and um my Mitigation lredrrlett Spencervllie bride oiliciated at gt The Ihrlde was roman brateh nurse IneVlctorlan order oiNurses in Barrie the bridal party entered church MrsEric Courticc the The tether ol the he rtdovwaalveo ily John Wehbe Rot Sh wore In ori lull 10 olylltlté Nil gintlnut elmmi lllle hyl elm lrinndotsilu lam oi SL Lambert rluyteretln Inshlon Lunark cousin edwlthlhateau neckllne of ap pliquedFrench Milly lace and church parlorr The bride 195 ranrm SEDAN Beauiilul Loitrentttn model Custom radio turn signals two tone green iinlsh Special nylon upholatered seats one owner low mileage ear sure to please Sold new tor over $3000 You can buy it now for only cosmin Alreonditionor Lusiom radio automatic transmission turn signals loaded with cxlrast above average condition and In lovely two tone llnlah localntar that runs like new and driven only 19000 mile Buy this one and you will be satisï¬ed 1953 PLYMOUTH SUBURQAN passanseritatlan wgon air conditioner rultom radio directional signals two tone paint almost new ply tires very cleanand in Ad meeh anical conditionDont miss this one it 1955FORD SEDAN Air conditioner turn signals window washers seat covers rparo tire never out or trunic Mileage on this cards out 10000 This carcannat bei told from new and is one at the tinest cars we haveever uttered or sale routs ndingg value at gt isst rono moon Finished in dark metallic greenltid very cloie to new throughout Treat yourself to drive in this its sure to please good buy at l9 PONTIAC SEDAN litively twotonc loaded with xtras new battery and urthat you could expect very dependable transporta tionirom Good looking and running Priced at oril 1952 METEOR SEDAN Air conditioner slips very niveiy equipped nFiaished lll Breton Blue Immaculate inv tcrioro See and drive this car Your chance to get tem cat and save money Priced at only 1950 NASH SEDiAN seatsrold down into bed Ideal for sportsman or trav elier This ear is in ery good condition lindi goodhuy at 195 JEEP ONVEBTlBliE Very sporty liner and very iroomy Features new motor new topovenirlve leather upholstery ra lo ftcaree mod Air eondit ner rad rant This enavnomrau Air conditioner radio new tires and battery complete This car is motor overhaul asideun as pin and in wondertul condition We guarr iantce this car to please you Priced right missus candy at FORDS Tudorsand Fordors iro Enquire houtourmo Paymen on one Sara type lrea one owner ps good oagerar Drivethls Law sounu morim bum7ieary Nepank oi the may ad the urheramure at Ottawa brother mutton mil Cleary and Lorne Pretty at md groom reception Wu el the mo then received wedrlngja dress re rllk nayy shanluaswith pink clip camailouThc grooms that eriwom dress oi navy rc the couple loll on wedding midwestern United Slotcsiior travelling the bride chose non tlcl tweed suit 0110 and brown iIh tan and neutral accessories 0n elr return they will reside in Spencervilie Outoitown gucst wetu trout OluwaSpenccrville St Lambert Winchester unark Portland Barr rie Caiiipheilford Grimshy Ham ilton Tomato Kcmptviile and the United States showers were Elven in honor of the bride by friends in Barrie and Ottawa whore shoalso worked with the Victorian Order at Nura esandt in Ebenezer anti Couriice communities Former District Resident indiarl Welfare Officer former and Hen resident hilssltvilia Broderick who became the first weltare worker with the Department of lndian Aiiairs in Alberta four cars it it found the lg no integration of young in ignsinto societytoo difficult While oihcr Canadian titles may wrln their hands over the problem Valgary can be proud of its progress in the opinion at the vivacious greyhaired woman who has Justmoved tram there to Edmonton where her welfare of iiee isnow located SillI poian to eight at her young charges as examples other proud words Youll have to mahcvmc est she said acr loust to Writer Margaret HuSLtr 01 The Albean in an interview before leaving Calgaryr For sometimes Im too proud of the en Every one of the eight all girls had integratedexception ally well From all pa province they made lhet moves into the larger ei tot training or work entirely alone All of them were encouraged to leave the ifeseiVEyMiSS Broderick believes when the girls arrived gory her warhliega They to complete strangersand their lots were especially di lcuit But never yet hadany of them been retusetlbeeause she was lndianr To employers andrriends its the girls qualiï¬cations th Brodericlts work tails Invelto all parts at the province arranging training for girls and giving gthem individual counseii due hesides gether racially Her eight attrac protegoes represented many professions tram stenogrnphersxthroughnurs ingaldcs and studentsto lab tee chlllls While Miss Bro eri ular tris her nos an include train or ommu iou tripto Washington on Indzlho lieial sprl rice and enmgeidi pink reéreatlon otner women ree or the Ontario Re Mrs notion Hailley of Atherley entrefn past presid nt otion Association amt Miss EleanorDixonTorbnto lettoi the North Toronto YWCALIatythe 11th annual meeting at th provincialassoelhtion in Stratiord MissColley the onlywoman in the province to have complete commie ere Mrs Vaughan Johnstone nrrie Mrs Reed of Ardtrea Mrs Gordo Churchill andï¬ Thestheme otthe three sar liueuan this litrict attanitlhg Powellan meeting Window boxes tiliedwllh arti flowers decomicd Al landale ngc Hall for the spring tea at Golden star LOBA No 551 and there were datiodlis and tub ips and all yellow tapers on the main ton table and on the individ ual tables The tea was the most sucrose iul ever sponsored by the lodge wilh bazaar tahics sold out belori the end or the afternoon and re cord number of tea gueats neeoiving were Worthy Mistress Sh AlmaFunecott and Deputy Mistress Sr Gertrude Jennett PM Sr Lucinda Paddlson and PM arr Agnes Robeson presided at the tea liable and Sr Lucinda Mcs Kenzic took tickets at the door Bake table convcncrs werelrilt sr Vera Bristmv and PM 5r Jenny lilarscilus PM Srr Annie Biggar was in charge or the tancywork tableaad PM 5r ataud lituitibor son and Sr Edith Howe looked tor the candy saieo Tickets lor th lue dt an by Douglas Mc addclii wrdiidi ll Henry and way of the white man in ing it eqsier for them to miiate into soc ety writeshe interviewer when suitspoken Miss aro crick ï¬rs came to Calgary her one ambition was to meet eye one at thcr15000 Indians in pruv Askedit shEhad real Ed thisgoal the welfarework8r laughed Weii Ive about the whole 150901 et just usryShcwehuk The prize was piece of luggage Tea couveucrs were Sr Louise Slewafl and Sr Bernice McFad dcn Members at their committees were PhlSr Lunda Gilhooly Jenn Hioltling Sr lrene Howey Sr Rose Jardlne and Sr Aieta Allsopp lea table assistants Sr Luella llcntner SrrM eiine ltilnniklnï¬sra Elia Ferguso and Sr Mal Corbett kitchen asslst ants The memorial service at Hobart United Church Will he held on Sunday May 20 at 230 speakerwillhe Rev wallvand title music Recreation aridvcitiienship Golden Star LOBAISeriiigléa And Bazaar Most Successful auédhlvnwnna The rhlaekrandwhlte ormul appears mor andmare in trier fashion AblILkAhLalll un gt tier ahady white hat is Pari iiurn maglesi re ialr Air minnow witm beautiful because it my leaped and nylon barrio at fade shrink pmi pndr altlinen lino nohelur unbreak otuuh Mimi hands or Militia in Maple Ave Phone 3482 El Ficus Cutting Heights gt Nylo BearingWHeels theirt ad WWI Mud llluellln Mo nitsr Riven hlS i1rho cotnblaauon railway wui iagroom and height shed at tilsoulh estroyed shore whistlestop was by rejoi th second out in re In exceptionally handsome nndndmirod by all in amice neighborth Shanty Bay Road and im worth every any of my price $14500 rtl on test onl have Vmortgnge with no salaryre quirementsl Asking Price $12300 ha this picture shows or the photographers no havefli bedrooms spacious kitchen and knot pannelleddlning room besides garage and recreatinnhonmr Fenced in garden and awnings See realy sick at my present parents anti eri for out adoption