MIeEAoE me ooLn SEAL Tins Amlan is tire designed to roll freely on the highway and give long miles Note the solid circular ribspOn Dunlop Gold 51 Tires the trend is closed when youre rolling forming seven solid rihs that ride smoothly over any surface with minimum wearmaxiinum mileage alluse ep eaTiresThey ay the thin onwheels Inrstunts like this tirestaks mi beatin nd blewoutcouldinesndissstei In thousiandsofrugged stunt tests Thrill Driver haseverheen letdown by his Tires Tractiéntires have large provelthatGdld SéBlTires gi iggllriiraking or accelerating GOLD ssh TIRE riwAQilon rim REGULAR TIRE GOLD SEA TlRE Reg réé without sound frequency for extrii gripu tabllizers or sound barriers generate high pitch The instant you apply the hralgesorraceelerate Esquealp come the old Seal tread opens up into hundreds In tra in sections with thousands of edgesthal3 stabilizers uppprt the outside ribs allow amini 911 blocks grip in all directions um of movement preventannoyiii corner squeal ull szedat the silence of old Seal Tire ingtha seal ntsli of safety Just like Thrill Driver yourlliie Dunlap Goldsen lread 16 ry driving Vcondition you get perfeqt any surfaceaiiywhereiInimedi imp pf are given yThiill Drivers in st and fast starts in city traflic even when roads Mewet old Seal SoundBarrier design specini ste pow rful gripfest traction means safe stops New seal is the ï¬rst tire that ordinary es ave protruding patterns on the shouldersrlhee nd to catch on ruts holes car tracks cans wheelrflutter steering rumble Gold Seal tires have sniopth streamlined shoulder which rides overfruts gives stead steering contra Tesls here prove on thehighWay climb eep hills or riding on rough country roads unlop Gold Seal ires giveyou smooth steering control grip the ï¬rrnl even on fast turns or better valu built to overcome your own road condi io Dunlap Gold Seals The BARRIE