crvrrriI Conllnu Militia Tho 12 girls at the 1nd n5 oils worn tndlttorulion White olden innrelwrentlu uniod bouquets lads hadroman whitedownednowor rL lh tendnu were loud wdon De both Dubola Joanna Garvey Cars Bibby ole white Sandra road to undo 58 Jud Sowdon Deborsh Marries and Martin Smith Ensign Promos The uhooi choiropened the pro mm with the school hymn All liolltoThref allowed by Give Praise to the Lord aysioter the hark by Schubert Chopinr Vllse Brllhnto and immun into by imierfwug other chant number mu JoA Murphy ed plrnoyoolo Soaringbnyclhlhmsn Followingthé ndustion oxen aim there wu hfnpdictioo in ih church or the mduItEs Ind their audit enough to mole ot us gym at isA 0575 10 one mu NE poor roo €35 in Pflndpies into Action ln hlsnddreia to tho Klimttel Fillher FournlLr urged them to out the principles thoy had lenrnsdln school Into action In their lives in the do that lay Ihéld they would In that men were stern judges Our best is not alwnyi good not one noses in the dyes oi world But sumguuud in the way ol the Worldll worth Very little urb lessvyou have penned God Our best lonlwnya good enough for Hint He only asks thnt we make the oilnrt Ask ourselver Am run 051 cyos Am pleas th vwcroltold thll eynwcd their parents their teachers and their parlor otcrnll his 01 gratitude tor the training they hsd received and the knowl odlc ot the World and splriiull 1953 ronmc SEDAN Bcuuillul Lnu ntion rnodei Custom radio turn signals lwo toncgreen iinlshi Special nylonupholstered sea owneriow mileage cor sure to please Sold new for over 530041 min buyJ flow or only 1953 PLYMOUTH VsuounnAN pasan er station don flil condlt oner custom rndi directional signals two tone point oirnnst newo ply tires very clean and in 131 mech anicll condltlo 195$ ï¬nEVROLET TUDOR Rndlo seat covers and many other extras Very cloiin car and well cared tor Driven by one aï¬salésmen over 1000 miles Azood buy it $1295 1954 FORD molt Finished in dork motnliico green and very close to new throughout Trent yoursell to drive in this its sure to pleura Agoodmuy at rgests High Trude Down Dally Air conditioner turn window washers seut covers rpsre tireinevor onto trunk Mileage on this car 10000 Thlsgcilroanu he told from new And is count the iinost corn we haveoler Outstanding Sherwood as cor pointer or clan Buy it nowotha We nly portistionu any one for wire ideal for seed carom took Specials truck ideal for Allowances or union 1953 PONTIAC SEDAN otorie loaded with new tery ando that yo ould expect veryr dependable transport htion from good looklnz and running Pricodot only uncanv ratios Tud Indrlfordon lessons out had been imported to them Their turban the Sisters oi st Josephth ought them by their eurnpio lguons oi loveht God love at lheirttIlow men and com plete rorxeuulncas and deals or selves ï¬1liry have seen to it that Sun in pmshioners and you no not only coneted la xoowiedgn oi the world out thlt $35 youhsvo grown in wisdom bcioro Florentine rule Hurlri ltlrkl and mm and mu ValedidovyAddnn lslmhvhdism til on up or III ll was described as only rheainnin sh who yrsimily became the rat cleric in the Rom In oi To ron romp your arm an active pastor Hocelebrated solemn hiiih mass in St Annes Memorlll Church to the ï¬rst step into the Bid Id vancededucatlon or an entry into mlman enumzugï¬igmlcgd his the world of business elchwlth mlny problems and ehnlenxcs which required amevonhroodening Ind deepening knowledge The Valedictorian raw the Calli ollc high school the only ln aducatlon and development of tho wholc man The noun Amonltho man rtrioi Ontario lm dinner was His Emlnenoo James Cardinl McGulzIn at T0 in Rev Clllt Dull liltulion muting provision for the cm 35 ï¬fm and porno intellectuni so Aim lll and physio training ohon E35 ronto clergy irorn Ill Ier honomd clorgyl Iddress lion when and blan ing held in his honor HI parishioners will give Iiuce with the much more It him urse and on jliumiuricd mt million and morsltn we ind out the trurl rwers and what logically 1on new Born Vncur Lourdes Monsignor Cnstex hrs been pastor France ihernla clear perception at our utluieunz for in ycnnr no bo ilgnlty its human heln onrtquont rights on Jill entails gtwith the tanlejï¬lnudiln clilren only lost rivllezos yelr inBorrie togetherwth hlull ordained in 1896 in Ottnwn six recoxnlllon of our duties rellive yenrl liter coming to Candd he ocod intfamily sociotylndtho sorvled the church into in Ottawa Kingston Victoria Brooklyn They had noquircdntutoior Toronto Mldllnd Ind Phelps ludy and an eagernessxoiJunhsr heterotloing to St Annes tnowledze which prepared or their future $311ch or 1urses teachers or pcrha ind religious To plly rdcqunteiy in those roles dgeoione was insuiliclrnt They lld to be men and women 01 high principles und sound morals For right your ho was pro iossor st Augustines Seminary where he taught French and Ill Etcl chant and noted as bursar In his remarks at ycserdays he referred to one more add to the many accom pllshmeuta in his posta junior We um be mum smnzmued seminary in Barrie Deanery hmicters Ind champions of right Monsignor Castex has been re every department at hum intangible zior the opening oi thought and nation our material htinrninded pleasuremad world MW mission Ind soloral oi Peneung Ind helpod 31mg 50le in need at In sponsor the construction of 72 ncrenslng number at men Ind wo rien nl this sump to hrlnin bselr to right apprcclutinn piritunl vnluos which alone can snvolrian lrom that nlholstirco llllliiSm which not only his Gudrgiven llberti iuccs inimlli bed hospital in 1954 n3m Today our school Iwrdm with the or those diplomumiikes Farmers Union wss equality inirr ravinltihe noble he and arm securityr or HUGE PLANT The largest steel rk up an PB W0 In Eur know of so many young in producing nl Brllailis steel olontial londo rusn for hello ply one believe this reason that we have so many empty forms is low cause the coming ower is not out there toykeep formers who rt Talbot in Wales are going into towns and ci re im ne per cent of iill cause there is on earning power there um not politicion iliil wo are not political What say ovenbout governments is as tonne Puhi Relationii hotelring to rurys suggos tion respecting public relations liir Cornipok that the Farm Unioni The Union is pos lvely thelauiioriihip and ha been doing so for long while Huvocto other Becnus otpoor prices for farm commodities the farmers were being bringing havoc to other industries aisute Latinlrs accosted by some of the pioneers oi this move oigntginihe vest on eminent adsuggesled thnt to he prohiemwouidoe Ihe low income formcrs in the farms think minors one or the it cy oi the ergo uLnotvto ag other poo down but that we should drag oursolves un rimming noun Song suggestedflthot marketing boards end solution Just nome me in rheting board vhich not saying that marketing hoards hasg furthers purity promo good thing am inst 1min out there isa danger support prices must have urity He exploded ds on at tern cdjluto the position of textured lhe Spring Ammny ol Spry Chlpler of Rosa Cmtx in Barrie Mawnlc Temple Wednesday My 23 Thirty clndldltu received the iBlh degree in Scottish Rite Muonry ilustrlous visitors irorn Toronto Chapter oi nose Crolxwero fith mi Moore 33 In lcilv mrmbcr of Supreme Counci French 33 and Prod Cnmpbell 32 Mort wise Sovereign At the banquet in Trinity Por 11h all Iho recently elected MWS oi Spry Chapter Dr Punk Dr smnnon 32 at Blrrie presided Toast to Siiprem Council was proposed by SLelshmln with response by Mr Bloom Toast to ill candidate was proposed by Armstrong with response by Dr IL larrott Mldllnd dcn tls Thanks to Ihe indies oi the Pa sh Aid ivs expressed by Wehster on bahit oi Spry Chapter Formeredilor at The Orlllin diet and Timbl Iinrold iialc Will be honored on Friday lilny 25 when he will receive an honorary degree or Doctors oi uws from lilo University 01 Toronto lirr Hole is one of five people who will be so honored Dr sm My Smith University president hBS announced The others are LIJGen Sir Archibald Nye High Commissioner for tho Unlted Kingdom in Connda Honr Patrick Kerwin Chior Justice otpanodo Miss Kathleen Russell director emeritus of the universitys School 01 Nursing and Chester SWalters former Comptroller of tinnnces for Ontario liir Halo is being honored for his many services to Orillla over lung and till life in newspaper and municipaliteldo 0n hlsle tircment in 1951 ho hld beenlip sociotcd with the Packet founded hyhls other Ilnd uncle in 1967 and with the Pocket ondilmos for 64 years Library Public utllitl and church woro his maln activs itios pentnre J12 mink Noelle trylnx toinroinlnllrlrds Judith but Indaypnnlkel runner and my notll Inter In the ml with £5th mornlni alter midnight and it It Lyn Ian Temperature were Ill lily ea 58 May 21 Mn 22 MA 23 31 24 lily £5 Early Dance Guthrie Community Hill to Paul Emms Orchestra Sat urday evening $er Lunch coun ter Checkmam Admission 50¢ 35tiF Pentecostll service tojbe held at LTD Hall May 28 Open 745 Special singer and lpelkers Everyone welcome Ednl Thompson in charge on This Slmcoo County Recreation Boards onnuoi Recreation Review nilht will he held on Tuesday May 29 105i nt 83Dpm ill Ihl gymnasium Burrlc District ColleL giatc institute Tobieoux to lllus trail the County Recreation work iilm light reiroshmonls Every one welcome No admission the price of lot donot believe than is any other solution except thot inrmers should bond Ihemscivcs together to maintain their rights Remorking that all groups today were pressure groups liirr Cor mock concluded Until farmers decide to put themselves in thosamo position can 500 no bright future it Have it you dont make this work you will ch no Proo iiflx15 Makesflowershloo wrupldlyl VII hie if mm nannyuh tortiliuroNow tying your hundii you out the mount growing lower on our ilowersohru sfru nnd para ninth ke owninju weeks narller Douhieslu vegeto ies fruit ï¬strongt and tree and shrubs enaiiy no odor no danger ofIiurn you uoao times amount ape mnken mun gnllo ow fertilize In averagenr donut unwary as grid ldwn surely utilquid mionno narrio Fin mm on called wire tolMJlke Street yesterdly eve vital to dell with smoking lnni IIY AN WANT ormer in television set Dinner of ti Insohvllied by pulling oi kflDNI wt Light blue tlnlrhsliqulpped with Ilrxson dltlonln heater custom radio windshield washers rear uranium glad tires hr Service Gunrunteo lzYr Recondition Guarani