Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 May 1956, p. 15

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SectionsPages is to is lofldnvocafiton Ceremonies arose espzm NEVER BEFORE NEVER AGAIN gt North Sintoe nutrlct Womenl lnslltute bnncllcs this monlb ompleled their program at nice on for the year and have pre pared grains ter the lam SUCH DRAMA yl Thediotrlehbrancher met this week Moonstone to olettml HE WEST fl illfifl if5 an Ill Elie 3580 BB ADULTS EVENINGS 75 nouns iiarmcss see CHILDREN All Times 25o pernte it AllTaxes Included In Above Prices Plus Fox News PlilYlllli millions fsl ALSO THURSDAY WHEN THESE STARS GET TOGETHER MUSIC ls SUPREME TECHNICOLDR ADULTS EVENINGS 75c TAX INCLUDE gt ADULTS MATINEES 50c TAX INCLUDED CHILDREN on lines 25c TAX moment Antiopulenc lnurlpullldlal uglivlsmi PLUS canre Wednesday May 16 Magistrate Foster presidv ed with Crown Attorney Thompson Chiei Tschir hart had court duty assisted by PC winger and ll Helmer of Harm Police Adioummenls Remands several cases were held ver by adjournment or remand until later dates Two young RCAF men DonTwanin and Joseph Barrett were charged with taking car on May 12 in Barrie without the consent or the ownerand also with taking car with intent to Evidence was by PC Joncs BF wholaid the charges They had taken one car but could not start it and took another In his opinion they had come tram camp to have corree and took the car to drive back They pleaded guilty andwere res mandcd in custody untlluay 23 for sentence Impaired Driving To charge laid by Cpl JCT Bildiell RCMP at Camp Borden on May ll Gordon Leslie pleaded guilty to impaired driving He had gone off the road with truck recently acquired andiliad only the owners license Hg was re manded for sentence lat second charge of intoxica on in deienee establishmenthe was fined $15plus $250 Under the impaired drivmg charge Archie Thompson was convictedand tincd $70 with costs 01 SDHe had run into parked with costs at $5 or to dnys and his llcensc Wassuspended ior two months The oiticcr slatedthat on May he had lollowedthe accused for mile on nghway 27 north past crossing over which he had travelled on the wrong side and he was impaired when questioned by carncy Another Case Still another charge was against Robert Duckworth in Vespra on May when he was seen to be very erratic in his course and when stepped was tound to be im paired Till the was $100 plus costs oi $5 and his license was sus pended or two months LIucky Escape While John Fereira ll oi To rent driving his fathers on dongoing norlh in Oro he had gone off the road andaecurding to measuremean taken hyPC Plnxton0Pl from wheel marital in the gravel shnulderhad gone 386 feet while live feetolfth road He had gone back on again ior we eat andoif tothe shoul dcr and as tent lurtiter on had struck thecsldeni raise The car had rolled over several times and stopped in teetiarthcr on the road It was clear day after with the rear bumper 35 feet trawl dawn Plaxton said but rained later The driver received cut en the iaceand passenger with him was injured Defence Counsel Lang of Toronto claiming that careless ncss was not shown by the av idenccruled for odismissal and quotcdseveral similar known eases dismissed on up but Magistr Foster said he was tali ing theouicers statement which dclinltcly cstablishedthe eourso ot the vehicle on straight road with slightslope Counsel then placed his client on the stand with evidence that the young man had blacked out during that part of paired driving laid by re 11 Carney oer William Arn old was convicted and fined $100 the trip Pcreira was lined $30 at of $1 Canadian production at poriland cement in 1955 reached 25134000 barrels against 22351000 the year before 43mm manna on célnlgu exte itatlon tonll Organizations other interested midi itzrghzrf with tosen representativesfland sing in th Bllnd nrenville Hughes CNIB Clmpllgn The clnvassérl7mrrilhcCfl ndlan National Institute lor the in Fennells Giltord and community collected $5240 Thank you everyone Recent visitors Mr and Mrs WllllamRiselinE ol Murphysborough lll visited the knothwell cousins during last wee Anniversary Services Alter weeks of hard hard labor by the men at the congregation and two weeks nl work by the lad ics our church was thing of beauty or our anniversary ser vices on Sunday May 202 Rev Mr Fosburyof Queensville was the stcr or the day and our own on delighted both con grcgations with their splendid music the leader and organist be ing Miss Winnltred Neilly and guest soloist Lockie Jacks who sang The Holy City The church was crowded in the morning and well tilledzin the ev ening brass plaque was newly attached to the organ in loving memory oHdrs James Blaln who was the first organist ILGilford church and also donated tunds tor the present organ Visiting Niece ronto is visiting her nlece Mrs Miss Cassie Itobcrts now of Oriilia Spent several days with Mrs Wilford Neilly this Week worklngjoyertlme Every tanner in vthe landJs working overtime these nedcys to try and make up lor lost time due teovennueh ra Badminton Season over Thc Badmintonelnb closed its season lastThursdny with small only Variety Night The variety night put on by the illi Junlor Farmers in ChurchillHall on Tuesday last was bigger and muchbetterthan ever beiore The Junior Farmets choir led by Mrscordon Todd wasout standingly good Both humorous plays were pcrleellon No prompt ing was neededthroughoulr Mrs Frank Kell Ibelng the trainer Farisisirlcllir an Sam Nellly pleased the audience with their versésollhe jOld SoitShoeP and Margaretsturgeonaudeay Sloan lined in with two exeellent piano ue Washington Lou Nellly William and Helen Lab rthe mecAFcrgusonwedi ding Torontoon sturday on hcln Miss Elizabeth Kneeshawbi Ton wit Mrs Wiggins recalled in her talk Begun in 1912they were The svorlcty lhnwltaa and airs nohert Kcll lllnswick Womens institute mct lnlhe school this month with 20 members present The new president airs Paddison was in the chair Mrs Lloydpasl president was presented with china cup and saucer The convencrs or historical re search were In charge at the meet infl Mr Stark showed two inter esting lllrna on the llcvrlopmcllt oi theapost office in 100 years and old lindmarks and customs in England Wales and Scotland photographed in color Aslng long followed Mrs Crosble answered motto the Articles were brought in ior the hope chest competitlon and Mrs Stark displayed the blouses made by the +1 glrls club Members were reminded at the district annual in Barrie Conference Highlights Are Reviewed nghllzllts ol the recent Wom sew MISS DAN FISHER Four Barrie District Collegiate lnslltute graduates were among the Unlvcl1ity of Toronto grads uates who received their bachelor ol arlsdegreel at yesterdays con vocation ceremonies Miss Joan Flshcr and nits gsvlvlu Fisher twin daughters iii the collegiate band director Fisher and he ilve hundred children an rolled ln GoodNcws aible clubs inlthe Barrie area tilled Codring ton School Auditorium ior their closing rally he program opened with sin lions at hymns and choruses it by Mrs John Smith with Mrs llo sThompsonat the piano Beers who is the represent cns lnstltute branch secretary trelsurerr eonlcrenee in Guelph were received by Mrs Evans at the hilly meeting at Hollows institute last week at the home of Mrs Hambly The values oi extension services and conferences were stressed by speakers who advised the 500 oflicers in attendance not to spread theirInstitutes aetlvitics over too wide innarea it is im possible to respond to every apv he the liey they ylere told hirsuEvans also entertained the members with two nccerdian selec tions She was introduced and thanked by Mrs Hambly citilcn ship and education who was in charge at the program Owing to the illness at the new lyappointed president the lst vlceprcsldent was in the chair or the meeting Eleven members and one visitor answered roll call Why am proud to live in Can Idn The motto was Scorn nut accept whatnature gives sale or plants netted$t80 Mrs Arthur erght won can dy dish for having the lucky cup and saucer during the lunch hour Peace Gardens Are Described ByvWI Visitor description oi the internation al lcaee Gardcns located 30 mllca north the exact centre oi the North American continent was given to membersoi Cundles Wo mens lnstitllte by one at their group Mrs Elmer Wiggins at the May meeting at her home on Mary Street inBarrie The idea tor the gardens sled with Henry More of lsllng jointproiect of two nations The homemaker clubsfol Canada and the United States and thcAWor menalnstltute have made notable con butlens to landscaping and picnic facilities It has been saidoi visitors to these gardens To their visit they get nvision it is something that is big than any country or one thItiatimoless The visl is that Peace issornethlng one has to work for and thathere fieople are worklngtogether to onor and land Peaceitselt lamousesnsdinn gnrde auteharteordcns near Victoria BC was also described in apcr read by Mrnheg Smith Th rteen mlleslr0m the Mom yer lsiand city theyare the show place of the northwest ot pa ular 3ereat was her account of on are the wayanother lives each must alive at the Christian Business ildna Committee responsible or thelnible ciubaplcd in the open lni prayer lrs YHeath director clubs in Barrie and chair for the rally introduced Fr nk Wellington yell known childrens evangelist who con ducted quiz on the lessons taughtthis season This years Bible course was me Egy to Capaan with special cmp asis the building at the tabernacle as described in Exodus Mrs Morrow introduced each clubln roll call club that meets in Mrs Powells home with Mrs MacGrcgor as tcachcr and Mrs Keen as tibial lake created in an abandoned quarry amid setting ofrare and cxutlcshrubs Mcmbcrswere reminded the district annual being held to Trim ity East Anglican Parish Hall in Bar on June The June meeting of the branch will be held at Mrs Smiths home on Duckworth Strcc Roll call was nlsoin garden mood this month it was answered by an exchange oi plants There was some dtseussionabout ways oi raising iundslor the com ing year Mrs humorous test Flook conducted umblcd words coo 41Hr Homemakers Modelling Blouses For W1 Members At the meetingol LlthsHill Coronation branch of th Womens institute on Tuesday May 22 at H3D pm in Crawford School the 4H rry seamstress Club mem bersWil mndpl blouses and there will be sale of plants and bulbs Lunch hostesses are Mrs JohnsonMrs Price and Mrs rishcr Convener will be Mrs Doug head with home economics the program theme The motto law stitch in time saves nine 11 callis What did you wear your wedding day Brides will model display or describe elf gowns Mrsv cnwell was high at the euchre party heldin th CommunityHall on the 14th con cesslon Mrs Gn Downing won high mansprize and Mrs Elmer Dyer was low lady William low man and41 hidden score as won byMrs liowerolt with the cmklnola tic child any Enter amlt Miss mm mono Mrs Fisher received honor de grees in English langua and lit erature Ifld modern engages Both tanner band members they tarlo College have been actively interested in Icameron who universlty music circles Joan play The torinor will be teaching sdloel at Morrlaburg next fall ai ter aaummer course at the On ol Education Miss graduated from the courteg in which she general ing the French horn and Sylviamalorcd in English with fB the bassoon in the Royal Conserv atory and university orchestras assistant sangthe Daxolngy The second club which meet in llu home oi Mrs Moor and is taught by Mrs ilerrott and Mrs Etheringtnn sang Ett Thc club trom Poinswick taught by Mrs McKenney and Mrs Rugman sang Jesus Loves the Little Children The club which meets in Oakley Park School and il taught by Mrs Smith and Mrs Beers chose as lls number we Are Building There is an evening club taught by Mrs Greer and Mrs Jones which recited Bible Verses club meeting in the home of Mrs Murray la also taught by Mrs Greer The members sang This Little Light oi Minor Two clubs at Ferndale are new this yrnr The one in the Junior sehooh taught by Miss Melissa ilhclm and Mrs Gilmore sang Get The Bible Reading Habit The senior school taught by Mrs Gray and Mrs Constable sang Keep Me Shining The club which meets ln Cundles School sang How Did Mocs Cross The Red Seal Mrs Frid and Mrs Lines are the rs Mra Klnflevteaehcs club inthe home of Mrs Stubbs Their numbe was The Tab crnaclc Clioru Thc Allandnlt club which meets in Mrs Tracys horne taught by Mrs Pcrasun and Mrs Tracy sang Hallelujah Mrs Harvey Lines secretary oi the bible clubs executive cxplaiw ed the prize awards one hun dred and 20 prizes were given out 32 going to children who had perfect record for attendance and memory work The following children received prizes or 100 per cent attendance and memory lor the full season October to April Christal Ham bidcs David Salem Donna Mun ray Eleanor linmbides Kenneth Hill Sharon MocrWendy Lines Maancn Goodhead Jean McLean Jean Gilmore Marlene Walt Betty Keen John ps villr Wellington held his large audience spellbound as he groph ically described some oi the pee itandlng was also member at the university orchestra former ToTTEthAM 90th Birthday congratulations go to ilrs Al bert Fucar one oi our senior cltlv Iena on her 90th birthday May Newton Robinson lloinc Agaln Mrs Brooks is home from Aun or and Roy Brooks spent the weekend at home Mr and Mrs Allan Smith at Ottawa were home over the week end with Mrs Lceson James Wilson oi Toronto and lvan Wilson Jimmy and Ronald Calgary visited at liarold An drews on rridnv Sunday Visitors Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs iiarold Andrews were Misses Barbara and Elizabeth Schlcht oi Toronto Mr and Mrs Frank Frantzcn ot Newmarkct Mr and LMrs Gordon Modill Douglas and John of Richmond Hill Norman Bowles iierb Bowlcs and George of Bradloid Mrs Vlc tar Turner Bradford Douglas Turncr Newmarkelaud Mr and Mrs Jack Martin Toronto Mr and Mrs Frank Packard and children oi Aylmer were with Mr and Mrs Thomas Robinson at lhe weekend Mr and Mrs Joseph Morrison and lvan at Toronto visited at Houghlons on Monday At District WI Convention number oi ladies attended the districtannual Womens luslitutc gonventinn in Tottenhilm on Thurs ay the mouth organ vigil gultar and musical saw Alter candyueal cars at clouds and buses supplied by the CBMC took the children homo nu rnitouseN collegi band member here he playcd in the flute section is Ferguson malnred in French in the general course graduating with aB standing She intends to go to teachers college next tail to take the primary special lsls course All tour attended Trinity College and were in res idence at St lliidas 23 Mrs Fueur nl presentisa house guest at the home oi Mrs nusscll Cookstown Fete IlrldctoBo Miss Betty Waddllng enterlain ed at shower number of ricnds oi Mlss Reta OLeary June bridetobc on Friday evening hst Senior nudge Club The senior and Club brought theirseason to ose on Tuesday evening last by having dinner at the Maple Lea and later were enA tertalned to bridge at the home of Mn Anderson The prizes went to Mrs ILJWnlkcm Mrs who and Mrs Carney THE DEflll IHSURRME Im expecting business to KauaiI this year And alittlc careless spark could wreck your business or homo too So please be carelulwith tire and see us tobe sure that your lNSURANCE iully covers YOU ms Phone 5201 pie who would have hcen in the parade on theuilrst Palm Sunday when Jesus triumphantly entered Jcnlsalem Their reasons or joy ously honoring the Lord Jesus challenged the Bible clubmcm bars to be similarly joyous their allegi ee to Him Wellinglons talk was siealnumbeia on 19 as

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