mm mell Frog BlochI Supply An interesting account IppeIr ed Iqiong the school board blIlI when the trustees held their reg ular IlIy meeting was from plumberI who removed hog from WIIcr connection in the Kieth school Iyltern which had en blocked Ccclltovering nf Goldwater pad another plumber from Thompson Company of MIdlInd engaged In work It the new school were cali Ih when water circuIItlon was partly cut oil ltemovalol conlt neclloo resulted in discovery of dead frog whose feet had Jammed into Valve Mrs Bernice Williamson chair man of the board nid she was present It the time the repairs were made and turned the frog over to Councillor Wadgo un der whose department mtersup ply comes gt Business trunsacled was routine with all trustees present except Brown The boards lawyer Paul Cope land of OriIIla was present in ad vloe on some of the correspond enec The board dealt with the case of pupil who had been tempor Irily suspended from school President of Liana Coldwï¬lcr Lions have elected Lloyd Lotherliyi MPP Goldwater insurance and real estate agent as other officers lmmediaie past president Ritchie Lane lst vice president John Dunlop Cold water 2nd vicepresident Pcrcy Brimagc Falrvalle 3rd vice president George Fell Matche dash secretarytreasurer Robert Legato Coldwatcr tall twister Ray Mills Coldwatcr lion tamer Rev Donald Churcher Goldwater Directors one year Dr lolughos and Stephen Brodcur both of Goldwater two years Wal ter Orr inxmead and Howard Robinson Moonstone Those who received we per cent attendance pins were Tom Potter Jack Lethcrby Robert Le gate Chester Martin Albert 0r ton Walter Orr William Pheasant Herb Stevens Iack Tippingch Tlpring Clarence Ward Wililam Wy in Steve Brodeur Arthur Cor aeII Gordon Cooper and llev Don IId Churcher Chester iilartln brought in the £3minlntingcurnglitlitce report The mml ee neu wtuia he and Earl Doble President hitchle Lane conductv ed the meeting and had motion picture shown on activities of beavers Plans are undenvay fora ladies night banquet and program June 2p at Mr and Mrs George Wil liamsons summer resort at Severn Falls Effective Trap With Bob Thompson in charge lands and forests artificial trap is provmg effective to remove eels and stickers from Sturgeon River Tlrero were 115 Iainpreys trap pedvln to days 52 of them it one day although the heavy ru not expected till about June Lain preys measured from six to 28 inches in length To date 1600 suckers were can ht and are hc ing hurled In tile or The trap allowed trout topass through 33rd Birthday Lucy Powers mother of Coldwater school board chairman Mrs Bernice Williamson marked her hard birthday on May 18 the enioymcnt ot excellent he th and maintaining round of interests that outmatches many women hall her age Mrs Powers is the former Lucy Hurley and was born at Big island 14 miles north of Picton in Prince Edward County After living in Proton for over 20 years where her late husband was amerehont iur Powers spent period of time at New Westminster BC She has visited Florida and other centres in the USA and spent the past winterwith her son Harry at Trenton Mrs Powers is remarkably bright and active woman She as sists her daughter at her home in Coldwater and at the Williamson summer resort at Severn Falls She likes to join in the dancing andenloys digging in thetgarden and doing other outdoor work She inseldom idle and has great last forlle Twoyearsnga she took painting and has turned out til scenes some of which she has sold lt Her family of live girls two boysi and 26 grandchildren are grehtsourcc joininterest rilra Powers frequently spends the pninglasaistinlgl aomeof hqgï¬nd is their homewor Not long ride which thrillcdher As girl he hadan airplane winter ahe via member oftho GoldwaterUnited Church choir Her daughter lira WIIliarnaon inherits hcrmothera interest in family and community life Beaides being Ichool board chairman the Is pruidcnt of Goldwater Home audochool Association Is In area director of thevlloine and School Federation member of the W0 menllnstliute Ind Iil interim director or the Coidmler autopsy crI Amiation She Ittends the United Church and served several terms on Matchedah council When not busy in hcr home or other activities in Coldeter Mrs Williamson assist her hushInd run summer resort at Severn Fails nrqnlrca Agility According to Goldwater post mIrler Fred Brown trout fishing paailmc that requires Igility and Iklll if troublesome incidents are to be avoided Prod claims he brought home one fish but before doing so ran Into considerable difficulty At one point he got in lo deep spot In the Goldwater River and the stream poured over lhe tops of his rubber boots later on in climbing fence post broke causlnl hint to tumble down an embankment into the river Rally Service Goldwater Presbyterian Church congregation was Ioinod last Sun day afternoon by the Sunday School pupils who held rally service for Mothers Day Lloyd Letherby provided solo and Rev Charles Carter delivered message suithle to the occasion Two senior Sunday School schol ars Joan Burnle and Sally Gal braith read portions of the pie pared program and Superintend crit Lloyd Lcthcrby iod In respon sivc parts Mrs Albert Locking provided flowers for the altar Funeral Service funeral service was held at Sundridge on May to for Mrs Al hcrt CIswell whopasscd away at Sudbury May 147Mrs Cllswell who was active in community and womens organizations in Sudbury was Sister otVC Epiett of Cold water She was the former AmanA Eplell and was born in Cold water Among those from Goldwater at the funeral were Mr and Mrs Charlcs Epiclt Arger Eplclt Mrs lgordon Dunlap and Mrs William arvre Dies Unexpectedly Mrs Georgi Forsyth ol winni png who was the former Kathleen Lenihordale passed away unex pectedly on Tuesday Mrs Forsyth who was born in Goldwater and was in her late fifties was planning to visit rela tives tn Coldwatcr including Mrs Luke Leatherdalc 95 the villages oldest citizen and daughter Noll and her brothers Cliff and Reg Leathcrdaie of Simcoe and Jarvis respectively Immediate survivors are her buss band retired railway engineer and two sons VWIliiam and Allan all of Winnipeg The Late lure Robert You Following brief illness in Dril ila Soldiers Memorial Hospital Mrsliobert You of Moonstone passed away May 15 in bar lilth year Mrs You was the former Cather ine Buchanan and was widely known throughout Mcdonte Towns ship and the district generally She was held in high esteem and had many friends She was predeceased by her hus hand Among survivors are daughter residing In Coidwater Mrs Cliff lreganza Doris and two married daughters in Toronto Evelyn and Bery son Wilfred Yon of Moonsto sister Mrs Jack Dunloi of Eady and two brothers John Buchanan of Moon stone and Clarance oi Warmlnstel Service was held May 173 at at Hobart The Late Miaiihlnrgoret Kitchen Margaret Kitchen formerly of Matchedash Township who passed was laid to rcstln St Johns Ccmc tery May 15 following service Mrs Clarence Walker cloudy Miss Kitchen was the daughter of the late Mr and airs Edmund Kitchen of atohedash TthateMlaa Margaret Reid Margaret Ann Rcld naught the late MnnndMrsgSamueilleid formerly of Falrvalley lllcdoate passed away at Simeoe Manor Beta ton onMay interment was at Fairvalley May 16 followinga Georgca Anglican alley Survivors clude two vprotheta William of Drilliar and ill of Brandon anltoba Moonstone followed by interment away at Sunset Lodge Atherley in St Johns Church piece of boy iii3 norm drum The pretentious keep akllnglor hiI wife doc or Still delirious ehi the HIIlrdIIeMoonstoneCnlghum PresbytcrIIn Church circuit has accepted call to serve In mic aion field near Vlclorla BC native of Ireland he received his Bachelor of Arts degree from Unlveriaty of Toronto In 1953 and was one of the ill ngduaIea In theology from the lame university this month He has already spent several summers in the mission fields in Nova Scotia Saskatche wan and British Columbia For the past year Mr lilurph his wife and son David Paul have been residing In the manse at Hillsdalc Personals air and Mrs George Pricehavc both been unwell recently Mr ltPrice Iii recovering from surgery and has been getting out lately Owing to disability In one foot aggravued by an ankle frIeture suffered In fail at Bayview Hm tel Port Severn Cecil Levering hIs found it necessaryto reduce his activitygreatiyand la selling his plumbing equipmeaL Miss Small oiColdwater hIs written her sister Mrs Dickins also of Coldwator that she arrived at Southampton on the Amalia and had proceeded to Visit rel tlvcs Miss Smullarcached England on May after lmooth pleasant voyage She comments that in mo toring from Southampton to East bourno the countrysidest beau tllul with spring flowers and fruit trees in full bloom Summeriikc weather prevailed at the sea shore New Surface for Road Equipment is being placed near Fort iilcNIeoil by Beamlah Con struetlon Company Tomato in preparation for laying IUIIBW our are on the road from Waubau shcnc to Port McNicoll and also through to Midland The contract was let for this last year but cir cumstances prevented the work being done until now Meetings oi interest Three meetings of interest to many Coidwnlcr residents were scheduled for May 23 They were the regular meeting of the Home and School Association when of fiecrs were to be installed an observer Corps meeting at the Legion headquarters and the Le glon zone rally at Crecmore considerable number from Goldwater and area were plannin to attend banquet and socia gathering In Orillia on May 28 when honored guests were expect cd to Include Ontario Prime Min istcr Leslie Mnlrost and Mrs Frost and Dunn Opposition fea der Hon George Drew and Mrs Drew Addresses the Women On May 18 Lloyd Lcthcrby MP for Simcoe East addressed the Womens Progressive Conserv alive Aléociation of Illidllnd in the Midland Orange Hail Commenting on tbcconstruc tion of new town offices opposite the hall on the silent the former wine of thcdevelopnienlo in at nation to Ontario Itrutctberhy outlined progress oonumeroquiojeets being car ried outlo but Simeoc lllgthy improvements includ ed channelintionof the entrance to Midland at Firths Comesince road surface between Wltlblnt ahead Ind Midland building hm clovcrlut cut of OrlllII on Highway 12 and overhead It For est Home and construction work on Highway as plans or adding large new wing toithc building for the trim hnlly Insane It Penctangulshene were also referred to The provincial member was In iroduccd by Mrs GuCarwcll ruident or the Midland Arm Itlon Office overloaded By the middle or this month thumb it been well over one hun dred ca an to far In May It the Goldwater office of the Lands and Persist Department but the holldIy weekend visitorI lumped Ihia figure markedly Still with backlog of essential office work to catch up Ritchie Laue For ester in charge of the Severn River Area for the Department says the work has quadrupled since its inception at Goldwater Active sales of crown lInds suit able for cottage sites opening up of new pIrks reforestation and other activities In the area will require the assistance of more pen sonnel he added Holiday invasion Vera Webb tooklllrst print for high triple mile Cute Program Beginning June the theatre at Goldwater will have only one program showing nightly Fridays Ind Saturdayl In move to cut expenses due to reduced attend lace of patrons Millard Embassy theatre owner slated thia week htr Millard laid it patronage fell off too much it would likely result In the theatre being eloscd tor time It least There ha been marked dc clinc In attendance at entertain mcnta since residents ofthc area began Installing television receiv Ing sets The number of Cold mlcr arcs television viewers in creased greatly Ilnce Barrie tclu vision station took to the ether Is receptlou iron thIt station very clear throughout this district Not only Coldwaler rink and theatre but other places or enter tainment in the district have suf fered from reduction in patron ace Sallcd lor Scotland Having completed his fllst term at Victoria College Toronto Uni versity William Hughes second oldest son of Dr and Mrs Hughes of Goldwater sailed last of Cooksviilc were weekend vis itors with Mr and Mrs Wallace Douglas air and Mrs Vernon Osborne and family of Oshawa week end visttou with Mr Mrs LeonIrd Booth air and Mrs Gcorge Fleet of Toronto Miss Bernice Armstrong week for Scotland on the Empress of Britain He accompanied group ofCanIdian students who will be employed overseas until September on an exchange ar rangement 3x SLOW TRAFFIC illotorcars are not allowcrl on igh wind Saturday interfered the roads In Sark island of 500 with activity at small boats on popul local waters but did not prevent tremendous invasion by visitors to this area Hotel operators and owners cabin resorts reported brisk Ines on the weekend accommndI ing visitors Calm chihcr Sun day and Monday resulted in soil of boats appearing on Georgia Bay and the Severn River Port Severn and Honey Harbo district welcomed hundreds who left the cities for fishing or holiday or to open their eating Among those reporting good suits fishing was Dr Walt Woodrow of Oriliia brother ii Cilfl Woodrow of Goldwater ti ing fly rod he has recent caught three rainbow trout ln th Sturgeon River The largest was nine pounds 28 inches long In with 15ltlnch girth test line wIsuscd an an hour to land Exchange Classes For the first time Orillia leglate students in grade tried an exchange of instruction on day last week in departments ually specifically design ed to either boys or girls Eightec boys Investigated the mysteries the womens world in the kitchen and 12 girl students trch ythcir skill with hammer and saw The experiment proved satisfactory Instructors stated After getting some necessa pointers from Miss Mellon aid in home economics the boys turned out satisfying meal lidpound took ha spaghetti Ind meat tossed salad coffee cute and coffee The glrlrr alloyed the meal and took pica sure in watching the boys was and dry the dishes afterwards The glris for their part the Industrial arts They manic hammered earrings and tried out the saws and hammers on some simple mountsis Local Bowlers Win Results of an Oriilla bowll league disclose that Coldwat members have again won ind ual prizes Attire annual banquet in Grill for Pinewood league participants Marjorie Smith of Goldwater won of Central School which he attended the prize for high avernge and at with no accidan in their try of Goldwater and lr Johnstonr of Gravenhulst wcre weekend ails iton with Mr and Lira Orville Armstmna Mr and Mrs irn aliddlclon of Beaverton and Mrs Walt Smllh and Russell vof Uptergrove were first of the week Visitor with Mr and Mrs RI Beard Holiday VlIllou Mr Ind Mn Andy tutu of Niagara Falls were holiday vis not liar with her parents It In Mrs Ben Mitchell Confined to Bed Orville Armstrong Ia coalian to his bed with poisoned arm Harvey Middleton of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs it Beard Birth of Son Congratulations to Mr and Hrs Lorne Heard on tho arrivalof son on May 10 brotlier for Gail ggiiwzxtoearum 34 ESSA RD Phone 29 carrier 51 moan aim Adieuoi it In Htlll in A5 AIQVE IIII umco IITH arcoil suav NGINE ruggedly built Power mowcr has lid HP gt nion eycle engine Direct drive with slip type clutc cutting helgh tisa Youk enroll N0 oowurAYMENT terms arranged to suit your budget Enjoy the use of your Power ancr while you pay lior it