellows reds and orangesare people who like to talk They are active warm and gay and poss cssed of much talenL Ont amusing tact that came to life during the Bell colorapprecia tion class was that even fish have color preferences ii you were to shine red blue and yellow light in fish bowl the fish would all swim to the blue light On the other hand hens prefer red and will choose afccding dish to that color every time It is strictly coincidental that tests show woln en also preict red and men blue Color has always been import ant in the telephone industry By matching the colors on each strand ot copper wire splieer completes his job alter The oil lst astilstlng artist 102 Born Squadron With the annual inspection over Barrie loz Air Cadet Squad ron will be completing the years activities in the next few weeks Many of the boys will be looking forward to attending cadet camp this summer arid as usual it will afford grand opporlunity for in struction and holiday Sports Evcning Monday The Monday May parade will becalicd at pm The cards used by an operator to com plete coils are in variety of color to enable her to keep trac of coils and complete them fast Now to meet public demand Bell Telephone has chosen to special colors that will blend wit or accent every possible decor The unusually long winter has made it difficult for birds coming in train the south especially Through the severe weather it was poaible to feed the winter songstels by trays ot iust scatter ing seeds or crumbs on it flat roof away from catl and now with snow gone but backward temperatures prevailing for so long the tiny icalhercd friends have found lit lie to cat when deceived by warm weather In the south they land here and linti little to eat and frosty nlgth No insccts worms or ilowers in sight and leaf buds being slow meant the death oi warblcrs in particular On May 14 Mrs Arthur Gordon oi Stayncr RR brought in pair at nlackburnian Warblers The male beautiluliy marked in orange and black with grey had died but the mate of quiet grey and ale green with white was still it ivc but weak Last week Canada warbler was picked up at Minets Point mere shadow and it died later The marking on the orange throat was dainty black like lace Also unusual are three bats that could be seen in the bright sun light flutte cts Cree anddown over looking ior or feel lne ior insects which were not there Down at lnnisiil Park on May 21wlth very few cars or per sons on hand pair oi piovnrs Ihc ringneck type searched the pools at the east end or dived in but with little luck and one oi the birds lcw direct to the car and then stood lor it moment within squadron is requested to turn out in sports clothes as they will board bus ior Springwatot Park or sports evening and wicner roast Tog Day June 16 Weekend The annual tag day lorthc Air Cadets will take place on the weekend at June 15 The taggers will patrol the streets on Friday evcnlng and Saturday This is the only appeal of the squadron to the public for funds and we believe it will be well supported Recruiting For Next Year Air Cadet recruiting will again take place on Monday evenings after Sept 15 The age for this is 14 to 18 years and we hope that many Barrie and district young men will tukeodvantagc oi the oppo Ho Ho in the past ivorythe neutron shadehas been the conservati top choice of those who round the standard black set did no blend harmoniously into their decorating scheme Todays trend is toward contrasting or blending color and the new streamlined telephone has indeed become conversation piece in the lull fashion senscuf the word Cordial Invitation Bonnie decennial council extends aoordiai ln vitatioil to all organizations to send representatives and to other interested citizens to attend omeeting in the VMVUVN chL Cotillcn CHAMaslts Collier St aarrlo WEDNESDAY Muse 815 pan cranial looses yp Miss Leila Bridgman nrthe vwca and Mr nohert Torranoe oi the ration chwm more than half at the ratepayers ol gh Sehdol Plab cite T013 HcIdSoturdoy Before Colinty Council in the minutes read of secret and rivale meeting at lnnistil Councl it was revealed that the high school committee should hold another meeting or discussion and that vote should be taken on the Saturday hetero the meeting oi Simeoc County Council The mo tion dill nol state where this mcct ing was to be held The date and udvcrtislng was to be arranged by the some committee which has held the previous meetings County Council will be meeting during the wcek oi June it so that would mean the vote of the Innislll ratepayers would be held Saturday June which is vory short notice to acquaint all those concerned Bylaw To Be Posscd Setting Up Slroud As Community Centre Foliowlnga motion which was the designated area head or two or more school sections or parts thereof present petition to the council oi the municipality asking that they pass the bylaw same to be done The figures lnimcd by the hull committee ind to he vcriiicd by the clerk ire 139 in favor and l59 opposed Councillor Cochranc tak ng oplt osition to the passing of the by law which included the Knock lisiricl stated he tell that they Here all dctinileiy opposed and lthougn he was not partol the ma which extends to highway too he ell that he should speak or them lie called passing tile notion railroading Councillor Campbell felt that it was not case of railroading Is hc majority in the area had been favor and those who did not sign were taken as being opposed The bylaw will be dealt with at be next regular meeting strum to page nine picach THE can or InURnnE opposed by Councillor Cochranc on the grounds that the on around Knock was being iorccd to the area in opposition to wishes council instructed the clerk that bylaw he prepared adopting the suggestion oi the Stroud hall board committee that the area be accept ed and debenture covering 520 000 be placed on the ratepayers within that resl The act covering community hulls states that tor such school iection or any parts thercoi coun li may pass bylaw for the estab lishment of such community entre in such sections or parts thereof Under the same act council nay set up community ilall lotrd appointing seven members we of which to be members be council and five representing ho various organizations which now an active part in the com nunity The act allows that it flew eat as though asking ior food Robins with young birds lintEII have no cover from leaves as expected and are forced to remain in the nest to protect the ncstiings mm the cold Tuesday May 22 was promising but the at went to next morning and it was almost Well ycve convinced me Mon with msuamvcr its not what ye save its what ye GET that counts This wise Scot speaks wisdom Any cheap Insurance will do un til you have LOSS and then YOU need the BEST We aim to provide You with the best an Stevenson lNSfllihNBi See US FmSTFor Insurance oi ALI KIN 05 as Dunlap St is rim szot trnsty Wednesday night Mo Incas NEWS M0 it unsa mm in KAY WALSH ROBERT ONAT AND TUEb new 10 an DETECTIVE maroon onus Milli 3i Jlilili KATITAMNEHEPBRN rnosano Boost Faunram all 7m NElilllIil Tll HEAVEN

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