gt Headquarter Squadronfcirey and Blmcoe Foresters at the Barrie Armaury was the science The occasion marked the theoergeants dressbluca and military ball onaoturday eye omclal eonjllng out nin preceded by lorrnal dinner party in the ottlcersmeas Recclvln the guests were the tauupmdcnt Srrgeavnt Jolt Merrett and Maillotrel an Sergeant Major Harry Bmcthurst Hrs smcthurst Amongtha aaveoty guests were the command Ingoltlcer at the oltlccn mesa Captain Howard and Mrs Howard Captain and Mrs Bert Gravesot Orillll andLIeutenaot Kenneth Gillies oi Camp Borden Music for dancing wasprovldcd by tbrceplece orcbetlra consist ing at Mrs William Korma AI lred Shepherd and George Frielc The ladies auxiliary to the Barrie Sea Cadets catered for the turkey dinner Mr and Mrs Earl Klocpher were door prize winners The dance was the Iirst military bail to be held In the aergoanta mess Mess members were In lull dress blues and the ladies were in evening dress bullet suppr was served alter midnight To Open Fulr Thc woman who has been call the dean or Canadian art critics Miss Pearl McCarthy ot the Globe and Mail will open the eight an nual Simcoe County Arts and Crlttl Ameiation Quiltand Rug Fair It has been announced she will be speaker at thepprnlnx ceremonies on Wednesday July 25th twothirty oclock In tho alternoon Afl Nancy Ferguson opera andba ct whichlorrns part at the book Music in Canada edited by Sir Ernest Mlcllillnn Halli lrlrl McCarthy and her nab are proud ol bring ol pioneer stock stemming from poo pie who clcorcd larln Inlttlln the early days of settlement In tllls province Ilcrbusbanri was brought lop In Owen Sound and has great appreciation for th mils ol his lnrctathcra Miss lil arlhy ot Haldcmand County stuck cher ishes old laces and rugs at her iamiiya make She values very highly the cralts oi making quilts and nlgs which are indigenous to this part oI Canada Laatyoar she made trip to Drillla onlher own to see the seventh annual quilt and rug lair and subsequently wrote dis cerningiand appreciative account ot It in the Globe and Mail Iilisa lilcCarthyria at present in Europcwherc she recently attend ed ceremonies held In Holland in connection with the three hundred Dutch master Rembrandt She was and littleth anniversary of the one of twentyfour art editors from all over the world Invited to attend thelmportant event The quilt and rug lair is being held in the Exhibition Building at Colllngwood from July 3th to July 28th vd Graduation Mr and Mrs Gladstone Currie and Miss Elspeth Curr Mr and Mra Kenneth Cameron Iiir Ind Mrs Cllllord Ferguson and liliss lilr and Mrs Fishergtlilr Mrs lIar rla and Mr and Mrs John guys were in Toronto lor lhe Uni vanity of Toronto arts convocation on Thursday Hugh Currie Miss NancyCameron Mias Joan Fargu aon Miss Joan Fisher and Miss Sylvia Fisher Miss Ann Harris and it lss Diary Lynn Boys were among those receiving their degrees lilr and Mrs Cameron aner int Mn Fergurpri attended the dinner In honor or the graduates Trln ly College on Thursday Venlng at which Lite speaker was iiir Justlee Stewart whose son iDougias was member at the graduating class The distinguished critic Theatre Party almut littocn members ot the Who Barrie Theatre Guild attended the studied abroad butreturned to pert0mm of The wnmen Canada to devote her wholetalccl the Crest Theatrein to her coufltry has been writing on Friday evening Toronto on guvvrwWM mg it moneyt pedal ening Sergeant Jack Merrett ry coming out ballrlor the sergeantser blues on Saturday cv mess presid Vacher airi7 Greai Job Rural school aaaaia or Allison Wind teaches 10 children some ol them twoyunyounger un 33 If and doesn think it usual The l7yoaoold teacher young est to Simon County teaches Grades in in 40yeapold one room mm school near this co munlty 50 miles north or Toron Two of her pupils boy and girl are is The youngest is native of Gananoque lillaa Wlltd says he has no trouble with discipline The pupils are as well b0 haved as youll 1in and are easy to get along with the said with last six wecka training at To ronto teachera rummer school the said teaching eight grades at Na Williams and the mess secretary Sergeant Lorne Williams Fhoto byjnlll Thompson ï¬nd Miss Beverley naval daught er at Mr and Mrs Jack Duvalot Barrie was married on Saturday May Zï¬lh 1958 at three oclock in the uttcrnnon In Trinity Anglican Church to Robert Varcy son Di Mr nd Mrs Varcy oi lillm Ico Rev Sherring and Rev Allan It ltead olticiated at the marriage ceremony and wedding music was played by the churchor gnnisl Mrs iii Roberts who also accompanied the soloist Alan Ward Given in marriage by her father the bride was wearing strapllm gown ol delustrc tnlteta covered with white nylon tullc with lac ket at French lace made within standup collar The boutlant skirt Bridal Showers The former Louise Shannon whose marriage to Barry Jostlpb Clarke at Toronto took place in Thornton United church on Sat urday was entertained by many lrlonds before her wedding Mrs Clarke motherrol the groom cntorioln in her hno or at her home on Eastwood Road In Toronto at miscellaneous show or attended by friends and relatin es and community shower was held in the brideshonor at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Shannon at Thornton Around eighty neighbors presented the couple with lamp blend cotton table lllrs Joseph Cochrane and her daughter Mrs Keith McGirr 0i Barrie were hostesses at mislt ccllaneous shower at Mrs Cotill ranes home RR Barrie Friends on the oilico stall at Christies Bread in Toronto Where the bride is assistant plant nurse presented her with blanket at party in her honor Every malt would llkcto give hlsclllldlcll sonic of uuq leaded lure which was dotted with white lace roses fell into chapel train and she was carrying bouquet ot while Carnations centred with pink sweetheart roses Her attendants were her sister Lira Manchester at Barrie as matron of honor lillss Dorothy By los oi Barrio IS bridesmaid and the Mlssea Susan Brooke 01 Winds sor and Victoria Loltus Toronto as luoior bridesmaids Their gowns were at coral and blue cryslnl charm The matronot honor and the senior bridesmaid carried bou quets of yellow carnations with blue centres and the junior brides maids carried nosegnys ol the some flowers William Vnrcy ol lilimlco was groomsman and the ushers were Bruce Masseyoi Montreal Albert Thompson of Toronto and John Duval olBarrI reception followed in Trinity Parish Hall where the mother or the bride received the guests in dusly rose dress willl matching hat and metallic brown shoes and gloves The grooms mother who also received was lvonrlng blue atternoon dress with pink acces sories For travelling the bride chose blue suit with retinnlehile tweed cum lier but who ml and white nnd she was wearing red shoes and arcorsoge ol while car nations Alter wedding trip to Algonquin Park Mr and Mrs Varny will be making tilelr home in Toronto Outoltown guests at tile wedd ing were lrom Toronto Windsor London St Thomas Montreal and Pcrlh CARE OF LINENS Proper slorage and care of ii ens is important Bcd linen should be rotated irorn top to bot tom in the linen closet to climinlt ate uneven wear folding stains and yellowing Bed linen should not be stored In place near steam or hot water pipes The hotlt will tend to yellow the linen and dry out the tibre For very long periods of storage linens should be wrapped in newspapers to prevent yellowing and dust in liltration inwfihnnlno unit aton painting rirlrsr nicst iah of all endcd with THlX it your brush and you ready to prim up in Aalinï¬llgflisy literer Hcrca alioiher way rHlx km you mm lostud nthvies apply ea In once keeps her hopping but that Its no trick at all once you get system its my chosen ork and love it she said going to get my certiï¬cate and be tenth er or the restof my day She said shes going to take another course this rummer and will at tend the 195758 term at Ottawa Teachers College will be eligible only for pair lic schools because you need bachelor oi Frts degree or higll school but like rural teaching and ld like to stay right here un til get my certificate and maybe lot longer it lm permitted she said the area school board Said chairman Morris Coulis Miss well and hes great said one ALLOW TUCKIN when buying new linen its host to select sheets large enough to allow for suitable tuckAin Pil low cases should be two inches wider and ten Inches longer than the pillow Percan sheets are somewhat smoother but muslin cant usually be counted on for better wear ANCIENT SPECIES VANCOUVER or lung Iish one at the oldest species any where will be the first Inhabitant of Vancouvers new aquarlum lt riscsto gulp air you gun um pri up HIX log irri rnrr covrnge MISS ratmats lilARloN Among the graduates ot SL Michaels Hospital School of Nurs Ing who will receive their diplomas at tomorrow atternoons graduation cxcrclscs In Convoca tIon Hall at the University at To ronto are Miss aulcla Leone Marlon daughter llr and Mrs Arthur Marion l7 Eugenia SL and Miss lltrlciagAnn Carroll onjorlow MISS PATRICIA CARROLL daughter of Mr and Mrs William Carroll 21 Eugenia St In addi tion to being next door neighbora In town both nurses are the sec ond memberalol their tamily to graduate tom the training school and attended St Marys School and St Josephs High School to gcthcr Ten Members Guthrie Institute At District ï¬nnual The May meeting at the Guthrie Womens institute was held at the home of lilrs Charles Sander son with 21 members and three visitors present report on her recent trlp to Guelph was given by the secretary Jen members had been able to attend the district annual at Washago Roll call Something like about our community was hum orous The convener Mrs Howard Campbell gave an interesting talk on the lorthconling ACWW convention in Ceylon short course to be held In October was discussed The hostesses Mrs Jamiesun and Mrs Filkey served lunch The next moctirig will be held at the home 01 Mrs Love Roll call My worst fault and how to in the ppemm at you Mrs McLean is May Hostess To Central WMS The May meeting at Central United Church Womans lillasioa ary Society wns hrlil at the home ol Mrs McLean Mrs Cook viceprosld¢nt presiding Mrs Brcnn was In charge at the devotional period and gave an Inspiring talk solo sung by Mrs Dohson llow Great ou Art was enjoyed social hour brought the meet ing to close Reports ol the rrrrbylcrlal meeting at Orillia were given by Mrs Bishop and Mrs Jory Thu June meeting will be hcl at the home at Mrs Cochran Bayficld Street correct it The speaker is Mrs lchenney district pres ldent Convener is Mrs ll Camp bell Hostessea are Mrs Squires and Mrs Hastings to iX ruitq the sun nieiathi pririu lï¬ccta thc pigrorot ID cause drsrolouriog to it rains woudwurk11lli cranial nrn it to resist nut stains Another all to mix gnu ypu better bright1 pointy evenly1Tb in rru which enables ru ways in which sudsting job the nicet ngs to now even while savingfor $5323le the future so at Caoad Lli wcvi devised some pro foalplans that will ilow you to spend more on your ch drenas you Igokalong ousclpaiot an give you the ma can sho you howthcsc plans advantages ncwmagic will elpyou to rovide immcd tc proiec for Yetyouil be plusaauz yarn ly anv pool for dursci la in future $th THU tofu on With less outlay than Is required were yod to save 1va 311931111X sure to try your mon it any other way store onthc denianditoday chan mu owls Then him traincd hi all oh ot Lilplmurpnor liked ION lkllitti till hclptu urvlru on you Iikclydio lino in any priming thitrrght spectalTHlXdemons axrerlor ouscl urmrrlalsmostwmirm that Id plinlt door hat3 Elf quau