Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 May 1956, p. 1

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the main event upwards at 7000 spectators lid one big lrn lng Monday when the one and onehull mile staynerspeed way track on the site the old Edcnvale airport was olllclal ly opened with 200 mile late model stock our competition xthnt attracted someol Americas best drivers in quest or chat in the $10000 pot 38year old veteran rneer JohnnyMnntz Duarte Call lornia piloting ii 1956 Ford Fairlane copped ilrst money or $1300 in the bigrace wheeling around thelaa laps in two hours 23 minutes anrseconds In second place wl15Mt1lShuii Teaguc Daytouu Fin llnlshing about minute behind in his Chevrolet alter lending through the early stages but lore ed to make two pit stops Teague picked up $1350 plus an other hundred by winning Ceremonies The morning was consumed by testing trials Track opening ccrc moltlcs started at 1180 with ad dresses by Mayoral Perry oi Stayncr Reeve Abner Rawn Sun nidale Township and Hugh Green president and sponsor ol Stayncr Speedway Next were in lwodap quality ng time lriala whichwcrc head ed by Teague in trackrccord lime oi one minute 379 seconds liiantl was second and Bob Chriltie Bui lalo third Chuck Stevenson Gar den Grovc Calil lainous two time winner of thelllcxiean road race was inurtb Ted Hogan To ronto driving Ford under the Stayner Speedway colors and Fat Zoccano London OnL only two Canadian drivers competing both qualified Trophy Dash Following the trophy dash won by Marshall Teague the leature race got underwily with deafen ing roar as 29 cars were liagged over the start in blast of ex haunts and whill ol scorching rubber Just 19 drivers were around at the end The ultimate outcome was de icided in the pits Teaguc driving he same Chevrolet wllicb he flip ped over lour or we times at Nashville Tenn made first scheduled stop on the 54th lap that Vconsumed over minute ol lee and cost him the lead with smallerlogallon gas tank Teague wasi inn again near the loolap markgandcouldnt make up the dlllerencc on the track withMantz heading in once andcoming out 37seconda laterfastest pit stop olthe race Right on thcha rpin turnat the head at the homestretch atraigh three lap trophy dash prior to away icnguc took inc lead ilrrl time around it was this turn too that separated the good driv era min the herd Although there were no accidents or injuries many cars spun oil the truck and out 01 the race at this turn in cluding Ted Hogan iint olfel Les Snow Bloomington llL in another Chevrolet waged abot duel lor the lead with Tongue through the first 29 laps and the two set blistering pace with Snow unable to get by the tornonuni tonal Triple stock car champion who owns and services his own car But Bob Christie came tearing up the peapatch to go to theilront on the 30th lap and held tight as front runner through to the and Here Teaguo roared down the back stretch and cut through pocket to regain the lead which he main Iaincd till the iirat pit stopliienn while Mantz stayed atcad and smoothly close followed by Chuck Stevenson both men driving re lentlessly in pursuit Winning Bid Mantz made his winningbid on the 55th lap charging to the trout and staying there except lot the brief it stop Stevenson was mak ing al bid to move up with his iellow Ford when he clipped an othercar swervlng acros in front at himvout ol the hairpin on the loath lap The crumpled trout of the Fairlane included pierced radiator and that was all or that challenge vTeaguc went all out over the Final laps with calculated reckless ness but couldnt retrieve all the lost ground and Mantz rolledsteadA oi warmth to ll Besr CANADIAN or The part wee varlely ol weather with ocean lonnl rain pad thunderv storm last evening alter This morn lng Ihnwed wlih promise or breezy pn cooltod Tcinpcraiurca were High new 49 43 33 28 32 25 26 42 May i2 May 13 May May 15 May 16 May 11 may 18 MI 19 may 20 May 21 May 22 May 23 early Allaudalc passenger ticket ollico service jstatlons and When 1mm mail boxes in Allandalc during January and February Tilcyhave also been questioned about recent thelts from railwaylreight cars at Barrie No charges have been laid its yet ltinSunday morning at Barrie CNI alntion lreigh car was found broken into and goods stolen Thecoutenta of lhc car much oi it destined for merchaan in town Werestrewnjround similar occurrence happenedabout week ago ily on to win first place loot and the Stayner Speedway trophy spectator swarmed onto the track alter the iirsttwo earswcre huggedover the llnlsh line and theremainiug cars were halted Hours lator judges were still workiiliig to determine the order oi Good Start This good opening cllort lor Stayncr Speedway despite the lack of bleachch for comlortable viewing accommodation whlch drawbackwill be remedied before the Canadian 5Wmile Jan to be held in August Stayner Speed way tould become an important racing meet centreby the end ol the reason hide la hardhitting theme vnriaoo pea lrea cheat Xidyl by the will the mobile National Sanitarium ailon clinic now vialtlng Ba elt bu been udmaicdin date BREWAvlteirymfiiu owned by Mrs Eileen Monochren ol Todmord rrmo There was considerable excito ment In the Waubaushenc arca recently as one at the registered trappcrsrlilclvlllc Boyd shot one the largest beard ever recorded in the Eastern Lake area at Matchedash Township Having been troubled by bcar causing damage to his isolated log trap ping cabin Mr Boyd was able to shoot 150 pound black bear several wccka ago int ihrt this would end the trouble Mr Bnyd was very much surprised to be awakcncd one night by tremendous bcar attempting to break into his cabin Alicea short pursuitthe trapper was able to tell the animal with onc shot from hiaaolaorlfle Thu bcarwélghcd approximately 500 pounds its hide alone weighing 23 pounds thnctrctchod out ihenninirl measured lcctjrom the top at its noao hlnd loot with neck ércnceol 31 inches alter removed Tho pee cover thclloor ol the Boyd living room an reminder oi inexperience not unllka an adventure ollvnavy $5 oo alvltlon Army ned Ca palgn baade durtryianrl rc rrltruni imi have yet to report QC airman Bu Tban expresscd op fitinrinn with the reauits and lcted thatthe $8000 ob Aner lomorrcwa visit to the leleltrict Collegiate institute dihe second llop attbc old post ice on Thursday the total is or ted to pass the 2200 mark The aurvey la being conducted the National Sanitarium Assoc tlon gc institute Toron the ponsorship olvtbc Barrie us doing the lcrlcal work and Barrie mudiclp New Jersey and MrEngle ol Cnlilornia authorlues vialied local lndustrlca on Tues day Wednesday and Thursday The lirat day was apcnt at the General Electric plantaud onchnesdly Mansllcid Rubber Dchlblss Co aco Simone oinrlct JoOperative ufkaniulc Ind Moldcx plant were ivlsltcd barrte Tannlng Clarke and Clarke and some Many licld employees wereXraycd on Thursday On Friday ihccllnle was ata lioned in Allandaie ncai tho YM Clicléullding Around zoo wcru chicrday at its location in front at the old dost oiiicc buildingon Dunlop Street it wai cslirn that around 300 visited thc=clinle it will be stationed there again tomorrow illici spending today at the collegiate Cllnlc boura aro to pin over 1300 were Xrayed in the industrial program tcst or diabctca ablc The clinics visit to Gutbrie Frl day is being sponsored mens Inslitulo icond Biac of For Barrie Area Barricarca experienced its sec ond blackout in just over week whcn power failed in Southern Ontario on Monday night The inure inricdtromioda reopen 1nd breakdown in the ga The exact cauae is not known Previously Barrie was blacked out on Sunday May 13 when light ning disabled the Niagara power by the law Phlllip Birch Cumberland Street Barrie whllc cycling along Burton Avenue at 615 pomSun dayMay 20 collided with acar coming the opposite waydriyen byNicholas Barbctta of Toronto The boy aullered minor bruisca and shaking up Lions Clu on Tuesday May 15 with VicePresident Harold Fob stcrpresiding was another to be remembered because olthe vlrilc Christian message givenby Rev Bob Trimble BA KB of Burton Avenue and Holly United churches Mr Trlmble was introduced by Lin Bill Bell who said he could not speak too highly ol the vlait lng speaker whosc earlyililmwaa spent in Toronto and London Educated in Toronto he becach student minister in Manitoba and there lound ahride llc waa also fFlyeraf ran his intch Mr mmblcfgavcan ddreas on gt What Are You worth presentch tram un usual znglcs hie told of coming poll anoid clock in hotel it running in the usual way but it had no han lin warncd against wasting time and asked Are you getting anywhere or are you likedhe clock ny hings in Is harmony in allarge city ata banquet bowluscd on the opens on wnswniuudnt 340000 but in tllatsame ar niectlng ol dame youglve lo lromp in There can be no estimate of value upon the creations nd inventions of men like Bel Edlson Man cool and others nor can you ayaluevupon chatacted Wha are you worth to yourself 70m could make fortune it some men could be bought tor whattheyare really worth and sold or whatthey on siderf they are worth You havcto livcwlth yourself Can you look your soul he lace andlecl satislied Yo want to here success and God wantsyou to be so You may never get to Jictop ol the lldder olsucccss out keep yourbody purc con science unaullietland so clean gt Mr Trlmbl Id thought provoking lllt oem Have to Live with lilyscll calledthe days whenCharles ill Sheldonshook in His Steps or ring the country yrull old elder wh asto ah limiiy by making ltcra cutlo ol the so you worth to your club AroLyou an asset or llablllt it put nothingln we take nothing out and the up her advlae going the Scottish mil whic and at him The spea 2i wa Past Frost ent lorfhis downmonth talk dbould call lor sell something we arnl lotion is ilso avall May is in Barrie Arena not only more than doubled the entries over last year but with one exception was the largest show in all Canada It was second only to the National Sports mens Show in Toronto and was largertilln tiny ol the three ONE shouts as 3121 dogs were shown and the ears ol the ex hibitors only took up much ol the large parking area at the Judges were lrorn the USA and ol All America all round er whom there are only 20 in the neighbor country and were Plekhnrdt ol StatcnlslondrRlchard Kenna lr ol the floor lpace taken benches and aisles between Some ol the beauties shown were old singers dignliihd and elect but younger dogs were all excite mom on tension like actors bclorc the curtain risea little boy was in charge of big Alghan and the two were playing with green rubber ril One wonderlul while standard Poodle alter he was used up th manicure scissors and with oihcr irills was so excited that he tipped over his tail dressing table little grey and white Cairn barking at another huge Alghan mail plctur Tiny Township Police down over the weekend on hooli gunism at Balm Beacbsouth oi Pcnetang when they charged 17 youths in Vthclr teens with uhl ing liquor while under age drin lag in public piacesydrunkeness speeding on the booth and creat log disturbancc Most of the youths came from the Toronto ea dthochargcs will be heard ctarfgf rrvv Dozens ol cottagcrs poured complaints to the police rcspnnting the behaviour of some 500 youths and young girls clad in jeans who had flocked to Balm Beach for the weekend On Saturday night the thrceluan lorec locked up clght youths in the Midland undo the Penetang jail Three smashed diw rile blissing tor over sir hours twaivoyearold June Montgomery ofjlcrndalc turned up unharmed at iarmhouae near Highway 90 on Sunday alternoon revnrnl miles lroln whereshc was lirst missed She had walked along stream slept for awhile when she was tired and hadjinally come to tho farm house She stated she wasnt bit alraid Early on Sunday mo June had gone ith her hither and some other people to look for morelc the bushanuthwest of Barrie Subsequently she was missed from the party and the alarm was given Some 25 Prm Vinelal police nd larmers combed thebush luntilBt about pln news was received from the la heus that she hadturncd up WES rigging Break tor Lunch The arena was lalrly cool when the doom bed but not extreme At noon uncheon parties lound nookabchlnd the not in the scat ing area Thc attendance this year was somewhat larger than in 1955 and many came lrom some distance In additionto the usual arrange mcnt there were specialty sz tcr ahovls put on by the Bull Mu iiii Club and by the Cairo Club which were handled separately and with their own judges Club Members Work such amount at international Interest means that much at uni the member nd cell lock Mid and pcd Toronto po have been notified and when apprehended they will lace lurthcr charge of escaping custoday Chlei Ray Bclruurt stated that his men had confiscated six 24 battle cases of beer one iZbotilo case and bottle olgin as wall as nuinorousslngle bottles of beer it ynnlhfill cars cottagorasay that this hasliccn the worst outbreak oi hooliganism which they can remember al though police had to takdletioll in similar outbreak some three years ago Many of the cottagcra blame small group Cabin proprietors who they say mainlyiulercsted in making in ney and dont ask too many questions pt young people applying tor cab n5 lth loin iii ailing apee ngon way oio vlncial police described tblaiholi day weekend aarvthc worst lor speeding since the highway opcnr ed All the bradlcrd detachment or In olllcers in live cruisers were on duty on the highwayruin Friday to Monday Radaraccounted inr 250 the charges and police stated that tlfi merged speed ranged from on to 90 There was leniency lor law erovertholcgal 50 liin Duringthls month the adlord detachment estimate that they will have laid well over Loon thnr es on HighwaonO almost double he previous montbiyrecord use sir in erccuiha oi the local club nd evoryhody worked Show Iuperv intention was Blakeley Lamont and assistant Frank Jones Cllli Van Valkanburg another busy man WIilllfllilfl ol the bench show committee in most clubs the secretary Mrs Vina Jones had plenty bi work The labor oi placan tho eqqu meat ila real talk and aiao oi rt moving it but by the speeding up oi only threojudlcs all qulllilcd lo judgeall breeds tbcrludglng was over shortly alter plli Mr ing the buildingclecr much earlier than uiual Prlu Winners Mlu blarnyurranol Slut Ste Marie who is member at Barrio Kennel Club toakjbcst ol breed in the Airedale Terrier class with her Am Ch Lionhhart Skyway She also owns Milroya Bomber an Alie la piaclngthlrd in the Mr nd lira Joncs ot the Annwyn Kennels took lirat in bred byiexhlbltor dog with Ann wyns Glen Mace lirst in bred by cxhibllor bitch class with Ann wyna Emabcllc She also iinlshcd as roservofwlnner Annwyna Shedrow needing four points to complete his cham pions lp look first in open dog ciasswlnncra dog best or win hero but Canadian bred dog and best at breed dcloatlng id Lair radon This gave Shcdrow ma jor win llvo fioints graduating Ch Annwyna cdrow Mr and Mrs Roy Black also came up with champion in the Welsh Terrier class Mononas Bonnie Venture 2nd took winners bitchand best oi breed Incomplete hni ehatnplonahlnc Mllroys lantastic Gal Ilnishcd second in the opcn class Ind Miiv roya unincgrcu look llrst in the senior puppy bllch class All three dogs are Welsh Terriers Miss Norma Black also showed English setter fWEndy or Al goma owned by Dr and Mrs Greig oi Still Ste Marie and cap tured best at breed in the cotter rr li Jicptiynl Lciroy took the and dog class black and with her American cock er Burnadeans Gold Trim Heir and she Ilabtonk first in the bred by exhibitor bitch class with Burnadcant Frosty Gold Mrs OlirienSaint with bull martin 3Barlords Caroline Fawn won the bredby exhibitor bitch class and Canadian bred bitch class Shealso took winners with this dog in the West Highland White please missing since Saturday when they took new outboard motorboat on it first triaiviromlalrn Beach are believed to havebecn drown ed Tbcyarc Jimjaxon Aldercorn laacmates at Wanlessmltblic school where Ald ercornalatlier is teach The boat was louii alnioat sub Geolgan an on Sun rougwlnd blowing when the took the boat out at 830pm Saturday The boat lzloot iywood craft powered with no hp nginewaacquiplt utno lilo

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