Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 May 1956, p. 7

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phonyFriday us Salurdly am pm 101 Ni lcveilni onVInmtlver Street MI lmnlnge C11 5290 anytime BD 11 EAST END rive room home located in east cud large rooms wlih three bed rooms This homc will cusan built and only tcw months old Extra high basement Large down payment required Call Al hose 529a nnytlmn 13D i599 CODRINGTON ST overlooking the iaire llve room bungalow with three bedrooms and bath also has three tinished rooms lll bustmerit and two Diem wash room This is brldt home equip pcd with aluminum storms and screens The owner has been Lnlns lcrred and must be said For an appointment in see this home call Al Rose 5200 anytime ED 804 DOWNTOWN LOCATION room house located one block train 908 ollite This is an ideal home lor rooming house or board ing house it is or brick mnshuc Rose llon and hits very nice grounds new moi Down payment 305001 Call A1 1105 5293 nnylimc ED 6021 LOT 101 Ml imfllit locnlLd in on ex cellent resident al artn ll you are looking or llnl with trees he sure and See till one Call A1 Rose 52110 $1000 DOWN FAYMENT $4900 all price or this tour room home located ust outside the town Barrie is home is in good condition and only about ii years oldncxcelisnl we pressure tem toilet with septic tank at water tank ruii bascrnent deep let his is good buy with slim down ayment and the bulamv carrier sagassom per month Call Al Nose LOT PART FOUNDATION Lot 50x105 excavated wilh the loot lugs and about three huntier blocks lai hausc size 37x25 Full price $1100 Call Al Rose 529a TIFFIN STREET Home with income Full price $1500 with 33090 down payment rc qulled Two sell contained uniu large lot located only few doors tram siores Call Al osc 529a PENETANG STREET 500 tour room hornc larcc kiiA then landscaped lnl Wllh garage close Schools and urea Cull Al Rose 5293 anytime OWNER TRANSFERRED $6900 tuii price Central large bedrooms and bath upstairs liv ing room dining room and large modcnn kitchen downstairs Full basement turnace beratitul aak llnprs throughout garage Cali Al 5293 anytunc This home is in lovely condition PENETANG STREET 510700 brick bedrooms large kitchen lull high basement with iorccd air oil heating close to schools and stores 5112 mortgage about tour years old Cali Al Rose 5291 NHA RESALE $11800 Three bedroom home with lar kilLhizn full bright basement wii forced air all healing Owner lmnslerrcd lo U5A must be sold Call Al Rose 5298 Two BATHROOM HOME 512500 bcdroorns and bathroom upstairs one bedroom living room dining main and large kit chen downstairs ius two washroom tail is sement oil ing trait cellar large lot SSXZW garage This home ishrick con Slru on and nipped with storms merit to See this one Pope 5298 anytime BunGALow ATTACHED GARAGE 510500 large room and bath Landscaped lot Codrington School area all heated Excellent con dition About onehair down re quired Call Les Pope 529i WEST END sumo tull pricc New brick ban galaw rooms and bath rorccd airhcaling Terms arranged Cull Les Pope 52921 COUNTRY HOMES Hawk2510M Owner bought tour ist business and moved will sell home containing large rooms with sun arch double garage it acre lnn scaped lot Close to lake gig rice 37000 Cali Les Pap Shanty Bay Road Bnrrie miles 111i storey horn rooms and bath gnra Restrtcltd area iFttll price gt $75 $1500 down payment Call Les Pope 529E ig Bay Point Road allow bunga aw rooms and bath hr lot aruge Close to school Ful price £66200 $2500 down payment Cull PflPei 15293 WE HAVE AN EXCELLENT SEL ECIION OF NEW NHA HUME CALL AL ROSE 5208 FORAN APPOINMNTTO SEE will BEFORE YOU BUY 19 CLAPPZRTON manr Photle Barrie 2451 II to pm Publicooniidance built Ridout into motion Largerr lieaitom illum Mr Tornmo flealBLlle Baird Ind Ontario Associnuon Real Es ule Bolrdl ROOM BRICK 31800 DOWN PAYMENT $12500 bedroom klldden Separate din ln arm and in llvlng room DI In Cxlmmey ell aid oul home localcd in 01 Minnon arcs close to over thing Contact Mr Shelswcll nrrle 2451 0R0 STATION EXCEPTIONAL LOCATION Sll900 Solid brkk mue nicely decon cd rooms Ind two tun arches lplm both and mmace car Illa Located on In Here 10 over oaklnl Wulllul countryside and Lake simcoe Contact Mr Sholswell ll Barrio 2451 VACANT LAND 1mm WAY 11mm alums AND ORLLUA $8500 aver ano Highway trontags 1000 dlplll Perlccil Sililnlod or hole or 333 slnllont or Iullher inlnrm nllon contact hasscil Cnmn at Barrio 251 NOTTAWASAOA FARM 525000 High producing tarm is feeding no head cattle along with pigs and uuitry lcam horses Very modem uildings water inside lor silo lo acrcs bush Opportunt tar fiend runner Contact Mr Eliott idoat Barrie 2151 GEORGIAN BAY ISLAND $4000 10 mllts from garric to this beau tihiiiy Lrfld acre island Price incladcs room tarnished cabin and boaihouse 12 mm 14 boat and motor Taxes sis per car The ideal vacation property ts pt iish Contact Coiling at 2m now LADIES WEAR SHOP Located at Five Palms doing high volume business in better class merohandisc An excellent busmsss tor one woman to cr ate at good prbiit only 000 downplus stock at invoice option al Contact lvlr Worthington at 2245 CENTRAL PARK smoo Full price and $1500 down tor this ti room brick house just minutes walk to downtown This property will carry or $6500 monthly in cluding taxes Contact Mr orth ingion at 2451 BIG BAY POINT $5800 $1500 down pflymenl one Dyan mortgage 111 D11 flloom frame cottage bedroom kitchen large room with lircplacc completely tarnished Situated on large well trecd lot short distance train the wnicrlront For turthcr intor mallon Contact Russell Carson Bl Barrio 2451 Consult Ridour ON ALL REAL ESTATE WhethervBuying or Selling RlD UT CANADAS LARGEST REALTORS iiido Balance on Mod Foul llvlml Rogers REASONABLE PRICES MODERNDUPLEX street near 61 Plan the very low income Two spa cious 5room inns completely seld wntalncdwllh private tront and rear entrances garages and con crstc paved driveway Fairly priced at slum with moderate down payment and balance on sin gle open mortgage Lowerflat immediate vamt possession DELUXE latrNCAmw Napier Street near Nelson LivingDining combined love natural nnishcd trout kitchen rooms and illsd bath Finished basement has long recreation room torced air turn acc and laundry room complule Matching Erickh solid cwtmctlon garn ran IS prop an raogVe buy at storm with good crms lNlerlL smm Near Brock liysarbid 242ede rug brick bungalow Full equipment ales lawns ms large garden local quality onioli home tor ooiiplc price lust some mmcmN EAST Quite new lltanm brick Frillbulk lvzfimrfiy with diningmonul bedroom and tiled boutroom on main floor Fully cauip dsmrms screens and and wcl scanned in oll paints throughout comtortablc modern 3bedroom brick home at 1500 and hers cum would cotnu lune possegion mum 5mm 011 Grove List Modern six room lhrxwrey brick hometully ccoratcd and last six years old High dry location in llillcrcst Sohonl area rerucct lam llylinme having both large kit men and diningroom Price mm with 43m NilA term Well he pleated to help you buy or sell yourpropcrty rat price alwaysi PHONE am ANYTIME OAKO EVENING arles Rogers TlEALlOR Dunlap mil Pita liond HOUSE with lots dart end 37 plyylZLPtlgth st 10R Alcdlieésig REAthsrATE SERVICE Consulrz HENRY mucx anemia ltealtori 15 Owen St IBuylnl or Sclllnl OMnrtlue Loan anlnnhl lioullnl cactich Insurance $0000 Sanford Sl Six room two slnrey brick home Nil fur nace Winn Airgun lufirml 312000 Own Duplex Joul rooms in efldl Iplltmcm Dell con tained separate hydro all heating gamut $4000 down immediate possession $5000 Six room house miles north west or Barrie over an nm or land recently decorated good condition 31500 down 300 Four itwrn loumlllzefllol endrl Park close lake urc piuce $300 down tcrms on balance slim down New live room brick bungalow Full firice 510990 hai ancc on 25 year HA mortgage HENRY ELRICK dc MtCllm REALTORS 15 Owen St Phone 551111 1560 CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 32 High Phone nnyllme 21176 TORONTO 51 downtown room brick slmcy home in good Condi llon prlvnln driva lam $8900 hunlnlow Willi mflll exlrns roll SALE GORDON OUTl WED For sane nod older type properly scc our ghololraphs on page Cm LIKE DOLLS HOUSE year old Spanlah architects drum bunlllow Ill on floor oil helltd Ila Ind uniquely decorated th bedroom home is ldell or med mu le or you couple min oul A1 lied floor Kid boluLlfu tiled bathroom and kitdtm walla lazy slum corner CD ll 21 nil or $2500 own Dmatioaiiy Rcduccd 51 Mnrys school district storey rull basement Good revenuc trotn up nlln owners uplrlmrnl mun rloor now only $1500 Tliis woNr LAST SEE 1T COOK 5mm Older type bun Sllow asking $10500 bedrooms LUXURY HOME street extn in bedrooms m1 brickcolomd loci hnlh mflny extractor lhB lscrlannllvc buyer $10500 Priced Io sell NllAr¢sale no sulnry requirements asklull decornled rooms plclmesque blsic cc sT m1 Napier this for $12800 EXTRA EXTRA Look at the extras iinirhcd recreation room lumlly pine glintlied dining room well tenced ask yard good gar awning llama Screens ou just dont ilnd this type oi storey oil healed house very otton uklnf 513500 This home EXCQDllOXIu UKE LIVING ON TOP OF THE WORLD ll you can nllnrd 517500 home this la 11 This room mmbllnl ranch Style hungo wllh terms ST VINCENT Sl modern stone and rrnmc residence in excellent condition rooms with dining room piece tiled bath ovcrslu garage ccmplulely traced oll heat cd $11500 OWNER LEAVING mwN rntui be said one or Enrrtes tinest room brick bun blows built to owners succulent ons This home has Emmamust be seen to bc upprecistod Phone tar an appointment 2518 now COLLIER GT Lovely mom more home new mm with all be rooms sunroom Full airing prim $12500 with lentil MlNElS POINT Sumner col lage large room Connie wlflt vernndnhl lovely sandy beach plumblrelg nrep lee wooleme mmhh in excollenl condluorh Full asking price $9000 ONE OF BARNES BEST VTEWS piclciy tinishcd tomcat lme thcnnopane windows overlooking the ba tlrcplncc complcle every detail well landscaped car portI PHONE 2673 tor an appoint mcn CONTACF THIS 01110 FOR SUMMER PROPERTY AT THE PREENT TIME WE HAVE corr TAGm FMQEFDXRQMflW Tc $25000 CLIFF BROWN REALM High st Phone anytime zirld McGOEY TOUGH REAL ESTATE BUSINESS BROKERS LOOKING FOR SMALLER TYPE COZY COMPACT HOME We Invite Your Inspection of the Following Storey and Hall room Bradlord street nome lose to General Electric Tuxer $90 Full price $5900 down Stucco Bungalow Tllfin Sheet newlornnceflidrbaserrmitr lmmnculale lnl£rl Full price $6900 firms arranged Storey and Hall room clapboard Full Size mm porch On noun West Large lot 75 bym completely iandsc tlowsr garden 1r trees berry bushcs millden ideal tor young ho crs or rctlrcdcou pie Pull prlce slim lbmts ar ranged modern Room Bungalow acorn uon room garage Corner lot loca tion on St Vincent StreeLnlllra properly surrounded bynfidlmed olckct lance Automatic but can pricesuoo sanctioown OFFICES lo REPREENTANVES To SERVE YOU am momma 19 BSA ROAD OPP BOWLING ultimo SLESSOR REALFSTAIE ii CLAPPEERJN STr HARM 911011 am gt BEDROOM Close to NC and Protestant animals and on bus genielovely ru brick bungalow vcrywcl1 bait and practically new large itchsn and llvin room lccc bathroom hardwoo doors lull bosonmt Cianrelg poumi extra room and cupboards in bassmcaitrult cel lar and laundry tubs toned air all heating De sun to this one at only $10500wnn Also in Enslen ton stSchool room bedrooms living room lull basement with concrete Cd walla Carport Forced henlin Just fewmnmlhs old and DnlytlDM lull nice month carried interest andtsxss we lipe NRA horns with low down payment also duplexes income producer and older diamo in bout town and roan Co rages interest NHA mortgage WV primtlfu Ultramodern bun slow with sour McGOEY 817TOUGH4 law commands on outstandin pan uremia View 01 Like Moe House wit hulll owners speci fications nndhn mnny mnny ex lrn Terraced lnrdm cascades down mm 20 not 11le room with lull picture window his OUTSTANDING VIEW storey brick home on exceptional lot M5 Look at these room sized kllchm 15x20 living room 22le thmovcrdlud bedrooms real family type home Alklnz 517000 BUNGAIDW Wllll FIREPLACE commandin an outstanding view of Barrie say All room size llnilh is flawless monxflue House Wfls built In owners sleflcnllons Cnll ul GORDON STOUTT LtMlThD REAL ESTATE BROKERS room NHL 12 pm Dunlap Street Edi Phone 2413 156061 Epnle COUTTS Real Estale Broker Owen Street dartlg CONQULT US ON oLow Down rayment Housing Plans quchange at properties oNationnl llousing Loans llncame Properiles Rent15 Businesl Opponuniuaj IPronerly Mnnagcment Selection 01 National Housing three bedroom homes Low down aymnt balance on mortgage less than rant See us now no gitligation Call Mr Marshall $9500 rail View at St Vincent Paris and Knnncnreit Bay slam brick6 in home small cut condition tomerair oilfinew unit Gnrage Cali lv1r Marshall Agnes st bedroom solid 13er bun low catholic tile bath and kitc ch counter rorced 11er all heating landscaped storms and screens immediate possession Cali Mr Marshall anler Sl Special ultrambdern three bedroom bun alow with shaped living and min room mlie soulhem View 1mm picture window Future recreationmom fumed with fire lace Many extras call Mr Marsha Srdleclion of two All bunlalows with income 1mm bassmentoparx menll which are ly ulppedu ODhEr fin homes avallsbe bolh in and out of lawn HON ES ies rflfiéEvenlng 2592 McGOEY st TOUGH Real Eilhle and BusinessEmkers Icompetsat Real Estatc setvies Exclusive Conldenllul listings orrlvato st NllA tinancing plans ospsclaby seriilcc on longing and selling private income omen To sslcciionot taint ho dings causiness roperties sold on can tidcntiai siing Service outeris lii REPRESENTme SERVE YOU BETTER MCGOEY IOUeii PHONE 3442 id Elsa Rd Opp nowling Green iiitum 20 Lou lHflW WEIlAVE Ellen 101 our home Clll ul nl 2415 Rido cal Ellie lelltd 1027 51500 DOWN room and utliit on heating oak and 135 quot11 St An lid will not 50 100 Apply St LARGE iaketron cottage electric lty inside convenience and sandy Apply at Dance Hal god July and till convenient In in rkofilkn rains WERAVE hmll fill prim irhmnme 111m Dollnr no and an Rumbile terms We can assist you in uncaringyour pur thm Al Nine fllouzlnd new modem our in home stolen lo cation At Nastyth Hundred rooms Ind leat on room modem NHA Ssven room Brick oidcr 1y home well located Two lhousan down Neniyiwo hun tind down our roanhm xt oently built near school run rtcc 57200 Three room home lh Ind lumm Excellent 1m and lo cation full price $3300 any terms We have an excellent soledinn to Choose from Henry Elrlck ti Realm l5 Owen 55133 1660 ==== SUMMER corneas LACEY REAL ETATE Alconn Beach $3000 $2500 down plymon lull lavrly need lol room and haul Completely furnished Close lo sdiool pilrk slums and beaches le Le Pope Big Bay Palm laaltc 1mm cot lage rooms and both complch ly durniilcd EC 101 Euro Full uric 5000 In Cash all be lape 5298 El Bay Point Lovely modern co tale complnlcly Iurlh 11112111 Lnrnu end 10L Ful re 000 Hill cash Clll Lcl ope 5203 AH LACEY REAL ESTATE on Dayncld 51 Sonic Phone om aoo COTTAGE III Woodland Budd Kent reasonable Phone 3571 FOR Sale or Rent Collage 131 Buy Polnl Also exlrn building lots well localod Phone 4861 235961 LAKEFRONT Comte It Oro Bench chihe season hedmoms All mnvcnlencfl Cnll Ignnox 18281 or Ora l910 106000 511nm Boy attractive sclr con talncd tarnished apsruncnt three rooms and scmned Iun room ldcat location close to swimming beach Availabie lane Phone On 4132 WANrm to rent sunnncr with lor month or July or last wee Must live to beach All adults Dorrie Examine AUTOMOIlLEs Buying Sélling We tiiiancs latsmbdslcm and trucks Very reasonable rates With complete insurance STEVENSON ALL TYPES or INSURANCE PHONE 5201 05 DUNLOP ST ESSA MOTOR SALES WIDE SELECHONOF LATE MODEL USED CARS FULLY GUARAN lEED PHONE 2955 25 ESSA ROAD DON YOUNG MANAGER 1346 BARR 1311le 65 HUDSON MLERA door low mileage 54 HUDSON METROPOLITAN 52 CHEVROLET Power Glide de luxe doorlw 48 STUDEBAKER door 48 AUSTIN A40 door 49 GMC Truck 11 VIAU MOTORS HUDSON HILLMAN SALES AND SERVICE Gowan Slrcel Phone 83 lHll 1952 AUSTIN Sedan Al condition priced reasonable Phone KMI 1560 43 FORD Coupe good condition Must sell beforeyMfly 18 Any reu sonahle otter considered Phone 5705 taller 020 130001 550 CHEV Coach last years mates As is Phone not or ply Dowman Avcnuc Mi 1052 AUSTIN Sedan in good iitian Radio Apply Groves GI age Cundiel phone 3533 1350 1950 PONTIAC Conch radio llcal er lurn lights $750 Call Hickory 0005 Toronto collecldil1l3£5m 1050 PONTIAC Sedan in mrlccl condition Can seen BI 51 EN Cilsz radio turns fimT 43 PL Gum std 00d Road Allandalc alterzo p111 1300 on CHE Soda drst class condi tion App Nestor lvtatwliar Thornton hone Ivy 1559 63W Now 1953 Plymnuiihrllm deliv mileage only No reasonabl nl er retused Apply 53 Ecol St North alter ilHB 55 DODGE Crusader low mileagc tires Sacrifice or cflihwcan be seen eveningNPhane M78 1500 1954 PLYMOUTH Sedan deluxe custom radla Imolmllc 19000 ImIIQISLLAl shapes Clll ASDun lop Wesl or 50 SUPER 30 24mm import to delconvertiblc all extras Excell cur condition Law mileage One owncr Phone 32144 ning order This cal1 cing sold only hacnusswa longer need iy Phone WI 60 iiisz PLYMOUTH concord izndls and new somatic USED CARS QUALITY PAIR DEALING Oui Used Cars Milk New Friends and Sinndy Customer BETTER CAR BUYS 1955 Chrysler New Yorker Sudan Powerlllle drive 250 11 V8 molar Power rtcerinx power brakes owcr win dows custom radio iru luxury tar low mileage 1954 Chrysler Wlndsor Sedan Powcrfllle dith lwtrione paint white wltll rilon tires power siecrlng compara ivc iy low cane 1953 Chrysler Windmr Scdnn Power slantIlla fluldmnlic derL Cllslnm mtlin lnw leaflet 1953 Chevrolet CoaCh Twwtonc palni good looking and low prlce 1953 Hudson Wasp Sedan Low mileage very clean inside original biuc iinisn 1953 Plymouth oak Sedan Good look1ng Egg rrunnllii cur 0nlshod in llcron tray 1953 Hudson Super Wasp Sedan Low mllcngt llydinmnllc drive LOWERPRICED CARS 1052 DODGE Crusader Sedan Ex celicnt cican rar inside and out Low mileage Coach Good running smnll economical car 751 CHEVROLEI Conch Clean stood looking economy model 30 1052 HENRY Conch Good run ing low priced smailcnr 1951 MEIR Victoria Hardlop lwoatonz and custom rodlo i951 PONTIAC Conch another choice car in good shape CHEVROLEI Deluxe Sedan galvrulldc andcuslnmrodlo Low mllcnzo Dark blue 1051 PLYMOUTH Cambridge Sed InnThe economy modsl Rims and looks well dark blue nnlsil 51 DODGE Rn em Sedln Grey lznnlnl goodmulling goodlooking car 1550 PLYMOUTH Deluxe Club Coupe Ronnishnd in your choice Color lvso STUDEBAKER Sedan Goad running no low priced 1950 CHEVROLET Sedan Finished in maroon and groan 1950 alimom Cluls Coupe custom radio Dark blue nish tom radio hydrnmatis drive iet black 1950 FORD COACH good sound running car will reiinish in your choice color 1919 CHEVROLET Custom Scdnn with radio elc 11MB OLDSMOBILE Sedan finished in dark grey 1949 DESOTO Sedan drive custom India liltil METEOR Coach light grey WirSTUDEBAKERCoach lass CHEVROLET Coach bargain no AUSTIN A40 Sedan 1938 PONTlAC moan 1m Citizvaomyr Sedan nice con dlllon and low price 1047 DODGE Club Coupe finished ln nglll Green Rims wcll 1047 PLYMOUTH Sedan 1947 DODGECIub coupe USED TRUCK VALUES 1054 FARGO lglon Exproasoniy 18000 miles on light work Runs iika new 1952 ppNTlic Sedan Delivery I852 FORDSodan Delivery isiil PONTIAC Sedan Delivery 1950 MERCURY ion Bprgsi The awlnuis lo Chr SlerPlymoulli conlcquonlly never store have we llfld such no stlecllon oi good used Ki HARQLD HILL LIMITED Chrysler Plymouth Fargo 4° i72182BRADE0RD ST PHONE 5355 omCE AND SitownooM goo Dunlap st we ne 2427 llho Exlonlar or helltile ol ALFRED all limb luleollhe Town bl Blrrle lnule County at Sinwne Gentleman deceased died on or about thcsliith day February 1930 will distribute the assets or uudcccased to persons choltled lheiztnrliler 28th May 1050 having Ird only edJIIiLh 1050 OLDSMDEILE 80 dun cus iluldmitllc to claims lllE ilnltitni riltttttll lt1 MAY as last nooMb BOARD NOIlCETO CREDIIOKS 1113 Antonilol o1 thsmuto gagglund Board Apply 1120 mum at MA uNx late the Town in msth llam ROOM Ind Baird Dr or 0W tens an llcmen in privuic lime In 01 35 Wled day 01 North dale phone 3302 59 will dislrlthule the am of ill dmased in pemns cnllLled gt thereto alter 2dth May 1058 hav an Mild only 10 claims then pro HERB SILLS perly filed with the undersigned COWAN AND COWAN REAL ESTATE SACRIFICE 53 Callllr Sued lilo ACRES MODERN HOME Blrrle Onurlo Sollcllon lo Illa Ambler Sliunlvxl 0n nghwny 27 11 mile south or Barrie New bani flood sisoar driving and and garage com illely modern 2iioms room on with plm bnlh plu extra washroom Only szilloo ALEX HOOD REPRESENTATIVE Cookstown Phone aarzi 135860 41210 rurmmmmn sszfln rot cilan Delivsrcd to your term Sold In not less lllln loll lot TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF ESSA undersigned will receive tenders it until Monday Julie 12 noun or dump truck and snow plough operator tor the Township oi Essa Duties io eommsncc im mediately Applicants must state age previous nccupnllon and wage expcetcti also previous exyzrlcnce it any Successtul applicant must be able to operate tractor and insider and will he expected to be mechanically inclined Tenders ust be sealed and clearly marked Tenders lnr Operator Lowest anun tender not necessarily ac ecptcri Laws Tittyix Nn Anrnsi Ontario load superintendent Towndilp at ma ailtil The rd Delivery on all mixed lull rail line or clover anti grain reeds Specials on all icrtit hers Cuslum Grinning Mixing illassn Mlxlng TowNSiiir or vgsjgkA also st TlilllllillfixlflllilllllCllfll hill rililii Scaled tenders addressed to lire undersigned Clerk will be rev ceivcd an to SATURDAY JUNE 1956 tor hill cutting and filling on the lamb line of Vesprl lp Soulh of lllnoslng lo No 90 Highway as follows Lucks llili opposite lots and 91sngih 1500 IL cut and illlfl000cnyd llirrtr lliil opp iota 20s 211cagth 1700 it cat and iiii 9800 cu your llarrlsons Illll opp lol 21 lzngllt 1300 it cut and llll 3500 cu ylll Tender lnrms rind all purliculitrs may be ohlillnird from lhoun dersigncd marked cheque for 10 01 Ill hld made playable 10 the Treasur er of Vespra Townshlp shall accompany the bid and Dept Highways regulations its to bonding will also be required The lowest or any tender shall not necessarily be accepted Earl llichnrdson it weir lvan McLean Clerk Vuprrlp Englneer vésprii To To Hold Supt 15 Owen St llarrl 1n Nellson Squire Cundles Ont Irr The May 31st tour or the New CoDp M111 has been postponed until fall Reason Many people who reliliy want to take ln this trip cant go now because of thc delay in springwork All tickets will be refunded and this tour wiiTgo on bigger and better this talk when theyre iivnnontha old your pulict thy and ready nwithsund hcavy cgg grow thorncn SHVRCAtN Suacroro ing iiiash ll glilcicncy growing ration designed to bc fed50sio hscrillcll grams Antihiscnusé we make COSTS YOU LESS who yau grow your puli ts onrange or make SHURAGAlNSuperGlengMull yqlllfillfllce II 195 yutthave gra 11 ol your own let us show on how In than 113 high llqldncy win feed in SHUBGAIN Super 610le Concentratc

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