Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 May 1956, p. 4

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111w Lln sums mofl 153 ASSI STANT lelsriNG bpen in our icdrupymmrtment tor mtbldJotmz manta tilnail and ovslrlaef nawmrtnck me in nu um um Duninfill ml Itwlf ucaiiau expHence inBux Barrie3nminer 16568 FulfilE glue cut cycle eri ncguiar $6900 4995 iRETfiRING We hlve lullthe holmhrypu and we know that you will groud to owntllfi cozys roam unglluw mil lwely ham has everymvenlence you could Willi ltEAr ESTArum CLAPPERIDN Paone Dorris 2451 ll a1n in pm nah Ridom Balsam ll full experienced Ind nulllfltd to COUNTRY HOMES Hawkstoric hweiy lumen rooms REAL ESTATE SERVICE Consultt HENRY ELBJCK MICBIE rteliars 15 Owen sc iltéilltfm rowsflr BJ Rédl Eleie Broker Owen Street Bfrrle CCNQULT US ON otnw Down Piyniént llousing Plans Exchange of Properties you rntire Rent Enlle problem gnhck Bar service station 721000 30 Service Sullon miles north pl Barrie 27 111 included in busa nus is In extol en fully equipped iimck bar room bunnlow coin leltly umlslied Good nioiei lite Just years old Contact Mr flonhlnlbon at 2451 NEW mam lobIll mom IN hr lllllldn lrltihcly dENlIiedu bustmull oll EmaInge and cut lnlly locnltd Grime DI the nines lots in Barrie 00 Terms Are You Looking Floi mmlnrmbil horne tilt ill Ill be within your liningill mum Then mil mould inter you We hove lur sais room home oom hlncd llvlnl and dining mom bedroomsufld downslnlrgd one up ll 11 CW heavy wlrlnl Iilunlrd onrnlce lhl minutes walk GE $5000 Tcflni and ruaporeh double gangs urge iui lot am to lake Pull caiuinx oi Selllnl price 0001 cll La Pope mmm hm Shanty Bay Road some miles us 1101211 room and both mm mm Beullllml Lreed lDL Restrlcud Iceneml 1nsurnnee rrcn Full price 37500 £1500 down payment Call us Pope aiionai Hnullnl Loans income Properties Rentals calmness Danaflunlllu rapcrly Management 89500 all View 5L Vincfint Park and Kompenhil Bny itllny brink Broom home Excells on condition armd all all new unll lelfll Cull Mr Mnnlhnll Arne St bedroom solid brick nun low ceramic tile bath and kltcen counter lorocd air an filling landscaped Storms Ind screens immediate possession Coil Mr Marshall LAWN nor 1r out cycle en linp lienlai $1450 5995 LAWN BOY 10 cut cycle motor recoil unflfl nqulled ENGLISH Orlan GIFT SHOP by letter Dick 5131 no 90 Borrlc ltluo RUBBER STAMPS MADEdownhill WEAYMQUTHfS BOOKSTORE 8995 74 MMSWIIL SW11 CIT DELUXE PLACE To Buy iii out Leyeie engine paid hospitalization and nitinfill GOOD USEDLCLOTHING 9375 féidvrziiliiii in mm Mens ValidElis VFl RobinsOn Hardinare WARDROBE 3i Dunlap st East Phone 2m lG8275 CLERKTYPIST Hired lmmetllnlely or local nllqice hour weekflom Bl qu Point Road New bun GORDON new looms and bill Vt Acre 0L Cline to school Gianlu Full on uncommon Cull lies Tone and mm SUMMER COTTAGES so communion News mm sum ml ypo home run our photographs 519500 Mr this good income property on itneunn Compieicly mantra ivory modern convenience cud nlnlmum inmnunl uvkcegi Con act Mr Warmingiim at 24 DWLSS CANADA LTD Phone 550i 301 séiwlcr TO SELL YOUR USED CwnIING r011 You 1nd FlourM Dunlnp Si 75160 19H FRIGIDMRE Eu IL quicl lhéOirie Beyond NORTHEND INCOME lot down hymen large lowly irked rooms and bath Clase la 513500 school park startsarid benchcsi Al muting houses on page 20 utc Like it dulls house 2year old Spanish amhllLcld dmhm bun Napicr St Speclnl ultramodern lhrce bedroom bunganiw wlln chirped living and tilnlng room nnd cllicient Phone 4230 112 Target Comparison 5L 75759 1t roorn brick house automotis oll heliL In process cam lets 333 magma myggm month you one vii pvssessinn You run have in CB Box in mu W4 apartment with two ut $200 per orrns ntaet CColllng at 2451 condition phone 4534 7513 Luann plus income first film lav pnvll garage or MANS Elcyclc Sunshine good NOSALARYREQUTRBMENTS condition no Appiy 1207mILr your own our and storage You llS $11300 St 40 20x50 Bcm capacityk if Low down in cnt ior this Dr 11551 anrunn mug smug rum5 mm PH 1000 lid brick bumiow inimldehuL buwn Mower Service phone Stroud ianhnrast Darrin Ecoutiluiiy 1o J7fil 7753 STEEL oilleo solo in good canal Ilnn 25 1m Phanc 5069 tiller pm 75150 mud Excavat inganti grinding Phone Dennis Moran 2901 751 GIRLS Sunshine balloon lire cycle in good oondiUon iires Phone 2290 ELEcrniC Frigidaire stove uta mnllc clack mnlrol pcrlecl candl iionPltone Eimvale 76758 TRUCK Body iaiow all one flour oil heated rfiolless and uniquely dreamed Li bedlmellomc is ideal lor cllrnd couple or rniie soutbein vicw tram picture window Fulure recreation rnom trained with nroplace Many extra Coii Mr Marshall Scledlun of two fine bufllalawl with income 1mm hastmen IIDuliv menu which an lully equipped 100 ti Lnkcshore Lot north nine Ktmpcnlcit Buy close to town other fine humes nvnlldblc balh in and but at town PHONES Olliee zipsEvening 2m 10 Call 1411311 5293 mg any Pollit Luke lroni cot tage room and bath complete HImod mm mu pug imnin out All Ill loors Ind ricenslamo hair rail Call us mull My ltd bathroom nnd ku WE rhcn wals liizy cusan corner gala Ely Point Irawly moisifi Elie rooms co urn Lame treed in Ful price 30000 Cook 51ml older type himan fin cash Cnll Les Pope 295 ukinfiéwmsoo bedrooms LUXURY on Napier Lakeshore Cottage North allBur do um Med mrmm street extra large pcdrooms mg brick colored less bum km $95932 lice uuny exirns lor the scriminative fled buyer gem during winler month ml 545 per Full 7W0 BATHROOMS Room mom only iiOMY and hill brick home 95100 dow °mé lose to spaniic school Mutter line as yr mmom 15x12 This home is 52 PW rulllby man known to build TOWN PROPERTIES he very best on heated or course Home curries or $5873 CODRINGTON SCHOOL month REA LIKE DIVING ON TOP OF THE 510500 Large our main bunzn Woman ll you call allonl is low with DIiJIBhLd galugl ample 917500 home lllis is it This roam rumbling ranch style bungli closel Space enclosed Iran on mnce lull lIdeSCIMdi Oll hell ipvv commands on outstandiri pan ing an em condillnri Aboul ammic vlcw lake Simeon ouse was built in owners rpxilicutioiis one hill down required Call DE Popz 5298 nod has runny many extras Ter £30m gifidgn cascndudwn lrorn Dow PAYMENT $1000 that virig room will lull plc sisal lull price lour room home ioeuied usl outside the town on lure window Soc this OUTSTANDING SURROUNDINGS an open hord surluccd road Full basement pressure system not and room brielrsioroy and hail home 11 Ixmuenl tondllltln lhrauthoul both ms kllchgnl exception 11 oppor unilymr the young mnr 1cd co it See this today Good Phone 52110 Enhance helwtcn Cllfl BroWnLli and Spulhnm Jewellery an in llll clothing that is ud uma 162 clear nnduinugood repair we ry 50 Ol In 15038 OUTBOARDS EVINRUDE Sllu Servleu BOATS Moulded Fly Aluminum PARTTlME STENOGRAPHER RL ulrcd tor minor nll company laciilcd in barrio sienographir experience essential McCOLL FRONTENAC OIL CO LTD phone 4374 yolm couple 35000 down with attractive tenus voUR RETIREMENT DREAMCOMES TRUE in this iciurvsquc store untl one hall Co ilnrnin drc si in home sci on irnrnsouluie at articul iure crnllsmilnsnlp room homc has bedrooms 3pioce hath screened and glossed sunporcn Shown by nppoinlrucnt only $0000 WEARE NOT KlDDING This liirin has to be sold within two weeks he owner has purciirired an other homo11nd is planning to re tlrc gt100 acres highly productive mil level 20 ncrcs spring grain 04 acres seeded dawn mom stone house wntrr under pressure bcdrooms house in excellent con dition lded bank born good stubic large implement shed and hog pen This larrn ls shunted close to Barrie Asking 315000 Low down payment Make otter ledclnse to park Vcr sale children ruil bascmuiil orccd Jir oil healing Both bunk Ind ironLyllrdd soddcd Early poss ssslon For lurursr iniormution 323 Russell Carson Earric 53 l66 Cedar Sirlp ribre Glilu Buildup5t Whitr Sport Supplier Lawn boy Soles or Service SPORTHAVEN Opp WrixhlsClllln2n VIA Dunlap Elsi will 30 ATTENTION $6500 FULL PRlCE Compact room house only luur years old and small pardon item ioi oi the edge oi Everett mllts lrom Clrmp Borden Built in cupboards sink running under and lurnaoo Apply to owner kubzri Knowllon Everett 106753 LOTS Carl Innlslll Apply Sellwdilht phone 5661 165758 BARN pine name and steel ruor Eim 38x50 Apply Gordon Blilwcii Edgar Phone 8202 iii53 BEDROOM house built in Mi 10 Outstanding Reasons why this so should be or interest lo you lYou can earn between $10500 to $17500 and upwards weekly 2Ynu art in business lor your seltwitnoui one penny invest mull 01pm cur innke big prolit on every sale 4Yllu have every user booster developing leads and working or you 5bit hove an exclusive pnlcn ted produetwiihout competition 0You have 1111 ellutivc sales pm sentutiph which is convincing 7MINUTE WALK FROM DOWNTOWN $3000 Slxmom brick perfch minim dlrouxhnul Arms in mud 1mm lieu15 Pink only 31500 down oLhing lo do but mDVc In For iurlher inlormnkinn Contact Mr Worlhinglon at Barrie 2451 TROQMB EDGE 01 TOWN 55200 Carries for 00 per month Th is an exflpl onal buy for the man with largo lamii School has within block property all MOBILE tronTE TRAILERS of Barrie In ha answer to YOUR whim New und mobile homes or me UNaw Low nownrnymcnta OCheupcr FlnanceRlles includ lnsurdlleu lor lull term 01 your 3912 solid racks Good condition Elwood wright Coolmown phone 4er1 74151 BICYCLFSuscd SID 11nd up llrry Bras Bic ties and Sporlln Goods 301 Bluntd Phone 33 743le PERSXAN Lilan Cont new coridl Holey brick home an extol tinnlll lnl 0036125 Look ntlhesc Avgn lle can iprove our servlce will save housewives hundreds at dnlinrs Blecdn olicr gunrnnicc und illetiiviu scivice Kelley not mnldtud by my at or producl or company DYmt hnvc the satisluntion oi knowing you lam snvlng peopic money illYou nnvc an opportunity nt lilctimc based on our own nbllity to prosper wit the lost cst growing orgimlznlmn in the country The only need is CAR and willingness to work ply to BOX Barrie Examiner wont to Slnn to train immediately so please izlve lull details or to how we con ot you by phone ole il you quai fly loii WAITRESS wanted Full penguis Unilorms supplied Prysims Grill Bilrrln lloti WAIiRlfiS or part time Help with banqueu ilnd wcddings Ap vply Robindlllc lnn phone 3741 l57gt53 contract up to years Trade in traucr car rurnituro ell Falltlnl space wiu be availbio ror you Chapman Trailer SuleS unison Ave Hwy so Amt opt RENO LOCAL MANAGER WIN 01mm TDDAYI SUPERIOR TEXACO OILS STOVE cr FURNACE adctcr TonirTrucir douvery wth Tlckec Printer SIMCOE PETROLEUM Ensou chtl preprictor Phone 2563 Jim truce Driver Salesman lISDIIF WOMAN roqulrEd to take care ol year and hell old baby 5day week 05 pm Apply 100 Collier 51 law UNwEhis Students summer wnrk Good working cnndllians Applydfllanlc Tani lmd Awning 34 BByflEd Si 15 53 BABY Sitter wanted lnr girls eged and Expectantmothcr welcome Live in it required Phone 5am 15759 MiAN or Buy walled fol enenl arm work experienced wit trac tors and truck Apply Orville Hughes phone Eradlprd slrzz GhAlgurmc undergraduate and experienced practical nurses Inl genialal1iuly Inniswood Comm esceni Lodge thone Miss Ersuk well 4263 Barrie 058 PERMANENT position open lor oung lady to learn oration ol urrov hs billing machine Ty ing cssentia 5day week Apply OX 25 Barrie Examiner 58 YOUNG man wanted interosiod learning gmnery business Goad salary ottercd to man with exper ience For ruu particulars cell Maple Lear Services Comp Hor den 130 158 EXPERIENCED body and tender men lor llocallbody shop Also pitinterdur palm shop day week Slate ego dualili mas and oelary expected to Box as Barrie Exominer 14051 SELL Anest household necessities Eseomc our dealer in yoursur roundings Men is women qual ily loruhig ition Write rar details to lcx Dept Station MoutreoL 150 APPLXOATIONS are being accept ed torthe operation at alndles beauty Salon concession at RCAF Statilm available Aug APFU writin to istrativeomcen Ar station Comp Borden out 15tlssa Muslim women wanted lor purttime ovarklnorniri sor alter noons in Eckaglng partmeiits to hating ncLaeesed surrtirncfi verg py person Mellliartin First Comparative Pack crepdomnriorzitd Camp Borden co ego Etutlenfi soliooi tcoohtiil salesmen our earnln obetter PMSIONER welladucoted indivi bi lshe wonlngund weekond income lh our Sin interyv ew Full writoDonald Feluk Sine Youve Seen The REST TheBEST Koo venl lOthQAnniversury Solo sPEciAL PRlCES Easy Payment Plan All colors at no extra costawnings storm windows dourklilnlimie marlin me For lnlornwllon cell JONES Burl1e Phone 5628 75300 BUYiCANADlAN lBUY CQCKSHUTT Sci WNCAMPBELL RR Burrlo 40119le On 27 Highway mile South FOR COCKSHUTT FARM MACHINERY IIRRIGATION PROBLEMS isiow RD VROTAVATORS Insecticides Lnemansufallons ciadty Myers Sprayers Arr ed HAIRDRESERS shampoo basin and choir Phone 4109 76759 1T ONSWANTED or swimten Apply Box mainline north nil3or on RAE Canggge pearl grey perfeclr CRAIG lion Will sacrifice Owner leav ing hr the south Phone 0210 75059 HOUSEHOLD Furniture better than average quality will sacriiiec Owner leaving lor the south Phone em 75359 11 Cedar and 11qu cabin traicr will noconunodnie pro nic Can be seen at 170 Dunio st 2115 Barrie 1511 QUANTITY ice boxes Alisa uantity ol hardwood rt lsnglhs pply Pnllqllllnu pcsori Shdnly any Phone Orq 2W 753 GURNEY heavy duty elcciril range burnnl guild oven ex cellent fol cottage But all Phone 4212 cveninss 7581 USED Electrolux and Goblin vab uum cleaners Guaranteed Chtap Phone I20 Le ray 3482 Barrie 75800 QUANTITY brick siding heavy roll roolin indows and doors electors Sellchean Irwin Neely lath Linc Leonard Beach 150 1055 MElicth hnayydut 1ton truck Zfiflflvmilcs 31 cu cem em mixer Apply ox Shag Re pair 120 Duniop HAND emery stone grinder Hots point iron used claeron kitchen sink hand saw neatly tub stand window shades shone adsi HP me0 Ba en trac lot complete 116 Ill plough Sullivn luluand 24 sickle i781 Gmdvm dilmn Jack Webster plume SkDud 100 740 ENTEEiPfilSE dean and stov MLClSry electric range kitchen labia andchili blue and white baby carriage Phone Strand 30113 374750 HUG MB in Save up in onerhall an heaut ful bruzdloamrugs1urn in your old carpets woollen clothing Bio 24 decaratlve shades Plume 2535 722 WESTA maillousr electric rrin cabinet Slyle4 porccinin cookiiig pitth and oven suiuibic ior or wire service 40 Blake Street phoncoisa 75 wood condition Ohcsterilel rust lopesiry very clean 25 girls tonage suit size 12grey whipcord like 112w $10 Phone 2909 76758 mEWRlTEitS omce machines portabies adding machines cash tglsieri£slale5 and service 111 Gurney 17 France St Barrie phonollla Box 203 Smith Carl 0m representative lantlp HECECiicstsriicld new on di HO pieoewsinut finished din ing roamisuiic good conditio nu whilec annei kitchen range with Quaker ml burner excellnni bak er Owner moving Phone 34 timer can give you der vice oaypur Mustcrreod Frost Fence Fertilizer nckalb Hybrid Corn and Farm Supplies Cons tracts available tpyleed your hugs to market Plume strnud sat5 SPAWION waillink madhlrie condition piece maternity dress Jze 12 £10le bénxnllne skitilund empty Mo 40 YEARS ex fecondlflon elecmc 99mnrugtfi In ltyliur hullleLyPlt ne hank Kennel Phel Qua miles 11 nine east Elgw ruliureI Iuilll $35 din 10 iii 01 Shilpe tank and SUMMER or YEAR ROUND bedroom cotta at Mlnetil Pnllit all nicely mrnshcd lnslde ioiict large iol lawns Shrubs liowcrs Owner selling at big moilice asht is leuvlnxCnnadn partially win lcrizodi Price $500 gt OFFICE 10 REPRESENTAmEs To SERVE YOU Em McGOEY TOUGH PHONE 3442 10 ESSA ROAD 10 HOVILING GREEN GD HUNT kei COLLINOWOOD $12500 150 acres lnii buildings some bush and good spring creek 510000 100 aorch good buildings wotcr through 1an and burn Fla very best uhcotund clover an $20000 loo earns urcal horlié steed loud and buildings in tiptop $13000 100 aeros5 scorned house good inndugvod barn build ing use to two highways MANY OTHERS ivy Village short run lrom Barrie and re you can buy nice comlortobie home on an acre or goodgcrdEn hind nonr church store garage nndschnol also school bus service mBnnie To inspect uiéso premlses eontnct OSCARBATES Thornton Phone Ivy llrll ROGERS REAL ESTATE REASONABLE PRlCES MODERN DUPLFX At 31 Perry Street near GE Plant nest or theyery low inBarrlej Two spu clous 5mom lists comlctslvsoir contained with private trout and rear eatmnces llrages and con crete paved dr vcwuy Fairly priced at 019000 with moderste down paymentarid balanceonsla gie open mortgage Lower list immedlatl vacant possessi DELUXE BuNGAij Napier street near Nciso lelngemnlns combinedlnvel natural tlnishe iront kitchen rooms and tiled bath Finished basement has long recroallan room lorlsed urntum ace and laundry room complete Matching Erick solid comnslnlctipc arage ma Opt ann lgraclive buy atgslifrooo wilh olld terms INNlSIIIL STREET Near Brock 0yearold 2bedroom rugl brick bungalow Fullequrpm£nl nice lawns trees large garden Ideal quality smeli homc lnr Price is just58500 2d swans scream and Full ul nndjiWegl ptfmnled in oil palnl throughout domfortable modern flvbedrooln briekhanle at 111500 and hereussll would mun gun ears at iriiicregt Sohoo WPerfeéth iiy home having bulhlnrxe kit 12 and bLuutiiui view at country slde and ls conveniently clnse lt mwn Contact Mr Shclswcu ul Barrie 245l 12 OUTSIDE TOWN $5000 for this EIMm two storeyhnml Three large bedrooms living room dlnln mam kitchen Barrie dial tel One For further lnlonni linn canlact RussellCalson ill Bir rie 9A5 FOR MEN ONLY $2000 Cash is all you requires to put your wiic back into business ui is real prom maker This is on exclusive indies appafll shop in centre ol town The figures will show you that this businessle be paid or iun coror loss Contnct Mr WDllll Elfin rll 2451 Consult Rldout ON Au dim ESTATE WhetherBuying or Selling ID UTE cold water Toilet with septic tank Gill Us PODS 75298 OWNER mANSFERED lam lernl liar bedrooms and bath upsiuirs ving room dining room large modern kllclten downstairs Full bnstrnent rum ace hardwood hours About one Eizngig cosh required Call Les Pope BEFORE YOU BUY TRY LACEYS NO OBLIGATION PHONEV5298 moms FAliM OOOMMEMAD SUMMER rnormrm 10511 CANADAS LARGEST REALTORS losp SLESSOR REAL ESTATE Clapperiou Barrio illTONE 59 McGQEY TOUGH Real mats and business Brokers Competent ltcal Estate service OExéluslve confidenllni listings OPlivnte hNHA llmlnclng pldns ISpeclnlly service on buying and sellingpllvale income home up selection at lmnsnnd siniui resents alsavinz porch BEDROOM HOME Chm to 1m nnd protestant Schools This lovely rug brick bungalow very well built send prunzically new Hos large kitchen 11nd ilvin roa piece bathroom and as wood liners muboss menl contruiepaured Extra mom in basement luund tubs orced sir oil hcatln nt mist this one at only $1 400 with very low down payment IMAGINATION NOT NEEDED Central location close lo school veryweil built solid house in bedrooms and piece bathroom up stairs rovciyliving room dining rqom andJalge modern kitchen on lurnncc hot water radiator heating Gnrasealnd excellent Building lot adieecnt in All tor only INCOME PROPERTY Very close to central downtown Barrie mimic house separate basements and luraacss Lore bulldin lot adjacent s12 rooms is property is money maker with luture In excellent condition lnslde and out YOU CANVTULOSE gt But gain free Servo lind in gears at the corner ot Femdale and Elld High 400 prem Just outside the urrie tnylln lim its irqur cottagesori1his prop grty bring an income offlfiper month almost $2000 per yeor Ail full rented nd 01 buld roll put SLESSOR REAL aiuaperton St glust call 5914 isnytlrncl All hordes in CLAY gt Ch lolfloo on iiiI no 12111 anew home Aching do ll pubic school dnd curved streets lessen tmllie pro vids maximum surety lor level bungaan ho dings lBuSlness mrerfle sold on com iidontiai lstng servlcu orrlcrslii REPRESENTATIVES To SERVE YOU 3mm OEY= TOUGH PHONE 3442 19 asstind OppBowling Green OAKLEY PARK plunned subdivision with elm pin centre axes sis 338 high or onl mg chlldreo Situated on genflc mlls lng slopes in north central Barrie overlooking Highway 400 $1845DOWN Own your mourns plan your own garden enioiy finennew neighborhood the monthly payments $56 plus taxes are probably less than the rent you are now paying See ere Oakley Enrico room brick nws oak 001s loroed Dir en hemlnzaycr suarc test at floorspace ad security are seven romnsplit Spacioucloombku ronmnn lnlngmoln 11 Allan 1111 is piqmrtt yplnnned Rime good bedroom rnvlde ampler leiJ Millyp flvé Thek argelitiuflhetirl embodies oil the wur SEVH El TEEEVQ woman 056 wants in hr horns Finished base menlrecrlentlan paradise lor ui kl oakie Pdrk are at BRICK nndarebuiitto mm speelnootioiu All to On 1549437 room sluts kitchen 15m liv ing mornl22xl2 lnrec oversize bedrooms 11 real Inmlly type hnme Asking SlIJXlO OORDON VSTOUTT mesn REALfESTATE BROKERS OPEN UNTIL pan DunionSircct Enst Phpnc 241 110511 Barrie CHOICE LOTS Cluselo Barrie on Ink Simcoe or ynnr round or sununer homes Miles East or lgtsinswlqk on No 11 Highway Drivin Itilne Io Ennle10minulea LaSDflnbly restricted Builders terms eon be arrnnged SEE WIDE TAYLOR On Froch 1050 HOW MUCH is your home worlll Old ur lww lurgc or small wa dnt you like to knnwns value Throufi years at experiencowo ocl we quali iied to give you true vaiuution 13 your property on todays market are thinking of selling ioduy We wont take less we honestly uaink we can sell it to ynullbesl advantage Prompt ln PHONE 3442 10 ESSAROAD OPPJ BOWLING GREEN Real mm 101151100 it won ERICK HOUSE in viii no or Strpudn pressure system and modern both it noreobiund double sregc rind workshop Eeaulrlul ome in excellent candl lion Priced to sell Contact Sutherland phone sortssound ROOM Siucco HOUSE coupc1 donation in village or Cookstown Situated on large lot Priced low lnr quick sale Contae suTllERLAND Phone 30r12 Tolld FOUR BEDROOM ONE Am HALF STOREY slam chen roomxbrick horns with attached twocar garage fler all oiihsut ing liviugroom 15 Inwlut open ilreplnfifidllldinlgggxfom 12 12 HKe En our Elm murmleoa 10M ow pilcce wash MI no ltclbxcd iv ol this one bad home with attached beautilul loentio CLmnsw call Expiriiner rn glien Dknrden l8 Apply 50 Cuulsan Angus lséIfitl WE HAVE clienls fur our home Call 2451 Ridoul lelted cal astute 1627 IMPROVED 112 wth hydro writer and sewer Chump Xbr cash Di Schulll Angus AmACTiVESmDm bed moms Sultale or small family Can be seen at 72 Victoria St 65158 NEW rimmed hflmB 00 front EL excellenl Million NHA re srllc Apply Marion 52 Applc tree Acres 1054555750 FOR PROMPT and reliable service ln the selling or your home coil A1 Rose 5203 end list with Lacey hoaitar WE Do HAVE 16411 HOUSE 20 ut Angus e1 large lot 132 220 Cash value $4000 or $4500 with down pup men or $2000 Apply Mrs Henry Thompson Angus orLot 30 Can Essa Townshl 11 STOREY iasulb situated northeast lringc or bar rte rooms plus modcmrbath sun roomund large uiiuiy room Pres sure rystcm and septic tank on healed Can he bouglltl with one acre or more it desired Phone maria Andrew Cumming 165150 Acm good gillden land house and born dro in house On 7th Sun dnlc hell mile rum School handyvto Crimp Eor don lrnrncdiato possession 1r Marlin New anell phone DIM $1500 DOWN rooms and uliilly hot wits heating Ink and tile lioors 130 Queen St Angus gt 1053 hOOM bnd Eourd wanicd modern clfivfnlenmirslrofid glalnaswlcxk nx nrr my 116853 Expome opportunity rot ard bitious woman to lawnhu own re ers Car leaving Plume 1054 805 50 OMAN driving to Calgary and of May requires passengers able todrlve Rhone Iyy 3m WANTED Transportation 1er Earrig tn Stroud vicmllyleavug Barlle around 7pm Appiy indoor 31 Barrie Examiner 3050 LADYoi couple ri ngtoori Winnipeg who could stake passen aercali Atkinson bloomer riclor particulars and rclercacci Early vunc prelerred 306fl50 HYGlENTx sup1iei igoodsl mailed plug iiiin gullIii fave sth mm as Mail gmer Dept Wd Co Box 01 Henrik WANTE Passenu for Orillla daily CONSIDERING ImBlTil yr tMilT eWellnre SPEC IlithL mill rumblinch 900 ov 00m llch Ind poor matlaid Seru ulovs rcerec Slme iii Ken r1 iOll Dw1N Wilson Enrris Ontario dell ynducllnx general as apntiiic raetico us beericarlmz for fFudt including the removal Comlrndlczlluuumlor in hon 20 years Telephone 2203 40qu

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