MI in we Dr Curlpbell had become at the heat hnownand molt pity and church very etive her at the Homciu Iin he had oerved as chairman varioun committees he was rnun oi theboud oiltewI It Collier Street United credit dint ntisuper out than happinulin the Barrie Owlnuto the longed illneoII iiiiilrii°eiiim exceioeno um teréot in tivery ity iocial eveninlImixhtpot Mn ï¬lmmain indivldnu montered mm WNWth Nd benéiicial him in his weakened 11 hadalargo uidherotfriend on my Mi condition WeIIare lured ioj the place on June In He Toronto he id mm they were all true trienda BaillinNantï¬z Albertla Dr Camp yunonohln WNWm Sarah Trowhri Campbell and Work In the phurchI and mg Edm In simian or cub Ck hell who predeceased his ton had are dry oi tgiiehyea Raised enterecu quydrécï¬rt hd charter min column Sukltehewnn not the Barr Corner beiore themr and an ardent nd Ikilled Pi kgd 33mm inf nurinsWoridrwnr li he ach iPim 13 LIT loved the nnkotflightlieutenant if ï¬gmedfm Hugging with the air tom Iurvlng Iiih radar otileer on the west coast mm 10 by Ind in IEnollnd lie was com Dam Irnrndlng otliccr oi the radar Winner oi the board at dim lion on Marble itland BC the Arsoclnled Dentin Qum mm plisheo lnulicllll 9mm dcmld Exp he played lto nxophono in an WM Pm orchestra in Saskatchewan in his me Numb youth He also joined the WM onic badgewhiie he was living in nacntaiassoeiailons nno was Real becoming mum of er oi tho Mushohsimeoc mm mm MI Survivlnx Relatives Besides his mother he sur vived by his widow the former Cora Pearce daughter Dawn 17 Grade 12 student at Barrie District Collegiate Institute who play flute in the collegiate hand sun Gordon 12 Grade Bhlu dent at liiiicrest School hroth tr William oi Winnlptgv Ind two sisters Mrs houghton Consume oi Slntalutn Suit IndMrs Askin Glennaiot Rb ulna Honorary pianos at tale II unera are uley in rdum He had Squib iltlt Stephenson John Craig gnor inot never leitahlrn Hm MIMI mm mm MIMIle EM Robert Woods and Henry Moore Acting vallheirers are Dr Ernest Bilkey Dr Gerald Mondge Dr Bruce Johnston Harold Forster Dr Kennth Simmons rid Fred Kalnhin in erment II in Barrie Union Ceme cry Floral Tributes Amongthe tinny norpl tributes are those from the Lions Club The University of Toronto Dentistry loss of 1951 the directors and htlif at the Associated Dentists Cooperative the Clutter Club the Barrie Curling Cluo the Barrie Community Concert Association the local association at Boy Scouts the Scout and Cults 3rd nnrrie thegroup eommittee oi 8rd Barrie Scouts Collier Street United Church the dentists oi Borrie the dental nurse of Barrie simcoe Medical Group the Board of Stew 3rd 01 Collier United Church Barrie District Collegiate Institute Board The ColieginteBandgand ClassXIIIA the Centre Simcoe Branch of the Childrens AidSoci ety the pupils otllillcrest School and neighbors Members oi his tarnin and oth or relatives from Ottawa Cooks ville Sprueedal Reglu Toronto and Calgary are trending the fun IcrdI Eriendmcoming from ante lance included Mr and Mrs Allnn tormerly of cut Wartl iomï¬oeiety ï¬ï¬iopnlnrny and respect he ted among his prpiuglonnl was evident when his entists rum town return ly irorn the Ontario non Wintion convention which opened in Toronto on news at his death lit SJllengues Tribute 53 one of that rare in nit whose persnnllity seem mï¬ made up oil enmblnn WVtympalhy generosity and In stated one at his culi wo cod close pcrsonulirlends LIBRARY Announces REE WEEK FOR ERDUE BOOKS iMay 22 to Mon May 23 Inclusive books may he without charge In pportunity for Inyon Menznsnn TECI rne rked or ontlnue until Noumea two Pint Aid countJ have been held and over 50 boys have ualiI tied for eerttoules IInI ad tion to the music thema inithe hand Isa take Cldll wo othervgen mi traiuing suhlectt meh an range tonnes lignailing arms rii map using and technique or instruction are givenlo the major ot cadet in Grades Land Demonstration litter till platoon drill came display otilhythm hell by the Grade Xi zlrln ll Wit very well done Demonstrations oi cadet work such as ï¬rst old by the Ambulance Corps Bren gun and iioideniu movcmenu with Bren and rifle were neatly carried out end well received by the appreciative nud iencc Then come the BDCI pipers with in line display by the Twiriorettes 011950 Physical cducntionan exercise table by the boysdemon strationl ioilowed then some grocelul and pretty Waltzes hy the Grade and XI girin The BDCI gym learn put on remark able exhibition on the parallel bars box horse tumbling and pyramids This in splendid Thc famous hand then rendered selection in their intmitlble Ind stirring style liter which the Grades ix and glrilv went through physical training routines Calm the massed linnlc inspee tors remarks and presentations llard Work unquestionably in tremendous amount of reparation and Work went into planning and trnln ininor the cadet inspection lntl the entire geriolmanee was athor ougth eartening spectacle assur ance at youth excellence Following the cadet inspection iudent dance was held in the new gymnasium at BDCI Personnel IGenerui eonvener was Lieut Cockhurn BSA while eadet In structors were Cupt Nesbitt BPHE chici instructor weapon training shooting Lieut Kettle BPHE weapon train general training shooting Lieu Powell BSA signal it shouting Lieu Mitchell BIIS¢ shooting nott BSA ilrstald Fisher BA hand director Girls were directed by Miss Mary Iiiacdonald BPH lss Hilda Toy ior MA Miss el Kelso BA Miss Helen Span BA Mrs Page did splendid job as accom panisL Announcer was Knox EA Cndetï¬ï¬‚ieers included olticer Commanding Cadet latCol Brlnn Weatherhcad second in command Cadet MajorIth qunlan Com pany commander Cadet Capt Jim EdWIIdELB Compnn commander Cadet Capt Ed Taelu Ambulance unit was headcdrhy Cldet Lieut All Robbins hand Cadet Lieul Don McKinnonflag party Cadet LiéutRlcllard Brett dotLieut Tom Garn iNDIItN NAME hemung Lake in getcrborough no wnsIIna edIlroInr The choir rang Lseleetin Womens Associati in theloss of her her Charles andbothtir ander Bmev predate vcry uchathe tintian oi allIthe tri who participl in their partl in Fro Blrrie Mr nd Mn EIGreen Mr Ind Mn McF denJr and dren Barrie tll ed with Mr and sudhury Visit Mn Chester Richardson Ill Sudan vlonrd in Sudhury to couple otweeks Few my in Toronto tin it KnninInrent tew days in Toronto recent Wedding WInhel Congratulationa to Henry limit and JirAune Maoblren who were married in Toronto on Saturday May Mr and tin Rapid and two sons Ittendcd the IWedding neeupentlug From Operation Draper is recuperating horn recent hernil operation Best wishes tor speedy good health also to Mrs Draper who hns been in hospital lilo to Mrs Stone who is under the doctors care with an arm condition Mr and Mrs Clarence and Valerie visited with Mr Ind Mrs Langman Alienwood on Sunday Recent Viritor Mr and Mrs Morley Feauhy and lingerSnndiord Mrs Gli ten and children Sunnidaie Cor nersMr and Mrs Paul Carson and Randy Barrie Visited on Sun dpy with Mr and Mrs lrving Car don Mrs Dilrmos Iond boys Willowdalc Mrs Thornton nnll children liewlnarkell also Visited there recently Mr and Mrs Vnn Ast Ild ioni lly nndMrs We Kanis and inmliy Toronto with Mr nnd Mrs lsanls EDENVALEI special Service Mothers Day servlne was held inthe church on Sunday morning with good congreg on Mothers Old Bible is True baptismal bowl which wu presented to the church by the iii edbyR Von were hot Ed Carol Ann daugh ter oi Mr and MrvsVBert an Leona Ja nughtel or Mr and Mrs Fred Maw andDavid Joiner son of Mrand Mrs Eric Bull Rev Venls gnve good rd dress tzk got his text Aa one whom his mother comloried and Can woman forget her nuning i1 chi rroolnnlnl honor II Congratulations to hirs Grace MacDonald on winning provincial honors and rpm for completing 12 projects in work also to Mrs WilmaGifted who won own ty honors and pin for completing six projects Community Syran hy The sympnt is extended Jamleéon who aged nway on Mondny know he in Wmlihlt improvedi itnlily oi Banlefloflt Mrs Willinln Holindden on Su Du whim md Mrl Nellie It ahvllie Mr lnr Del 32 flu Ll vd Mm McLean Weekend Vilit tir In lira Willilmltnttiit Marilyn In nnrin vitited during the we tend with Mr and repaint Grange Mrs Plltre and Roll at Cooper Fails visited on with Mr and Mrs Ed Hut Toronto in up IavMIy LL Royalvmori llnspltli CHINE williss Gloria Perkin ha tonsil removed 0n Tuned with her aI speedy Mlu CulllaI of 05h wi pleturceI lult Saturdtymlghtat the uhoo coast uldpointu in USA proceeds going to tholuni her trip theiWest Attended Funeral Thom5 nitin and an Mm Sidneyrbougail attend the lunernl of their sieterinla Dough Mu Iin Toronto Mon last week withMr In George McDonnidpt their new nine in rrio Mr and h1rsciiiiord rahaln 0r ngeville spent th weekend Char Is Dinner with his wife 99 the Newmtrkeeon nnd Mrs 1mm to ram Coohstnwn son nhort illnw MMHEW ILthe tto Victoria Engli allrlc our DrFred rid atom once em no re the me Edwm Contain Inesior loved Ihrvther Mn Mignon Consume or inmntn Mrs Aakln concur and William to Winnipeg Retttn ntthe Jorth lIunerni limne Birrie mineral service Frid MW in Interment rrid Un wcnsAttroronio on Wednes mom id 1353 Mary boheue umheioveddaudlter ot Mu Luce Indï¬utet Vlute John mm at Blrrie dear sister at Mn Elmore Hamilton oi ie Joseph pr Kingston dtch Leimy Restin nd steckley Funern ior lervice on so at no pan interment our Lille ICemcitSr Innin grinwmtrAuhe noyn Victorin oi Barrie mamay rm giet Plummer delu mom ot wartimlt HaénXton an m1 nme Cal dï¬m an Hon MrD JtslfticeI Hatingnt tlile Pethlék am ernLIIomem anydeld st Bar rid Notice otflunerailater minnowant the hospital or inrnrlow ion inimi MnuMert fllmlow Bor liltennent Eorrie union pines hy pvinl them mutt overhaul Erin entvln to in weii rec ndI on your me Dual control 633 Sale Competent Lloenhed nInitruotors an imlr rolNr noun liR BARRIE snack Bur For lnionnntion no Tournaments etc JENSEN ritan ciapwflon