ComioirahldM Ru Type Home flange 40M DIMENSIONS House 36126 Garage iaall Measuring but 36x26 this house can be built on Minot lot of course you can use larger lot It you prefer more land around our home Try to place the dose In that the large picture window In the living room will look out on as attractive View as possible Cubage at the house ilscli 19000 tcet at the garage 4000 tect it you do not want an at tnched garage you can or course have detached one constructed in its place However byhavlng the garage attached to the back porch as in the accompanying plan you reap the bcnellla ot pmteetnd side entrance in the gap ago it you rrctcr you can have the garage bu It at some laterdate as directlynon lure an 134 lliinlfinomrautnasmm coat clout Just the tell at the door humans at tbtha mutation th there entry vhall Mthoil heels wit hot iti stlll mom ll withdrawn the living room eon the other rooms In the or the may Iwhlilna direct through theimntre pith roomto get rpm one pin at the house to anotherZ ilh placement at thudoots exaln lent In which The lag roprn Ia luat the careful bury it designed tnrrthbeonilort and convenience ot itsoecupanta Well iightulhy one window In its right wall and by the picture Hall otthc room window flanked bycasemcnl win dows in its trout wall the living ll on mlrsiuth lnst the not lsltthe rctrlgen ca Itol Underthe double windows in mm 31505033 maulaplan hvback wall at the room is the In Its back wallanother lealurc remind and must appropriate hr that adds to both its decorative indtriendly appeal rurniture mvlde plenly at light urine latement should present noprob cm In this well room planned llvlng Since there is no area designatr ed as the dining room In The Shrewsbury the living room up serve your dining thla purposo also Place room set near the allon tor the sink Four windows good sized breakfast nook help to nuke it bright and cheerful spot which the lamily can eat break Inst Bath Porch Thebarlt reh is reached by hedoor In right kitchen wall Ihll poreh leads to the back yard rather than when the house is con doorway so wells as to the 20 11 smile serving meals In tht livingdining room will be as easy as possible Large enough to hold break last nook In the right front corner the room the kitchen contains ealth at working counters cup strueted yioawld rsngrpr pasta tor yourislc Slop iiluccd not paras and ca ots arranged In an along the leit andbaek will the room ram to gem ppm The stove should be lett nd ottthe array 37 llhlch receives light andvcntlla Jan through the one window in its elt wall Opening an the connecting hall Amy between the kitchen and the athroom Is large general pur oae closet which would lnaltc onvenlent stopge place for your anlng supplies in the bath room ltsell there is anothcrclasel which can be used tor whatever mirage purpose you think best Receiving ample light and ven ilatlon through the one wlndnw ll back wall the bathroom Is Earl enough to holdn tub and hui In shower The linen closet The Shrewshury opens on the mutual hallway just to the lett ol be bathroom door in this location he linen closet is conveniently tear the bedrooms as well as to he bathroom Bath bedrooms measure ltfx to in dimensions nnd enjoy the what at cross ventilation While ioth bedrooms are the same site he lront one is designed to serve is the master bedroom and for his reason has it spacious double dead that is more than large lnough to take care of the storage ieedsot the two occupants at this room The closet In the back bed courn also is unusually large in size andalsoi could accommodate he clothing oi lye persons ii this am is shared In the full cement basement of UTQPIA nature popular Withplaycrs on hand for 16 tables Thursday night euchre still gemstone an interesting way di to spend an evening with iriends Prixes were awarded as follows menshigh score Maurice Miller indies high score Tilly Tittin mens lone hand prize Lorne Car mthcrs iadies lone lhand Rita Muir consolation prizes Robert Harris and Esther Downer Weekend with Parents Tcd Heinrich is spending the holiday weekend with his parents at Fenwick Holiday Weelienil Enjoying the hnllday weekend with lriends here were Mr and Mrs Frank Ross Hamilton with Mr and Mrs George Ellis Mr and Mrs John Denney and iamtly of Pickering Mr and Mrs Edvard Denney and family andhlr and Mrs Jack Frost Torontowith Mr and Mrs dusk Ellis oscar PolbrokeToronto with Denipsters Miss Joyce hiccann Copper elm withher parents Mr and Mrs MeCann and for the summer months ton ThBTSiéwabury the heat ing plant under the living room and the laundry under the kitchen ll youso desire you can have The Shrewabury built with only partial basement Blueprint Available Complete plans and speciï¬es lions or this house and all other Home at the Week designs are available at moderate cost an loan IliEWéEK c5n¢p 101 XII° leuto ROOM zlo tavt Mn ll McCann Collingwood with Mr and lilrsKen Bush Mr and Mrs Neil Dumpster anti Billyand Mrnnd Mrs Dempstcr visited the latters ais ter and her family in St Catharr lncs Dance Night Saturday night was dance night in the hall when everyone had chance to work oli extra energy in Hospital Dawson McCann is patient in Sick Childrens Hosiptnl Toronto this week where he ls undergoing treatment Everyone is hoping for speedy recovery Confirmation Service number from here attended the confirmation service in Thorn ton Anglican Church Sunday eve null Holiday Guests Mrsr Art Booth Eliza Jones and Mr pnd Mrs Hand pshawa Mr and Mrs Dalton Titiin Wcs ton Mr and Mrs Eldrcd Corru thers Toronto Mr and Mrs Lloyd Srigiey and son Mlnesing George Jonas Barrie Mr and Mrs Earl Egbert and Mr and Mrs William Carruthers Morin Road were holiday guests of Mrs John Robinson and Wesley ln Sick Childrens Hospital Dawson Motion is patient in the Sick Childrens Hospital room and we all wish him speedy recovery Visitors Mr and Mrs Charles Mills were with Mr and Mrs Charles Mills Jr Barrie over the holiday Mr and Mrs ltoy Mills and tam ily Caldwster were with their parents Mr and MrsFrcd Me Conn and Mr and Mrs Charles Mills Sunday Mr and Mrs James Lee and Allan Orillia were over the long weekend with Mr and Mrs Higginson and falnil Mr and Mrs nrsonJnhn rontu were Higginson and family Monday Mr andMrs Ed Denney Mr and SMrsl Johnnie Denney and family werevisitors with Mr and Mrs JackvEl Mr Margaret Denney Thorn pent Monday at the Old homestead here Flew to Winnipeg Mr and Mrs RolsBrownléy Darrel Tommy andMra nruux were in Multan Sunday to seefTolnmyleave ona plane tor Winnipeg where he Mdtared Kingston Mrs Russ Brownleyrmotored to ogston mweekagolsunday with hlands from Earrle to attend mil lury exorcise in which her son rticipaled old from Detroit HiidnElphlcki is homo where she haaharl Motben Day Guthrie Prcabyterlan Kirk was well tilled on Mothers Day or special Christian Family Week service Mrs Black led the service assisted by members of the Sunday School and teachers The sermon was given by Mrs Frank Slitka and special music by Mrs Rattle and Mrs Rob crl Cnmpbell and the Junior Choir was much appreciated WMS News The Presbyterian VMS met at Mrs Ceell Camerons on Tuesday May at km Mrs Robert Campbell presided over the meet log Mrs Campbellscon ducicrl panel discussion train the study book and Mrs Slavik reported on the WMS rally in Collingwoodr Lunch brought the meeting to close Trip To Toronto litany of thepubllc school child ren enjoyed tho trip to Toronto last week They visited the Mus cum Riverlialg Zooplilalton Alr port and The Happy Gang radio broadcast Hockey in Tho 0rd intermediate hockey team sponsored dance at the Guthrie Community Hall on Fri day May 18 Sympathyon Community Deepest sympathy is extended to Ross McCuaigand the McCuaig family on the sudden passing his mother Mrs Duncan mecuaig Seclfetarles Convention Mrs Duncan Cameron attended the Secretariesconvcntion tor the Womens institute at the OAC in Guelph last week Recent Visitors Recent Visitors included Mr and Mrs Garnet Sampson at Tor onto and Mrs McArlhur and Mrs Lloyd Sampson Mrs Ar Campbell ot Drilllawith Mr and Mrsinhn Campbell Mrs Harry Mccualg and Miss Kate Grahnm with Mi Cuaig In Toron ill Angus Cameron visitedthe Traceya in neth and Rodger ll nulng on Sunday to celebrate Mr iraceys blrthday Drive to SanltSle Marie Ernie Ledyit drove Mu James Caldwell bilss Ruby Leach and Mn hon Ward to Sault Ste Marie laat weekend to visit their brother Ed Leach Saturday Vlaiton Mr and Mn Sam Steele former ly at Ottawa now oi Kern nielt lilll visited with Mr on Mrs Alex Campbell and Mr and Mrs James Duncan last Saturday At Toronto Wedding Miss Anne llusband was in To mnto last Saturday attending wedding and on Sunday Mr and Mmilt iiuabnnd an sons Ken mvc to To ronlo Sunday Callers Mrs llodgsen and Marilyn and Mr and Mn Stan ey Ilodgson nl Bradford visited with Mr and girl Howard Campbell last Sun Mr and Mrs Rosa Campbéll of Toronto and Mr and Mrs Fred Campbell Judith and Nancy at Downsvlew spent last Saturday with Mr and Mrs George Ax Campbell worthStueFixtur5 Ltd Tomahave an agency or stalnleii ate to have equlreda former school and open kitchen for hotels lnginDprbaloIar chair dustrial rkitehons hospiia In counler tactory warmada to churehes and cafeterias day hy the Georgian nay Dcivslnp merit Association Purchase price was not disclosed To be known as the Durham Chair Division at the wprlh Co It will manuiurtur kitchen and beverage room chairs nd restaurant counters Operatinnl will bellill at once states Neville Keefe general man ager ot the Development Associa tion whom oltlce assisted in the tranaaellon Ten to 15 people will be employed inltlallyunder the inromnshlp at Millnklï¬ who with govern key employees will move from the parent companys Toronto plant possible that the companys alum lnurn undry which employs be tween and 20 may nso move to Durham at later date Durham Mayor Frank lrwln and the municipal industrial cam It is mittee were most cooperative and we look forward to happ rela llonship in the tuturc sal Dllworth president The parent company manufaci lures nullity llnaot indmtrln chairs does upholstery and wood working to gpital and reatuur anti it th Mr and Mrs Douglas Gilthlilt and llmily of Hamilton vllstcd with Mr and Mrs Gilchrist Blclt to States Mr and Mrs clrrcnrc Hall have returned to West Orange Nl ai ter spending week with the farmers lather Hall lilotherslay Service large congregation attended the Mothers Day service in the United Church last Sunday ailer noon Sunday School sang Can Bring Blossom at the beginning ot the service Miss Phyill Campbell read story en titled Gods Room The choir sang group of Mothers Day sel ections Rev Mr Warr based his address to mothers and all parents on the book at Lamentations bonus tilul basket nl spring flowers in the church was in memory oi the late itlr and Mrs William Camp Hell and placed there by their inm here were three babies baptiz ed at lhls service Lawrence Rob ort sun or Mr and Mrs Hamid Caldwell Cord Ann Intant daugh ter at Mr and Mrs Morris Mae Arthur Gwynneth Marlene dau ghtcrot Mr and Mrs Joseph lilac Lean Alter the servlcé Mr and Mrs Harold Caldwell entertained their two families to buith luncheon in their new home Motoring to Colorado Mr and Mrs Caldwell have accompanied and Mrs Hickling of Darrin in motor trip to their brothers at Denver Col orador Wins ltltle Shoat Congratulations to Pat Jsmleson rrya complete stock or In dustrlatandbulldtngneeds we halt be happy to pilot yopr robots group who competed in the rifle shooting contest It Midland iast Fridny night and came ï¬rst This Is not only great honor tor Pat him so but brings the COSSA title for high score in rllle practice to Barrie CollEgiate Contributions to SA Anyone wishing to contribute to the Salvation Army is asked to leave donations with MrsrWalker Caldwell Araeaaors Convention Alex Graham is attending the Assessors Convention at North 33 and Mrs John McConnell of Toronto called on friends here at the weekend on the way to their cottage at Scarlet Park nnlldry Weekend Mr and Mrs John McCuaig spent the ho day weekend at St Marys Sarn Owen Sound and other places Mrs OMeltorl oi Bronte spc atew d1yawlth it and Mr Melton and family Mrs Graham 01 Barrie vis ited yvith Mrs Hflitccuaig Dll Sunday stationed Allan 19 Lumber can give you completp building service tron drawing the plunsto litstime maintenance program Come In and Inquire about detalls at no obllgL teetural Service uteotnyer Com liatirnnt As aniaddedioaturelnouir abo ou illicit rchl hltecturol drattaman gra alterations plans Free money vln recreation or ll he vise EQUIPMENT designed especially for