Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 May 1956, p. 10

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lilo Worship Magistrat Footer presided with Crown At torney Thompson Chief ATaebirblrt VIII on court duty halt landfoo April Harri Congdoa pleaded zuiity Evidence was that while driving conjure st Confldon made lift turn and collided with can speciallltothcrl Da ice wuhcldinthe Sunday Schooldn Sunday with largcationdapocof the cor otvltrSoilth sod caused damage of to his and $250 to Congdonu On conviction the muted by PCvG Winger and PC gt cliench ot Barrio Poiiecl Liquor Control ulAnnniber wars convicted del place plus costs of 55 the average Underhaving li placepther two were fined $10 plus $5 edits modulesi tin differeotcircumsionocsi plrd with costs at $450 Clueless Driving Ii charge laid by PC Ronald Pickard was of careless driving lKIilut lcnrt Pappol onAprlllI in Blrrio The accused Is Just five years in Canada and his soniniaw was Interpreter when needed Evv ldence was tlllt driving south on Bum Street at 740 Iln ho had failed to slopnt on lntrxsectlon and damage at 5150 was caused in collision On conviction the finc was $15 plus $2250 costs Similar Charge Richard Milictte was charged by PC Lacey DP onAnrll Id when going out on Sophia he failed to sto at Bayllfild St He was stnick northbound car ll ewsa vpiua cost of found parents The unday oirnanga Mothers Day anthem and the Mission Bandand Explorerltiroupjlso aang asa group Mrs Burgess otAtliston love an illustrated oddrai on the bite otMosea which the children interesting Av Attendance lttnc church service on Sunday morning witnessed tho baptism of Willialri Prrryand Robert Paulhtwln solis powers the up in chancedid by napcetorfle Goodmottho 01 Awnilturc azunstrltex andoooiie charge eopeeia ot isllingto dispose at qulntty of potatoes infected at Mr and IfrI Keith mmbull Sharon Loreen daughter of Mr Ind lira Huhbert Mari daughter at Mr and Mrs Holland and Lory Robert son of Mr and Mrs it Cameron The with ring rot The inspector lutedtblttlle grower hid been advised pn Oct 1819 earlier todkooaooi Iii utoca belorr la 811856 On Mar thoy were still in tho possess on of Mr Watson The inter claimed that they were not his but he pleaded guilty wu convicted and tlncd for the contravention of the act $20 plus costs 0131250 This new tion was taken because at the danger of seed infection Impu ed Ability charged by PC Light nP wilh driving while ability impair ed on April 28 at 1145 pmin Barrie Earl Fletcher pleaded guilty III had been going south on main road and the onion observed signs of drinking and swiped thin The fine was wit coats of $5 and his license was suspended for two months when out of control and damage Corclcss Driving was $700 Shop Lifting Charged by Manager Laking oi Lohiaws Barrie Lionel Amour pleaded guilty to taking goods under $50 value on May Defenco Counsel John Reid claim ed that it muslbavc been mental ahberatlon hecaus the articles taken were at wdei variety of small value and the accused had $50 with him at he time He bias lti years in the army and is due for pension in four years ills superior offimrle¢ut Waiiacc told at clear record since March iiiiii His Worship considering that it was not case otrwant and tho stores are all open to the public who are trusted imposed fine of $15 or one rnontli Cpl Neathway BF investigated the case Something Different Held on charge at impaired driving on May in 00 Sgt Show plcadegkgulity Evidence of no it Prblmcr OPEwas that hchad noted the highapced of the sergcants car onxtiighway ll about 1045 pin up to 78 miles an hourland had followed for tour miles until the other who passed rill other vehicles had strucka soit shoulder ond was stopped on opening the condom Prim mcr said he noticed an unfamiliar notcndcd by Edwin Myers in charge of careless driving as of April llid by PC Campbell OPP WI Edward Robertson Evidence of the officer was that with PC Parke OFFbe had been cruising on Highway 2627 and noted on 26 and short dis trace west ofibe Intersection car on its top at the edge of the travelled part Robertson was there and went back with them toBarric The cause oflle ear turning overwas not fully ox piaincd hut marks on the pav mentclccked by Campbell ran bacir for overloo feet in all The question of how it was caused seemed difficult to pin down but Robertson may llnve fallen asleep in the car flat tire with ilole throuin but not blow out was shown by George Graves and came from the right rear of the Robertson car The vehicle had evidently gone on tilt shoulder for 2l3 feet back on the pavement for 105 feet on the roof40 feet and indicated high speed and careless driving The fine was $15 with costs of $1550 Si or Charge John Corbett was Chiling with careless driving on April on Dunlop Street going west near thoiitw cut off to Camp notden It was foggy and near the Cook odor was vodka which Shaw had booindrinking and ale Mr Thompson asked about the odor he had been toldit was odorless but Primmcr said it re sembled methylated spiri Coll victcdon two counts the accused was finedssa with costs of $5 on the impaired driving and $15 plus 52 on having the intoxicatan in the carp His license is suspended ior three months Suspended for Your Chorged by 150 McKenzie BP with care and control wh Construction he had turned out to the east bound lane and mndo it left turn tothcclovericaf in front olanother car with slight coili sioni Hc claimed that this other car had gonanSO feet while he was going the length of the cor Convicted as charged he was fined £10 with costs of $2150 Thursday May to Magistrate Gordon It Fast presided with Crown Attorneyw Thompson Cpl wis0PP on court duty The usual east1 under the LCA meant fines of 510 ill of $5 and for having actor of fiolon inple but Gardens says that amateur ochy in Canada is on the decline be cause at lock of rivalry between Ieolns fmm the Eat and the West He says the poor calibre ot teurns from the Weat in recent years has dulled rpectator interest in the East This years junior hockey championship in Toronto drew 223 customer compared with more thin 102000 fans or the final scries nine years ago roam troop on May by PC Dhlle Gilllvrly of Stayner when he was iound to bo intoxicated In the car not his in the centre oi the road and was given scvendays The car impounded Hll license was suspended for six months ln ad ditinn he had wine and beer in the clr and was lined $16 plus $5 or seven dsys concurrent ilurray Johnston enlarged by PC Carney OPP with driving in Oro at Guthrie on May while ability impaired was convicted and lined $50 plul $5 or 10 days and license suspended for three months second charge of hav ing beer inhis ear brought an other fine oi sis plus sr PAUL Little Lynn Wallace celebrated her 2nd birthday by entertaining her little Cousins and friends The children played with toys and then sat down to lovely birthday luneheompiete with birthday cake and ice cream Mr and Mrs Robinson Col Iiliizwood called on Mrs Thomas Calder and Mr andiiirs George Stundon last week again in Hospital Little Esther Rowe is again patient at Royal Victoria Hospitals Barrie Her irilured toot is not as well healed as had been hopedy Tree Pianting The lst lnnisfii rlloy Scou planted out 1500 trees list Sat urday at Wally Barbers inidV lug this they earned their forestry badge Thcnoy Scout troop will be paid by Mr Barber Who choir pm the service Community Sympathy The Iymplthy oirlho community goes out to Hurry McFarland in the death of his brother ii McFar land of Early last week Mr Ind Mrs Sutherland anti family Bond Head Mr and Mrs Blakely of Burns and Mr and Mrs Wright of Cookstown were Sunday Visitors with Mrand Mrs Keith TumbuiL From aunion Mr and Mrs Dermott Allister visited on Sunday with Mr Hill Mrs Huhbcrt Visitors on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Gauicy and over the ween cnd were Dolllld Gauicy and dan ghter Toronto Mr and Mrs Ro bert Cameron and two ciiiidren Toronto Mrs Cameron and two children Cornwall Attending Masonic Meeting Ruddick is attending thu annual Grand Black gtChaptcr oi Ontario West at Strsttord oil Mondly and Tuesday this week neturricd ltonie Mrs Davis Midland bits rit turned home after few day visit tthev home of her sister Mrs corgc McKnight Ladics Aid The May niecth of the Ladies Aid of Baxter Presbyteria Church was held at lira Mooney on Wednesday Msygt9 with special music for members ltd tour visitors pres Int The president opened he won strip aervicew ttt hymn followed with prayer Mrs McLa an interesting articlo on The pianatlon ottomaam Bible study questions prepared by Mrs MDcnncy from8rd and 411 he wotwrk vs wishes to thanlt the boys for lob well done Joint Meeting The St ettcs liel meeting on the church hisment Therewere 31 members and visitors present Both Mrs James Lawrence and Mrs Ralph Robertson presided over the devotional and business meeting Two hymns were sung with Mrs Craig Huntel at tho piano MlaHuntcr also gave short talk annualni ng in Toronto Mrs Frank Greenreada chap ter of the study booki Thc alter impaired on May in Barrie liquor beer iiiieitly linorot noonwA held successful halting John Skylark wasfoiind to be $15 plus $5 or 10 days Under aaleond hand inside articles of asleep in his truck and badly lm ability impaired while driving clothing sale paired He is married and has George Miller was convicted and We were please cite was two children but had one previous fined 510 plus $5and his license nbleto be at the me ing Three iongvtahies were act up and all Isimilat conviction He was given 14 days and wlil be off the road as driver for one year Drove Corelassly Pleading guilty to achargc or Careless driving on April 21 in Barr laid by PC Mitrnson BE ioyd Squire was convicted and fined $10 plus Stdwvcosta laniage of $92 was caused when suspended for three nionths demo at PC appin 012 was that on May in Veapra ineynid noted the driving of Miller and that he had been swinging back and forth on the highway and hail forced transport to the shoulder with dual wheel off the paves the accusedsignolicd in in left tum at the intersection ot Essa enjoyed in WA andlaul her day at the isinro sororpuun is as ntinuin lain rcoucint Iha meilnr ario tlinwin action onl at ostsrior outrun res Donna and no Mnlnd Iiir Art Dyer rie visited with theirdiutei Mrs Graham and mail ii the church on Sunday werede there in memory of the lat Hvylielcey by her buabadd molly it Carmetta Srigle of it lltoa and Jean Srialoy oi KL encr WIIBVlllOII at Ihelrhonl onSuodny wx 41 We were pleased to seogao out to church on Sunday it be Mothen Day The church well filled MnMBulmcr Campbell and 1t Slum provld special music Miss Kcnwcll ot Barrie ted irlcrldc at Molly we are pleased to see In Fisher at church agoin Mr and Mrs Dycr andiot Srigicy called ontrierids at Poi widi on Sunday cd wilh leaders reporting 50 an to points Roll call was answered with verso containing the wordtongug The presidentcailed on the pro gram committee Miss gt1 Donn read very fitting article entitled My Mothers Memory Mailt Denncys choice entitled KitchenL Meditation was read by Mrs MN million and Mrs McLachlan choice entitled Hand by Mrs Edgar The offering was received an dcdicatcd with prayer by Mr Ruddick The minutes of tho proviou meeting were readqu approve Tho treasurers report was read and Idoptcd Report from rth sick committee was then give and calls had beenmade to til homes of Mrs BontlllEi dMnh Ellison End of thanks was read from Mrs Brochweii Ind Mrs Ellison wished to think who had mmembered her in way during hnriibscnec through illness Thepreaident announce that bale will be packed in Jul Thc committed repnrtedwon their meeting together with the managers at the ehurch and that repairs in tliel hascmcntot lit church will be done in the no iuture The meeting closed with slngln hymnfoiiowedw Tb to item at This is vll aro arrllttlfl nerlIJvlui oouurs oining aminotans nnruc and flavor martian II on and bottom sivior complete into onnrinnna nekro mueio qrran rim is sauna iiinE Radish Crisp SweetLettuce mu cool Tasty Cucumbers Firm Crisp Peppe runciiy Celery Tender Cabling NOW Almhvl RES kTcniier ureea are Full sievedept To Show Asaca Evtiwniiv 7EIl°PK° mots WEDNESDAY L30 up 12 noon ntmav 310 am to DJ and stunp FEAWIIN nits union auuos INSIANV qun tAIE caim tl5 ouaittti coaN rial vitisaunv calicwiix bots rnuw cocltia SWEEVMEAII solitusu crss wax Kurt aclr WHIP sAtiln ntzssmo all on GENIS AYlMEii tilozm srRAwsrkaiEs oar illoutonosyn N1

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