Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 May 1956, p. 12

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The adlanNati nal Exhihltioo Elsa Jenhnuvhlled aim pletely to ace the Anibal aeeina intbe Arctic woman who la returui far north this summedIi to vip lhn hut DJIan there quan Miss Audrey Weir or amcastle field Avenue Toron reading the account lion Arctic to the Womepa Club here um ahehaa lair on the minds at her iuienen19he imp aleo that to Wenero Aretleis place at inn attraer Thla la are us freely that Lounger ill and mosquiloes ad inauminer that Allavlk is very nunldfx th lines and that there is tons er abie poverty amongstthe Eskim os But iii glorious sight of the delta olathe mighty Mackenzie River viewedfroina lane as you lpproaeh7AklaVlliWh eh aeems lo have leit Mrs Jenhins cold to Mlaa WellAva simply thrilling Aklavlh is not lonely or forlorn or desolate she continues and she cannot imagine what the speaker saw that made her think so She pooh poohs another 01 ihe Visitors quick llllpresslnno The idea that the while people have so few vls on they have become shy of people is simply ridiculous Tukioyaktuk was my Aretle home year and during summer had so many peopledrop in that sometimes wondered whatjihe wordffii ely meant Can be llllt tho llaauiiful summer nights made no impm llnli on Mrs Jenkins It all For hours the northern sky is the most heoutliui thing in nature have ever seen both early in the sum sun never sets and later on lseven prettier as tileoundlp below the horizon for short time At AHIVlk youhave mnleltlc river green cedar trees lining the banks pthly little while housea up and down Ihe streets at the settlement and overhead sky as blue as sky can he continues the writer Farther north on the coast there are no trees but there is an abundance of gross shrubs usiness of Ion lug supplies or pushing barges Ahi northernero love hoais and there is seareelymn hour at Tukioyaktuk vhenone cannot hear or seesolne kind of craft my So he on its busy All for lifts Jenkins slatem that Tuktoynkluk is strolls world where aummerJnd Winter never separate Miss Welr says that it sounds very amusing to her as sheremeniben the limes she went swimming in the Arctic Ocean without lverln as usually norm Lake onisrio the days when they weret gladthey had screen door so that couid leave their front danr opeo the complaint she listened about the eighty degreeielnp attire and the enjoyable trlpthey had on the Arctic Ocean when the felt warm enough in cotton eloth mg without even locket could eite dozens of examp to how this other side of the pi ture We northernérs freely mlt that there are many thingai the Arctic that do not contrihute to one comfort or peace but there are tar more tha on These leave one ieolingjthatithe northeeuniryhas charm ditfeii ent from southern Canad Zihu Just as wonderful ifnot in To give lllrs Jenkins she did rule atthe utset ialkas remember ho she to etuail tie rain pupil was given rent to hla or her herpoi Which ia tbevtruer one Min ortainb the better sales th north is truth liea in slate anotherwoman who uleoklrtrrlcciure and buncnt letter Sonia peoplex ean diswithout glife and aulfer in of course with plenum tofiahlog tripashe nudezwltll her hnaband when ah wuebaitlneio agroup before above meeting maybe she lust isnt outdoor girl it was hard to vis Ilile woman of her glamorous grooming meandering through the Aretie wilderness She admitted she ot oil the plane in dress and heels She did change herouler costume perhaps she left on hcl eiiy outlook Two Hundred Guests Attend Garrison Ball The second annual spring mlli tary hill Gwen Sound Garrison Grey Sinieoo Foresters was held in the Armoury last Friday even ing attended by zoo in the re celvingllne were LtCol and lifrs Glndiel wolfInd Mrs Middlebro Major and Mrs ohar and Capt andJidrs Douglas er fled wh te and blue sireamers provided an attractive and color ful untipyior LheArmoury and the music won by an omheera fromthe Canadian Guards Band CampBorden edby Sgt Peter Mum grand mareb started the progmn uffetv runner was served in the leers messwhleh WI deeoraied with spring flowers Among the guesLa were Colin Kennett Mealord MP for Grey North and Mrs Bennett Brigadier Rutherford 01 Ottawa Col onel Bingham and Weathead Cllllp Borden Major Pierce oilicer commanding Mea ford tank range Capt and Mrs Iiiowald Mr and Mrs Here lsAyour opportunity to summer cottage radii Thiawaa eiinaaxed by protestanumiceor 01y inihe alternoon when ot person living on the were eoed conducted by the sum pl Fll sWrSemplo who the rillltfulsole re Serena eotsv in Christian family ii Each ehildwaa presenled with new ieslameoi meptlonlollowed under the surplus oi the ladiea chapel Oakle Park Home and School Elect Executive The annual general meeting oi the Home and SehoolAasoelation was held at Oakley Park School on Monday May After the van Sous committee ehalrmen had pre sented their reportr the retiring president Mrs IL Smith thln ed the retiring executivclfo their able supp duringfthe past year and in rel Mcclymon an hehallol ihe Homeand Schoo members thanked er Smithrtor her work on behalf of the assoc lion hirsSmith was the first president and has served from the time of its inception in January 1954 The meeting was turnedover to Mrs Rankin urea vicepresi dent of the OntarloJjederalinn of Homesrand Schools owasprer ent forthe lngtallatlo of ihenew officers president rrnlsyr Mc Gibbon vicepresidents Harold Walker and DouglasMacintosh troasurerllils Colwlll reeo ingrsecretary Mrs Adamson cor responding secretary kiss Ear lsh members liiira Palmer llirs RHE Mallion Mrs Bowen Mrs Meclymount and Lovie Allen the Installation ceremony Mrs Hankin give In interesting talk on Home and School and stressed the necessity ior pro more to in Cororounityjioulo ro ofrmnveners were luau fihe rumors mayo to the Salvation Anny The iioanu chairman announced thater coat cheek gt being held Wednudav alternoo urn ask ed iheCnienibers to contribute what they could iroln their gar den and iohave theplints pm labelled ta wereterved at the closeiuf the meeting Schooi Auociatlon which should ineludeali intercsied people in the oelabborhood domneluaion Mrs Hanhln advo edihe need or looking lorward dno aelrward eGlhbonnewly Install ldenlgs thanked Mrs Han kin for the iniereat she had taken lip ihls asmciatlon and for her ery informative lllkr Prloelpal James MacLean showed filmajol the tree planting and opening ceremonies of Oakley EarkSchool atfer which reire menu were served sioisrcomcnlsrnn commune cow MEAT DRAWER qifiifir RoomyMe tJDrawe Fuilwidih risper Double Deck Bottle Bar in door for milk bottles door shelf ler bottles Egg Shell All models have lemons Electrofiover unit for snial with full year war deimtiwlthoot melting inner run winr mun Funnier 55 lb apathy rollLn pica Barron halt IlOOMYvEGG snoop built right into thozrloor noolnl near onawnn run wmru CNSPER Erams which wouldrhe of real low ierest to the membev Well planned these would hold their interest and encourage them to ai tend regularly Muehncould he done for the children and the muniiy by an active lio get of handicaps piste line canvertlblesl fou doors on step on the gas amigo in big now go with pushbutton PowerFiitc automatic transmission Yush buttons operate meelmnieollykprovide nmpl positive control was you nplibseoond go with ta new V8 up to 200 hP or lively new Six Dod Imago 15 outatdn ling so fee ureooostandard ends merit Whats more Do gelwith Flight Swee atylirlgiathoone real new co to ill your

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